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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语课外阅读教案(四年级)建湖县九龙口镇中心小学JULIAS PICTURES简案教学内容:快乐阅读JULIAS PICTURES教学目标:1让学生会听、会读、会说单词circles, mess, mashed potatoes, bottle of ketchup , give up, pick up ,left hand, neat, round, clean, perfect 2让学生会听、会读、会说句型she can she cant 3试着让学生掌握三种阅读方法.教学重难点:1让学生会听、会读、会说单词circles, mess, mashed potato

2、es, bottle of ketchup , give up, pick up ,left hand, neat, round, clean, perfect2让学生会听、会读、会说句型she can she cant 3试着让学生掌握三种阅读方法.设计理念:让学生体会阅读乐趣,掌握阅读方法。教学准备:课件、头饰学程预设:Step one: Warming up1. Enjoy an English song about pictures.2. Greetings.3. Play a guessing game about pictures.【设计意图:以游戏的方式导入故事的主人公,调动课堂

3、气氛,使课堂充满活力。】Step two: Presentation1. Introduce the park 2. Whats in the park?Listen and complete.There is There is 3. Read and choose.What can you draw?What about JULIA?Can she draw well?4. Read and match 她依次画了哪些东西?5. Read and circle她画的每样东西像什么?6. Look and think【设计意图:本环节的阅读教学中,设计了不同形式的问题,由浅入深,层层剖析,便于

4、学生深入理解文本对话。初步教学生三种阅读技巧,也为以后的学习做铺垫。】Step three: Consolidation1. English theatre.2. Lets talkWhat do you want to do in trouble?【设计意图:本环节意在指导学生学会思考,学以致用。问题的设计贴近生活。】Step four: HomeworkUmit2 What a bad dog!Step1 Free talk What day is it today? What lessons do you have this morning? What animals do you li

5、ke? Do you like dogs? Today well learn a story about a dog? His name is Floppy.Step2. Read the story and match. (P15 Exercise A) Monday pull the washing down Tuesday bark a lot Wednesday go in the mud Thursday push the Lego over Friday go on the concreteStep3. Try to learn theses new phrases. Try to

6、 read, listen and repeat, watch the pictures to get the meanings.Step4. Try to say Talk about what Floppy does according to the pictures. Try to retell.Step5. Read and answer. Do they like the dog at first?Why?(Learn: What a bad dog! be mad at.) Do they like the dog at last?Why? (What a good dog!We

7、love Floppy. )Step6. Listen and repeat.Step7. Read in groups.Step8. Dub the picture book.Step9. Think and write.Do you like Floppy? Why?快乐英语四年级下册unit3教案一、教学内容:英语小故事:The dog and his bone二教学目标: 1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 bone,woods,show off,bigger,reflection,give.2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 on ones way home,show off.3.能

8、从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。4.要懂得道理:知足常乐!三教学重难点:1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 bone,woods,show off,bigger,reflection,give.2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 on ones way home,show off.3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。四教学过程:Step one. Warming up1. enjoy a song2. greet3. free talkStep two. Presentation1.The dog sees a big bone when he walks in th

9、e woods.Teach words:bone ,woods.2.The dog is very happy,why?He has a so big bone.The dog shows off his bone.Teach: show off3.The dog sees a bigger bone. The dog sees his reflection in the river. Teach: reflection ,bigger4.The dog barks at his reflection in the river.5.The dog finds nothing in the ri

10、ver. Wheres that dog?Wheres his bone?Wheres my bone?6.At last,the dog finds nothing in the river.Step three. Consolidation1.Try to retell this story.2.Read and choose.3.We know be happy with what you have.Step four. Homework1. Retell the story.2. Copy the new words.快乐英语四年级下册unit4教案一、教学内容:英语小故事:Frien

11、ds二教学目标: 1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 :forest ,hear,reach,safe,hurt,pretend,dead,trust,leave,understand2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 :take a talk ,Thats close,Thank God!,in danger3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。4.要懂得道理:患难见真情!三教学重难点:1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词: forest ,hear,reach,safe,hurt,pretend,dead,trust,leave,understand2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或

12、句型 :take a talk ,Thats close,Thank God!,in danger3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。四教学过程:Step one. Warming up1. Enjoy a song2. Greet3. Free talkStep two. Presentation1.T:Do you have any friends?Who are they?T:Look ,they are friends,too.(Present Jack and Bob)2. Watch and answerQ:What do they do? What happens

13、to them?Teach:forest ,hear,take a talk 3.Read and underline.How do they do when they see a bear?What do they say?4.look,read and choose.Bob is. Jack is.5.Read and chooseWhats the meaning of “Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger?”6.Read and matchStep three. Consolidation1.Try to retell thi

