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1、整理课件1Chapter4Procurement and Manufacturing整理课件2OutlinevDimensions of Product QualityvProcurementvManufacturingvLean and Six SigmavLogistical InterfacesvSummary整理课件3Figure 2-2 Logistical Integration整理课件4Three performance cycles were identified that must be linked through effective logistics.vProcurem

2、ent cycle links an organization with its suppliersvThe manufacturing support cycle involves the logistics of supporting productionvThe customer accommodation cycle links a firm with its markets.整理课件5reviewvP41vThe performance cycle represents the elements of work necessary to complete the logistics

3、related to customer accommodation, manufacturing, or procurement.整理课件64.1 How to measure dimensions of product quality?vThe most obvious aspect of quality;vAn item may actually have several performance dimensions;,运行速度、内存、硬盘容量、外观等vInternal memory, hard disk capacity, and numerous other performance f

4、eatures.整理课件74.1 How to measure dimensions of product quality?v可靠性,the likelihood that a product will perform throughout its expected life.在产品的预期寿命内,该产品正常工作的可能性。购买后的维修次数;v耐用性,是产品的实际使用寿命。It refers to the actual life expectancy of a product.vDurability and reliability are distinct but interrelated asp

5、ects of quality.整理课件84.1 How to measure dimensions of product quality?一致性一致性,conformance refers to whether a firms products actually meet the precise description or specifications as designed.实际产品是否真正满足设计的标准和要求。废品率、返工率或缺陷率; 功能 美观 可维护性 品质认知度整理课件9Total quality managementvA philosophy by a managerial s

6、ystemv(1)top management commitment and support;高层领导的承诺和支持;v(2)maintaining a customer focus in product, service, and process performance;用户对产品、服务和运作过程的关注;v(3)integrated operations within and between organizations;企业内部、企业之间的一体化运作;v(4)commitment to continuous improvement.对于不断改进的承诺整理课件10质量标准ISO整理课件114.2

7、 ProcurementvImportance attributed to several factors:v第一,the substantial dollar spend for purchases of a typical organization and the potential dollar savings from a viable procurement strategy.v可行的采购策略可以节约大量资金;v第二,企业日益重视外包策略。Why?整理课件12answervThe amount spent on procurement has increased significan

8、tly;vFirms spin off functions to suppliers to focus internal resources on core competencies;vSo ,more managerial attention must then be focused on how the organization interfaces and effectively manages its supply base.整理课件13Procurement perspectivesvThe emphasis has shifted from with suppliers to en

9、suring that the firm is positioned to implement its manufacturing and marketing strategies .从供应商处取得足够的支持。整理课件14Procurement perspectivesvContinuous supply一旦原材料或零部件出现缺货,会造成生产计划的中断,带来预期之外的损失。vMinimize inventory investmentvOne goal of procurement is to maintain supply continuity with the minimum invento

10、ry investment possible.在保证持续供应情况下,尽可能地降低库存投入。vThis requires balancing the costs of carrying material against the possibility of a production stoppage.(停产)整理课件15Procurement perspectivesvQuality improvement 提高质量vSupplier development 供应商的开发vIt is important to develop close relationships with those supp

11、liers in order to share information and resources to achieve better results. 所有权总成本的最小化整理课件16vPurchase price + service price + life cycle costsvBidding: purchase price & discounts 与 与 整理课件17所有权总成本最小化v第一,传统采购模式中,买卖双方相互对立,敌对的谈判关系;仅重视采购价格;忽视订货数量等物流成本的影响等。v第二,当今采购模式重视所有权总成本最小化,体现在如下:v关注卖方的购买价格和折扣。数量

12、折扣和现金折扣;v关注库存成本。订货量增大导致其上升;v关注卖方的促销方式和现金折扣。(立即支付折扣的优惠);整理课件18To be continuedv订单数量、不同批量的订单处理等物流成本的综合考虑;v关注增值服务,比如交货方式和条件,特殊包装和组装加工,等等。需要将采购价格和增值服务价格分开来考虑,选择最小总成本;v关注产品的生命周期成本。产生于接收产品之前,过程中,很久之后等。包括各种与采购有关的管理费等整理课件194.2.2 Procurement StrategiesvVolume consolidation 批量合并批量合并vMultiple sources传统观点,最佳采购策略

