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1、考号考场班级姓名考号密封线A卷(100分)I. 单词辨音(每题1分,共5分)。 找出下列单词划线部分读音不同的选项。 ( )1. A. idea B. heal C. mean D. bean ( )2. A. hardly B. start C. warm D. card ( )3. A. what B. watch C. water D. want ( )4. A. always B. says C. away D. stray ( )5. A. town B. brown C. down D. show II.词汇(每题1分,共15分)。A)词形转换(每题1分,共5分)。1. babys

2、it(现在分词) 2. health(形容词) 3. tooth(复数) 4. should not(缩写形式) 5.different(名词) B.)根据句意、首字母及汉语提示写出单词,补全句子。(每题1分,共5分)。1. He _(通常) goes to school by bus.2. Traditional Chinese Doctors _ (认为)we need a balance the yin and yang.3. Im _(紧张) out because my English isnt improving.4. Im taking a v_ in Hong Kong nex

3、t year.5. Beijing is a great place to go s_.C.) 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。(每题1分,共5分)。 ( )1. I have a lot of work to do this weekend.A. lots of B. many C.a few D. few ( )2. What's the matter with your mother A. wrong B. new C. good D. tired ( )3. Will you look after my cat while I am away on holiday?

4、 A. look for B. take care of C.look at D. look up ( )4. He enjoys himself every day. A. is tired B. has a good time C. looks after himself D. stays at home by himself ( )5. I'm not feeling very well at the moment. A. right now B. just then C. just here D. right away III. 选择填空(每题1分,共25分)。 ( )1. I

5、'm _. I need to have a good rest. A. hungry B. tired C. thirsty D. stressed out ( ) 2. _is important to eat a balanced diet. A. That B. This C. One D. It ( ) 3. Smoking _your health. A. is good for B. is bad for C. is good to D. is bad to ( ) 4. I do homework every day, usually when I come_home_

6、school. A. to, from B. at, for C. /, from D. from, to ( )5. Can you call me when you_home A. get back to B. get to back C. get back D. get to( ) 6. They usually walk to school , but_ they take the bus. A. some time B. some times C. sometime D. sometimes( ) 7. - _do you go shopping -Once a week. A. H

7、ow long B. how much C. How often D How many.( ) 8. _it is raining, _he still works outside. A. Although; but B. But; although C. Although; / D. /; although( ) 9. _homework, some students do it every day. A. As for B.With C. As D. For( ) 10. Here _in the house. A. is three woman teachers. B. are thre

8、e women teachers. C. is three women teachers D. are three woman teacher( ) 11. They usually do some office work _weekends. A. in B. at C. on D. for( ) 12. She _ late to school. A. dont usually come B. doesnt usually come C. doesnt usually come D. usually dont come( ) 13. Do you _lifestyle A. have a

9、health B. has a health C. have a healthy D. has a healthy( )14. _ is Bob staying in New York? Hes staying there for three weeks. A. How often B. How long C. When D. How much( )15. What are your parents doing _ vacation? A. to B. for C. at D. about( )16. Today is my sons birthday. Im making _ for him

10、. A. nothing nice B. something nice C. nice something D. nice anything( )17. They finished _ in the supermarket. Then they went home. A. shopping B. shoping C. shopped D. to shop( )18. The girl _ for Japan next week. A. leaves B. is leave C. is leaving D. leaving( )19. We are going sightseeing tomor

11、row and I _ my camera _ me. A. take/to B. am taking/with C. am taking/for D. take/with( )20. My mother is ill._ A. OK. B. Too bad. C. Thank you D Im sorry to hear it.( )21. If you are thirsty, you should _ A.eat a lot of food B. drink a lot of water C. lie down and rest D. exercise( )22. Im going to

12、 Beijing for vacation tomorrow. _. A. I like it B. Im glad to hear that C. Have a good time D. Goodbye( )23. How about going hiking _. A. Thats very interesting B.I dont agree with you C. Thats a good idea D. Have a good time( )24. Mr Smith likes to _ after supper. A. take walks B. take walk C. carr

