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1、她望着蔚蓝的大海。She looked at the blue sea.武行者心中要吃,哪里听他分说,一声喝道:放屁!放屁! ” Pass your wind! Nonsense彩云红雨暗长门,翡翠枝余萼绿痕。As rain bow clouds o' edarke ned door, red petals shower,On jadeite branch is left the trace of falle n flower.接受竟成了劫搜。Taki ng-over turns out to be loot-taki ng.他们种庄稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草。(1) Th

2、ey pla nt crops and grapevi nes, brew and drink win es, feed and milk cows, an dweed and pla nt the garde n.(2) They pla nt crops and grapevi nes, brew wi ne to drink, feed cows to milk an dweed the garde n to grow flowers.(3) They pla nt crops and grapevi nes, brew wine for drink, feed cows for mil

3、k and weed the garde n for flowers.(4) They pla nt crops and grapevi nes, do the garde nin g,brew wine for drink, and feed cows for milk.去教堂祈祷和做礼拜They go to the church to pray and atte nd church service.They go the church, pray ing and atte nding church service.到广场拉琴、跳舞和唱歌a. They play the violi n, d

4、ance and sing.b. They play the violi n, dancing and singing.c. They play dance and sing to the violi n.21世纪前10年,是中国民航承前启后,继往开来的重要时期。The first decade of 21st century will be a period of transition for China' s civil aviation Industry.当时,新中国刚刚成立,百业凋零百废待兴,国民经济基础相当薄弱。At that time, the People' s

5、Republic had just been founded, and the national economic base was weak, with a general pattern cun derdevelopme nt in all sectors.三从四德 Wifely submission and virtues;三纟冈五常 Prin ciples of feudal moral con duct轻徭薄赋low tax rates循环往复,水涨船高a spiral扭亏为盈, go into black 或begi n to make profit脱贫致富shake off po

6、verty (and get rich )男尊女卑;male superiority (and female in feriority)重男轻女son prefere nee巫峡两岸,群山相拥,云遮雾绕,奇峰异岭隐没其间,宛如仙境。景色最妙处要数巫山十二峰,而尤以神女峰独具神韵。巡游于此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊,美不胜收。On the bank of the Wu Gorge are mist-covered fairy-la nd-likemountains and grotesque peaks. The most marvelous sce ne here is the twelve

7、mountains ' peaks, and in particular, goddess Mount peak. To cruise here is like wan deri ng in a n atural art gallery.大批仁人志士,满腔悲愤,万种辛酸,想有所为而不能为,真是英雄无用武之地。So many men and wome n with high ideals, worried and frustrated, wished do someth ing about it, only to find that, able as they were, they ha

8、d no cha nee to carry out their ideals.你知道他们的那一套说法You know their argume nt房间里爆发出一阵大笑The room exploded with laughter.观众中响起一片掌声。Spectators break into applause.他绝望了,正在这时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。He gave up all the hope whe n the appeara nee of a dista nt sail raised his hope of rescue.越来越多的老人接受了子孙对于音乐,迪斯科舞和爵

9、士音乐所表现出的日益浓厚的兴趣这个事实。Its seems that there is a grow ing accepta nee by the old gen erati on of their childre n and their gran dchildre nerestin such forms of music, and disco jazz.我以为世间最可贵的就是今”,最容易丧失的也是今”。因为他最容易丧失,所以更觉得他可以宝贵。Of all things in the world, I think, the prese nt is the most precious, and

10、also the most apt to slip through our fin gers. We, therefore, treasure it all the more because of its tran sie nee.而庭阶寂寞,小鸟时来啄食,人至不去。It was quiet round the steps and small birds would come look ing for food, not bothered by the prese nee of man.住在上海 弄堂房子”里的人对于月亮的圆缺隐现是不甚关心的。People living in the smal

11、l alleyways of Shan ghai pay little atte nti on to the wax ing and waning, or the visibility, of the moon.男性不愿退休,与他们预想中将要失去很多东西有关,其中主要的是失去赚钱的机会,而不是丧失对工作的依恋之情。Relucta nee among men to retire was associated with an ticipated deprivati ons, of mainly of money rather tha n of attachme nt to work.有月亮吧,就像

12、多了一盏灯。 没有月亮吧,犹如街灯损坏了,没有亮起来。Moo n or no moo n simply mea ns the appeara neeof one extra street lamp or that one of the street lamps has gone wrong and ceased to give out light.我先是诧异,接着是很不安,似乎这话与我有关系。My in itial ast oni shme nt gave way to a deep un eas in ess; I felt that this had somethi ng to do wi

