1、湖北肓考网湖北自考网(www.hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载2010年湖北省本科成人学士学位外语考试真题试卷炎型川机密、启用前2010年湖北省成人髙等教育本科生申请学士学位外国语藐一考试英语试卷第I卷(迭择最L第1页至第8页,覆试用时70分钵I共70分)注意事项匕1r1. 簷鶴蘭I矯生摄慾将自己的堆名和准他号崗色多字堰填乌在试稚和卡指定位2. 毎小爛选岀答案后,用2B铅笔把答龄上討M目的答案标号涂氏 妞龜动.用嫖皮 攜干净后.再选涂其他善案塚号。答在试卷上天效=3. 考试皓施时1考生将本试卷和答趣卡一并SESO;卜Part VocHbuhin und Structure ( 2oD
2、irectivtt* There tte 20 incomplete senuacts tn this sectkm. For cad) semcace there jut four chuiccs mu'ked ?, R, C, iir;J Lmiosr th? Qi忙ll.u txr ciupkics ihc n:crKV- Then mark Hie cwt诙!xmihi世 leiTcr on lhe AnswerShcei v* uh n mlir line ihmughth芒 cemt?i.1. There was 4 knock al the door Ti was ihc
3、 second dme 机_.阿 that eveoi/i各A, had infetruptedB. interTupiedC. had th;en intentiptcTD. would have irrterrupted2. The> iivnmc <dl (he UifTkuki的;md hriL<xl 0“也:i xen da>s ahceid <)f xthtfddjc,wassoineihing wc bad not expected.A, itH-C, uhaiD. which3- The singer and dancerinvited 也 dut
4、mJ the lOF annh'eruy of thv urjverslu.扎 flrtB. isU his beenO, have been#一. aficr he kamed the <v>d ne> l帕l hr fniM inrd!y fall asleep the hide niht,Ar exciicd was the studentB, exiled the siudcnt wast', was (heexcitedi>. (he s(u(Aeiii was cxcitrd丞 He ddvis<d 站 la wiitidrw fr
5、171;FH the eleciinn gc: in%x4ved.A. su as to notB. so as not ioC. not so as 柚D, so not as io试卷类型:B典诰试證第1页(其10贞)&湖北自考站通7V? www. myzlkac. cn湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务湖北直考网hhz.kfibdn. CFMi t,、-湖北自考网(www.hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载6. The sunival of cidlizariofi as w know it is(hrcitLA, uponB, withinC.
6、iv-AardsD. under7” Iifs a terrible thing, living with the knowledgethe docton; are not be able to myc hi、Ax whatB. whereC. (haiD. which8. To pcseponethe debt * ill min our business rvpucation.A, payingB. payC. to pay9. He will come to Cd on you the moment hehu ork.A. will finishB. has finishedC. fin
7、ishesDr paidD. finhhd10. The kids lay face down on the beach, their backs 一 to the sun.A, exposingB. exposedC. were exposing1L u io get up cdr3y, but my alarm clock didn'tD. having 亡xposi&湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务A. 富。offB. turn ufifC, sef ofifD. late off2, T
8、hc> have decided (a. ,ph护izl pumshmeni tn nil local schools.A. pot ayB. ps 沖跨C. break away withD. dowith13, k 】、most desirable that he for ibe inform<iuon himsdF with a few clicks online.A. searchedB searchC.鈕 searchedIX will search14* There is now . likraiuie dealing with the Scc(mu1 World Wa
9、r.uTi,tA. cxiendcdB. intendedC. extensiveD. intensiveI5b Ilk- )urpi;*se ol' imji urani/atLon ;.i io c.ur t<j Uiov: _ by AIDS jnd help prervem 氏*; sprcjKJinkA. upjfctB. handicappedC, grabbedD. affected16. The impwwmmt、ir tehnnloiiy hitwthe pnees of computer considerubly in recentmonths*Ff.7A.