13、y walks D. bring walks( )25. Whats the matter with you, Peter _. A. Im going to leave here B. I have a bad cold C. I want to go shopping D. Im taking an examIV.动词考查。(共15分)A) 选择动词的适当形式填空. (每题1分,共5分)。( )5. Everyone _ sometimes. A. get tired B. are tired C. gets tired D. gets tiring( )7. Its important

14、_ in good health. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. Keeps( )26. Susan often forgets _ her English book. A. bring B. brought C. is bringing D. to bring( )27. What about _ camping? A. going B. goes C. went D. Go( )13. Where _ Mr Li _ for vacation next year? A. is/go B. is/going C. is/going to D. does/g

15、oB).用所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共10分)。1.They are (plan) to go to Hong Kong for vacation.2.Shes (leave) for Hong Kong on Tuesday.3.I want (ask) you about places to visit in China.4. A doctor can (give) you medicine.5.Thanks for (look) after my dogs these days.6. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he (exercise) e

16、very day.7. Good food and exercise help me (study) better.8. She often (go) to the movies.9. I (ask) him a question and he answered me.10. Dont (be)too tired.Or it will make you sick.V. 按要求变换句式。(每题2分,共10分)。1.My father watches TV three times a week at home. (就划线部分提问) _ _ does your father watch TV at

17、home 2. I have a stomachache. (就划线部分提问) _ the with you 4.What are they doing for vacation ( relax at home)(根据提示写出答语)_3. How is the weather in your hometown (改为同义句) _the weather_in your hometown 5. I can see something in the room. (改为否定句) I see in the room. VI 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)。Food is very important.

18、Everyone _1_ to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _2_. We begin to get knowledge even _3_we are very young. Small children are interested in everything around_4_. They learn _5_when they are watching and listening,. When they

19、are getting older, they begin to _6_story books, science books , anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _7_ to find out answers.What is the best _8_to get knowledge?If we learn by ourselves, we will get _9_knowledge, If we are _10_getting answers from others

20、 and do not ask why , we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.( )1. A. need B. should C. needs D. want( )2. A. sport B exercise C. knowledge D. meat( )3. A. until B. when C. after D. so( )4. A. they B. their C. them D. theirs( )5. A. everyth

21、ing B. something C. nothing D. anything( )6. A. look B. read C. learn D. write( )7. A. try B. have C. refuse D. wait( )8. A. place B. school C. way D. road( )9. A. little B. few C. many D. the most( )10. A. often B. always C. usually D. SometimesVII 阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)。AMrs Brown has some trouble with h

22、er heart. She often goes to the doctor. Yesterday she went to see the doctor again. But this doctor was new in the hospital, and knew nothing about her. He asked some questions. One of them was “How old are you”“Well,” she answered, “I dont remember now, doctor. But Ill try to think.” She thought fo

23、r a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. I know he is twice thirty. So Im thirty-six, twice eighteen.” The doctor was very surprised.( ) 1. Mrs Brown went to see the doctor because_. A. she didnt know the doctor

24、 B. she often goes to see the doctor C. she had some trouble with her heart D she wanted to play cards with the doctor.( ) 2. She was _years old and her husband was_. A. eighteen, thirty B. eighteen, sixty C. thirty, thirty-six. D thirty-six, sixty( ) 3. The doctor was very surprised at her answer b

25、ecause_. A. she made fun of him B. she gave him a wrong answer C. she was so old D he dont know the answer.( ) 4. In fact, Mrs Brown was _years old. A. eighteen B. thirty-six C. forty-eight D sixty( ) 5. Which of the following is not true A. She wants to tell the doctor her real age. B. Her husband

26、was twelve years older than her. C. She married when she was eighteen. D she didnt want to tell the doctor her real age.BThere are three photos of my good friends on my desk. In the first photo you can see Jerry. He is a tall and cool boy with short and straight hair. He is the captain of our basket