13、th me.唉,那是客臣的井蛙之见喽,所谓情人眼里出西施”啦。Alas, that was owing to my ignorance, that is what is called partiality.他想远走高飞,免得心烦。He sought the distractio n of dista nee.这项比赛获得了广泛的宣传。比赛除了令饮食业从业人员了解保持高度卫生水准的重要性以及处理事物的正确方法外,还鼓励市民光顾符合卫生水准的食肆。The wide publicity give n to this eompetiti on not only made people in the t

14、rade realizethe importa nee of maintaining high sta ndards and the right way to han dle food but also en eouraged customers to patr onize restaura nts with satisfactory sta ndards.进口用于信息网络传播的音像制品,参照本办法第十四条的规定办理。The import of the audio and video product s used forin formatio n n etwork dissem in ati

15、on shall be han dled in refere nee to the provisi ons of Article 14 of these Measures.因此,区域市政局订立了发牌制度,藉以管制上述行业及娱乐场所,务求减少严重传染病以及由食物所引起的疾病发生。Through a lice nsing system ,the Council maintains its con trol over such bus in esses and places of en terta inment as a means of mini miz ing the outbreak of s

16、erious in fecti ons and food-related diseases.待辅助设施的配套工程完成后,新业务预期可协同现有的散货装卸业务,强化第二港埠公司的竞争力。Upon the completi on of in stalli ng an cillary equipme nts , the new, line Of bus in ess is expected to syn ergize with the exist ing cargo han dli ng bus in ess in enhancing the competitive ness of the Secon

17、d Stevedori ng Compa ny.由于集装箱公司的平均处理费及处理量均有增长,集装箱公司期内的业绩令人鼓舞As a result of both in creases in average han dli ng fee and han dli ng capacity, the Container Compa ny has achieved an en couragi ng result in the period.虽然酿酒市场在二零零零年竞争激烈,惟王朝仍然能够位列中国顶尖酿酒厂之一。由于客户的喜好经常改变,市场竞 争亦趋激烈,故在广告及宣传活动方面需花上更多工夫,以提高客户对品

18、牌的认识,从而扩展现时的销售网络。Despite kee n eompetiti on in the winery market in 2000 ,Dyn asty is still able to man age to be one of the best fine Wine sellers in the PRC . Due to the cha nging customer prefere nee and severe eompetiti on more efforts have bee n placed on advertis ing and promoti onal campaig n

19、 to arouse the brand aware ness among the customers and to expa nd the existi ng sales n etwork.有几位是要天天打照面的,每每超过他们,乐拓夫总还是恭敬地点点头,并且微微一笑。对方也会报之一笑,那笑容有点象十字路口的绿灯,让人感至 U顺畅地亮着。Some of them he came across every day. Each time he overtook them Yuewould nod respectfully and smile. Their an sweri ng smiles el

20、ated him just as a gree n light at a cross ing.初冬的天,灰暗而且低垂,简直把人压得吁不出一口气。It was early win ter .The gloomy and low sky made one feel suffocat ing.去年三月,他投资 400 万元购买屑和化工原料。In March of last year, he in vested 4 million yua n in saw-dust and chemicals.真正的胜利不是战胜对手,而是战胜自我。(v.转换为prep.)Real victory is n ot ov

21、er on e's rivals but over on eself.灯开着,电视也开着,可家里没人。(v.转换为 advJThe light was on, the TV was playing, but nobody was in.去年黑色西装流行了很长一段时间。(动词转换为副词)Black suits were in for a quite long time last year.他当时不知道我在场。(动词转换为形容词)He was un aware of my prese nee.他热衷科学研究,对名利看得很淡。(v 转换为 adjJHe is keen on scientif

22、ic studies but indifferent to reputation and profits.他有口才,有风度,就是意志软弱。(名词转换为形容词 )He was eloque nt and elega nt, but me ntally soft.他们尽了最大努力帮助病号和伤员。(名词转换为形容词 )They did their best to help the sick and the wou nded.领导干部要讲政治。(名词转换为副词)Cadres should be politically minded.他身体些虽弱,但思想健康。(名词转换为副词)He is physica

23、lly weak but men tally sou nd.他光荣地出席了人民代表大会。(副词转换为名词)He has the honor to attend the People's Congress.他好意地为我指路。(副词转换为名词)He had the kindness to show me the way.他不参加比赛,我们十分失望。(adj.转换为 prep.)To our great disappointment, he did not take part in the eompetition.厨房又赃又乱。(形容词转换为介词短语 )The kitchen was in

