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1、短文填空练习( 1-12)短文填空篇八年级上Unit 1一、基础篇A.What do students do at the Green High School ?Here are the results of the students activity survey _(1) Green High School. Moststudents exercise three _ (2) four times _(3) week. Some students exercise onceor twice a week. Some students are very active _(4) exercis

2、e every day. _(5)for homework, most students do homework every day. _(6) students do homeworkthree or four times a week. No students do homework once or twice a week. The results_(7)“ watch TV are interesting. All students watch TV _(8) or twice a week.Some students watch TV three or four _(9) a wee

3、k, _(10) most students watchTV every day.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._B.I m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually _(1) I come home _(2) school.My _(3) habits are pretty good. I try _(4) eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit anddrink milk every day. I never _(5) coffee. _(6) course, I l

4、ove junk food too, andI eat it two _(7) three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you_(8), I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle _(9) me get good grades.Good food and exercise help me to study _(10).1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._二、综合提高篇A.John and Sally are in _(

5、1) same school. Their home is far _(2) school. Theyget up early _(3) the morning and _(4) the bus to school after breakfast.Sometimes they _(5) lunch in the restaurant. John likes hamburgers _(6) meat._(7) Sally likes vegetables and fruit. After lunch John goes to _(8) volleyballand Sally goes to th

6、e classroom. She _(9) English songs or listens _(10) music.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._B.Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is_(1) for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise_(2) more alert(灵活的 ). This means t

7、hey do _(3) in tests and schoolwork thanthose who _(4) exercise.There are many ways to exercise. You _(5) walk, run, swim, skate or play ballgames. Make sure you _(6) in the following ways. You have to like _(7) you aredoing. Exercise enough but not too _(8). It thes best to exercise twice _(9)week.

8、 Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds _(10) things until you findone, two ot even three sports that feel right for you.1._ 2._ 3. _ 4._ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9._ 10._Unit 2一、基础篇A.A healthy Lifestyle , the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we _(1) a balance _(2) yin and yang to

9、_(3) healthy. _(4) example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too_(5) yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqiherbs is also good _(6) this. But people _(7) are too stressed out and angry mayhave too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they _(8) eat mo

10、re yin foods liketofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western _(9). It easy to have ahealthy lifestyle, and it s important _(10) eat a balanced diet.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._B.Everybody gets tired _(1). _ (2) you are tired, you _(3) work hard anymore. You should sleep for a _ (4)

11、 nights and you should have a rest to _(5)healthy. You should also _(6) hot yang foods and other _(7) foods. You_(8) eat more yin _(9) when you are _(10) .1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7._ 8. _ 9. _ 10._二、综合提高篇A.Eating habits are _(1) in different countries. The Chinese have a saying“things _(2) brea

12、kfast, eat a big meal for lunch, _(3) eat less at dinner ”Many.Americans agree that one _(4) start the day with a good breakfast, _(5) theirideas about lunch and dinner are different.Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch. _(6) they eat a smalllunch. After work they will have mor

13、e time _(7) eat a big dinner. Also a quiet dinner_(8) home with all the family talking _(9) their day is a way to take a goodrest after a long, hard day _(10) work.1. _ 2. _ 3._. 4._5. _6. _ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._B.I hope you re enjoying my school in New York. I like your _(1) in Beijing, _(2)I mnot _(3)

14、very well_(4) the moment. I mtired and have a lot _(5)headaches.And I m(6) out because my Putonghua isn improvingt. I study lateevery night, sometimes _(7) 2 am, but I _ (8) think I m improving. I really neesome conversation practice! I think I have a cold, _(9). Oh, dear! But my host family_(10) re

15、ally nice.1._ 2._3. _ 4. _ 5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._Unit 3一、基础篇A.Tony: What are you doing _(1) vacation, Lin Hua?Lin Hua: I m going to Tibet _(2) a week.Tony: That _(3) interesting! What are you doing there ?Lin Hua: I m _(4) hiking in the mountains. How _(5) you, Tony? What are youdoing for vacation ?

16、Tony: I m visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hua : Oh yeah? _(6)long are you staying?Tony: Just for four days. I don t like going away f(7)or long.Lin Hua: Well, _ (8) a good time! Send me a post card _(9) Hong Kong.Tony: Sure. Show me your photos _(10) we get back to school.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7.

