1、英语学习讲义庐江县2019/ 2020第一部分听力(共商节, 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分.濡分7,5分1下一小侬.每段对话仅读一遍.学年度第一学期 高一英语试题 命题人:庐江二中徐和平庐江中学福林工听下面5段对话.每段对话后卷一个小题.从题中所号的a 项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有I,',二What tiniF lines the womn 寻门 up?A. 6100Why did the man pn to the hospital yesrcrdny?A. He wms sickHB, He had a health cxanunntion.
2、C, He had an operation.Whan does the woman do?A. She is a teacher. B. She is a doctor.What arc the speakers mainly talking about?A, The svoman age. K he wnman 's weight. What dg the woman mean?A» The rrslauram usd to bt more crowded,B, The resisurfini is dosing now.C. The prices of the dish
3、es art lower now.第二节(共15小题;每小题L5分,满分225分)需下面5段对话.每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B£三+M申融量隹逸 堂,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话前,你将有时间圜读各个小乱整小甲所完 后,各小题将给出5秒抻的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍,所第6段材料,回答第6、7题,What do we learn from the conversauon about Mi驱 Rowling、近rat boa"A. h wafi aboiii a link animalB. Ii look her six years to write.C.
4、 It was about & link girl and her pel.Why does Mis Rowling con&iaer her very lurky7A. She kn口wg how to wriie best -selling novels.Bi Shi aurtrd writing when sht was very young.C, Shr can rnak a living by doiri£ whal she likes* 所第7段材回答第8至10题.WhiLt doei die man do on Fridays?A* He goti 1。
5、rxrnrie« dab>esrBr He goes filing.C. H声 atayi «r honi<*.Oft which dty doe* th* tVUplr alwnyt 即 out ?A. FridayBr Sniurd*C,讣,小阻10、Hew nlirn dor. th» rnnn do thtr cooking7A. One一 week1 wice a wek斯第8段黑整.回答第H里H. Hq* did M*jkiherr?Ap By g* md by C*r ii. B”hoe tnd by ctr C By trun and
6、bv bus il. WKieh om it 血roonj?A_ Room 501 du he third Boor& Rsoni 551 On iht first floorC一 Rg稹 501 on the first floor13. When is the tnceiing for new st ud«nU to be held?A-UtlO的Q9t2O所第9段材算.回答第M至16端.14t Whet,wrong with the man?A* He *as sick,B. He argued with hi* p«reni,C He hzd irouble
7、 with hia schoolworks15. 一 Whai do«s tht man think 0f corn cnurtira ting with his pi rents11A* It15 helpful.B. It i(xj diffuulu C. h'* imnece双邙.16. -h*i art ;ht speakers gumR to do this evening?A. Lisien to a Jecture. B. Talk to their parent C. Ask iheir pt rents for help.所第2度材料回答第I?至加整.17.
8、 What 仓 the wodisiei dm明?A. Having h*r bicyde repairwlB. Ho$i血g *n evening TV prntmC* Doing u niarket purvey:乱 Whi did Mr. Kane do before he took over the bicycle sliap?A, He repaired bicycles.C. He coached in 9 racing cluKCH Hr worked a &aeEmarL19. Why did ihr 卬工口 mise nvfr a. bicytle shop?A. H
9、e wuntctl io be his owt)boss,B. He didn't want tn gel up early,C. H<* wnied to cam more mnncy,20. What dd we kam aI>out the people working in ihc 3Hop节A. 1 h«y ar< all the man*s friends.B. They work five days a week,C. 1 htfy ire paid by The hour, 第二部分 阅读理解(共曲节,每小题2分满分则分) 第一节|共15小屋