10、brought backB. hmughi downC. bruught onD. broughc up7. Always read theon ihc bottle curefuJIv And kiku ihe nch( anriounl 订 medicine.A. cxpluruninnsB. inianJuctionsC. dcscriptkmsD- lnjitructions18. Hetoget some QardE fc* hi、birthday, but none urrived.A” expectedB,assumedC+ promisedD,supposed19.the we
11、ather* we will cancel the outing plan,A, With a iew to B. In view ofC On viewD. Within view20. h is reported 山讯 somecountries are going io have a meeting next year扎 oil-produced B. produciDg-oilC. oil-producingD. oil-produce试瞠类型:B英涪试卷第2页共10页)M湖北自考站通gwww.myzikao. cn湖北言考用tKr vn. telwLcm湖北自考网(www.hbzkw
12、- ) 提供免费数千套自考真题下载Part !I RvadiftR Comprehension (4fl% )Directionst In this pan there(ne 4 passages followed by questions or unfinished siaiemcnts. each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose ±c one you think is the best answer, Lhcn mwk the corrcnding letter on the Answer She
13、et with a single Line through the centerPa5isaf>c Oneto. Sotne imnufaciurers of epflee makers anr Trying (o ihkrMwmnutgt? of ihiu rnenti by devclcipinMore people than ever are drinking orfee ihec 山型 but in sinaller quantitiesthe usiddiminutive machines that b/w (冲泡 I smaUer umounts of coffee.Tun
14、US appliance companies Black & Decker, based in Towson, Maryland, and Tcastmastcr Lk,of Columbia Missikiri 一 tuve rccenih introduced "dn:p ' cofl'cc miikcr> that brew one or (wa cup serving" of coffee. Roth of the products brew the coffee direcUy jmo a cup or mugs, ehminatin
15、g (he need for a separate carafe. Since many people make apuof coCae in the morning but 血nit only a single cup, the new cotTec nukeri、houkl reduce (he wasted coffee. Biack & Decker s Cup-ai-a-Time costs $27, whilr TiKtmter k ColYcc Break Rcwdh lor $20.Hlack & Decker also nuke( a coilec maker
16、 ihul drips cffuc dircttl) into a CLtiry-arourd thermal carafe. The carnfe. a glnss vacuum bottle, is supposed to keep he ctwicc fhr、h for hemrs. The product, called the ThcrnwlCutlcff-m;ikrir, cornt> with a built-in lid that openi during ihcbrcwifiK process and dz、when it is compktd. There arc s
17、ewral modeh, including one that first under i加 c<miner, mnji:.r thm $60 in $1 UJ in prices.21 ” According io the pa?w*g% a (hcnnal carafe is necosarj when Uic Ccflce i< -A. brewedB. producedC* prrn-edD manufiewred22. The advantage of *dfip'' cotlec nu比i、show n in (he pa、鈕啓 is (hut.A. (
18、hey produce onl>one cup of coliccB. they are more cert ven ie nt to operateC. they are much moreeconoiniCD they are mtire economical23. The word "if' in Sentence 3+ Paragraph 电 pjohabl) refers ioA” the brewing processB. the built-in lidC. the coffee makerD,th* nuxkl24. The main purpose o
19、f he passage is to introduce-A. a new trend of drinking coffeeB. some new coffee makersC. two VS appliance companiesD* the new coffee indusu>r25. Which of the follow ing suiements can be inferred from (he passage?A. The new coflee makers cost ihan befbre.B. “Drip” coffee makers are applied b ever
20、)one.C. People u箕d to drink cohee in larger quandijes.D. People drink up a poi of coffee in (he morning.试卷类型:B英语试卷第3页(共10页)&湖北自考-站通www. m /zikso . cnN湖北自考內湖北自考网(www.hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载Pasuigr T*o址k lw*c ihc tcchnoiog) and ingenuity m reduce the threat of global w«nning today SoIuihxi>
21、that are already avukble will stimutr the American econatny b> creating >>b. uving (xmsunKn* monc).认 pmtccting our nlioiud security. By mvtMin in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and woT4>ing the efficiencj ot the cars wu drive, wc can lake ci>wntiaJ steps toward reducing our d
22、ependence on oil and ocher finMl fuek ihat “u»e global warmmg.Csjrtg energ) nn<e *fHi;iently and moving tc irnruuble 曜y (*indt Milar, guiidKrnud, and bioenery)i|nificuiLiy reduce our emisAinm nt bejt-trxpptng 皆z、,The United S«ntncurtcnily produces 70 percent of its eleciritHy frum foswJ
23、 fuel、such u coaJ, iuiur»1 ga«F and butcah tuo percent from rmc*iiblc wurvev Since the txirnink; of fossil h*d* releaves laTe junuuni、ofcftxMi dioxidr ihc leading caum: of &山bal warrrniif hut rtneuabk energy dw$ not* incmsjiig the sfure of tmr clectnirity grncrated from tewiibk rtvwxs
24、孔询 the mcM effective ways to roducr globtl warming emrsuxu, / t 1"'3-,Car* 4ml trucks arc another '早 nifkanl source (25 percent * nf U-S. carbon dii'tnk ermuion、. AyKKjb ctlofi io address global uarrnme must ihertf<)rc mJovc cnusMcr from car$ and trucks Mans icchnolngKscan 如 this
