



1、7A Unit1Unit3 重点单词, 短语词组及语法.一、重点词汇名词: 1. e-dog 电子狗2. master 主人3. year 年,岁4. grade 年级5. reading 阅读6. club 俱乐部7. music 音乐8. swimming 游泳9. galsses 眼镜10.hobby 兴趣, 爱好11. badminton 羽毛球12. volleyball 排球13. court 球场14. football field 足球场15.swimming pool游泳池16. fish 鱼, 鱼肉 17. Maths 数学18. lunchtime 午餐时间19. day

2、 天, 日20. walking 散步, 步行21. walk 散步22. drawing 绘画23. weekend 周末 24. hour 小时25.dinner 正餐,宴会26. restaurant 餐馆27.grandparent外)祖父母28. sport 体育(运动)29. news 新闻,消息30. score 得分31. player 运动员32. team 队, 组33. member 成中员34. goal 得分35. age 年龄36. birthplace 出生地37. match 比赛38. CD39. rubber 橡皮40. lesson 功课41. sleep

3、 睡觉42. fun 享乐, 乐趣43. exercise 锻炼44. activity 活动45. chat 聊天46. swimmer 游泳者47. kind 种类48. mail 邮件,电子邮件49. comic 连环漫画50. talk 演讲, 讲座51. trip 旅行,旅程52. information 信息53. location 地点,位置54. district 区, 地区55. price 价格56. adult 成年人57. wish 希望,愿望58. dislike 厌恶的对象59. reason 理由60. part 部分61. ghost 鬼62. dress 服装

4、63. Christmas 圣诞节64. festival 节日65. mooncake 月饼66. candy 糖果67. mask 面具68. trick 恶作剧 69. pumpkin 南瓜70. lantern 灯笼71. turkey 火鸡72. rice dumpling 粽子73. January 一月74. Februaru二月75. March 三月76. April 四月77. May 五月78. June 六月79. July 七月80. August 八月81. September 九月82. October 十月83. November 十一月84. December

5、 十二月85. spring 春天86. summer 夏天 87. autumn 秋天88. winter 冬天89. firework 烟花90. candle 蜡烛91. neighbour 邻居92. light 光, 光线动词:1. wear 戴, 穿2. enjoy 喜欢3. shine 发光, 照耀4. call 把.叫做,给.取名5. walk 带散步6. fly 飞, 放飞7. run 跑, 跑步8. score 得分9. win 赢得10. borrow 向别人借用11. say 说,讲12. understand 懂得,理解13. start 开始14. begin 开始

6、15. sounmd 听起来16. sleep 睡觉17. exercise 锻炼18. chat 聊天19. spend 花费20. practise 练习,操作21. send 发送,运送22. use 使用23. should 应该24. talk 谈话25. will 将,将要26. organize 组织27. dislike 不喜欢,厌恶28. celebrate 庆祝29. dress 给穿衣服30. knock 敲, 击打31. shout 叫喊32. treat 招待33. paint 给涂色34. cut 切, 割35. fish 钓鱼, 捕鱼36. must 必须形容词:

7、 1. slim2. traditional 传统的3. hard4. sharp 尖的, 锋利的5. polite6. helpful7. every8. next9. well10. excited 兴奋的11. wonderful 出色的12. own 自己的13. fun 有趣的14. best 最好的15. much 许多的,大量的16. better 更好的17. both 双方的18. busy 忙碌的19. each 每个的, 每一20. closed 关闭的21. ready 准备好的22. difficlut 难的,困难的23. clever 聪明的24. after-sc

8、hool 课外的25. special 特别(殊)的26. interesting 有趣的副词:1. after2. hard3. always4. usually5. then6. sometimes7. often8. next9. again 再一次地10. really 真正地11. just 确实,完全12. best 最好地13. first 首先14. twice 两次, 加倍15. much 非常, 更加16. better 更好地17. together 一起, 共同18. maybe 大概,或许19. why 为什么代词: 1. everyone 每个人2. someone