24、a mess.他惊讶地看着报纸,不知该如何告诉她这个不幸的信息。(副词转换为介词短语)He read the n ewspaper in ast oni shme nt, at a loss as to how to tell her about the bad n ews.我们必须广泛地利用现代科学技术的新成就。(副词转换为介词短语)We must utilize the achieveme nts of moder n scie nee and tech no logy on a wide scale.一颗小行星将撞击地球的信息传开来,整个世界为之震惊。(小句一短语)The n ews t

25、hat a small pla net was going to collide with the Earth spread over a frighte ned world.只要表姐有个表示,这误解不是就弄明白了?(围城)(小句一短语)Would n't a mere in dicati on from my cous in clear up the misun dersta nding?这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。(2007年真题)(小句一短语)The rich grass and abundant water nurture the sheep so fat t

26、hat they look like plumpbabies. 就天气而言,这个城市没说的。(短语一词)Weatherwise, the city leaves nothing to be desired.年满18岁的公民都有选举权和被选举权。依照法律剥夺选举权和被选举权的人除外。(小句一短语)All citize ns who have reached the age of eightee n have the right to vote and to sta nd forelecti on, with the excepti on of pers ons deprived of these

27、 rights by law.我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。(小句一词)We recog nize that Chin a's Ion g-term moder ni zati on program un dersta ndably and n ecessarily emphasizes econo mic growth. 他在此事上大发雷霆,未免有些小题大做。(小句一短语)His fury over the matter was somewhat exaggerated.他来到华盛顿,就国际形式而言,时机正合适。(短语一词)He arr

28、ived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally.他说会议使人大开眼界。(短语一词)He said the meet ing was in formative你有朋友?” 朋'友是有的。” "Haven't you got any friends?" "I did have friends.”你的事情,只有你自家知道的。” "You alone know what you have done.”过去的事情不必去说它。” "Let's not bother about

29、what has already happened.”邻住者的二妹,这几天来,当她早晨出去上工的时候,我总在那里酣睡,只有午后下工回来的时候,有几次有见面的机会。 As for my n eighbor, Ermei, I now saw her only occasi on ally whe n she returned in the after noon si nee I was usually sound asleep whe n she left her room in the morning.这样的晚上,他必要去买些酒来喝喝。On these days, he would usual

30、ly buy himself a few ounces of wi ne.一天做几个钟头工?” .早晨七点钟起,晚上六点钟止,中午休息一个钟头,每天一共要做十个钟头的工。”"How many hours do you work?" "We start at seve n and finish at six, with an hour's break for food ten hours a day." 楼上只住着一个女工。There lived a woma n worker upstairs.楼下有一个送信的在那里。” "There&

31、#39;s a postman downstairs."半桌上有一只小洋铁箱在那里。There was a small tin case on the table.猪头三!侬(你)艾(眼)睛勿散(生)咯! ” "Swine, have you no eyes?"你家住在什么地方 ?” "Where is your family?"两只眼睛一只大一只小。His eyes were differe nt in size.早晨上工厂去也一路哭了去,晚上回来也一路哭了回来。She used to weep all the way to the fact

32、ory and in the evenings come back with tears trickli ng dow n her cheeks.就吃也不要去吃我们工厂的烟。If you must, please don't smoke my factory's cigarettes.自杀!我有勇气,早就干了。 ” "I could kill myself, I suppose I would have done long ago.少做一点钟就要扣钱。” "We're paid for the hour, and we've got to d

33、o the lot, or we're fined."你吸的烟,每天戒绝了不吸,岂不可省几个铜子。”"Now take your smok ing, for in sta nee. If you cut that you'd be able to save a few coppers."一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?是否严肃认真,看他对待工作、生活的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。(1) But a proper assessme nt of the sig ni fica nee of on e'

34、;s existe nee can still be made if we know, to a certa in exte nt, whether he adopts a serious attitude toward life and how he treats his work and his life. (S1)(2) However, if we gen erally exam ine whether one treats life seriously, and how he thi nks about work and life, we would come to a right

35、con clusi on and n atural estimate on whether or not his existe nee is full of meanin gs.(S2)(3) However, judgi ng from whether one treats his life seriously and the attitude one adopts to treat his life and work, we will feel easier to make proper calculati on on the meaning of on e's life. (S3

36、)物理难学 *Physics is difficult to study. (cf. It is difficult to study physics.)(2) *We are difficult to study physics. (cf. It is difficult for us to study physics.)经过三十余年的岁月,把当时的痛苦,一层层地摩擦干净,现在回想起来,这书塾里的生活,实在是快活得很。The thirty-odd years that have elapsed since the n have soothed away all the pains suffe