25、, wluk dlw nrating new jobs in the U.S. utonuMivc*ecinr and other industnrs ftir«igbc)ut lhe country. In addition. American cnnMimca wihaU save biibonx uf ddlan on g砧出ine and reduee th« dependsikc an f«vign oil.26. Which or the foUti*ing)> NC/I an jii Labk solunon that can reduce t
26、he throi of globalD- Uiing cnct more cfTiticmly,'27. Which of the foilowing h NtH a reneuahk energy?A. Fouil fueb.B Sohr.C. Wind.D, Geoihenna!.re'MHircei?A Because ihe)are cheaper.B. Bc4u>c they &rc rrncuabk.C. Because they arc more ctTective.t> Bccau'c lhc> doth rclouc carb
27、on dioiidc试卷类型;B薰谄试涯Sft4瓦(ft 10页)湖北自考一站通“PF www.mzlkso. cn湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务湖北自考用湖北自考网(www.hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载29, h tht U.S uhat vehicles prodixt ol its farboc diuTideJA. Cars and tmins,B. Can and trucksC. Motutcan and bu、販D. MoinrtHkes and lorries.30. Whai can *c kam from tfre pipage?A
28、x Half of the eleciriciij m America » generated from renewable rcsuruu 虬B. AmcriCiit will reduce (he aiTKiutu of car and truck%C. The proipeci of reneabk energies isjynHntndJ, The global wamiin;! problem Jus bv<n、ok:dPassage i hretPc<le ot'wn any【h黑 ihc I:ngli <hn inX h<itnc is
29、hi.、<?加血,1 Ley mean the hunic is very important and personal Mii 门“字in Jh: .:z n h用吓烬 rafht: Em 山鶴,»ild many people own thtir tiurncs. This mcan> iHji lhc)m2 ke them perernaL ard change thcift in an) way they like Xhwt hisses have gortaeveo if it h « snail one and the garden n usuall
30、y loved* The bouse and the garden are Lhe privatir sp.cc ctpt" 】:L <i ciii-.* .Jed city a perv>n s (hnf he or she has a priiz忆 space which is only hw hiru of bee Bod for invned friends.Peitplc usutilK like t<» nurk ihcir pflcc. It >mu itre ou ihc be缺h ycm. may Mm sjjread yo<
31、jr towels around you: on the uun you n*.ay pin)(iur gii nr m'1 bs# qh lhe x况 tx iJc you; in a library ymi may spread your books around)ou.Once J naveli:u im j 匚注::u L?tick>n. 1 y、in jhrt four pn甲用 nrnl Ttkrr was hLibk bchveem n_he man opposiu? me hmJ hi、<xi the l.ible. There w們 no pace ori
32、 my ide oi the cibk at ali. : uas Mnhjppy t itivmlhi be duu;匸hi that he owned ihc whcUc table, 1 had been rciidinj:book ;1斥山1 ;ion*t;rb.il eumumn'eatiorI io<jk arii>us papers out of my hag and pul them n his case! When 1 did this he suddenly became angry and his eyes nearly popped oui of h
33、is head. I Mh! akert up hh space! A g minulti latrr 1 ttKjk tji> papers orl iti order to nead them. He itnmedially moved hi、case to hi、心宦 诫ihe uble.II. What docs the first 爬辰叱e in Paragn-nft 1 mean?A. Englishnvsn jsuah live in home instead nf a Listtc.Bh Theis moie inipitanc ih胡 the hoi畑-C. The h
34、uirw: is mare important than the casdc.D, llw hwrie mauen greatly lu Engh血 mcix试卷类型:R英语试卷菊5( K 10 51)Ax湖北自考站通VT www, myzlkac. cn湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务K湖北自考阿“.湖寸洎考网(www hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载32 Which of the following is NOT lhe reason fnc most British to live in houses?A. They can make changes
35、in the houses where lhey live.B. They can ouit private space like the house and the garden.C. They love their houses more chn Owir 吕adeni-G They can keep the private space to themieIves and Inends.33. Acccrdifig to Para. 2k if you spn»4 your books around you in the library, it meaAsA. you want
36、to ttll others the space feeler js io youB. you hnd no bpacc for ywr books on the sealC. you can reid one of ±em edy on live ubieD- you like to spread your books around you34. How did the man opposite to ihc wriier、h.uw he o*ncd the whok ublc?A. He w 他 reading a book on communication.B. He was
37、cling cm uain to Ltintinn.C. He placed hl* brieicaie nn theD. He sat in a section (or four peup】匕35. The wnter tned logcl Ntck his ?>pacc by _A. showing the books concerned to the nunB. pumng papers on the manS castC. reeling papers on the brie leaseD. moving the chsc oil the tablePasaj:e FoorA d
38、inner party is often a pieivuHjhie rime f<n everyone but the host, so lhe imporum pnint io keep in mind is that ' pldnnmg'' is i key pan of a successful dinner party.All Um> often, petJpli! make the mtakc of nvcmernng theniselves, leaving linle tunc lo enjoy the evening thcmschcs.
