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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上广西科技大学(继续教育学院)-北海国发信息技术学校教学点2013年春季学期期末考试英 语考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 (共六大题)一、 语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分)在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边的括号里。( )1. A. lecture B. escape C. bicycle D. recover( )2.A. farther B. healthy C. Thursday D. thought( )3.A.mathematics B. attack C. comp

2、anion D. baggage( )4.A. blouse B. shoulder C. found D. mountain( )5. A. treat B. breath C. bread D. treasure二、 词汇与语法知识(共25小题;每题1.5分,共37.5分)从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边的括号里。( )6.This motorcycle is very good, but I dont think I can _ it.A. pay B. spend C. afford D. cost( )7. In China, every boy

3、and girl _ a right to education. A. have B. has C. will have D. had( )8.The situation is quite serous and will become even worse unless some measures _. A. had been taken B. will be taken C. were taken D. are taken( )9.This street is usually quiet, but it will get very busy _ Sunday mornings. A. on

4、B. in C. at D. during( )10.Dont forget the fact _ he was not at home that night. A. why B. which C. that D. whether( )11.The two players had been warned of the danger, but _ of them seemed to take it seriously. A. both B. neither C. any D. either( )12.We went to see the play last night and got a lot

5、 of _ from it. A. content B. interest C. spirit D. fun( )13.The new railway is planned _ by the end of 2015. A. to have completed B. to be completed C. to be completing D. to complete( )14. Its so noisy upstairs. What are they doing? - They _ be having a party. A. could B. should C. would D. must( )

6、15. Dr. Wilmet _ the newspaper before he leaves for work every day. A. looks into B. stares at C. watches for D. glances through( )16. It was on August 15, 1945 _ the Chinese people won the final victory in the Anti-Japanese War. A. that B. which C. until D. while( )17.For a long time after the oper

7、ation, Linda found _ difficult to fall asleep. A. this B. one C. that D. it( )18.Tom has worked so hard this year that he will earn _ he did last year. A. twice as much money as B. as much money as twice C. twice money as much as D. as twice much money as ( )19. Who is the person _ with our monitor

8、over there? - Our new maths teacher. A. talked B. to talk C. talking D. talks( )20. Although he _ those days, Mr. Black never gave up hope. A. treated unfairly B. was unfairly treatedC. has unfairly treated D. has been unfairly treated( )21.So little _about European history that the lecture was quit

9、e beyond me. A. did I know B. I knew C. do I know D. I know( )22.On our way to Washington DC, we visited the Browns, _ used to be our neighbor. A. whom B. which C. who D. that( )23.My roommate said he didnt mind _ the window open at night. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. having kept( )24.Father is

10、busy writing postcards this morning and _ ten so far. A. wrote B. was writing C. has written D. has been writing ( )25.Have you been to the little village _ your father spent his childhood? A. that B. where C. which D. when ( )26 Hello, can I speak to George? - Hold on, please, George, _. A. your fa

11、thers call B. someone is looking for you C. a message for you D. you are wanted on the phone( ) 27.Speak louder, _ you wont make yourself heard in such a bog room. A. but B. and C. or D. for( )28.With all his homework _, the boy was allowed to watch TV. A. to finish B. finished C. to be finished D.

12、having finished( )29. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? -_, but my hands are full. A. Id love to B. Id love the idea C. Id love it D. Id love to do( )30 -_ will he finish writing his new novel? - In a couple of weeks, I think. A. How fast B. How soon C. How often D. How long三、 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,共30

13、分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Jones was traveling in a car. Soon after setting out from a village to drive to London, he heard a strange noise from the back of the car. Naturally, he _31_ to have a look. He examined the wheels_32_ but found nothing wrong. _33_, he got back into t

14、he car and _34_ his way. The noise began almost immediately and was louder than _35_. Quickly turning his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great black cloud following the car._36_ he stopped at a village later on, he was told that a queen bee must be _37_ in his car as there were thousands of

15、 bees nearby._38_ learning this, the man realized that the only way to get rid of the bees would be to drive away as _39_ as possible. After an hours hard driving, he arrived in London where he _40_ his car outside a hotel and went in to have a drink. It was not long _41_ a waiter who had seen him _

