Pretty Little Liars《美少女的谎言(2010)》第五季第十集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
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1、Previously on Pretty Little Liars .美少女的谎言前情提要I asked Noel to break into Hanna's house tonight.是我让诺埃尔今晚闯进汉娜她家的That's who was in the kitchen. It was Noel.厨房♥里那个人就是诺埃尔Hey, how's your mom? Freaked.你妈怎么样了 吓坏了Guys, we needed to do that.各位 我们需要那么做You saw Tanner cornering me at school

2、.你们看见坦纳在学校逼问我She's trying to poke holes in our story.她想在我们的故事里找漏洞Your story.是你的故事Can you take this?你能帮我收着吗Give each of the girls a copy.给大伙每人拷贝一份They need to memorize it.她们要熟记这些话You recorded that?你录下来了Would you let me borrow one of those cameras?你能借我一台摄像机吗The camera is for my sister.装摄像机是为了我姐姐Sh

3、e's connected to all of this.她和这些事都有关联Aria, if you don't want me to get married.艾瑞亚 如果你不想我结婚It has to do with you marrying Zack.问题是你结婚的对象是扎克Was he inappropriate with you?他对你有什么不恰当的言行吗Maybe he was with Hanna.也许是对汉娜Ali, where did that scar come from,艾莉 你的伤疤是怎么弄的the one on your thigh?就是你大腿上的那个C

4、aleb, this can't go on.凯勒 不能一直这样I'm talking about Hanna.我是在说汉娜的事She's getting wasted in the middle of the day.她大白天就开始酗酒了I'm in Noel's car我在诺埃尔车里and he has pictures of Alison.他有艾莉森的照片He put them in the same envelope和他当时正在听的一盒录音带as the tape he was listening to.放在同一个信封里They caught h

5、im, the person警方抓住他了who broke in here last night.昨晚闯入这里的人Alison, is that the man who kidnapped you?艾莉森 是他绑♥架♥你的吗What's his name?他叫什么名字Cyrus Petrillo.赛勒斯·彼得里洛How did you find him?你怎么找到他的Mrs. Marin's neighbor reported a man lurking玛琳夫人的邻居报案说有人潜伏在in her yard.她的院子And h

6、e's admitted to everything?他承认了所有的事His story matches Alison's.他的口供与艾莉森的相符The abduction, the blindfold, her escape.绑♥架♥ 蒙眼 她的逃脱I'm telling you the same thing我现在告诉你的话I told Ashley Marin and your daughter.我对艾什莉·玛琳和你女儿都说了Not a word of this to anyone在我们搜集足够正式控告他的证据前

7、until we get enough evidence to press charges.不能向任何人透露这事We need to make sure that this man我们需要确认他就是is who he says he is.他声称的那个人Lieutenant.中尉where is she?她在哪It must be him.肯定是他Is that him?是他吗Is that the man who hurt you?是他伤害你的吗I don't know.我不知道You said you don't know?你说你不知道What was I supposed

8、 to say, Spencer?我该怎么说 斯宾塞How about "No"?可以说"不是"呀I was blindfolded, remember?我被蒙眼了 记得吗I'm sorry, do we seriously have to remind you对不起 你真的需要我们提醒你that you were never actually kidnapped?你实际上从来没被绑♥架♥过吗There's a man being questioned by the police那个人为了自己没

9、犯过的罪行right now for a crime that never happened.正在被警方盘问Guys, this is "A".各位 是A设计的I mean, you said he knew about the rock that hit you.你说他知道你被石头打的事He knew where you were kept, what you ate,他知道你被关在哪 你吃什么what mattress you slept on.你睡在什么褥子上It's the same story that you told the doctor.跟你告诉医生

10、的是同一个故事And Holbrook, the night we got back from New York.还有霍尔布鲁克 那晚我们从纽约回来Well, it doesn't matter where "A" got it.A怎么获知此事不重要What matters is what "A" is planning to do now.重要的是A现在打算做什么If "A" is behind this, that's exactly如果A是幕后黑手who that guy is gonna run to when

11、 he panics.那家伙惊慌失措时就会去找AWhat are you saying?你在说什么I'm saying, if I can make him think我在说 如果我们让他以为that he's gonna go down for this,他会因此惹祸上身we can follow him to "A" and finally win "A's" game.我们可以跟着他找到A 并最终打败AGreat.很好We win the game, we find out who "A" is.我们打败

12、A 找出A是谁What happens when we lose?我们输了会怎样呢Is it weird that we haven't gotten我们到现在还没收到an "A" message about this yet?A的信息 很奇怪吧No, I don't need a creepy text to read the writing on the wall.我不需要恐怖短♥信♥告诉我凶兆The second Ali says that this guy kidnapped her,艾莉告诉我们她被这人绑

