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1、英文段落写作方法和手段英文段落写作方法和手段一个好的段落应该是围绕一个中心思想展开的信息体,具有统一性、连贯性和完整性。具体来说应具有以下特征:具体来说应具有以下特征:n围绕一个中心展开,段落中的每一个句子都应支持或说明这一中心。n段落的中心思想通常概括为一句话,一般出现在段落开头。n使用过渡词语,句子之间衔接自然。4. 长度适中,足以表达完整的思想,但又不过分冗长。5. 使用具体的细节来说明中心思想。UnityWhat is unity? By unity we mean that a paragraph should state only one single thought, and a

2、ll the developing sentences should explain or illustrate this thought. All that is not related to the thought should be excluded. Ways to achieve unitynGive each paragraph a controlling idea2. Make all sentences in a paragraph support the main ideaThe Topic Sentence A controlling idea is extremely i

3、mportant in constructing a unified paragraph. In order to have a clearly stated controlling idea, you need a topic sentence in your paragraph to guide your readers.What is a good topic sentence?1.A good topic sentence includes a topic and a controlling idea.2. A good topic sentence is limited.3. A g

4、ood topic sentence must lend itself to development.Paragraph Coherence 连贯性是英文段落的重要特征之一,指的是一个段落中,句子及句子之间的连接自然流畅,前后脉络清晰,使读者阅读起来有行云流水的感觉。What is coherenceA paragraph is regarded as unified if it holds together, that is, if all ites details and examples support the central idea.Coherence, therefore, ref

5、ers to the connectedness and consistency of the ideas in one paragrap or essay. Each sentence in it naturally leads to the next in exploring the controlling idea.How to achieve coherence?Coherence can be achieved through the following methods: nLogical order of sentence in a paragraph nParallel stru

6、ctures1.Cohesive deviceslogical order of sentence in a paragraph1. Time order(or chronological order)One way to orgainze the ideas of a paragraph is to arrange the details in chronological order that is, in the order of their occurrence in time.In a chronological paragraph, the earliest events come

7、first, followed by more recent ones.Paragraph Development 好的英文段落不仅具有主题单一性和连贯性,而且得到充分的发展,既有大意,又有细节,以引起读者的兴趣。Patterns of Paragraph DevelopmentnFacts and examplesnProcess analysisnComparison and contrastnCause and effectnClassification and divisionnProblem and solution1.Facts and Examples Presenting fa

8、cts is the most basic method for developing the controlling idea in the topic sentence. Facts are objectively true; they are true regardless of anyones feelings or beliefs. An example is a detail or illustration that supports an idea. 2.Process analysis Process analysis is a type of writing that inf

9、orms how to do something or how something happens step by step so that the reader can perform the process or understand the process more easily.3.Comparision and Contrast Development by comparison and contrast is a type of logical writing which involves only two item, with the purpose of showing ali

10、ke or different from each other they are.You can structure a comparison and contrast paragraph in two basic ways: By first presenting all the information about one item, then presenting all the information about the other item(the subject-by-subject pattern); or by moving back and forth between the

11、two item, comparing and contrasting information in parallel(the point-by-point pattern)4. Cause and effect Cause and effect writing is a form of logical development in which a writer discusses the cause why something happens and then discuss the results.There are two basic ways to organize cause and

12、 effect paragraphs.You can start by discussing a cause and then explore its effect.Another organizational approach is to focus first on effects, and then analyze the cause or causes.5. Classification and division To classify means to group related items according to some quality they have in common. In classification, you take many items and


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