16、42_ hurried in to inform him that his car was covered with _43_. The poor driver telephoned the police and explained what had happened. The _44_decided the best way to _45_the situation would be to call in a bee-keeper. In a short time, the bee-keeper arrived. He found the _46_passenger hidden near

17、the wheel at the back of the car. Very _47_ to the driver for his _48_ gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousands of _49_ home in a large box. Then, the driver drove away in peace, _50_ free from the “black cloud”, which had hung over his car.( )31. A. moved out B. got out C. turned aroun

18、d D. drove back( )32. A. closely B. quietly C. clearly D. deeply( )33. A. However B. Though C. Instead D. Therefore( )34. A. went B. continued C. started D. drove( )35. A. ever B. the beginning C. the past D. early( )36. A. Until B. Before C. When D. Since( )37. A. taken B. found C. hidden D. stored

19、 ( )38. A. At B. On C. For D. In( )39. A. carefully B. quietly C. bravely D. quickly( )40. A. sent B. rested C. parked D. lay( )41. A. before B. then C. until D. when( )42. A. come over B. arrive C. set off D. leave( )43. A. bees B. dust C. flowers D. a cloud( )44. A. waiter B. driver C. expert D. p

20、olice( )45. A. get rid of B. go on with C. clean up D. deal with( )46. A. mistaken B. anxious C. unpopular D. unwelcome( )47. A. thankful B. angry C. surprised D. delightful( )48. A. worthless B. expensive C. unexpected D. usual( )49. A. sisters B. lovers C. followers D. prisoners( )50. A. by and by

21、 B. at least C. by all means D. at present四、 阅读理解 (共15小题;每题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳的一项。ACalifornia State Railroad MuseumHours The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (except on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day)Admission4 adults; 2 students; children aged 5 and under a

22、re free.Parking A small number of metered parking spaces are available (可供使用) on the streets of Old Sacramento. However, these spaces are not suitable for guests visiting longer than 90 minutes. All-day parking is available in large public garages at both ends of Old Sacramento.Food ServiceThe Silve

23、r Palace Restaurant in the Central Pacific Passenger Station serves good food at reasonable prices. It is just one black southwest of the main entrance to the Museum. There are many other restaurants throughout Old Sacramento.Accessibility (无障碍通行)The California State Railroad Museum is fully accessi

24、ble to the disabled. Wherever possible, wheelchair lifts are provided. Certain exhibits and programs do have limited accessibility because of the narrow stair ways or door openings on some railroad passenger cars.Other OfferingsGuided tours and films about the Museum are offered daily. There are man

25、y other chances at the Museum, too, including related historical attractions within Old Sacramento State Historic Park.51. Which of the following is TRUE about the Museum? A. Children may visit the Museum any day of the yearB. Films about the Museum are shown on weekendsC. A student is admitted at h

26、alf the regular priceD. The disabled are admitted free of charge.52. Where is a visitor advised to park his car if hell spend several hours at the Museum? A. In a garage provided by the MuseumB. On a parking space near the MuseumC. On a metered parking space on the street.D. In a public garage at on

27、e end of Old Sacramento.53. Where can a visitor enjoy a good but not too expensive meal? A. The Silver Palace RestaurantB. Any restaurant in Old SacramentoC. Old Sacramento State Historic ParkD. The California State Railroad Museum.BHow Coney Island got its name remains a mystery, though people have

28、 found explanations from almost every stage of its history.A written record came out in 1924. It says that the island was once the home of the Konoh people. The name Konoh was mispronounced and finally became “Coney.”Another explanation finds the name connected with the arrival of Henry Hudson in Ne

29、w York Harbor in 1609. According to it, John Coleman, Hudsons right-hand man, was killed by Indians. To honor him, people named the island after him.The Dutch settled in Manhattan in1624, and they came to Coney Island soon afterwards. Since the Dutch word for rabbit (兔子) was konijn and the island ha

30、d a large population of wild rabbits, many people have supposed this fact to have led to the name. There was a different story about the Dutch word. The Dutch fought the Indians there and were believed to have said that their enemies “ran like rabbits.”According to an article in a magazine, an Irish

31、 captain named Peter O Connor sailed between New York and Ireland in the late 1700s, and he named Coney Island after an island that was close to his home in Ireland and of the same size as the American island.Unfortunately, there is little evidence (证据) that the Dutch, or the English after them, use