13、vLow prices:vPotential suppliers were continually bidding for a buyers business.vReduce the buyers dependence:vMaintaining multiple sources reduces the buyers dependence on any one supplier.整理课件20andvVolume consolidation现代观点,批量合并,增加谈判筹码。但风险会增加,故应对供应商要进行严格筛选,选择和认证vIt increases the buyers negotiating

14、strength in relationship to the supplier. for those suppliers.vIt allows the supplier to improve economies of scale by spreading fixed cost over a larger volume of output. vRisk increases. Supply base reduction programs are almost always accompanied by rigorous supplier screening, selection, and cer

15、tification programs.整理课件21Supplier Operational IntegrationvMany different forms:v1. into anothers sales and ordering information;允许卖方进入自己的销售和订单信息系统;vDetailed sales information.vCost reduction occurs because of reducing reliance on cost-inefficient practices, such as forecasting and expediting.整理课件22

16、Supplier Operational IntegrationvMany different forms:v2. working together to identify processes.vContinuous replenishment.vVendor-managed inventory.整理课件23Supplier Operational IntegrationvMany different forms:v3. Two-way learning,双向学习来实现降低总体成本降低的目的。整理课件24What are the objectives of operational integr

17、ation?vCut wastevReduce costvDevelop a relationship that both buyer and seller to achieve mutual improvements整理课件25To be continuedvValue managementv一种更为深入的供应商整合运作,不仅关注买卖双方的运作流程,更将目光聚焦在vFocus on buyer-seller operations to a more comprehensive and sustainable relationship.vFigure 4.2 shows how early s

18、upplier involvement can be critical in achieving cost reductions.整理课件26Figure 4-2 Flexibility and Cost of Design Changes 整理课件27AVATER整理课件28The Pareto effect in procurementvA small percentage of the materials, items, and services acquired account for a large percentage of the dollars spent.v数量很少的原材料、

19、部件和服务占用了较多的投资金额vMany firms have pay attention to segmented purchase requirements.整理课件294.3 Manufacturing perspectivev公司的制造竞争力影响因素包括:vBrand power品牌影响力vVolume生产规模)vVarity产品的多样性(,电子产品、服装、玩具等)vConstraints (TOC, theory of constraints)能力制能力制约(生产能力、设备、建设转型等)约(生产能力、设备、建设转型等)vLeadtime (operational and intero

20、perational time)提前期提前期整理课件30manufacturing strategiesvManufacturing processvJob shop,单件生产vBatch,批量生产(小批量地切换生产不同产品)vLine flow流水线生产(生产有大量需求的一系列产品,形成品种有限的标准化产品)vContinuous连续性生产整理课件31Alternative manufacturing strategiesvMTP (make-to-plan,make-to-stock作成存作成存货货 ), its strategies are characteristic of indus

21、tries exploiting economy of scale gained from long production runs.vMTO (make-to-order ), its strategies seek to manufacture to customer specification.整理课件32To be continuedvATO (assemble-to-order), base products and components are manufactured in anticipation of future customer orders; however, the

22、products are not fully assembled or customized until a customers order is received.生产出基本产品和部件,订单到后再组装整理课件33questionvMTO 的缺点是什么?vMTO requires less finished goods inventory than MTP and ATO strategies, however, it requires significant component inventory and may result in high-cost customer accommodat

23、ion.整理课件34Total cost manufacturing整理课件35Lean SystemsSix Sigma内涵是什么?整理课件364.4 logistical interfacesvWhether the manufacturing strategy is MTO, ATO, or MTP, logistics links suppliers and customers with manufacturing processes.整理课件37JITMRP整理课件38JITJIT原理和目标 Just in Time,首创于,首创于20世纪世纪50年代日本丰田汽年代日本丰田汽车公司,

24、车公司,1972年以后被广泛应用于日本汽车和电年以后被广泛应用于日本汽车和电子工业,此时被称为子工业,此时被称为“丰田生产管理系统丰田生产管理系统”。 JIT的原理:的原理: 企业的物料供应、生产和销售应形成连续的同企业的物料供应、生产和销售应形成连续的同步运动过程;步运动过程; 仅把所需的原材料运送至加工场所,立即加工仅把所需的原材料运送至加工场所,立即加工成零件,依据需求有效组织生产;成零件,依据需求有效组织生产; 所需零件立即被装配成组件,而后被装配成制所需零件立即被装配成组件,而后被装配成制整理课件39v成品,随即销售;成品,随即销售; 整个企业的物料供应、生产和销售,既无延迟整个企业

