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1、;.Unit 3 A day out全套学案(1)第一课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit一、学习目标1、识别国外著名城市及景点。2、能通过简单对话和同桌/同伴交流自己的假期旅游计划。3、通过对不同旅游景点的学习,让学生更爱自己的国家。二、初步学习1、 背景知识:漫画部分是Hobo 和Eddie 的对话,请你就图片理解他们对于旅游的认识,你喜欢旅游吗?说说你的看法。还可以就P39的图片和同学讨论一下各国的旅游景点,如法国的塞纳河、埃菲尔铁塔、悉尼歌剧院、美国白宫、悉尼港湾大桥。2、新课导学熟练掌握下列单词和词组,并给出中文意思。词汇:ourselve

2、s greeting greetingspresident foreign city词组:come on coffee shop keep fittake a boat trip go past have a great timeThe Opera House the Eiffel Tower The White House句型:What are you going to do? Im going to exercise. You need to exercise and keep fit. Come on. .Lets enjoy ourselves.3、认真预习课本P30-P31,边看边做

3、:1、你打算本周末爬山吗?Are you _ _ the hill this weekend?2、他每天锻炼,玩得很开心He _ every day and _ _ _ _3、我们正坐在塞纳河边一家小咖啡馆内。We are sitting in a little _ _ _ the River Seine.4、白宫是一座拥有一个大花园和很多树木的美丽建筑。The white House is a _ _ _ a big garden and many trees.5、去年,他参观了很多外国和外国的城市。Last year , he visited many _ _ and _.4、 请你提问:

4、三、深化学习1、听录音,回答:Is Eddie really going to climb the hill? What is he going to do?2、学生就P39A的四幅图片讨论,填好顺序、检查,再请学生理解各个意思:What foreign countries do you know?3 、听录音P39B部分,回答问题:(1)Which country does Simon want to go to ? ( 2 ) Which city does Simon want to visit ? ( 3 ) Why does Simon want to go there ?4、 重难

5、点讲解: 1)、need to do sth 需要做某事 这里need 是实意动词。 need 用作情态动词时后+动原 ,常用在否定句和疑问句中。 试一试:He is too tired. He needs_ a good rest. A. to have B. haveYou neednt _ this article today. A. finish B. to finish 2)、enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快 相当于 have a good / great/ wonderful time试一试:We enjoyed _ at the evening party. A.

6、ourself B. ourselves3)、a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees一座拥有大花园和树木的漂亮建筑介词with 意为“具有,带有”表伴随。试一试:China is a country _a long history.A .has B. withThe coat _four pockets is on the bed.A has B with5、学生朗读对话,程度好的学生表演出对话。四、 巩固练习1、翻译词组:1. 乘船旅行_ 7.咖啡店_2. 保重 _ 8.快点_3. 去爬山_ 9.经过._4. 保持健康_ 1

7、0.埃菲尔铁塔_5. 需要锻炼_ 11.悉尼歌剧院_6. 玩得高兴 _ 12.白宫_2、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Its interesting _ (see) so many tall buildings around here.2. We _ (have) a wonderful time in Beijing yesterday.3. Every student needs_ (bring) his homework here.4. Look! What _the children_ (do) in the classroom?5. Tom and Jack are the_ (wi

8、n) of the long jump.6. My uncle_ (take) photos when I got to the City Park with Mille.五、知识链接给下面的英文名胜古迹选出中文名称:The Monument to the Peoples Heroes_ The Great Hall of the people_The Great Wall _ The Forbidden City_Purple and Gold Hills Observation _ Heaven poll_Suzhou Garden_ Huang guoshu Falls_ A人民英雄纪念

9、碑 B故宫 C紫金山天文台 D 苏州园林 E天池 F 黄果树瀑布 G长城 H人民大会堂第二、三课时 Reading一. 学习目标1知识目标:a理解、掌握新词: more beginning coach traffic sky model metal inside whole interest real song Internet main stomach highway pyramid parade movement b掌握课本中的新词组:inviteto_ at the beginning_get on a coach_be made of metal_feel sick_ _ a lot