17、 _8._9. _10._B.Ben Lambert , the famous French singer, is taking a long vacation this summer. He thought_(1) going to Greece or Spain, but decided _(2) Canada.“ I always _(3vacations in Europe, ”he said. “This time I want to something _(4). I heard thatCanada is beautiful, and I know there are _(5)

18、people there who speak French.Ben is going to Canada s Great Lakes. He is leaving the first week in June and _(6)until September. He plans to have a relaxing vacation. “I mtaking walks, _(7)fishing , and going bike riding. I m planning to _(8) time in beautiful countryside. Ilove nature. I hope I ca

19、n forget all my problems! _(9) night, I m renting videsleeping a lot.atA vacationgre I _(10) wait.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._二、综合提高篇A.Today is Friday. Mary is talking _(1) her vacation with her parents. She is _(2)to Beijing, _(3) she is going to the Great Wall and Summer Palace. But _(4)pa

20、rents don t think so. Her mother is going fishing because itt. She _( 5)squielikwalking. Her father isnt going to Beijing _ (6) going fishing. He _( 7 ) goingsightseeing(观光 ). He s going to Taian. He wants _ ( 8 ) climb( 爬 ) Mt. Tai. Hethinks there must _( 9) many beautiful things _ (10) see.1. _ 2.

21、 _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9._ 10. _B.Most people enjoy hiking( 徒步旅行 ). Hiking _( 1 ) not only a healthy but alsorelaxing activity. The reason(原因 ) why people go hiking is different _( 2 ) person toperson. Here _( 3 ) some of most popular reasons for people to hike:First of all, hiking is very

22、good _( 4 ) which will improve ( 改进 )people s body. Its good exercise that hurt 伤(害 ) your _( 5 ).Secondly, hiking is simple (简单 ) and cheap. All you need to _ ( 6) is to wear a pairof hiking boots(靴子 ) and your smile to start.Finally, hiking is the best way _( 7 ) get away from your everyday life.

23、You couldhike alone or go _ ( 8) your friends. After hiking, you willhave a clear mind_ ( 9 ) then return to work with confidence( 自信 ). So why _ ( 10 ) plan yourhiking route(路线) right away?1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _Unit 4一、基础篇A.Lin Fei s home is about 10 kilometers _(1) schoo

24、l. He gets up _(2) six oevery day, showers and _(3) a quick breakfast. Then he _(4) for school at aroundsix thirty .First, he _(5) his bicycle to the bus station. That _(6) about tenminutes. _(7) the early bus takes _(8) to school. The bus _(9) usually takes_(10) 25 minutes.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _

25、8._9. _10._B.How do students around the world get to school ?In North America, most students go to school _(1) the school bus. Some students_(2) walk or ride bikes _(3) school. In _(4) parts of the world. _(5)are different. In Japan, most students takes trains to school, _(6) others also walk orride

26、 their bikes. In China, it depends _(7) where you are. In big cities, students usuallyride bikes to school or take buses. And in places _(8) there are rivers and lakes, likeHongshanhu and kaishandao, students usually go to school _(9) boat. That must_(10) a lot more fun than taking a bus.1._2._3. _4

27、. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._二、综合提高篇A.On Sunday, I get up_(1) 7:00. I have breakfast at half _( 2) seven. Then Ihelp my mother _ ( 3 ) her housework. At about 9:00 I leave home. I _( 4 )some shopping by bike. At about 11:00, I _( 5 )my bike back home. I likecooking very much. We have _ ( 6 ) at 11:30.In

28、 the afternoon, I _ ( 7 ) the train to a movie. It _ ( 8 ) me two hours to see it.We have supper at 6:00.In the evening, I do _ ( 9 ) homework. My parents read newspapers. We go to_ ( 10 ) at about 10:00.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._B.In Japan, from train stations or airports(机场 ),

29、 go to the taxi stand and wait there. _ (1)street, look _ (2) a taxi that has a red light in front window. It means the _( 3)has no passengers(乘客 ). If the light is _ (4) , the taxi _ (5) passengers.When you see an empty(空的 ) taxi, wave(挥动) your _(6) and call it.The back door opens automatically(自动地

30、 ), _ (7) stand back and wait until thedoor opens.Get in the taxi and tell the driver _ (8) you want to go.Before you get _ ( 9) of the taxi, pay it.Wait until the door _ (10) and get out of the taxi.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._Unit 5一、基础篇A.Hi Henry,Thank you _ (1) your invitatio

31、n. I msorry I _(2) visit you this week. I amreally busy. This evening I m going to my cousin s birthday _(3). And tomorrow, I_(4) to go to the dentist. _(4) Wednesday, I have tennis training _(5) theschool team. And I have to _(6) for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Fridayevening, I m _(7) to the