10、,每小题2分满分制分)AFjoiji wriurj lo scicntit5t hfre art tht ATTULzing 前。尔帛5 women you miy not kn0* about* but certmnJy shottiiMimsaki ShkklbuYou 皿y be fimiliar with lou of 而吹以 by mde writers from Mark Twain to Charki Dickens. Hut their works may not even hive existed i it hadn" bc«i for Murasuki
11、Shikihu, i Jipanesf woman widely eonsidered io be he world*s fi5t riovflist. In adiliiioLi to a lW0 pan novt Cfllkd Thf Tult uf Gffijj, Shikibu ibo wrot* * hmk nf 明皿丸用江县高一英谐成噩>通|kd«一,-皿言.tn r tufierfly Bui ibcre was « nme whfen no one kntw thn - M nrs ' 黑;L 16画加山。皿.皿皿* >nd bull-亚
12、丁?吗心3, erutun. Thanks :o 如山 Sylk Menan, we know the trulh about rhest 小口配。心Ada Lovdact+ .,. u k tA袅 Lon由田 born in 1815, " the dnuehtcr of famous Hnush pw Lfird 加皿 b, g 2't poet herself. She was the worlds first computer programmer. Lovehce1 s nHhmci疝/(数学的)taknt was obvious at 7011nH wge
13、87;nd OJuffhi the atLention 4 L harks Babb. Babble design tM 皿0 imputing m«hine th-f h hoped would be -bk io quiddy 疝ve math problems In didon 3 helping Babbage desifln the early empET proKFhm, lzelace was ako the first to recognize ihat iht aehint mg be able m do ore than calcidatLon.To Yodjot
14、iTu Youyou, bom in 1930, httame ih* first Chines srieniist (o wm the Nobel Prize in physiology (生理学 J or Medicine. Ln tht )970*. Tu worked 1。find a 聃"tQ p-E M spread of malaria(疟She diseovered artemhimn (青篙素 3 which is C m 副二 saving, mahria-fighting drugs around ihr world today.21* Wh/ir can wc
15、 karn about Murasaki Shikibu?A. She 期如芯 hnious poet.C She was an aware - winning writ”. 2,Whai is Ad i l,ovc;act best known fm?A. Her work un coin put er programming,C* Her Family background,U.氏IJ.She w. s a fiinetr in novl wrt”nR. She wds highly educaiott« nutheni»tirA$ taient.Her invtmio
16、n of comp mt cig machinfs.23 Whe male a. grear conrribution W th+ prevention of a wminon 由唾虻? “ A, Murasaki Shikibu.巴 阶视 MerMC Tv YoL.you,0. A velsceBIt g Like ev«fy time my m派:-nd 】即, 一 *力呼,一皿 皿。anWe talk dbw awthirm as simple r dir plans and 苫ud加小;m?: Ml pt The 皿"由而 H。World War HL She Hl
17、 talk Ml my hek b皿塘: bpw J 由口- plan io be a doctor. And much TO her d/pommmh I dan t want to 加 皿 job xehted to science+ 2加”,.仁1 ” 叫m to . tU planned to major (±*)in English ukd co mm unicar io n5t 业醒“0 向 d 二"anack,* Why can't you K like my co-worker's son?1he 吧爪1 thr1巾限 Her 8. work
18、trS - reeved a four - year scholarship and 冶刖 eaminn E.NC d:那北片 ai an engineer. 1 don't know what to answer except tbai I WmpR can't be m Mr. Perfect M IF Wd the uniumtd -即 Ihim. Cm the type of person who kwe to help out in the community* write uncil the aun goea duwnt and most 3 dh I 10ijch
19、ieve « rtreer Mau耻 I lave it, noth«*c&u&把 of amp f 名声) or 与ejIhwI underaund why my mother b worried abuut my futur* nuj* Te 岷*R my mother struggle to riite me on her smtLl »hry and work hw hours. She leave* the hous* around 6 *30 «m und anally cooiti home iroimd 5 pm or c
