1、THE PRINCIPLES OF EUROPEAN CONTRACT LAWcompleted and revised version 1998European Union Commission on Contract Law欧洲合同法原则CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS第一章 一般规定Section 1 - Scope of the Principles第一节 本原则的适用范围Article 1.101- Application of the Principles第1:101条:本原则的适用(1) These Principles are intended to
2、 be applied as general rules of contract law in the European Communities.(一)本原则拟作为合同法的一般规则在欧洲共同体适用。(2) These Principles will apply when the parties have agreed to incorporate them into their contract or that their contract is to be governed by them.(二)如果当事人已约定将本原则订入其合同或者其合同受本原则的规制,本原则即予适用。(3) These
3、Principles may be applied when the parties: (a) have agreed that their contract is to be governed by general principles of law, the lex mercatoria or the like; or(b) have not chosen any system or rules of law to govern their contract.(三)当事人于符合下列条件时,可适用本原则:1.约定其合同受“法的一般原则”、“商人法”或类似者之规制时;或者2.没有选择任何法律制
4、度或者法律规则规制其合同。(4) These Principles may provide a solution to the issue raised where the system or rules of law applicable do not do so.(四)当可得适用的法律制度或法律规则对所产生的问题未提供解决方案时,本原则得作为一种解决方案。Article 1.102 - Freedom of contract第1:102条:合同自由(1) Parties are free to enter into a contract and to determine its conte
5、nts, subject to the requirements of good faith and fair dealing, and the mandatory rules established by these Principles.(一)当事人可以自由缔结合同并决定其内容,但要符合诚实信用和公平交易,以及由本原则确立的强制性规则。(2) The parties may exclude the application of any of the Principles or derogate from or vary their effects, except as otherwise
6、provided by these Principles.(二)当事人可以排除本原则的适用或者背离或变更其效力,除非本原则另有规定。Article 1.103 - Mandatory Law第1:103条:强行法(1) Where the otherwise applicable law so allows, the parties may choose to have their contract governed by the Principles, with the effect that national mandatory rules are not applicable.(一)在其
7、他可得适用的法律亦允许之场合,当事人可以选择使其合同受本原则的规制,以使国内的强制性规则不能适用。(2) Effect should nevertheless be given to those mandatory rules of national, supranational and international law which, according to the relevant rules of private international law, are applicable irrespective of the law governing the contract.(二)依据有
8、关国际私法规则,如国内的、超国家的以及国际的强制性规则能够适用时,则应赋予这些强制性规则以效力,而不管规制该合同的法律。Article 1.104 - Application to questions of consent第1:104条:对同意之问题的适用(1) The existence and validity of the agreement of the parties to adopt or incorporate these Principles shall be determined by these Principles.(一)当事人对适用本原则的合意,其存在及生效应依本原则加
9、以确定。(2) Nevertheless, a party may rely upon the law of the country in which it has its habitual residence to establish that it did not consent if it appears from the circumstances that it would not be reasonable to determine the effect of its conduct in accordance with these Principles.(二)然一方当事人可以依据
10、它的惯常居所所在国的法律来证明它不同意,只要情况表明依据本原则确定它的行为的效力将是不合理的。Article 1.105 - Usages and Practices第1:105条:惯例与习惯做法(1) The parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and by any practice they have established between themselves.(一)当事人受它们同意的惯例以及它们之间确立的习惯做法的拘束。(2) The parties are bound by a usage which wo
11、uld be considered generally applicable by persons in the same situation as the parties, except where the application of such usage would be unreasonable.(二)与当事人处于同样情形下的其他人通常会认为可得适用的惯例,当事人受其拘束,除非适用该惯例是不合理的。 Article 1.106 - Interpretation and Supplementation第1:106条:解释与补充(1) These Principles should be
12、interpreted and developed in accordance with their purposes. In particular, regard should be had to the need to promote good faith and fair dealing, certainty in contractual relationships and uniformity of application.(一)本原则应本其目的予以解释和发展,特别是,应注意有必要促进诚实信用和公平交易、合同关系的确定性和适用的统一性。(2) Issues within the sco