14、s story.2.Read and choose.3.We know a friend in need is a friend indeedStep four. Homework1. Retell the story.2. Copy the new words.快乐英语四年级下册unit5教案一、教学内容:英语小故事 Hey presto!二教学目标: 1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 conjuror,stage,excited,earring,invite,wave.2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 borrow.from,o,cover.with.He borrows

15、.from.and o.3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。4.要懂得道理 没有艰辛,便无所获。三教学重难点:1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 conjuror,stage,excited,earring,invite,wave.3.2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 borrow.from,o,cover.with.He borrows.from.and o.3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。四教学过程:Step one. Warming up1. enjoy a song2. greet3. free talkW

16、hat day is it today?What do you like?.Step two. Presentation1.Do you like magic?Today lets watch a show.Teach words:watch a show.2.Look,He is a conjuror on the stage,he says“ladies and gentlemen”Teach: conjuror, stage,ladies and gentlemen.3.How about everyone?Teach: excited.4.How does the conjuror d

17、o first? Teach: He borrows.from.and o. Tie,earring,watch,5.Then how does the conjuror do again?Teach: He invites. He puts.on. He waves.and.shouts“Hey presto!”1.At last,the boy has everything!Step three. Consolidation1.Try to retell this story.2.Read and choose.3.Read and match.4.We know :Has

18、 not been difficult,then does not have attains.Step four. Homework1. Retell the story.2. Copy the new words.快乐英语四年级下册unit6教案一、教学内容:英语小故事:The great spaghetti suit二教学目标: 1学生能理解故事内容,初步说出故事大意。2. 在故事学习过程中掌握新词spaghetti, suit ,singer ,angel dull concert ,come loose, come apart 3.能从不同角度理解故事的寓意。4.要懂得道理:心灵美才是

19、真的美。三教学重难点:1学生能理解故事内容,初步说出故事大意。2. 阅读方法与技巧引导和渗透。四教学过程:Step 1. Warming up1. Enjoy a song:Clothes song2. GreetingsStep 2. Pre-reading1.Watch a video:(群星演唱会)Teach words: singer, angel, concert2.Play a game: magic eyes(图片) coat, shirt, jeans,shorts, suit(T: Herere some different kinds of suits. Paper sui

20、t ,cotton suit ,silk suit , spaghetti suit学习 揭题 Unit 6 The great spaghetti suit )3.Look and guess;What can you see in these pictures?(呈现文本图片,预测文本)Step3 While-reading 1.Listen and chooseQuestions: Who is the man in the spaghetti suit? A. a famous singer B. the boss of the shopWhy does he need the gre

21、at suit?A.Because he thinks these suits are dull.B.Because he doesnt like clothes.Why does the dogs run after the man?A.Becaue they like him.B.Because they want to eat the spaghetti(学习短语 come loose come apart)2. Read and complete(小组合作,完成书后习题1)3. Listen and follow4.Read in roles(小组内分角色,读一读)Step4 Post

22、-reading 1.Read and choose: What do you think of the man?(T: We know the man has a voice like an angel. But does he have a heart like an angel? )让学生自由说出答案2.Try to act out the story in groups.(T: Lets perform the story.)3.What do you know from the story?The beauty of mind is the real one.(心灵美才是真的美。)T

23、he beauty of a bird lies in its feathers, a person in his heart.(鸟美在羽毛,人美在心灵。)Step 5. Homework1. Retell the story to your parents in English.2. Copy the new words.快乐英语四年级下册unit7教案一、教学内容:英语小故事:The lifeguards二教学目标: 1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 lifeguards,pool,mean,dive,popcorn,deep,end2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 blow ones

24、 whistle,o.,the deep end3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。4.要懂得道理:1.自觉遵守公共秩序;2.知错就改。三教学重难点:1,学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词 lifeguard,pool,mean,dive,popcorn2.能听懂,会读,会说词组或句型 blow ones whistle,o.,the shallow end,the deep end3.能从阅读中找到阅读的乐趣和掌握一定的阅读方法。四教学过程:Step 1.:Warming up1. Enjoy a song2. Greeting3. Free ta

25、lkT: What can you do? Can you swim?Step 2:Presentation1.Look , guess and checkT:Look at these three pictures.Guess! Where are they? Who are they? What do they do? Learn: pool, lifeguard, blow the whistle2.Listen and tickT: What do they do? ( )dive into the pool ( ) run and jump into the water ( )swim carefully ( ) push friends into the p


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