10、of traffic_places of interest_ join in_on the highway_not any more_enjoy oneself_the whole world_from all over the world_ home page_ on the Internet_ 2 能力目标:a读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况b复习和扩展有关世界名胜的知识c学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受3 情感目标:通过对北京世界公园的了解,让学生感受祖国大好河山的美好。【学习重难点】对于重点新词、词组、句型的理解;掌握正确的阅读方法,加强对课文的掌握。三. 初步学习【知识背景】北京世界

11、公园是一座世界名胜微缩景园。它位于北京丰台区,总面积46.7公顷,距市中心16公里,紧邻花乡森林公园。它汇集了全世界近50个国家、100多处闻名于世的人文、自然景观。大部分景物按1:10的比例进行缩建。美国金门大桥位于美国的旧金山,是世界上最长的斜拉桥之一。大桥全长27公里多,主跨度1280米,跨度中间高67米,横跨金门海峡,把旧金山和北部的红衫木林连接起来。1、认真听读、理解课文并划出下列单词和词组,然后给出中文意思: 重点词汇:more beginning coach traffic sky model parade movement metal inside whole interest

12、 real song Internet main stomach highway pyramid 难点词组:inviteto_ at the beginning_get on a coach_be made of metal_feel sick_ a lot of traffic_places of interest_ join in_on the highway_ not any more_enjoy oneself_ the whole world_from all over the world_ on the Internet_ home page_重点句型:1)The trip fro

13、m Kittys school took about two hours by coach. _2) Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. _ 3)The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. _ 4)When I saw them, I couldnt believe my eyes. _5)Kittys classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. _ 6)He put his photos on it fo

14、r everyone to look at. _1、 认真预习课本P32-P33,边看课文边写出下面的问题:1)吴先生邀请我与他们班一起去世界公园玩。Mr Wu _me_ _in their school trip to the World Park.2)从基蒂的学校到世界公园差不多坐了2个小时的大巴。 The trip _Kittys school_the World Park_about two hours _ _.3)它是金属制造的,真高啊。 It is made_ _and really_.4)基蒂和我也不再感到恶心了。 Kitty and I did_feel sick_ _.5)有

15、来自世界各地100个景点的造型。 There are models of_ _ _places of _from _ _ _ _ _.6)基蒂的同学丹尼尔自学了制作主页。 Kittys classmate Daniel _ _how _ _a home page .3.重难点导学: 1) teach oneself how to make a home page 自学如何制作主页 teach oneself to do sth= learn to do sth by oneself 自学做某事 teach oneself sth = learn sth by oneself 自学某事2)get

16、 on 骑上(马等),登上(公共汽车 火车等)反意:get off但上小汽车/出租车 应说成:get into the car/ the taxi 下小汽车/出租车 说成:get out of the car/the taxi3) take表示“花费”时的 常用结构有三种:sth takes sb some time某物花了某人多少时间It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花了某人多少时间To do sth takes sb some time做某事花了某人多少时间4) be made of sth 由.制成(成品可以看出原材料) be made from sth

17、 由.制成(成品看不出原材料) be made in sw 在某地制造be made by sb 由某人制造5)at the front of .= in the front of在. 的(内部)前面, 反义词:at the back ofin front of在. 的外部前面 有时可以与before转换, 反义词:behind6)join in= take part in 指参加正在进行的竞赛、娱乐、谈话等活动join 表示“参加”某一组织(to be a member of)四、深化学习 1、预习情况交流 1)将课前准备的情况和你的同学交流 2)讨论预习中遇到的问题和存在的问题: _2、课

18、程梳理 1)听录音,整体感知课文。 2)学生细读课文,回答老师的提问。 1 Where did Linda go ? 2 Who did she go with? 3 How long was the journey?4 Did she enjoy it at the beginning?5 What id she see in the park?6 What was the best part?7 Where can Lindas mother can see the photos of the trip?3) 跟录音朗读课文,再分小组朗读课文4)通读课文,完成课本P33B的练习。5)梳理全

