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1、八年级U2T2词组专项训练SectionA一,翻译词组和句子1,看起来很累_2,怎么啦?_3,上床睡觉_4,熬夜(2个)_ 5,对有害_*对有好处_6,你们的健康_*保持健康_7,我们必须认真的打篮球。_(改为否定句)_(改为一般疑问句)_(肯定,否定回答)_ _8,感觉更好_9,好好休息一下_10,用来表示肯定的推测时,要注意,肯定的推测用must表示确信。用cant表示肯定不。门开着。他肯定在家。The door is open. He _.门没有开着。他肯定不在家。The door isnt open. He_.11,吃的太多_12,阳光下_13,把垃圾放入垃圾桶_14,做早操_15,到

2、处扔,乱扔(2个)_16,刷牙_17,早上床睡觉_18,晚起床_19,饭前洗手_20,做运动_21,没吃早饭_22,练习测试题一,选择题( ) 1. I must look after my mother at home. She gets a stomachache. Can I help you?No, thanks.A. Whats up? B. Bad luck! C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Im feeling terrible.( ) 2. We shouldnt go to work without breakfast.A. to eat B. ha

3、ving C. have D. eat( ) 3. too many candies is bad your teeth.A. Eat; to B. Eating; to C. have; for D. Having; for( ) 4. Grandpa is sleeping now. Please the children quiet.A. let B. keep C. ask D. get( ) 5. Is doing morning exercise good or bad? - .A. Yes, its good. B. No, I dont think so. C. Thats a

4、ll right. D. I think its good.( )6, Staying up late_bad for you.A, are B, is C, am D, be( )7, -What_the traffic accident? -The driver drank too much.A, gave B, happened C, caused D, sent二,情景交际1,早上看到同学Jack,你看他很疲惫了,出于关心你可以这么问_?2,老师说我们必须早睡早起,她要这样说_.3,妈妈禁止我们在马路上玩,她这么说_.4,医生说我们不该熬夜,可以这么说_.5,牙医告诉我们最好饭后刷牙。

5、他要这样说_.三,看图说话1, every, good, health _.2, must, throw _.3, should, hand _.4, it, bad _妈妈不准我吃糖5, too, candy _四,对话填词A: You dont look _(good). Jim, whats _?B: I felt so (tire), because I went to bed very _ last night. A: You_stay _late. Oh, Jeff, why do you look_ terblC: I have a _(tooth).A: Im _to _tha

6、t. What_ k:zd it?C: I _(eat) too much sugar last night and I didnt _my teeth.A: I see. You shouldnt go to bed without_your teeth. You must see a_.C: Youre right. SectionB一,翻译词组和句子1,最好(不)做某事_2,阳光下_3,对有害_*对有好处_4,在报纸上_5,帮助某人放松_6,他的健康_*让某人健康_7,引起癌症_8,要求某人(不)做某事_9,放弃(做)某事_10,向某人借某物_*借某物给某人_11,给某人看某物(2个)_

7、12,我能进来吗?_肯定回答_否定_*他也许是个医生。(2句)_13,想要做某事_14,给我们能量_*给某人某物(2个)_15,对某人来说做某事adj_16,保持你活力十足_*持续,继续做某事_17,在白天期间_18,早睡早起(2个)_19,很好的锻炼_20,喝足够多的水_*足够重_21,不吃早饭上学_*不看书做作业_22,散步_23,饭后_24,在周末_25,洗澡_26,呼吸新鲜空气_27,有好习惯_28,让人健康_*让某人做某事_练习测试题一,选择题1. The children are having a meeting keeping pets.A. in B. about C. at

8、D. for 2,My father couldnt go to school when he was young because his family didnt have_ money.A. lot B. lot of C. enough D. plenty3. Youd better ask yourbrother _ too many computer games. Its bad for him.A. to give up play B. not to give up playing C. to give up playing D. not to give up play4. Tom

9、 didnt read the newspaper today. So I want to .A. show it to him B. show it for him C. show him it D. show him to it5. It is important us some good books.A. for; read B. to; to read C. to; reading D. for; to read6,-May I play smart phone(智能手机), mom? -No. You_wash your clothes first.A, would B, can C