20、v<*n 6 pm,However. ( waul her to knowthM by btfCFtning a doctor, ii dnunt maimU 描 aucceflduL Td rather I olio w my drms and cftaR my own ful urr T*商一黄诵箕B3 « ( JtBff)talk一才 ind 蚯雪 mother 0fm乩 Which of the following 由,J。辰 ”泳出 口加口设 P”11;A, The wites *ludic5D.C. The wn”£M 如中.*We can S E叱卯叫;
21、土用皿U -那曲H黑W鼻嘴广然及 unhncd .之I皿E匕“um七: 仁黑嬴一g招27. Which of Sollov/m?帛皿字.1 :入.一即依人 剑He nis s 配 like 】$ e:E the luiur*.Hr皿心to M »射工、.1sto.小future.H« wants w do 网所、:;二册加内契n / Pfcc, tk docsa'i think his mmh"、A.B.C.D.,开机键八sum . 一 m a%力42同皿.吁呻煽限iaLEoE由nm:即1面都很YOU arc g of 一 3 W,* you 3 如.鼠
22、3 X 机we1士之黑二时舄皿-必皿 g Hui 巾碗g媵息比M中山呷w “修翼:詈XXX2腹M m eg栈,叱黑: *11 k abk 10尉I who you小地描脸加加“少呜eVtn "加口足"tDo m 2心 ii this 则回 will work well? The 皿即 » 丫比刈 gu 丁 /黑 look毗1 皿拓鹏The5“皿坤指仪用M in the 3“加your mchiiw*. 1 oLBMtim 叩mm is sifer «id eiswr thin other 灯如皿.This is because *ryone »
23、 eyes are dif!rrt;jL Sant* the system works tasily* you won t have to remember a group of,r .11( n y仆口19 srt your,ompuifr ar money out of a bank in iht future. Eye-rcconiiioji systtiu L bc!iK ihnTi mhr kinds 4 systems 1)tea use your eyes don't change you 曾曰 oHcr,de h i Rd dirty like 危nd* or fiti
24、fiers. Even twin< eyes am not th« snruc. So ihc tyrp- ogniii -1 syst car hf up tc 打 percent euci. bm it depends on how good the lechnolw % Some imy only be 51% 应bi. In Britiin, ii 皆照 砧口鼠 that &1 percent d the poop、who had tried it wid tlut they liked the idea of eye-rerognidon. So scient
25、utt 由ink it will beromc more popular than orhti systems.The .l皿眄H的:”le脸7八前八=lPSteti加&hops jnmUSA, B由,, Sjain, Itily *nd Turkeyt Soon it will bttome & POpulir way among public. In the future, your corupuicf will br signed oy Looking bi your eyes,2g, How do*s rht eye recognition ,弊 Im work?A.
26、You put J»ur fingers on ihe machine and lock at %B. Yoj tay »omflhing t<j the tn此小廉 and look it itC. YflJ io°k 41 m"chine ind ji ran rerOgnLlfi wbo yQU1) . You tum on ihe power Ijultcn arid sittid befOrt”况What b收付的旧题M the叩F,即啪6 ayem over the。由eA. The eye-rgnnion icm 秘儿 ,由 i &a
27、mp;/ conditionB. Tht 5 of eye-«eoEnhion映*除品由明小。山皿皿高一如履mLG W - imp* the mrr-切 imp»w neW 旧吧皿口佻叫阳ms 即触m isrdiable than © 加出”打?如山5吨is TRUE ibout m.皿寸国:陋前you.If you 小 Mdm 血 eye-recognition 3ySc «n 噌mf -B.CD.You 2皿m2 the百般词】“】讪阴"乱笠卜Th eye-r«ogniiion 打削e docM)*i 卯。if you *ar K
28、 :The 4LiMognh沁fi system i» 贝 good 械t11 w,武二:(0 9*% carnet?A K C. D.31. Which of h f01WinR is llw whV 由亡以别阿的 1V<Jurolder with nge.Eleryont' s eyes art diffrrent olhtfS*Your ma chines musl hfftwei.Your eyes don't rM dirty rnsily like your hand乐Meq。. ihey 叩 is a mAiier of pnetkr and 尔川
29、/"乔加 ha'c 7:二"日期 mH a nmsdou式自笆的)Mf血 then y(w can quite awly improve your ibihty to rtme thing丸 Bui ven if you flrf succtssfuT thtrt arc timts when y'Jui ri.niory stein! P ' trick* oti you.Someiimes you remember ihings that really did not happeni On# mcming “Bt v«ek or eun