13、♥架♥时we're gonna figure out that Cyrus Petrillo's我们就清楚知道不可能是a sheep farmer in Montana and couldn't possibly have done this.赛勒斯·彼得里洛这个蒙大纳牧羊人干的And then the whole world's gonna know然后全世界都知道that Ali's a big fat liar.艾莉是个超级大骗子And us. Right now,还有我们 现在we'r

14、e just as big and fat as she is.我们跟她一样像超级大骗子Hey, guys, keep your voices down.各位 小点声说话Yeah.嗯Thank God the cops are here so we don't have幸好警♥察♥在这to worry about being imaginary kidnapped.我们无需担心被虚构绑♥架♥Yeah, but once Tanner figures out但一旦坦纳搞清楚that the kidna

15、pping story is a lie,绑♥架♥的故事是个谎言they're gonna figure out about New York and Shana real quick.他们很快就会搞清楚纽约和莎娜的事了Ali's not an idiot.艾莉不是傻瓜She's not gonna walk right into an obvious "A" trap.她不会一脚踩入A明显布下的陷阱We don't know that anymore.我们不能再这么确定了We all heard

16、her in there. She's gone rogue.我们都听到她在里面说的 她不按常理出牌Okay, well, someone needs to go back in there那么得有个人进去and make sure that she doesn't ID this guy.确保她不会认出那人Right, well, Emily?艾米丽去吧Yeah. Yeah.好 好Spencer's the convincing one.斯宾塞更有说服力Yeah, but you're the hardest to disappoint.但你是最难被拒绝的It

17、's about your eyes.你的眼神让人无法拒绝Awesome.棒极了How's your mom doing?你妈怎么样了She's heartbroken.她心碎了God, it's so awful.天啊 太糟糕了I mean, first your dad cheats on her先是你♥爸♥对她不忠and then this sleazebag boyfriend hits on me.然后这个下♥贱♥男友对我有所企图Hanna, she was the

18、re.汉娜 她在场She doesn't need a play-by-play.她不需要你详细报道I'm just sorry. That's all.我只是很遗憾罢了Thanks.谢谢You need a ride?要我载你一程吗Yeah.好的What is that?那是什么It's Noel Kahn's insurance policy.是诺埃尔·卡恩的保身之物It's everything that Shana gave to Jenna that proves that Ali wasn't dead.是莎娜给詹娜

19、证明艾莉没死的所有资料Ali knew it was out there,艾莉知道这些资料she just didn't tell us about it.可是却没告诉我们Tanner would sure love to get her hands on this.坦纳肯定很想得到这手资料Yeah.是的Ali talking to Shana when she's supposed to be dead.艾莉在她"死后"跟莎娜说话You mean kidnapped.你是指绑♥架♥吧Ali doesn't

20、 know you have this, right?艾莉不知道资料在你手上 对吗No, but I'm headed to my house right now to stash it.我现在要去我家把它藏起来In your house?藏在你家Is it safe?安全吗I have a spot.我有个藏东西的地方A spot?藏东西的地方That nobody else knows about.没别人知道Well, maybe you should tell us where this is.也许你该告诉我们在哪儿You know, just in case anything

21、were to happen to you.以防你发生万一Good-bye, Hanna.再见啦 汉娜Be careful please. I will.小心点 我会的Aria's right.艾瑞亚说得对If you identify this guy, it will be way too easy你要指认了这个人 A很容易for "A" to prove that you're lying.就能证明你在说谎We don't even know who this Cyrus person is我们连这个叫塞勒斯的人是谁都不知道or where h

22、e came from.也不知道他从哪儿来I get it, Em.我懂的 艾米Okay? I do.好吗 我懂But I can't just say that this guy is innocent.但我没法说这个人是无辜的Why not?为什么不行Ali, it's-艾莉 这.Oh. Emily, hi.艾米丽 你好Uh, I just got back from the station and, Emily,我刚从车站回来 艾米丽could I have a word with Ali?我能和艾莉说句话吗Dad, I already told her.爸爸 我已经告诉

23、她了Al, you were not supposed to do that.艾莉 你不该说的Emily helped save my life.艾米丽救过我的命She deserves to know what's going on.她有权知道发生了什么The person you should be talking to is Tanner.你该跟坦纳谈That man knew every detail.那个人知道所有细节How would he know that unless he did it?如果不是他干的 他怎么会知道He confessed already.他已经认罪