39、The following infonmdeo ran help you make ti an enjoyable night for both ynun>elf and your guests.Firsdy* mate t guest list so you+ll know how many people to cook for* Let your guevts know the time and date of tbe dinner well in advance and be sure to remind them shortly before the party Make a c
40、hecklist of ingredient and drinks thiit you'll need and try to buy them a couple of days before the parry, Get the house in order the day before the dinner party. If you leave your house cleaned till on the day, you might find ycurseJf more stressed than (iu nwd io be. Keeping the menu 试卷类型:B英语试
41、卷第6更(共1Q页)M湖北自考一站通Vf www.myzlkao. cnN兰湖北直考阿湖北自考网(www.hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载simple doesn't mean it hs to be boring. The night will also be a wt easier for you if you prepare dishes ±at can be hid out at (he centre of the 柑hl匕 allowing guests to serve themselves, Yim can provide some music and
42、 the t)pc of muic will dqjcnd un the cpe of quests. You might not think of it, but the night wiD run a lot smoother wirh background music far the evening,3氐 What can be inferred from the first(wo paragraphs?A, The host should make a fuller prepanttinn in order m have more time to enjoy the party.B,
43、It s iiTipnitant Ghosts to 3eave themsckrs sjouie time io enjoy he difiner party.C Usually both ihc hose and ihc guests enjoy thenisd ves at the panyD. A good 'phainin" means Qr-exertin the host.37 Which of thr ibtlc tng SOT i Ktmioned in panning a diner pany?A. Praciice cix>king accordi
44、ng; to menu.B. Prepare proper musk fur lilt party.C. Inftjnn your quests ot the time ;md date bctorchjndD. L»| the ingredient nd drinls 仏”由亡 pny and buy tht-m. be Jone ih 亡 pmy,3乩 Get your house m order the Jjiy befan: ihr dinner pnny $o thai,A. y(xir gucMs will be niuch hjppitrrB. you will lur
45、e IiuIe: time t( enjoy the pmyC. you wen t get up ic early on the pny JayD. you may tlnd yrictl' lr%!> strtsrfd than you need(o 衣39, Which sttiemeni is riOCT tn*e according io the infbnnattan given in the pts*e?A. Making lists help®0P A simple menu musi be boring is well,C. Music can mak
46、e the party go smoother.D. Allowing £口匚、咚 to help themselves makes thinsi easier.40. WhaCb the third paragraph mainly about?A. How to save litc ft it 山 dinner party.B. Howtoenjo)yourself 肮 apanjC. How to encertain your guests.D. How to plan a party.试程类型:B英语试卷第7页(共10龙湖北言考內 JF' .r. faiiXkii-a
47、dB. CFMfa t, r湖北自考网(www.hbzkw- )提供免费数千套自考真题下载*art 111 Cloze ( 10甩)Direction: There itce lb bbnk> m ibc fuilow mu passage. For each blank there arc 4 choices HKirked A* B, C, and D. Yc*i hhnukithe <)SE answer ih;ii hr、t lits into lhe p”、聲.Then m;irk tliee<MTes|XHMhng letter on the Ans*rr She
48、et uith a singl亡 line through the ecnicr.What will man be like in the Future - in 5JD00 or 50*000 years from now? We can only mAkc a guess, of course, but we can be sure ihdi ti<- nill be diJ!?rrni41 he is umIhy. Inum 訂sJcwly changing all the lime.*let us 42_ aneAinpJq. Man, rvtn five hundred yea