32、d any word “Coney” for several centuries. There is a lot of evidence, however, that the name Coney Island came into use in the first half the 19th century, after a ferry (渡船) service to carry passengers from the island to the mainland.54. According to the passage, the name Coney_. A. was mispronounc

33、ed by the Konoh ColemanB. was given by a man called John ColemanC. is related to a ferryD. is close in pronunciation to a Dutch word55. It is said that John Coleman _. A. used his right hand better than the left oneB. was an important assistant of Henry HudsonC. killed many Indians in battles in 160

34、9D. was the first man to reach the island56. The writer believes that the name Coney Island most probably _. A. has a history of less than 200 yearsB. came into use several hundred years agoC. was used first by the English, not the DutchD. is related to the sail from New York to Ireland57. From the

35、passage we know that the word mystery means something _. A. that history books keep a record of B. people have found explanations forC. that has not been known enough aboutD. people have not yet thought aboutCBen Carson, a doctor at Johns Hopkins Childrens center, talks about how he grew up in a poo

36、r Detroit Neighborhood, when peer (同龄人) pressure almost controlled his behavior and even his clothes. He wanted so badly to be considered cool that he begged his mother to buy him an expensive Italian shirt.“My mother made me a deal,” Carson remembers, “She said, Ill give you all the money I make ne

37、xt week. Youll be in charge of the family finance (财务)buying food and other necessities and paying the bills. Whatever you have left over you can spend on whatever you want.”“I thought, this is going to be great,” Carson says, “I bought things we needed most and then began going through the bills. O

38、f course I ran completely out of money long before everything was paid.”Then I realized my mother, with her third-grade education, was a financial genius (理财能手)just to keep food on our table and clothes on our backs with such a small sum of money. Id been a fool. I wanted her to buy me a 75 shirt wh

39、en she only took home 100 a week, cleaning other peoples floors and washing their toilets. I took a hard look at my behavior and wondered how I could be so selfish.”“I started studying again. My grades went back up to As. Some of my peers laughed at me because I did not follow their pattern. But I r

40、efused to let that trouble me, because I had a goal.”The experience had a lasting effect, “I not only saw and felt the difference my mother made in my life, I am living out that difference as a man.”58. When Ben Carson was young, he _.A. wanted to be as cool as other boys of his ageB. tried to attra

41、ct girls with his cool mannerC. was fond of improving family financesD. was seldom good at his lessons59. By saying “My mother made me a deal”, Ben Carson meant that his mother .A. refused to buy him the shirtB. made an agreement with himC. asked him to deal with the problemD. showed him how to save

42、 money60. Ben Carson started studying hard again and rose back to the top because .A. he had got his shirt anywayB. he got his mother as his teacherC. he wanted to be a financial genius D. he had a better goal to run after61. Ben Carsons story tells us that _.A. a boy should not learn from his peers

43、B. he didnt understand his mother as a boyC. what his mother taught him has changed his lifeD. people with little education may become a geniusDMost people can remember a time in their lives when they learned something almost by accident, that is, without consciously (有意识地) trying to learn it. Often

44、 this kind of learning happens when we are in fact trying to learn something else. For example, many people learn a number of English words not by memorizing them or studying them directly, but by doing something they enjoy, like listening to popular songs that contain them. Similarly, some people l

45、earn words in Chinese or Japanese not by studying those languages directly, but by studying martial arts, such as kungfu or aikido, in which Chinese or Japanese terms are used. Foreign students in the United States often learn the system (体系) of measurement simply having to shop and cook for themsel

46、ves. Those activities require them to learn words like pound, gallon, inch and yard.Many educators believe that such a kind of learning, generally called content-based learning, is the best way to learn the rules of a system. Supporters of content-based learning argue that people can best understand

47、 and remember a systems basic rules by coming upon them in the context (环境) of that systemnot by studying and memorizing them out of context. Therefore, supporters of content-based learning feel that grammatical rules can best be mastered indirectly through reading and writing, rather than by mere m

48、emorization. Likewise, they feel that mathematical rules can best be learned by working out real-life problems where such rules are needed to find out the answers. In many cases, our own learning experiences may support the ideas that we have a deeper understanding of rules we find out from context than of those memorized out of context.62. By saying “they learned something almost by accident”, the author means “they learned something without _.” A. paying attention to the accidentB. realizing they are learning it C. understanding what they are learning D. knowing what they


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