32、movies _(8) some friends. Can you _(9) to themovies with _(10) on Friday ?Write soon.Sonia1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._B.Hi Henry,Thanks a _ (1) for the invitation. I m _(2) I can t visit nest week._(3) Monday, I have to go to the doctor. On Tuesday, I m going to the movies _my friends. On We

33、dnesday,I have _(5) help my dad. On Thursday, I mstudying_(6) my physics test. _(7) on Friday, I m going to _(8) on vacation withmy friends. Please call _(9) after the _(10).Tony.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._二、综合提高篇A.Dear Vince,Thank you _ (1) your letter. You asked about if I could visit you

34、 this week. Im_( 2 ) I am busy. I have _ ( 3 ) English test _ ( 4 ) Monday.Im going tothe dentist on Tuesday, _ ( 5 ) I have a doctor s appointment(预约 ) on Wednesday. I_ ( 6 ) a piano lesson on Thursday. Friday is my friend s birthday party, and Sa we are _ ( 7 ) my parents. _ ( 8 ) you free next we

35、ek ? I m not so _ ( 9 ) next week. Can we talk _ ( 10 ) the phone ? Call me.Sonia.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _B.It s feeding(喂食 ) time at the zoo, and Mr King, the keeper, has ten animals to_( 1 ) .Mr. King likes feeding the animals and he likes to take a long time.First, he goe

36、s to the elephants and feeds them and talks _ ( 2 )them a bit. Then hegoes to the penguins. Everyone watches while he feeds the penguins so that it _ ( 3 )him a long time. Then he goes up to the wolf(狼) house, where he has two _ ( 4 ) , andthen he goes next door to the tigers. After he feeds the wol

37、ves and tigers, he goes to the snake(蛇) house. Not very many people like snakes, _ ( 5 ) there arent many peoplethere. Then he goes on to feed the zebra(斑马 ), and _ ( 6 ) that to the squirrels( 松(鼠 ).He _ ( 7 ) a baby squirrel at the moment, so he spends some time _ ( 8 ) afterhim. Then he goes to t

38、he swans(天鹅 ), and then to the birds. Last of all, he feeds the pandas. People like pandas very_ ( 9 ). They live only in _ ( 10 ). They came toour country from far away.Unit 6一、基础篇A.Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here _(1) photos of my and my twin sister Liu Ying._(2) you can see, in s

39、ome _(3) we look the _(4), and in some ways we lookdifferent. We _(5) have black eyes and black hair, _(6) my hair is shorter thanhers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is _(7) athletic than me. Shemoresoutgoing , and I m quieter. I think I m smarter _(8) her. My favorite _(9) aphysics and che

40、mistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. However, we both enjoy _(10)to parties.Please visit us soon !Love,Liu Li1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._B.Some friends have opposite views and interest, and some like the same things. What is your opinion? Should friends be _(1) or the same? We asked some

41、 people _(2)they think and this what they _(3).James Green.I like to have friends _(4) are like me. I m quieter than most of kids in my classand my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, _(5). There are some _(6), though. Ismarter than Yuan Li. She s more athleticHuang LeiIt s not necessary to _(7) the same.

42、 I like to have friends who are different _(8)me. We both like sports , but Larry is more athletic than me. He always _(9) me intennis. Also, I m quieter than he is.Mary SmithI don t really care. My best friend isarolC. Carol is very funny , and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the sa

43、me things. I _(10) think differences are important in a friendship.1._2._3. _4. _5. _6._7. _8._9. _10._二、综合提高篇A.I like animals. Maria is my good friend. She is _ (1) outgoing than me, and she lovesanimals, _ (2 ) . _( 3 ) of us love cats. I have a cat. It s Mimi. Coco iscat. They _ ( 4 ) different.

44、Coco is a white cat, and it s thin. Mimi is a yellow cat andit s(5). Mimi is calmer _ ( 6) Coco. Coco likes to jump and run. It wilders._ ( 7 ) something is _ ( 8 ) same. Mimi and Coco both like _ ( 9 ) fish andmeat. They are both funny. They often _ ( 10 ) us happy.B.Many people think that twins are exactly( 完全地 )the _ ( 1 ). Butthey are _( 2 ). Ali and Alan are twin brothers. They look the same and _ ( 3 ) some ways theyare the same. _ ( 4 ) in other ways they are different. They are _ (


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