24、了The police said this same man could have警♥察♥说你妈妈和宝芬妮·杨killed your mom and Bethany Young.可能也是他杀的We're all here to support you, Al.我们都会支持你的 艾莉Emily, all of your friends,艾米丽 还有你所有的朋友we all want the same thing.我们都希望to put this man away for a very long time.让他坐很久的牢Yeah.没错W

25、e.我们all want you safe.都希望你平安Whatever you're afraid of, please, don't be.无论你在怕什么 都不用怕This man is behind bars这个人已经被抓了起来and all we have to do is keep him there.我们只需要让他一直待在监狱里Yes, I know I just made the appointment,是的 我知道我刚预约过but the situation has changed.但情况有变No, I don't need to reschedule,

26、不 我不需要重新安排because I don't need to book a banquet hall因为我不需要为只有一人的派对for a party of one.而预订一个宴会厅Mom?妈妈Mom, you don't have to do that right now.妈妈 你不必现在就处理这些I just want to get it over with.我只想赶快弄完了事Well, Mike says that you haven't eaten all day.迈克说你一天没吃东西It's pesto and mozzarella.这是莫萨里拉

27、奶酪和香蒜沙司It's your favorite.你的最爱It was incredibly sweet of you to make this for me, honey,你这么做真的很贴心 宝贝but I just don't think I'm up to eating.但我不想吃东西I'm sorry.抱歉It's okay.没事的I should have seen this coming.我早该预料到的I was too old for him, I was too trusting.我配他年纪太大 我太轻信了Mom.妈妈Mom, this

28、 has nothing to do with your age.妈妈 这跟你的年纪无关This isn't your fault.这不是你的错There were signs, Aria,以前也有过些苗头 艾瑞亚and I just drove right past them.我没当回事Because I wanted to believe that it could work,因为我想相信这能行I wanted to believe that he could change.我想相信他可以改变You're the one that taught me that second

29、 chances exist.是你教会我还有第二次机会Your bliss is still ahead of you.幸福还在前方呢Honey, when I said that, I was talking about Zack.宝贝 我说那话时 就说的是扎克Okay.好吧Why don't you let me make the rest of these calls, okay?不如让我帮你打剩下的电♥话♥ 好吗The last thing you need to do is recount你最不需要做的就是your break-up

30、 to a bunch of strangers.跟一群陌生人说你分手了How the hell did "A" get somebody to confess?A到底是怎么让别人认罪的I don't know.我不知道What's Ali gonna do?艾莉打算怎么办Whatever the hell she wants.她想怎样都无所谓Don't you think you should find out what that is?你不觉得你该弄清楚吗Nope.不觉得Uh, I was eating that.我还在吃呢Hanna.汉娜Han

31、na, what are you doing?汉娜 你干嘛呢None of this stuff is good for you.这些东西都对你没好处Soda, beer, soggy nachos?苏打水 啤酒 湿烤干酪辣味玉米片It's poison, Caleb.这都是毒药 凯勒When was the last time we ate a vegetable我们上次吃非糊状非油炸的that wasn't battered and fried?蔬菜是什么时候You know what? Enough trash talking my diet.别在贬低我的饮食结构了Wha

32、t is going on?你怎么了Nothing.没事Just another day in the life of Alison DiLaurentis.只是艾莉森·迪劳伦提斯生活的另一天罢了She's in the driver's seat of my life她坐在我生活的驾驶席上and I'm supposed to watch her just steer me off a cliff?而我只能看着她带我跌落悬崖I'm sick of it.我受够了Okay, well then, toss her, not my fried zucch

33、ini.好吧 那你去折磨她 别来折磨我的油炸西葫芦You know, the other day Ms. Adinolfi前几天阿迪诺菲女士made an announcement about chorus auditions for a solo通知参加合唱团独唱的试唱and all the girls are freaking out.所有姑娘都崩溃了Then I thought, wow, what's that like?然后我想 那是什么感觉To lose sleep over some stupid chorus audition.为愚蠢的合唱团试唱而忧虑I mean, i

34、s that what normal people do?那是普通人过得生活吗They go to football games and wave pompoms他们去看橄榄球赛 挥舞着彩球and freak out over a chorus solo?为一段合唱团独唱崩溃Normal people are not being hounded by "A".普通人不会被A逼迫Besides, you don't care about that stuff.而且 你也不关心那些事Well, maybe I should.也许我该关心Look, I don't

35、 know what I'm gonna do about Alison,我不知道该拿艾莉森怎么办but I am going to that stupid audition.但我要去参加那个愚蠢的试唱Hey, how'd it go with Ali?跟艾莉谈得怎么样Unclear.不清楚Mr. D. kind of kicked me out.迪先生差不多把我赶出来了Did you find a place for the.你找到地方藏thing you got from you-know-who?从神秘人那拿到的东西了吗You speaking in code now?你