10、, must D, mustnt7,-Smoking too much can cause cancer. -_.A, How terrible! B, Never mind. C, Whats up? D, What a shame!8,Drinking enough water every day_our health.A, are bad for B, is bad for C, is good for D, are good for二,情景交际1,你向你的同桌借尺子,你可以这样问May I_?Could you_?2,老师说喝太多酒(wine)对我们健康不好,她可以这样说_.3,你打电

11、话找Nick,问他正在干嘛,你可以这么问Hi, Nick._?4,妈妈说我不该放弃练习英语。她要这样说_.5,Jim很喜欢玩手机,你问他为什么喜欢玩手机,你可以这样问_?他回答说玩手机让他放松,要说_.三,看图说话1, not, up _2, necessary, keep _每天要多喝水3, ask, enough _ _.我们最好有健康的饮食习惯。4, better, eat, habit _ _.5, at school _ _.四,完成句子,根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(横线不限定一个单词)1. _ (吸烟)is bad for our health. You must_(放弃

12、它).2. Doing exercise can help to keep us_(health) and _ (积极的).3.He is a_fems_(write).I often read his (文章)_the newspaper.4. Sunshine, water and air are _ (必需的) for all living things. We cant live _ even one of them. SectionC一,翻译词组1,记下_2,吃太多的糖_3,引起疾病_4,照顾,看管(2个)_5,例如(放句首)_*例如(放句中)_6,健康的饮料_7,强迫某人做某事_8

13、,一杯牛奶_*四杯水_9,在某人的童年时期_10,保持健康_11,一就_12,变疯_13,让某人做某事_14,做某事很吃惊_15,告诉某人(不要)做某事_16,无意间,碰巧_17,我妈妈的建议_18,对有好处_*对有坏处_19,我们的健康_练习测试题一,选择题1. Be careful . The floor is wet (湿的).A. to fall down B. not to fall down C. not falling down D. not do falling down2. To find better work in the future, parents often th

14、eir children more skills.A. force; learning B. force; learn C. force; to learn D. force; not to learn3. I you as soon as Michael back.A. will tell; comes B. tell; will come C. will tell; will come D. tell; comes4. We shouldnt others what we dont want.A. make; to do B. make; do C. ask; do D. have; to

15、 do5. Tom see his favorite sports star standing in front of him.A. was surprise to B. was surprised at C. was surprise at D. was surprised to二,情景交际1,你跟朋友说你一到福州就打电话给他,你可以这么说_.2,医生告诫我们说每天小心不要吃太多的盐,他可以这样说_.3,你叫Tina出去玩,她说她正在照顾她的妹妹,要这样表达_.4,Lucy说因为吃了太多的糖,她的牙齿很糟糕。可以这么说_.5,医生的建议对人们的健康有好处,可以这么表达_.三,看图说话我童年时

16、期,爸爸每天强迫我游泳。1, childhood, force _ _.为了保持健康,我们必须每天吃水果2, keep, have to _ _牙医告诉我不要吃太多的糖。3, dentist, tell _四,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Id _ a cup _milk with_, please.2. Eating too much salt may cause _ lns3. Jennie is still very w after leaving the hospital. She should have a good _ at home.4. The chicken is so

17、_ dls. Would you like to t it?5. Most children like _(eat) p chips. My son likes it, too.SectionD一,翻译词组1,洗澡_2,饭前洗手_3,保持空气清新_4,整理房间_5,当众吐痰_6,帮助某人放松_7,事实上_8,对身体有好处_*对有坏处_9,导致癌症_10,其他的疾病_11,不仅而且_12,二手烟_13,更危险_14,用某物做某事_15,放弃做某事_16,尽可能adj的_*尽可能快的_17,走路去学校_18,少于七小时_19,超过_20,一周三次_练习测试题一,选择题1. How many are

18、 there in your basket? Only three.A. strawberries B. tomato C. cabbage D. sandwich2. I dont know how to giveup smoking. Can you give me some ?A. advices B. suggestion C. piece of advice D. advice3. Is reading in bed good bad for our eyes?A. or B. and C. but D. with4. Please keep the door . Its a lit

19、tle hot here.A. open B. be open C. opened D. opening5. in the river is good health, but sometimes its dangerous.A. Swim; for B. Have a swim; to C. Swimming; for D. Swimming; to6, -How often do you eat candies? -_. Because its bad for teeth.A, Always B, Often C, Usually D, Seldom7, My mom cant go out. She must _my grandmother.A, look up B, look like C, look after D, look at8, Children_play on th


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