30、pJ«h got up and found ihat I !iad left the front door unlocltcd all night,尸Et I clearlyrttnember locking it undully Lhe night btfore.Meinory 门匚3/- werk the other way as weJ. Once in 旧 while you remember tiCl Juin* snmrthirRb ni:d ih. 1 End > u( thii0二 did. One day last nonthT for tjHEimple,
31、I was,sitting in * btrber hop waitifig fof my turn Id get B hairrul T and suddenly I realized th At I had go! A hiircjT jwq days before ar thr hiibrr shop flrross the sr reel from rny office.*、ue; 10 乐 d ?flmc:hing funny 附d aenusing in incident Su乳d hy pmple, f&retUuhesh or ah%rni mindT"双 S
32、tones about absent minded professors hav been icW fw years, -d 常e et 酗 lfrM“3rta| 皿吧 Unforiunately, however* absent一 mindcdg* is not 4*” bnny. TW。收 tim« when “出业/ of 0UT Wmory 5rl USc 加 K!VfiT trouble,3工 Whirh of hr fdbwjng stiirmftiTs is trut according【 the passage?4 The wriier remembered w;bd
33、i布曲 ihe front door.H Gue night tfxr writer forgot having locked the front door.C- The wnter remembered to Jock the door,D. Ore night the writer forgot to lock the from ckar.Jrota the underlined svniencet we cm infer【birA. abwnL加期丽界3的only to pm卮嬴K;用加力一 :we器"»个皿人”疝温dm, of p二 m w山 7时 M of ime
34、mn, to _ MjU1tL:D*Cnjoy h«nn« new ston#8计如t巾眦加一加11d1加"of川“砥卬门In (he pi>sj)KC* the writer werrti to(ctl u&A. forgetting things k 内门qur and dangerousb.他噌1汨口 rhinos ai tim M n«iuhIC Always forjiettifig thingB ia underanchibk0. iJic 需"to protret youmelf from "irkk*&q
35、uot;居,】改I码.4 Hgm G固强皿皿fR耻tfyk * G%ii Menu . h DanprousC “0/ M *4hd AkmM仲口I Rid Df 2第二粗共5小国林Jnif加对"'小内薪畿蕊我更明产.2Many p :.辰回 B & Mtc >nd 人晚 * h>M t- atlenTi&rj to %、ft m Junw can we hTtVpn.八t ,online g ';呻小加切祠卜网叫Admit you bve". .37 Rrl. morG and mor* P«pi* in ihe 一:
36、"W :黑0<L Y前 噂:*ilh 而”mMm % mi k一有”h 2晨; 如Wk -I.m由Olher1甬umit your m皿g3 15nle 岫1 ik nm to »un)it on too many Hg * wed. Brior« f mg your computer dp加 m 小皿 hmit such « 30 minuiei. Set the dock and mike 即 thi; you get off t”0叫酬仃位"麻 limt is 叩生_守 us'ft« k computer it k
37、 1 山学甲 You wonJ(区 43 lttralfd g look at zruin websites (nd they do h,limit on h 口田 long you can st ay online 蓊 Sc you wonTt be as 4Vr»cted io be on the Interut h at no1ntiK: Go for a r(in with i fritnei or 口±i exertisr same other f* K,p up with ihe local events in your neighborhocd, 1 here
38、 msy be talks* him»i concerns and sports fveu. etc. Find some, as long as ii is nt ' /1. (be liitrrneU and gel itivclvetLA. R C. D.There is no ti* * voiding the I rui h.You will be happier if y<ju use thr liurrnviTry(o red Lice the 国前山川 4 '阳弋 by 5 minutes wch time.Gel i hobby or an i
39、nterest.Get ypuf (wnily 10 remind you i( yrmT ve hen on a long time.nTcnlei靠心的口 -ffwls 4辰冠何"匕Also, it i» * p"、f 。ft 的1成 pood books and mag&xincs to rei<L 第三部分英酒知识运用(共两节,满分45分)随一书 .字帮填交供加小题恚噌1.;分离分30分)闻篇F面拈文,从短文所给的人民C和D四个选度中,选出可以填入空白处的.如作暮题既上将城理簿展.一庆ijwgmFMu 口_一9T?41仙佳逸”晨妙酣陋,10
