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1、Best-selling author “ I Am Gifted, So Are You!” Is it good to be confused? Your Brain is like a muscle. Use it or lose it. Einstein had 80% more neuro-connections Encourage the young to be curious West versus East upbringing Streaming & stimulation Ask questions Think! Answer questions Expose yo

2、urself to new & difficult information Challenge your brain LANGUAGESLeft brain dominant MATHEMATICSLeft brain dominant SCIENCELeft brain dominant HUMANITIESLeft brain dominantWHAT ABOUT OUR RIGHT BRAIN? WHY DO WE Daydream in class?Listen to music?Doodle?Move around? WE NEED TO BE WHOLE-BRAINED L

3、EFT VERSUS RIGHT BRAIN DOMINENT STUDENTSTime MgtSuperMemoryTake ActionSpeedReadingMake NotesExamApplicationRevisionSet GoalsGatherInformationQ1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Do you feel that the Singapore education system doesnt allow student to be interested in studying?Q6. Q7. What do you think of the brain-ba

4、sed flash card technology?Q8. Can colour helps when use in study?Q9. What about sports? It is suppose to stimulate the mind?Q10. I am 13 yrs old. I had 7A in my standard 6 but now Im having problem achieving “A”. What should I do?Q11. How do I guide a 7 yrs old person to stay focus?Q12. My child hat

5、es reading. How to help him cultivate interest in reading?Q13. How will you train your own kids?Q14. Will you send your kids to a neighbourhood school or SAP school?Q15. Do you consider yourself a late-boomer?Q16. Should we encourage kids to do brainstorming?Q17. Whats your view or opinion on cartoon?Q18. Is watching TV good for kids?Q19. How are A and study link to bus


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