25、的物料供应、生产和销售,既无延迟也无积压。也无积压。 JITJIT管理的优点:管理的优点: 消除积压,加速资金周转,有效降低成本;消除积压,加速资金周转,有效降低成本; 供应、生产和销售信息快速传递和反馈,及时供应、生产和销售信息快速传递和反馈,及时发现质量问题并能迅速查找原因;发现质量问题并能迅速查找原因; 缩短了生产周期,提高交货能力和可靠性(从缩短了生产周期,提高交货能力和可靠性(从而大大增强了对市场需求波动的应变能力)而大大增强了对市场需求波动的应变能力) 。 JITJIT管理的目标:消除浪费、优化程序、提高管理的目标:消除浪费、优化程序、提高效率。效率。 整理课件40方法方法内容内容


27、负荷生产负荷采用通用零部件设计和通用初装流水采用通用零部件设计和通用初装流水线方式均衡生产,保持较高的设备利线方式均衡生产,保持较高的设备利用率用率看板制看板制需求拉动型生产管理方式,根据实际需求拉动型生产管理方式,根据实际需求从最终产品逆生产顺序逐级发出需求从最终产品逆生产顺序逐级发出生产指令,决无积压和拖延生产指令,决无积压和拖延形成形成JIT供应链供应链物流渠道上的各类企业相互协调、长物流渠道上的各类企业相互协调、长期合作、互利互惠、保证质量、运转期合作、互利互惠、保证质量、运转可靠,实现系统总体最优化可靠,实现系统总体最优化整理课件42Exercises 1vWhy does the

28、contemporary view of procurement as a strategic activity differ from the more traditional view of purchasing?整理课件43vPurchasing has been typically viewed as a low-level managerial activity responsible for executing and processing orders for other departments of the organization. Its role was to obtai

29、n the resource at the lowest possible price from the supplier. Procurement on the other hand has a more strategic role that emphasizes on establishing relationships between buyers and sellers. The need for procurement arose due to the recognition of substantial dollar volume of purchases and the pot

30、ential dollar savings from this strategic approach. 整理课件442vHow can strategic procurement contribute to the quality of products produced by a manufacturing organization? 整理课件45vThe quality of the final product depends on the quality of parts or materials that goes into making it. However ensuring th

31、e quality of individual item may not be the sufficient, because it has been observed that if a standard part is procured from different suppliers, it is possible that the final product may encounter quality problems. By maintaining a quality perspective with the suppliers, strategic sourcing can mak

32、e a substantial impact on the saving cost for the organization.整理课件463vExplain the rationale underlying volume consolidation. What are the risks associated with using a single supplier for an item? 整理课件47vVolume consolidation is one of the most common procurement strategies that is used by firms. By

33、 consolidating its purchase volume the buying company can leverage its share of the shippers business. It also gives the buyer a greater negotiating strength. From the sellers perspective, such an arrangement can offer greater economies of scale by being able to spread the fixed costs over greater v

34、olume of output. Moreover, if the large volume of business is assured to the supplier, it will be willing to invest in improving its processes and customer service. Many companies have generated a lot of dollar savings by adopting this strategy. 整理课件48vThere may be risks associated with having a sin

35、gle supplier for an item. In the event of any disruption in supply, the buying company does not have any alternative. Moreover due to lack of competition, the supplier might charge higher. Therefore companies should undertake rigorous screening to determine the strategic suppliers and rather than ha

36、ving only one supplier for the items, they should aim for a small pool of suppliers.整理课件494vHow does lowest total cost of ownership differ from lowest purchase price? 整理课件50vPurchase price is one of the major concerns of procurement so firms typically try to negotiate for the lowest price. They also

37、 try to get quantity discounts and associated logistical benefits out of the purchase price. Apart from the standard services, there could be other value-added services that are offered by the sellers. For example a seller may deliver truckloads of material as a standard service, however delivery of smaller and more frequent shipments would represent a different level of service that would come at a cost to the buyer. It is important to understand the trade-offs be


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