49、rs 4 was shorter thanhe is today. Now, or, average, men arc abou tlffee ches g仙 l ive L:;i:dred >wrs relatively a short period of linic. so we an sure th&i ij:i mil ciKninne(o grow uEei*/ iAgain in (he modem world wc use our brains a grcflt de*! Hven g we still make use ol ctnly abuut 10% of
50、(he brain's aaty- As unx-on. 44 . wc shall have to use tw brains more and mtire 一 and _监_ Jy山 need larger oneA! This is likely to bring about a 4b cliange to the head; in paniculu lhe bxehead will gruu hr兰亡r.On the olhcr tmnd, ue J l(1 怕心亡 ks、g of uur arms artd kgs. The.se. as a result, are like
51、ly to grow weaker. At Lhc zne time, husver, our Jlngcr* u JI grow more 囲.because they are used a great deal in modrm bte.Hut vi hat tibtMit hdir tins j-iJ prubably diwppcar hrm the body fdtoeiher because it dues not serve a useful purpose _ 4_ In the future, then, both sexes swt likely io be bald.Pc
52、rtiiipji all this gives the unpcirwcn that future man uill nm be a verj miratiive creaiure 50 !This may well be inn-41* A. whatB* dialC. whichD. who42. A takingB- to takeC.D. took43. A.efltljB. beforec. agoD- previously44. A. moreoverB. houevtrC futlhrnnweD. besktes45. Ah generallyB. cwntiallyC. pan
53、icularlyD. evcmuallyW), A, chemicalB. monlC menialD. physied47. A, assureB. tendC. ensureD. lead48. A, sensitiveB, positiveC. sens.ib4eD- radcinal49. A. no longerB. no moreC any longerD. ever mote50. A. locking atB, to lock atG tokKikD. being looked试卷类型:B英语试注第共10兎)Ax湖北自苇站通上www. myzikao. cn湖北言考阿提供免费数
54、千套自考真题下载湖北 自考网( www.hbzkw- )机童启用前外国语统一考试英语试卷JL章址2010年湖北省成人高等教育本科生申请学士学位湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务湖北自考一站通( )提供在线智能报考和在线学习等一站式服务第II卷(非选择题,第9 3?至第页。考试用时50分钟,共50分注It車阪Il号生勢必将自己的姓名和炭证号用黑色畫字在试楼密封拔内指定位2用馬色签字笔将答案晝接暮衽栓面懵定位3.希试H東时,痔生将本试幅交回。帶分彈崔人Fiiri Branslation ( 20Cr )- jf A ir-Dlrvctiona: Read the fnllo
55、wing p'sgr Lirdull> Thentheunderlined urnccs nurkoJ from 31'55 mio Chines. You should wntr y<xir translation on <hc Answer Sb«T.Thanks to the means of minJem trwrspurftion riM tonunuAKafjoa. Lbc world k getting 尉The u hok wurkl conununicy appears to be no more than a large f lo
56、txd village, where (tic people of differ eat tut inns cmne Together with dilTcrcnl culLund bxround* and vaiiw%, (51) While 左 n 别鈕= Lbrmiclve rrr cuJhjnt exchange, jht seekin 竈 hannomou* artd rehfwjfalrdata 忤(52 Culiunl cMhanfiC i* E 吐隹枣朗、a 郎经对 也】如占肚、炳呵 <uliure W A fotTuyi vul, but one cf enrichin
57、g d other nnihvndl eu抽ThrtHJgh culiunil cchanx*. Jittcrrnc cultures nr at>i)rb and mtlutnce one aiuxhec U c、卞)ukl juiopc the principle of ehminaiing itic Ia1*c and retaining ibr irue. dihCArding the dross and 鶴lea% the esntiaL expecting more and imfxminf Uk beg ntid ncyi、hng cirruptivc influences. (53> J be he ye that diflcrrn_cuhure> caii kam fmm each other's s>tTenpths to
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