1、1(节选)(节选)(Excerpt)By Ralph Waldo Emerson国金国金062062:郑伊拉:郑伊拉 黄丽珍黄丽珍 李敏芬李敏芬2the American towering figure of his era, was responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England, and he was recognized throughout his life as the leader of the movement. Emerson was born in Boston, the son of a Unitarian
2、 minister who died when Emerson was eight years old. He attended Harvard, studied theology, and became a Unitarian minister himself in 1829. At Concord that Emerson wrote his first book, Nature (1836). Ralph Waldo Emerson3 Nature is one of Emersons best-known and most influential essays, it is a lyr
3、ical expression of the harmony Emerson felt between himself and nature. The main idea of the essay is that nature inspires spiritual understanding in human being. In this excerpt, the author accounts that the most enriching form of solitude is to be alone with nature, yet because nature is always pr
4、esent, we tend to take it for granted. Nature provides perfect joy, a oneness with God, an understanding of immortal beauty and the interconnection of all things. However, the ability to see these truths lies within the viewer. Emerson4To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his cham
5、ber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds will separate between him and what he touches. One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with his
6、design, to give man, in the heavenly bodies, the perpetual presence of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore, and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which
7、 had been shown! But every night come out the envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.5One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with his design, to give man, in the heavenly bodies, the perpetual presence of the sublime. 令人不禁遐想:夜空如此明净,是为了向人展示天令人不禁遐想:夜空如此明净,是为
8、了向人展示天国永恒的瑰丽。国永恒的瑰丽。衔衔接接上上文文Sublime: of very high quality and causing great admiration庄严?庄严?壮丽?壮丽?透明的?透明的?6 Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! 站在城市的街道仰望,它们是那么的璀璨。站在城市的街道仰望,它们是那么的璀璨。 化被动为主动化被动为主动7If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore
9、, and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! 假如这星光千年一现,我们就会心怀敬意,把假如这星光千年一现,我们就会心怀敬意,把这天这天国的回忆国的回忆世代相传世代相传虚虚拟拟语语气气的的翻翻译译中文轻时态中文轻时态8But every night come out the envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.然而,每晚这些美的使者都会出现,用它们那带着然
10、而,每晚这些美的使者都会出现,用它们那带着劝诫意味的微笑照亮夜空。劝诫意味的微笑照亮夜空。顺顺序序影影响响情情绪绪1.To tell sb firmly that you do not approve sth that they have done2.To strongly advice sb to do sth训诫?训诫?告诫?告诫?9The stars awaken a certain reverence because, though always present, they are inaccessible;星辰,星辰,可望而不可即可望而不可即,这这唤醒了人们唤醒了人们心心中的中的信仰
11、;信仰; 某些,某种。某些,某种。没有美感,把它模糊变具体没有美感,把它模糊变具体直译:既是经常出现,却触摸不到。直译:既是经常出现,却触摸不到。 这里应用了成语:可望而不可即这里应用了成语:可望而不可即 符合中文表达习惯,显得简洁符合中文表达习惯,显得简洁指代了前面的内容,有表示原因的意味指代了前面的内容,有表示原因的意味整句话翻译用了逆译法整句话翻译用了逆译法比较符合中文的表达习惯,也显得简洁比较符合中文的表达习惯,也显得简洁10原意:相关联的,原意:相关联的,有血缘关系的有血缘关系的but all natural objects make a kindred impression whe
12、n the mind is open to their influence. 然而当然而当心扉敞开心扉敞开,人们总能感受到自然,人们总能感受到自然万物的万物的亲切熟悉亲切熟悉。原意:相关联的,原意:相关联的,有血缘关系的有血缘关系的译成心扉敞开,译成心扉敞开,显得简洁,比较有中文显得简洁,比较有中文的美感的美感这里也根据中文的表达习惯改变了语序,也这里也根据中文的表达习惯改变了语序,也应用成语使其比较简洁应用成语使其比较简洁11Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit.大自然从不是大自然从不是智者智者的的玩物玩物。原意为玩具,翻译成玩物原意为玩具,翻
13、译成玩物表达的情感更加强烈表达的情感更加强烈直译:聪明的精神,这里直译:聪明的精神,这里根据上下文翻译成智者根据上下文翻译成智者12The flowers, the animals, the mountains reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood.花草、动物、山峦,不仅为他花草、动物、山峦,不仅为他纯真的纯真的童年平童年平添了乐趣,也见证了添了乐趣,也见证了他的睿智他的睿智。有纯朴,简单的意思,这有纯朴,简单的意思,这里根据小孩子
14、的天性,把里根据小孩子的天性,把它译为纯真它译为纯真直译:最明智的几个小直译:最明智的几个小时。有点啰嗦,直接简时。有点啰嗦,直接简化成睿智化成睿智13Standing on the bare ground my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space all mean egotism vanishes.伫足伫足旷野,旷野,沐浴清风沐浴清风,如同被带到了无垠的,如同被带到了无垠的天际,天际, 所有的所有的狂妄狂妄荡然无存。荡然无存。 伫足代替站着,感觉就更伫足代替站着,感觉就更有文学的韵味,还有作者有文学的韵
15、味,还有作者欣赏美景的那种惬意欣赏美景的那种惬意这里把这里把my head my head 模糊化了,模糊化了,译为沐浴清风,四字句,与译为沐浴清风,四字句,与前四字相衔接前四字相衔接原意:自高自大,自负,原意:自高自大,自负,这里译为狂妄,比较符这里译为狂妄,比较符合逻辑思维合逻辑思维14I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. 我变得澄澈,化为虚
16、无,洞悉一切,我我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。每句分句,层层递进的关系每句分句,层层递进的关系15I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. 我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。透明
17、的眼球?透明的眼球?技巧:典型特征抽象化延伸技巧:典型特征抽象化延伸16I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. 我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。结合中国佛教的文化结合中国佛教的文化17I become a transparent eyeball;
18、 I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. 我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我我变得澄澈,化为虚无,洞悉一切,我被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。被宇宙的气息萦绕,成为上帝的附属。部分或粒子?部分或粒子?技巧:典型特征抽象化延伸技巧:典型特征抽象化延伸萦萦18The name of the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental: to be broth
19、ers, to be acquaintances, master or servant, is then a trifle and a disturbance. 密友的名字变得陌生而无足轻重。称兄密友的名字变得陌生而无足轻重。称兄道弟,说朋道友,成为主仆,这一切都道弟,说朋道友,成为主仆,这一切都变得琐碎而烦扰。变得琐碎而烦扰。19The name of the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental:密友的名字变得陌生而无足轻重。密友的名字变得陌生而无足轻重。Foreign: Something can be described a
20、s foreign to a particular person if it is unknown to them or not within their experience;或用来形容一个不属于他的物品或用来形容一个不属于他的物品 关联性语义搭配关联性语义搭配Accidental: Happened suddenly without plan20I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. 我对纯朴而永恒的美顶礼膜拜。我对纯朴而永恒的美顶礼膜拜。V2:我是纯粹而永恒的美景的追随者。:我是纯粹而永恒的美景的追随者。V1:我是不拘束于永恒之美的自然之情人。:我是不拘束于永恒之美的自然之情人。定语过长,不符合中文的表达习惯定语过长,不符合中文的表达习惯21In the wilderness, I find something more dear and connate than in stre
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