36、现在说话都用暗号♥了吗Seems like a good idea.似乎是个好主意Roger Wilco.网络电♥话♥We still need a more permanent solution,我们还需要一个更永久的解决方案but I've got a temporary one.但我有个短期计划What are you up to?你忙什么呢Avoiding the brew as much as possible.尽可能避开咖啡店Zack went back to Austria, but the place i

37、s still tainted.扎克回奥地利了 但那地方还是被弄脏了Have you ever tried Blue Light Cafe?你买♥♥过蓝♥光♥咖啡馆的咖啡吗No.没有Good. Well, don't.很好 那不要买♥♥Okay.好的What's going on, Spencer?怎么了 斯宾塞It's gone.不见了What's gone?什么不见了The recording Ali gave me and t

38、he medical exam, it's gone.艾莉给我她体♥检♥时的录音不见了Gone as in "stolen" or gone as in-你意思是被偷了 还是.No, this isn't code, Emily. It's gone as in "It's not here."不是暗号♥ 艾米丽 它不见了Just give me a second, okay?等会儿再说 好吗Spencer?斯宾塞Spencer?斯宾塞Need any he

39、lp?需要帮忙吗I thought you left already.我以为你已经走了We forgot the grocery list.采购清单忘拿了Looking for something or just redecorating?在找东西还是收拾屋子I just.我在.I dropped my pen.我的笔掉了What do you want, Melissa?你找我♥干♥嘛 梅丽莎Mom wanted me to check, see if you'd like妈妈让我问你anything special for dinner

40、tonight.晚上有什么特别想吃的吗Take it. I'll wait.你先接 我等你Emily, I'll have to call you back later.艾米丽 一会儿我给你打回去He followed me into my yard他尾随我到了后院and then he hit me with that rock.然后用石头袭击了我Next thing I knew I woke up blindfolded.我再醒来的时候 眼睛就被蒙住了I can't sleep.我晚上失眠Even now.现在仍是这样I can still hear him br

41、eathing.我好像还能听到他的呼吸声Something wrong?有什么问题吗Just tell mom we're out of peanut butter, okay?告诉妈妈花生酱没有了I'm really glad that we're doing this.一起跑步真开心Me, too. You good?我也是 你还好吗Yeah. Great.是的 没问题Are we almost done?快跑完了吧Is that Spencer?那不是斯宾塞吗Maybe we should just go back the other way.也许我们该换别的路线

42、跑It's a loop, Hanna.这是个圈 汉娜Hanna?汉娜When your mom said you were out on a run,你妈妈说你出去跑步了I thought she was joking.我还以为她在开玩笑Well, seeing is believing, Spencer.眼见为实 斯宾塞Caleb, can you just give us a second?凯勒 能让我们单独说几句吗No.不能No?不能No, we're doing a loop.不行 我们在跑圈Hanna, this is important!汉娜 这很重要Fine.

43、Look, I just stayed up all night looking through我整晚没睡the surveillance footage of my backyard,一直在看我后院的监控录像trying to figure out who took the recording of Ali-想找出是谁拿走了艾莉的录音带Okay, whatever it is, I'm just not interested.爱谁谁 我不感兴趣You don't even know what it is yet.你还不知道是什么事呢Look, I have to be at

44、that audition in an hour.一小时以后我要去试唱I have to go. What audition?我得走了 试什么镜Hanna, are you seriously running away from me?汉娜 你真的要从我面前逃跑吗I'm faster than you, Hanna! I have a car.我可比你快 汉娜 我有车Hey, just lay off, Spence.让她走吧 斯宾塞What is going on?到底怎么了You asked me to help Hanna.你让我帮帮汉娜That's what I'

45、;m doing.我正在帮她呢Just watch the bushes.仔细看灌木丛Who is that?是谁Just watch.继续看She just gave him something, right?她给了他什么东西 对吗Yeah.没错That's not all.还没完呢Watch what she's saying.看她的口型Do it. Trust me.快去做 相信我Do it.快去When was this?这是什么时候的事It was three nights ago.三天前的晚上Less than 24 hours before Cyrus Petri

46、llo confessed.离赛勒斯·彼得里洛自首不到24小时What, you think the guy in the video你认为监控里出现在后院的这个男人in your backyard is Ali's fake kidnapper?就是冒充绑♥架♥艾莉的那个人吗That Melissa stole the recording and gave it to him?梅丽莎把录音带偷出来给了他I mean, we already know she's working for Mona,我们都知道她曾经帮梦娜做过事