19、文,完成课本P34B2和B3的练习。6) 简单复述课文。五、巩固练习一)词组翻译1、玩得高兴_ 10、在高速公路上_2、名胜古迹_ 11、不再_3、起初;开始_ 12、世界各地_4、在校门口_ 13、整个世界_5、上公共汽车_ 14、歌舞游行_6、从.到._ 15、参加跳舞_7、感到恶心_ 16、在网上_8、到达_ 17、自学_9、由组成_ 18、制作主页_二)单项选择1. They the building at present. A. paint B. be painted C. are painting D. had painted2. Some foreign guests to th

20、e party tonight.A. are going to come B. come C. are coming D. came3. My father a trip to New York for some business next week. A. take B. will take C. make D. will make4. The bottles are glass. A. made of B. made into C. made from D. made out5. May I join the Christmas carols? A. in singing B.in sin

21、g C. singing D. sing6. He is a tall man a beard. A. on B. for C. with D. from 7. I invite her coffee . A. to have B. have C. to grow D. grow8. Lets at a supermarket . A. go to shop B. goes to shop C. go shoppingD. goes shopping三)句型转换1. It took us about half an hour to get there by coach.(对划线部分提问) it

22、 take you to get there by coach ?2. This shirt is made of paper. (对划线部分提问) this shirt made of ?3. It was a great day.(改为感叹句) it was !4. John learned how to ride a bike by himself .(改为同义句) John ride a bike.5. You need to exercise now. (改为否定句) You exercise now.六、知识链接: 翻译下面几句谚语:1. When you are in Rome,

23、 do as the Romans. _2. West or East, Guilin is the best. _3. A man who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. _第四、五课时 Grammar一、 学习目标1、正确使用不定式。2、掌握反身代词的用法。【学习重难点】1、不定式的正确使用。2、反身代词的用法。二 、初步学习1、复习巩固:同学们,还记得Reading的内容吗?试试你的记忆力吧!(1) It was a great day we did not enjoy it at the beginning.(2)

24、 The sky was blue everything was beautiful.(3) They are small wonderful.(4) The music was great , Kitty wanted to join in the dancing.2、预习导学:1)、认真听读、理解课本并划出下列单词、词组和句型,然后给出中文意思:重点词汇:sunset possible themselves itself rock wonder climber lucky luckily hideand seek 难点词组:at Christmas plan to take Linda o

25、ut go horseriding agree to go with them the busy traffic decide to stay at home the Yellow Mountain pull themselves up the rocks重点句型:Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip. I hope to watch the sunset. 2)、认真阅读课本45页47页的内容,不清楚的请提问:_三、深化学习1预习情况交流。 小组交流课前准备情况,讨论解决预习中发现的问题,教师点拨。2自学能力检测。 这些你清楚吗?B)

26、 动词不定式仔细观察下面的句子,找出每句的动词不等式并划出来。 a) Who do you plan to take out ? b) Where do you want to visit ? c) How do you decide to go out?d)What do you hope to do there?小试身手:a)完成P35页关于动词不定式的用法。b)在以下几个动词中任选两个造句。 agree choose decide hope learn plan prepare want C) 反身代词 a) We wanted to go into the park and enjoy

27、ed ourselves b) Students did not enjoy themselves at the beginning. c) Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. d) My baby can feed herself. e) I fell over and hurt myself. 观察以上各句反身代词单复数形式的不同及其运用规律: 当主语和宾语 (一致;不同)时用反身代词。 我们通常把反身代词放在动词 (前;后) 小试身手:a)完成P36的练习。b)用以下动词和动词词组造句:wash give buy.for look

28、 after 3与教师核对答案,不清楚的请听教师讲解。四、巩固练习(一)词组翻译:1、去骑马_2、在圣诞节期间_3、同意和他们一起去_ 4、繁忙的交通_5、决定呆在家里_6、看着彼此_7、去攀岩_ 8、保守他们的秘密_9、去划船_ 10、伤着他自己_11、计划带林达外出_ 12、坐在车前_13、玩捉迷藏_ 14、拍一些照片_15、准备外出_(二)用括号中单词的正确形式填空:1、The students enjoyed (they) in the park.2、We will not tell others. We will keep the secret to (we)2、Let Mille