13、pe of these Principles but not expressly settled by them are so far as possible to be settled in accordance with the ideas underlying the Principles. Failing this, the legal system applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law is to be applied.(二)对属于本原则范围之内但又未为本原则明确解决的问题,应尽可能地依照本原则所
14、隐含的精神予以解决。如仍不能解决,则应适用依国际私法规则可以适用的法律制度。Article 1.107 - Application of the Principles by Way of Analogy第1:107条:本原则的类推适用These Principles apply with appropriate modifications to agreements to modify or end a contract, to unilateral promises and other statements and conduct indicating intention.本原则经适当修正适
15、用于变更或解除合同的协议、单方允诺和其他的表意陈述和行为。Section 2 - General Obligations第二节 一般义务Article 1.201 - Good Faith and Fair Dealing第1:201条:诚实信用和公平交易(1) Each party must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing.(一)各方当事人均须依诚实信用和公平交易而行为。(2) The parties may not exclude or limit this duty.(二)当事人不得排除或限制此项义务。Article
16、1.202- Duty to Co-operate第1:202条:协助义务Each party owes to the other a duty to co-operate in order to give full effect to the contract.为了充分落实合同,各方当事人均向对方负有协助的义务。Section 3 - Terminology and Other Provisions第三节 术语与其他规定Article 1.301 - Meaning of Terms第1:301条:用语的含义In these Principles, except where the cont
17、ext otherwise requires:在本原则中,除非上下文要求具有其他的含义:(1) act includes omission;(一)“行为”包括不作为;(2) court includes arbitral tribunal; (二)“法院”包括仲裁机构;(3) an intentional act includes an act done recklessly;(三)“故意的”行为包括重大过失的行为;(4) non-performance denotes any failure to perform an obligation under the contract, wheth
18、er or not excused, and includes delayed performance, defective performance and failure to co-operate in order to give full effect to the contract.(四)“不履行”意指任何没有履行合同债务的行为,无论是否被谅解,并可包括迟延履行、瑕疵履行和没有协助以使合同得到充分的落实。(5) A matter is material if it is one which a reasonable person in the same situation as one
19、 party ought to have known would influence the other party in its decision whether to contract on the proposed terms or to contract at all.(五)一件事情,如果是处在当事人位置的通情达理之人本应知道它将会影响对方当事人决定是否依被提议的条款缔约或者是否缔约的,则为“重大的”。(6) Written statements include communications made by telegram, telex, telefax and electronic
20、 mail and other means of communication capable of providing a readable record of the statement on both sides(六)“书面”表述包括以电报、电传、传真以及其他通讯方式作出的能够对双方的表述提供可读性记录的通知。Article 1.302 - Reasonableness第1:302条:合理性Under these Principles reasonableness is to be judged by what persons acting in good faith and in the
21、 same situation as the parties would consider to be reasonable. In particular, in assessing what is reasonable the nature and purpose of the contract, the circumstances of the case, and the usages and practices of the trades or professions involved should be taken into account.依据本原则,合理性是指由善意行为并与当事人处
22、于相同的状况下之人加以判断所会认为是合理的情况;在权衡何谓合理者时,应特别考虑合同的性质与目的、案件的情况以及所涉交易或行业的惯例和习惯做法。Article 1.303- Notice第1:303条:通知(1) Any notice may be given by any means, whether in writing or otherwise, appropriate to the circumstances.(一)通知得以任何与具体情况相适合的方式作出,不论是书面的或其他的方式。(2) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), any notice beco
23、mes effective when it reaches the addressee.(二)在符合第四款和五款的前提下,通知自到达于受通知人时起生效。(3) A notice reaches the addressee when it is delivered to it or to its place of business or mailing address, or, if it does not have a place of business or mailing address, to its habitual residence.(三)通知被送交到受通知人或其营业场所或通讯地址