47、so why not "A," too?现在帮A做事也不奇怪啊'Cause it's gonna make my head explode.我的头都要爆♥炸♥了That's why.这就是原因Oh, my God, do you think that Melissa sent that text?天哪 你觉得是梅丽莎发的那条短♥信♥吗Maybe.也许吧I mean, she always liked chess.她一直都很喜欢下棋Look, Aria, we ca

48、nnot take anymore chances.艾瑞亚 我们不能再冒险了We have to cut the cord with Ali必须在艾莉把我们都拖下水之前before she drags us down with her.跟她划清界限What are you saying?你在说什么I'm saying we use what we got from Noel.我是说利用从诺埃尔那弄来的东西The pictures, the conversations with Shana,照片 还有和莎娜的对话'cause they prove that Ali was ali

49、ve这些都能证明艾莉当时还活着and decidedly un-kidnapped for the past 2 years.过去两年都没有被绑♥架♥Okay. And that helps us how?这样对我们有什么帮助We go to Tanner and we tell her the truth,我们去找坦纳说出真♥相♥that we thought that Ali was dead我们在去鸦林镇之前up until Ravenswood.都以为艾莉真的死了The only thing tha

50、t we know about the past 2 years我们所知道的过去这两年的事is whatever Ali told us, that she lied to us,都是艾莉告诉我们的 可她骗了我们just like she lied to them.就像她欺骗他们一样Okay. But what about New York?好吧 那纽约的事怎么办We can't just come half clean.我们不能说一半藏一半I know.我知道But we tell her what happened there, too,我们把那些也都告诉她that it was

51、self-defense and you were protecting us.那属于正当防卫 你救了我们That's the truth.这是事实But the truth doesn't amount to much可是躲在一堆谎言背后when it comes from a bunch of liars.那还能叫事实吗Spencer, the whole reason I'm freaking out斯宾塞 我之所以对赛勒斯的事about this Cyrus thing如此恐惧是因为is that it could lead Tanner to the thea

52、ter.这会把坦纳引到剧院去的And now you want to beat "A" to the punch?现在你想要比A先下手一步吗Exactly.没错Because it's better if they find out from us.这总比他们从我们这里发现要好So what are you saying,你什么意思that Alison might say this guy's guilty?艾莉森会指认那个人有罪吗Yeah.是的She thinks that he's gonna lead her to "A,"

53、;她认为那个人会指引她找到Awhen really "A"'s gonna make this可是A会利用这次自首whole confession lead Tanner back to us.把坦纳的注意力引到我们身上But she wouldn't do that.她不会那么做的She's crazy, but she's not stupid.她是疯了 可并不傻Yeah, I thought so, too.我也以为是这样呢But a whole day has passed and this guy,可是一整天过去了he's

54、still sitting in jail.那个人还在牢里待着Everything's gone, right?什么都没有了 是吗The book, the research, the photos of Ali, all of it?那本书 那些调查 还有艾莉的照片Because if Tanner comes here-万一坦纳到这里来Aria, you were the one that sent Spencer艾瑞亚 是你让斯宾塞over to help me move everything.来帮我把所有东西都搬走的Remember?还记得吗She's very tho

55、rough. You and I both know that.她做事很细致 你我都知道的Where is she?她去哪了Who? Spencer? No. Alison.谁 斯宾塞吗 不 艾莉森Why?干嘛Because I want to talk to her, that's why.因为我想跟她谈一谈No. No, you're not.不 你不能去You just got your stitches out, Ezra.你的伤口才刚拆线 以斯拉You're about to take a bike ride而且还准备去骑单车for the first tim

56、e in God knows how long.真不知道你要骑多久You just got the all-clear from your doctor.你的医生说你刚刚康复You're okay again. You're really okay, and-你才刚没事 复原了No, I- I'm not gonna allow you to jump back on不行 我不会再让你去Ali's crazy train.蹚艾莉的那趟浑水Not with Tanner circling而且坦纳现正四处调查and "A" watching ou

57、r every move.A也盯着我们的每一步行动No. Aria不 艾瑞亚No. Promise me you won't speak to her.不行 答应我你不会去找艾莉Please.答应我I like knowing that you're safe.我不希望你再有什么危险Okay.好Okay, I promise.好 我答应你How long till your dad gets back?你♥爸♥还有多久回来About an hour.大概一小时吧He's meeting with a social worker.他去和社工见面Why?为什么He thinks I'm afraid of retribution.他觉得我害怕被人报复He thinks that's the reason他觉得这是why you don't want to ID this guy?你不愿指证那人的原因吗Look, I know your dad is putting pr


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