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1、 The Spring Festivall The lunar calendar new year origin,has The lunar calendar new year origin,has the basis,also is rich and picks the the basis,also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before; Most is several mi

2、llenniums before; Most is famous is the year beast fable.The famous is the year beast fable.The year beast isa cruel terrible wild year beast isa cruel terrible wild animal,ancient times the person believed animal,ancient times the person believed yearbeast when lunar New Years Eve yearbeast when lu

3、nar New Years Eve night can come out eats the person.night can come out eats the person.The fable the year beast extremely The fable the year beast extremely fears red,the flame and quarrelsthe fears red,the flame and quarrelsthe mixed sound,the people on paste the red mixed sound,the people on past

4、e the red paper in the gate,andselects the torch paper in the gate,andselects the torch all night,is setting off the artillery all night,is setting off the artillery candle,avoids the year beast.To second candle,avoids the year beast.To second day early morning,hascongratulated day early morning,has

5、congratulated the sound to the ear,inthe sound to the ear,in the air does not the air does not fill theair is defeating the year fill theair is defeating the year beast the victory and the rebirth joy.beast the victory and the rebirth joy. 春节l农历新年的来源农历新年的来源,有根据有根据,且丰富而多采多姿且丰富而多采多姿的传说可追溯到几千年前;其中最有名的的

6、传说可追溯到几千年前;其中最有名的就是年兽的传说就是年兽的传说.年兽是一个残忍凶猛年兽是一个残忍凶猛的野兽的野兽,古代人相信年兽在除夕夜时会出来古代人相信年兽在除夕夜时会出来吃人吃人.传说年兽极惧怕红色、火光及吵杂的传说年兽极惧怕红色、火光及吵杂的声音声音,人们就在门上贴著红纸条人们就在门上贴著红纸条,并整夜点著并整夜点著火炬、燃放炮烛火炬、燃放炮烛,来避开年兽来避开年兽.到了第二到了第二天一大早天一大早,恭喜之声不绝於耳恭喜之声不绝於耳,空气中弥漫著空气中弥漫著打败年兽胜利与重生的喜悦打败年兽胜利与重生的喜悦. 春节习俗春节习俗Spring Festival Gala Reunion din

7、ner 春节家人所吃的食物有:lBraised fish in soy sauceBraised fish in soy sauce、fried rice fried rice cakecake、llongevity noodles longevity noodles 、dumplingsdumplings、sweet sweet and sour spare ribs and so on.and sour spare ribs and so on.(糖醋鱼、(糖醋鱼、炸年糕、长寿面、饺子、糖醋排骨等等)炸年糕、长寿面、饺子、糖醋排骨等等)还有些春节时吃的食物 春节祝福词春节祝福词lMay you come into a good fortune! l祝你财源广进!祝你财源广进!lA happy New Year to you. l 新年快乐。新年快乐。l Every


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