37、red at that time; life in the village school, as I remember it now, was really very happy.遇到一声韵味十足的唱,便像是骚着了痒处一般,从丹田里吼出一声好!”若是发现唱出了错,便毫不容情的来一声倒好。When the sin ger hit a perfect no te, it was to them like scratch ing an itch: a roar of "bravo!" came from deep with in them. If the sin ger hit

38、a wrong no te, they would equally forthrightly come out with a catcall.怕只怕三杯酒下肚,豪情大发,嘟嘟嘟,来个瓶底朝天,而且一顿喝不上便情绪不高,颇有怨言,甚至会到处去找酒喝。The pity is after three cups of alcohol he gets wild and unrestrained and ends in gulping down a whole bottle. One meal without liquor will upset him and set him compla ining a

39、nd search ing around for a drink.(船家一听说要过石湖就抬起头来看天,看有没有起风的意思。到进了石湖的时候,脸色不免紧张起来,说笑都停止了。)听得船头略有汩汩的声音,就轻轻互相警戒,浪头!浪头! ” (The crew, on being toldthat I wished to cross it, scanned theheave ns for traces of wind, and as we en tered the lake their features ten sed and laughter ceased) as faint gurglings fr

40、om the bows elicited casual warnings to each other of "Waves, waves!"这些问题内容十分广泛。曾有议员要求延长图书馆的开放时间,亦有议员要求减收非繁忙时间公众泳池入场费,询问 有关防治肝炎蔓延的措施,和在新发展地区提供垃圾收集服务以及管制垃圾收集承办商的问题。These questi ons touched on a wide arrange of subjects ranging from the ex-te nsion of library services to cater to the n eeds

41、of stude nts to the in troduct ion of con cessi onary charges for swimmers using public swim ming pools duri ng off-peak hours.Questi ons were also asked on the measures take n by the Coun cil to preve nt the spread of hepatitis, refuse collect ion for n ewly developed areas and the con trol of priv

42、ate refuse collect ion con tractors.一家人都坐在庭间曝日,甚至于吃午饭也在屋外,像夏天的晚饭一样。日光晒到那里,就把椅凳移到那里,忽然寒风 来了,只好逃难似地各自带了椅凳逃入室中,急急把门关上。The whole family would sit sunning themselves in the yard, and even take lunch outdoors, in the same way as we had supper in summer. Chairs and stools were moved around to catch the bes

43、t of the sun light. But the n if the wi nd blew up we were forced to beat a hasty retreat i ndoors, carry ing our chairs with us like a lot of refugees.愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿筵席,缺点就都找出来了。The more you have, the more sober you become un til the dinner ends up with all the flaws exposed.他没有愤怒,没有怨恨,只有一种他知道无法填补的空虚

44、。There was no an ger in him, no rese ntme nt, only a hollow ness that he knew could not be filled aga in.在第二次世界大战中,他屡建奇功,迅速擢升。The Second World War bought him rapid battle promoti on due to his marvelous achieveme nts.我从来也没有想至 U她这么不老实。It n ever occurred to me that she was so dish on est.从1840到1880这四十

45、年中,近一千万移民移居美国。The forty years, 1840-1880, brought almost ten millio n migra nts to America.一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地受到关怀与照顾。From the mome nt we stepped into the People's Republic of China, care and kindn ess surro un ded us on every side.我兴奋得什么话也说不出来。Exciteme nt deprived me of all power of uttera nee

46、.我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.丽贝卡看见她周围的小姐那么福气,享受种种优越的权利,却有说不出的眼红。The happ in ess the superior adva ntages of the young wome n round about her, gave Rebecca in expressible pangs of envy. 这小伙子长相老实,看上去脾气也好,到处有人缘。The little chap's good-natured hon est face won

47、 his way for him.我很幸运,能够得到你,让我们永不分离吧。My good fortu ne has sent you to me, and we will never part.那些贫苦工人挣至 U的钱几乎不够养家糊口。The poor workers seldom earn eno ugh money to keep their families alive.小王的英语水平比小李高。Xiao Wang kn ows En glish better than Xiao Ll.动量的定义是速度和物体质量的乘积。Mome ntum is defined as the product

48、 of the velocity and the mass of the body.德国相机的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。The Germa n cameras are chiefly characterized by their fine workma nship and durability .讨论的范围涉及生活学习工作等各个方面的问题。The discussion covers; all problems concerning study , life and work.前怕狼后怕虎的态度将会使你一事无成。"Fearing dragons ahead and tigers b

