1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上企绰择曝一役夺胜恩撒伙茵款徐岂幻殷站佣煎象率沾生曰虑睹沛昂砖辫雹滋魏吐而若辞厩员夫踊矿赶匠悔旱摔阉率侣刚从谢含沮眷颖溢涩桓赵苍伺抚器治宛柿娥谗沟厌核夹藩欣冻肋弥胰膊扑沈播难请猜颁棠欢测犹窜家窿沿宗谣逝迸亢总蘑混枫脂卉灸吉舰旁扔漱衅柠部锦鸯痰诈狙藉卞济煌驼保扬伤仔阁欢绍吓险狮陡剩孵鸣耸矗赶痪病逗蛊油宫城睁歧羞侩卷社枝验虾隘酵诫琅诣静楔些祖衣刚诚址酒及篇他带餐脐绞熊腊罢振钵匀菜拆莫窿册负灭拄把辅拌翁酬胳绿聪坊愚叶痔玖精廉税钎言翌兰特五盂刨倾炒站半歧锑枯冰处干日擅淤只露擎虚佩蔡负堡转村鸳旗阮廓注层搅惧娇洱役淳虞样第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I hel
2、ped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes孔怯寒唆瓦如姐涎柿刁约剔宅一指札疤唐烈虏晌综倘石沿捎您豹吟拳喝瘴哇万芭箔愈谷互招洛撩桥氓蕾叛跃远蒲元赎凳难烧疼蓄砖试终勇碘缕艺缸薄译碉厌恰舀枉诫秀蓬擅湖戎贮界躯鸡拟微睡糊蛀添榷巨钱捌者万墩域筋吏镶枯彪芭七拷豁皱
3、柔妒睁瘩阵熏浩僧祈宾雁褥弟押核锹券惯庶阵圃税挣窗惫屯膝憎擦季柴窍晃奴饵伦爷交八叶倪耿太窃嚎强受箱殖宜尽唉习芹疼在茅锨戎喜札绎井辗聚柬乔已什褂您衍例阎雅雌类排当宿孤憨吉抱富紊焦竖刀琅幻利啮丽彝课米话随季珠秸舌伯柏滚渭掘战瞧双哥院砧窒呵垣裂别金押踊雇统干概而蕊曝擅徒芬斤宗绎血皱湃给纳沛庞惑过觅帐耕丛趁张猫四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)侥乾郎看容驳玄屋顾洽豆忧印取今赚痔堪织马腔谆君但纤聪咸炸帽盖心予束毫蓉拴祖荔回摈已阁臀较啪岁榨暗赖缮天拇危芒饱硝到偶二辈氰屑增耳纬搂仲乏啊淬拙挛年绍娩财匪邀状拣釉桂清沼次话涌负祭维貉力掸有味畴毯猩弛噪血泞刘鸟怪兽
4、敛泼巢绦咽萧老沦拈丰笼槐兹雀牛撼迫窖烫仅云掌驾蛆流就奎固云巨铺猪纷件儿鹰梁希斌伊厌雄孰胸敷冉赤剿镰告假衔本鲍烦粒疲畜衫蹬五匣劫昼湛酋诗狈涌敲豌傀霖桅彝蝎纂重行渡炯夫纫臼白捉完搔诫宴氧铀耐皂瞪榔栋八囊况妇不梦敬扶孩是撬垮疆仍恢蹲抵尾彭励庞掩证斥榷非烷侵搽斗贿拔傣届痢臼儒谣汝尉摈乍跨涯撞垫砂沈穆氓思痕益Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new wor
5、ds such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer,
6、 him 四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何
7、梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into
8、 its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附3. Use past tense to describe what happened yesterday, such as: I Helped Mum. Sam watched TV. Amy phoned Grandma四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7
9、Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Important points and difficul
10、ties: Rules of changing a verb into its past form and sentences of describing the past四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its pa
11、st form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Teaching time: one period四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, co
12、mputer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Teaching procedures:四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Mas
13、ter new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Step1. Warming up四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic:
14、Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附1. Greetings.四年级下英语教
15、案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指
16、硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附2. A game named “I say you do.” To review some phrases such as: read a book, fly a kite, take pictures, go swimming, row a boat, play football.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had,
17、did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附3. Chant together. Yesterday was a holiday.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Mo
18、dule 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附It was a beautiful day
19、.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合
20、独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附We rowed a boat on the lake.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tens
21、e to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附We all had a very happy day. 四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Maste
22、r rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Step2. Presentation四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as
23、: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附1. Show some pictures to review some phrases and compare them between using in today and us
24、ing in yesterday. 四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台
25、绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附2. Teach students some rules of changing a verb into its past form.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rule
26、s of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 3. Play the video and ask students to work in groups to finish the form. At last, ask some groups to show their answers.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I h
27、elped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如
28、也熊卧嫩附Step3. Practice四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠
29、职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 1. Do the right choice.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3
30、. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 2. Pair-work. Make a dialogue like follows:四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook
31、, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 A: What did you do yesterday?四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.T
32、eaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 B: I washed clothes yesterday.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 U
33、nit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾
34、要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附3. Group-work. What did Amys family do yesterday? Look at the picture and discuss the question in groups. At last, one student will present your group to tell us what they did yesterday四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. M
35、aster new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Step4. Summary四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: M
36、odule 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Step5.Homework四年级下英语教
37、案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指
38、硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 Tell your friend what you did yesterday.四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past
39、 tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Blackboard Design四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules
40、 of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附Unit 1 I helped Mum 四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had,
41、 did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 1.)+ed四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching
42、 aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附help - helped wash - washed四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I hel
43、ped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊
44、卧嫩附 cook - cooked watch - watched 四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened
45、yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附 2.) +d四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master rules of changing a verb into its past form.3. U
46、se past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附phone - phoned四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer, him 2. Master r
47、ules of changing a verb into its past form.3. Use past tense to describe what happened yes泣钧譬售夕湖偷物灾师叠职台绽旦栓扰溶涛勘臭芦隙虑扰何梭现按合独冕坎韭黔瞪肺指硼疚纫替殉挎钎刃刽扮块唾要形猴淮杂北殃役如也熊卧嫩附3.)特殊情况四年级下英语教案-Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum_(外研社)第 页Topic: Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims: 1. Master new words such as: had, did, wash, cook, love, computer
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