9、 某个人3. both 两者, 双方介词: 1. after 在后(面)2. except 不包括,除.外连词: 1. if 如果, 假如2. so 因此,所以3. when 当的时候二、短语词组:1. look after 照顾, 照料2. be born 出生3. play football 踢足球4. come / be from 来自于5. listen to music 听音乐6. 12 years old 12岁7. work hard 努力工作8. be good at (doing) sth. 擅长于(做)某事 9. love doing sth. 喜欢做某事10. enjoy

10、 doing sth. 喜爱做某事11. on the badminton court 在羽毛球场12. in the swimming pool 在游泳池里面13. walk my dog = take my dog for a walk 溜狗14. take the bus 乘公共汽车15. score goals 得分, 进球16. look + adj. 看起来17. sound + adj. 听起来18. ones favourite + 名词 某人最喜欢的19. wake sb. up 叫醒某人20. go to sleep 去睡觉21. spend time doing sth.

11、 花时间做某事22. all the time 一直23. meet up with sb. 约见某人24. listen to sb. 听某人的话, 听某人讲25. know a lot about sth. 精通,非常了解某事26. talk about sth. 谈论某事27. cant hear sb. well 不太听得清某人的话28. thank sb. for doing sth. 为做某事感谢某人29. the price for . 的价格30. except Monday 除了周一31. be good for 对某人有益32. look forward to (doing

12、) sth. 期待(做)某事33. get ready for sth. 为某事做好准备34. tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事35. dress up as 打扮成36. Chinese New Year=Spring Festival 春节37. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节38. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节39. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节40. tell sb about sth. 告诉某人关于某事41. trick or treat 不招待就使坏42. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人43. give sb

13、. sth. a treat 给某人某物作为招待44. wear special costumes with masks 穿带面具的特别服装45. cut out 挖出, 切出, 剪出46. make sth. out of sth. 用.制作.47. have sth. for breakfast/lunch 早餐/午餐吃48. on holiday 度假49. in a special costume 穿特别的服装50. likebest 最喜欢51. in many ways 用许多方法52. on the last day of 在的最后一天三、重点句型1. I love readin

14、g. 我喜爱阅读2. I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now. 我出生在上海, 但现在住在北京.3. She is good at swimming. 她擅长游泳.4. He is the newest member in it. 他是球队中最新的成员.5. Your new friends sound great! 你的新朋友听上去真棒! 6. He plays for Huanghe Football Team. 他为黄河足球队踢球.7. He wears glasses. 他戴眼镜.8. What are you going to

15、 do today, Eddie? 埃迪, 你今天打算做什么?9. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 有些狗就是不知道怎样娱乐.10. I spend about two hours a day doing my homework. 我每天花大约两个小时做家庭作业.11. They are playing badminton. 他们正在打羽毛球12. She is very busy and does not have much time to talk with her friends. 她很忙, 没有太多时间和朋友交谈.13. We wil

16、l have our trip from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. next Monday. 我们将在下周一下午一点到五点外出游玩.14. Thank you for organizing the class trip. 谢谢你组织这次班级外出活动.15. We would like to go to Beijing Zoo in Xicheng District. 我们想去位于西城区的北京动物园.16. We are all looking forward to a great day out! 我们都期待着这次愉快的出游.17. What do you think of your

17、new school? 你觉得你的新学校怎么样?18. We play a game called trick or treat. 我们玩一种名叫 不招待就使坏 的游戏.19. If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them. 假如他们不款待我们, 我们就可以捉弄他们.20. We wear special costumes with masks. 我们穿着带面具的特别的服装.21. Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are. 有时我们在脸

18、上涂上油彩,人们就不知道我们是谁了.22. My family always have a party on the evening of October 31st.我们家总在十月三十一号晚上举行晚会.23. Lots of love. 非常爱你的24. Here is what I do every week. 这就是每个星期我所做的事情.25. It is my first time to see it and I am very excited. 这是我第一次看狮舞表演. 我非常兴奋.26. They put candles in them so the light shines through the ey


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