27、ball team. He is very popular. All my classmates like him very much, in the second photo, you can see the boy with glasses. His name is Jack. He is short and a little bit heavy. But he is very smart and funny. He often tells us funny stories and makes us happy. In the third photo, you can see two gi

28、rls. They are drinking water. The girl on the left is Lucy. She is a beautiful girl from London. She has long blond hair and big eyes. She can sing very well, and she can also speak a little Chinese. The girl on the right is Li Xiaoyun. She is a Chinese girl with beautiful black hair. She studies ve

29、ry hard. She says she wants to be a scientist when she grows up.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1. Jerry, Jack, Lucy and Li Xiaoyun are all my good friends.( ) 2. The boy with glasses and short and straight hair is Jerry.( ) 3. Lucy is an English girl.( ) 4. Jerry plays basketball very well.( ) 5. The girl on t

30、he right in the third photo is Lucy.B卷(50分)VIII补全对话。(每题1分,共10分)。A)根据对话内容,补全对话使其完整通顺,每空一词。A: Yang Pei,what are you doing for the coming vacation?B: Im going to Harbin.A: That sounds interesting.What are you going to 1 there B: Im going skiing.A: How 2 are you staying?B: Just for a week.A: 3 are you l

31、eaving?B:The day after tomorrow.A:Well,have a nice 4 there.B: 5 you.B)从题后所给的被选项中找出能填入空白处的最佳选项(有两项为多余项) A man (M) is not feeling well. He goes to see a doctor (D).D: _6_M: I feel very weak. I can hardly do any work, doctor.D: _7_M Two weeks ago.D: Do you have a fever?M: No, I dont.D: _8_.M: Yes, I sl

32、eep very well.D: _9_.M: No, I dont. And I have little food for lunch because I want to keep thin.D: Oh, I see. _10_ You need to take more food and do some exercise every day, you can be better soon.A. You are not ill?B. Do you sleep well?C. When did it start?D. Do you do exercise?E. Theres nothing s

33、erious.F. Whats wrong with you , young man?G. Do you often have breakfast?IX.任务型阅读(共20分)。A)阅读短文完成后面的题目(每题2分,共10分)。Jim is an 8-year old boy .He is good at many sports .It is easy to see that Jim is active after school .In America ,most students have a PE class(1)每周三次 at school. Many people think (2)孩

34、子们的健康 is very important .But in China ,most students (3)hardly ever exercise.Some students like eating (4)垃圾食品.So heathy lifestyle can help students (5)取得好成绩。(1)译成英语 (2)译成英语 (3)译成汉语 (4)译成英语 (5)译成英语 B)请用表示人体部位的单词的正确形式填空. (每题1分,共10分)Lets learn our body. Think with your_1_ Write with your _2_.Look with

35、 your _3_. Listen with your _4_. Smell (闻) with your _5_. Eat and speak with your _6_. Turn your head with your _7_. Put your backpack on your _8_.Walk with your _9_.Brush your _10_ every morning and evening. Dont forget arms or stomach.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X. 完成句子。(每空一词,每题2分,共10分)。1你24小时不该吃东西。 You_

36、 eat _ for twenty-four hours. 2.你的眼睛怎么啦? Whats the _ _ your eyes?3.要拥有一个健康的生活方式很容易。 is easy have a healthy lifestyle.4. 我喜欢喝加了蜂蜜的热茶。I like hot tea honey.5. 你们什么时候去那里?When you there?XI书面表达(任选一题)(10分)1周末了,你准备和你的家人出去短途旅行,请你用英语写一份计划。字数60字左右。2你的好朋友Gina感冒了,请你写给她写封信,安慰她并给她提一些建议。字数60字左右20182019学年度第二学期第一次月考试