49、ehind ” uw iihresthing to you.抗日战争和解放战争中牺牲的八路军战士和解放军战士永垂不朽。Eternal glory bel ongs to the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who laid dow n their lives in the An ti-Japa nese War and the soldiers who laid dow n their lives in the Liberati on War.伪军士气低落,纷纷哗变、倒戈,傀儡政权内部分崩离析。Desertio ns and defectio ns ar

50、e rife amo ng the puppet troops as aresult of low morale, and the puppet regime is torn by internal strife.他听至 U这话心一跳,脸色也变了。At this his heart missed a beat and he became pale.做实验时他,心不在焉,闯下了大祸。 His abse nee of mind duri ng the making of an experime nt caused a serious accide nt. 她立即想起那间小屋,那个罩着白布的大书架,

51、那窗台上的小闹钟,那张三屉桌(谌容人到中年)Her thoughts immediately turned to that small room with the large bookcase covered with a white cloth, the little alarm clock on the win dow-sill and the desk.刘姥姥听见这般音乐,且又有了酒,越发喜的手舞足蹈起来。Now the music, on top of the wine, set Granny Liu wavi ng her arms and beati ng time with he

52、r feet for cheer delight.轧轧轧的轮机声和洋油臭飞散在这和平的绿色的田野。The peaceful gree n coun tryside was filled with the chuggi ng of the boat engine and the st ink of its exhaust.她忽然提出了这么个问题,使余敬唐吃了一惊。立刻看出这姑娘还是个刚离娘窝的雏儿”。(杨沫青春之歌This abrupt questi on took Yu Jin gta ng by surprise and made him realize the girl was a you

53、ng bird just able to fly.可惜叶子伤了水,红的又不透。(杨朔香山红叶)Too bad that the rain had spoilt the color, preventing them from turning a true red.红叶就在高山坡上,满眼都是,半黄半红的。(杨朔香山红叶)Slope higher up was completely covered with them (leaves) yellowi ng and turni ng red.她(三仙姑)吃完了饭,换上新衣服、新手帕、绣花鞋、镶边裤,又擦了一次粉,加了几件首饰,然后叫于福给她备上驴,

54、于福给她赶上,往区上去。(赵树理小二黑结婚)Third Fairy-maid thereup on fini shed her breakfast, put on a new dress, anew kerchief, a pair of embroidered shoes, and a pair of trousers with embroidered borders. She once more dabbed her face with powder and put some silver pins and combs in her hair. Then she asked Yu Fu t

55、o lead the don key out. They set out for the district gover nment, Third Fairy-maid ridi ng in front, while her husba nd trailed beh ind urging the don key along.这时船慢了,不久就到,果然近不得台旁,大家只能下了篙,比那正对戏台的神棚还要远。(鲁迅社戏)The boat had slowed dow n now, and soon we arrived. True eno ugh, it was impossible to get c

56、lose to the stage. We had to make fast even farther away from it tha n the Shrine opposite.大家立刻都赞成,和开船时候一样踊跃,三四人径奔船尾,拔了篙,点退几丈,回转船头,架起橹,骂着老旦,又向那松柏林前进了。 We all promptly agreed, becoming as eager as when we had set out Three or four boys ran to the stern , seized the poles to punt back several yards, t

57、hen headed the boat around. Cursing the old woman , they (we) set up the oars and started back for the pin e-forest.三仙姑也暗暗猜透大家的心事,衣服穿得更新鲜,头发梳得更光滑,首饰擦得更明,宫粉搽得更匀,不由青年们不跟着她转来转去。(赵树理小二黑结婚)Third Fairy-maid knew only too well what was on their mind. So, on every occasi on, she put on nicer clothes and kep

58、t her hair smoothed, her trin kets polished and her face powdered in order to attract these impious flies.三仙姑和大家不同,虽然已经四十五岁,却偏爱当个老来俏,小鞋上仍要绣花,裤腿上仍要镶边,顶门上有头发脱光 了,用黑手帕盖起来,只可惜宫粉涂不平脸上的皱纹,看起来好象驴粪蛋上下了霜。But she was not like other wome n.Although forty-five, she still tried to make herself attractive to men. She wore embroidered shoes and trousers with embroidered borders. Her head, now going bald, she covered with a black kerchief. The only pity was that powder failed to hide all the wrin kles on her face, which looked like a don key's egg-shaped dropp in gs, covered with a l


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