40、B广岂二肌如0tl眦Air Can Boeing 777,seated I used mV gmpW 丁 A,t.d uf me ic my right» a k】d.:黑toC畤焦:廿Md iR her E * kid上皿mother th*1 the 里嚼j 45 abe woM _*- ' '黑;丫出”l A bertt 1'fhe wQRiwh, rh。胃M Iee 0rl jbdRMEiMMWi'- "Me%出一she could闷1;票;加A5Wk 唱篇ChW “mu, -1 XW 3 t| j二叫尿&W,«加3
41、叫艺w .#*旧什调 The kid iZi. 的g 以und her fail (卜咿":霭3H * 11 w“ « H-hour 拈小,1 w*lW49 walkN即.一5 痛TlMib叫w / 卜叫皿kiniV lone *+lk* winung g se« :hc kid. O*Women on board would 鸿 me dun ng my l s., CkrT 4,ij “54 do you hive*' Four1 1 wt<J-womm w*1 tome qutstions hke How many1 j18Hd 55 my (
42、««««> h« md 小让6。)呼山,* WW,诉 55 is 即 S6 皿"She thought ,八上. M 3 andwalked on-L .W”口 1 wis b"k to the motherthe mother _18flVe Mary hsk t。en w 041. A.50und glecp, A herB. ThoughC. BeforeD.Unless4t A.singiBL talkingC. sleepingD.trying43. A.stoppedK EtartedC. practice
43、dD.kept44. A.brnik M=iH. sri ile downC. go aheadD.set off3ZcuriousH. ?rjt?rge(kC. grownU疝!n46b A,叩& backC. aw<iyD.dawn4.A,deservedB.n#dC. nHerrdD.Agreed4& A,requeAtedliH卜脸:4C. cflmmandeclD.consuittd49. A.slronxlyR quicklyC, rtsUesiljraslowly50. A.卜QtntA 6g1C. po机!igasituation51. A.upsidt
44、downH. inside outC up *nd downD.ch" snd night52, A.carryinjgB, WalchmgQ trickingD,steking53. A.spotK MopC, remindUaward54. A.custocnersH. piSM-ngerikJ mefnbrsD.children55. A.cioselyB. coniidenilyC. obviouslyD.firmly56. A,1 rtsubledB. activeC niugbiyD.last57, A.mythrr& fatherC* teMchtrD.nurs
45、e58. A.smiledB. R-fusrdC, ipolo(iiedb.admitted5丸A.wanderpd执kftC, woke口shouted60. A,turned尺kllC. rrmnineddlooked第11卷(非选择题,共5。分) 第三部分英语知识运用只要坚持梦想终会实现-11 -第二节(共小,历小庭L分,港分15分)一圜读下面材X,春辛白处族人理当的内容】,单词或括号内单树的正墙拶式.Kung Pau Gw 什 n .、1 一 f irfldifitin) Chinesi dish and famous for 山岩 richne andranety 9n<d E
46、gaidud bj nuny M " mo>1 Popular (. hinesc 出就皿emation*® You can findit in ilniost any Chines rkistaurani overseas,card for Chinese . iHsint. 62(10Muuwhilet the popularity has nude it i name(H), with the fiisi Iwo ihin- rnn;or ont±i. h't尿Qi cornbintssour, «weemef» and s
47、pidne««1 E0°d choice for the feast on Spring FeilivalEve, 63 most Chinese fEimjkei ttijoy tjmt togqi|lff嬴哂 Pao ChK-kn, is a dM km 前huan 就前: 的 血 0HmMed Imn Lu cuiine 旧 SUnd&I(« Province. The- dishto ht_f 时加皿 65MU dug k Qing 吃?咽上 &:口之d Frorid班吧一曾旧 W 呱ioJthe SHE.wa£ pop
48、iiLaii£ed«B "ItCI CMThe diih *prwdi so 6 (wide) that 血、& u.e tntu insiMd g( chicken 69 (cookj . etri Iso improved il wrmdir噌7、lheir 皿口 r .凶八通域醺 tWhw u Wfni Wlh 小 p«pk thrt 第四部分舄作(共两节.满分居分)寸祖.快2小霆,饵小题1分,港分】Q分1”那装客器瑞交器慧文鬻歌邺乐中共幡技甚错的词下划一横线并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注每处错溪及其修改仅限一同.Z只允许修改】0处.学者(从第11处起)不计分.昵is Rpw=由山¥皿5 students刁t whooL T由四W(f 眈iii (heMihail 同乩5 betmn the casses 山 our grade. We have chosen / 业TF 丽fui wdpiwTJOKf E ht dm 式hod Heiy day. We had aJ5o nrganiaed a t出口3m .人m,w
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