37、题(卷)七年级英语A卷(100分)听力部分(15分).听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子听一遍。(5分)( )1. A. For half an hour.B. Its 10 oclock. C. In the evening.( )2. A. I go to school.B. I take a walk. C. I brush the teeth.( )3. A. Because she makes breakfast for me. B. Yes, she does.C. Because she doesnt like it.( )4. A. In the morning. B. Sat

38、urday. C. At 7:30.( )5. A. Yes, she does. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, she doesnt.听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5分)( )6.What time does she get up A. 6:45. B.7:30. C.7:15. ( )7.What does Lucy usually do at 8:00?A. Goes to bed.B. Goes to school.C. Goes home. ( )8.Where does the boy do his homework?A. At school.B.

39、At home.C. After school.( )9.What can Rick do?A. Play soccer.B. Play basketball.C. Play tennis. ( )10.What doesnt the boy want to do?A. Watch TV.B. Take a shower.C. Go to bed.听短文,补全表格信息。每空不超过三个单词。短文听两遍。(5分)TimeActivityAt 6:00 a.m.11._.12. _Eat breakfast.At about 7:30 a.m.13. _.14. _Go home.At about

40、9:00 p.m.15. _.笔试部分(85分)、词汇(每题1分,共15分) A).用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1How long dose it take you (do) your homework every day?2Tim is good at (swim).3They want (join)the chess club.4. What a(fun)time we have!5. I must help my mom (clean) the room in the morning.B)根据句意及所给汉语写出所缺单词.6. On Friday afternoon, my grand

41、pa often tells us (故事).7.He usually (骑)his bike to school.8.His uncle ( 工作) eight hours a day.9.My brother likes playing the (吉他)in the afternoon. 10. Many students in our class can (讲) English and Chinese.C选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。( ) 11. Im good at playing the piano. .A. do well in B.does well in C. is g

42、ood for D. are good at( ) 12.He often walks to school every day. .A.on foot B.on feet C.goes.on foot D. Go.on foot( ) 13.They are busy finishing their work on time. A. are busy finishes B. are busy with C. is busy D. is busy with( ) 14. She usually reads books in the library at six fifteen.A .a quar

43、ter to seven B. a quarter past six C.a quarter past seven D.a quarter to six( ) 15. Lily usually gets to work by ship. A.on foot B. by air C. take the ship D. by boat、选择题(每题1分,共25分)( )1. Nick can play tennis,but he cant play _voilin.A .the, B. a, the C./, the D. a, /( )2. Do you love music A. listen

44、ing to B. to listen C. listens D. listen to( )3. Either my parents or my sister often _ a walk after dinner.A . taking B.takes C. take D. to take( )4. Can he it in English.A .speak B .say C .tell D .talk( )5. Its easy for me English well.A . to learn B. learns C. learning D. learn( )6We have breakfa

45、st seven . the morning. A .at in B. at on C. in on D. on in( )7. Mr Smith is very strict us and he is strict _ his work . A .with , in B. with , with C. at ,at D. with , for ( )8. Mr Read is good_music. He can be good_children. A. at, at B. with, with C. at,with D.with.at( )9. What time your teacher

46、_ dinner?A .does, eats B .does, eat C. do ,eats D.do, eat( )10. Its for students to have P.E class every day. .A .difficult B .relaxing C .funny D .boring ( )11. This girl usually the number 17 bus _work .A .take, to B .takes, to C. bring, to D. brings, to( )12._ your brother his homework every even

47、ingA . Does; / B . Is ;doC. Does; do D .Are; do( )13._Do you go to bed at ten oclock? _. A .Yes , we are B .Yes, you are C.No, we dont D.No, Im not( )14. The food tastes , I like it very much. A. good B .well C .very well D .fine( )15. I _at ten oclock in the evening. . A. have breakfast B. do the dishes C. watch morning TV D.go to bed ( )16. _do they play soccer?- On Saturday afternoon. A.What B.How C.When D. Where( )17. My aunt likes _TV and my uncle likes _a book at


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