29、be careful.She might hurt _(she)3、He wants to be a dancer.He is learning (dance) now.4、What do you plan _(be )when you grow up?5、He hopes _(not meet) his teacher in the street. 第六课时 Integrated skills一、 学习目标1、能根据上下文以及关键词了解课文的主要内容。2、学会如何从海报中得到有用信息。3、听取细节,提炼信息。4、学会如何向他人提出建议。二、 初步学习1、课前复习。同学们,你们已初步学习了不定

30、式和反身代词的一些用法,看你能否做出下列题目:1) I want _ _ _ (交朋友)with him.2) They decide _ _ (离开)at once.3) He must learn _ _ _(保守秘密).4) They_ _(自学)how to swim.5) They plan_ _(去旅行)next Monday.6) He said to _ (he ),“I cant do such a thing”.7) You should take care of _(you),Susan.8) We enjoyed _ (our).2、认真阅读50-51页,划出下列单词、

31、词组和句型,然后给出中文意思:词汇:final cheer ticket medalSupport half-time per winnerreceive fare presentation词组:cheer for cost of the trip at the end of over an hour in the final of take place句型:Where shall we go with Linda?Shall we go to the Great Wall?Im afraid thats not a good idea.Well, we could go to the Pal

32、ace Museum.Yes, thats a good idea.Id like to go to the Temple of Heaven.Why dont we go to Beijing Amusement Park?What a great idea!Lets go to the Temple of Heaven.3、通过初步学习,你还有什么问题吗?请提出来。_三、课堂深入学习.1了解足球海报的写法,把你理解的内容和同桌说说。2听课本第37页A1部分的录音,了解大意,回答问题: 1)What is it about ?2)Who is it about ?3)What will ha

33、ppen ?4)Where will it happen ?5)When will it happen ?3再听一遍录音,填写基蒂笔记有关足球海报的部分内容、完成第38页听力判断题。4听第38页B部分的对话录音,理解如何向他人提出建议,请回答:1)Where will they go ?2)Did they go to the Great Wall ?3)Do they go to the Beijing Amusement Park?5. 跟录音朗读,模仿正确的语音语调。6. 两人一个小组,试着用新内容替换课文第38页B部分的画线内容。四、检测练习(一)词组翻译1.打进决赛_ 2.发生,进行

34、_3.忘记做某事_ 4.为.加油_5.买票 _ 6.在见面_7.中场休息_ 8.啦啦队员们就位_9.颁奖仪式_ 10.到达_11.在比赛结束时_ 12.返回学校_13.做某事花费的长时间_ 14.午餐后_(二) 改错1.They really enjoyed them yesterday. _2.I try my best help them any time when they are in need. _3.He is a good student but works hard. His teachers all like him. _4.Why not to go there and a

35、sk them for help. _5.It is a fun to visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. _(三) 翻译句子1.下周六为什么不去长城呢? ( Why not )_2.开始时我们彼此并不认识. ( at the beginning 、each other)_3.喝杯咖啡怎么样? ( What How about )_4.让我们去火车站接李叔叔吧. ( Lets 、meet)_5.这个星期日下午你带我去动物园好吗? ( Will you please、taketo )_第八课时 Task一、学习目标1、选择、组织并呈现信息。2、

36、识别关键信息并将其归类,计划一次外出郊游。3、写信邀请朋友外出郊游。二、初步学习请预习Ps4041的内容1、翻译下面的词组:1).the centre of Beijing_6).change to the bus_ 2). return home_ 7).as soon as possible_ 3). plan a day out_ 8).make a list of places of interes_ 4).make it a really fun day_ 9).take the bus all the way to_ 5).work out_ 2、找出你不理解的单词、词组及句子,写在下面吧:三、深化学习 1、仔细阅读P53的计划,回答:How many places of interest are they going to visit?What will they do in Beihai Park?H


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