24、,如若其没有营业场所或通讯地址,送交到其惯常居所时,为到达受通知人。(4) If one party gives notice to the other because of the others non-performance or because such non-performance is reasonably anticipated by the first party, and the notice is properly dispatched or given, a delay or inaccuracy in the transmission of the notice or
25、its failure to arrive does not prevent it from having effect. The notice shall have effect from the time at which it would have arrived in normal circumstances.(四)一方当事人向另一方当事人发出通知,因为另一方的不履行或者因为此不履行已被前方当事人合理地预见到,而且该通知是恰当地发出或作出的,则该通知在传送过程中的迟延或不准确或没有到达并不妨碍它的生效。通知应从它在通常情况下本应到达的时间起生效。(5) A notice has no
26、effect if a withdrawal of it reaches the addressee before or at the same time as the notice.(五)如果对通知的撤回是在该通知之前或同时到达受通知人,通知不生效力。(6) In this Article, notice includes the communication of a promise, statement, offer, acceptance, demand, request or other declaration.(六)在本条中,“通知”包括允诺、表述、要约、承诺、要求、请求或其他的声明
27、。Article 1.304 - Computation of Time第1:304条:时间的计算(1) A period of time set by a party in a written document for the addressee to reply or take other action begins to run from the date stated as the date of the document. If no date is shown, the period begins to run from the moment the document reache
28、s the addressee.(一)一方当事人在书面的文件中规定的由受领人答复或作出其他行为的期间由该文件载明之日起算;如果没有载明日期,则该期间从该文件到达受领人时起算。(2) Official holidays and official non-working days occurring during the period are included in calculating the period. However, if the last day of the period is an official holiday or official non-working day at
29、the address of the addressee, or at the place where a prescribed act is to be performed, the period is extended until the first following working day in that place.(二)在计算期间时,在该期间内发生的正式节假日或正式非工作日亦包括在内。但若该期间的最后一天在受领人所在地或在所要求的行为的履行地为正式节假日或正式非工作日,该期间顺延至此后该地的第一个工作日。(3) Periods of time expressed in days,
30、weeks, months or years shall begin at 00.00 on the next day and shall end at 24.00 on the last day of the period; but any reply that has to reach the party who set the period must arrive, or other act which is to be done must be completed, by the normal close of business in the relevant place on the
31、 last day of the period.(三)以日、星期、月或年表示的时间期限应自该期间第二天的零时开始至该期间最后一天的二十四时终止;但向规定该期间的一方当事人所作任何答复的到达,或者所要作出的其他行为的完成,必须在该期间最后一天在相关地点的正常营业停止之前。Article 1.305 - Imputed Knowledge and Intention第1:305条:被归咎的知晓与故意If any person who with a partys assent was involved in making a contract, or who was entrusted with p
32、erformance by a party or performed with its assent: (a) knew or foresaw a fact, or ought to have known or foreseen it; or (b) acted intentionally or with gross negligence, or not in accordance with good faith and fair dealing, this knowledge, foresight or behaviour is imputed to the party itself.如果某
33、人在缔约一方当事人同意的情况下参与了合同的缔结,或者被缔约一方当事人委托履行或者在其同意的情况下履行了合同,该人:1.知道或预见到了某事实,或应当知道或预见到该事实;或者,2.故意地或具有重大过失地或者不符合诚实信用和公平交易地行为,这些知晓、预见或行为归咎于该方当事人本人。CHAPTER 2 - FORMATION第二章 合同的成立Section 1 - General Provisions第一节 一般规定Article 2.101 - Conditions for the Conclusion of a Contract第2:101条:合同成立的条件(1) A contract is co
34、ncluded if: (a) the parties intend to be legally bound, and (b) they reach a sufficient agreement,without any further requirement.(一)合同符合下列条件即成立而无须其他要件:1.当事人意欲在法律上受有拘束,以及2.它们形成了充分的合意。(2) A contract need not be concluded or evidenced in writing nor is it subject to any other requirement as to form. T
35、he contract may be proved by any means, including witnesses.(二)合同无须最终形成书面的形式,或以书面的形式证明,或是符合其他的形式要件。合同可采用任何方式加以证明,包括证人。 Article 2.102 - Intention第2:102条:意思The intention of a party to be legally bound by contract is to be determined from the partys statements or conduct as they were reasonably underst
36、ood by the other party.一方当事人欲在法律上受有拘束的意思要依被对方当事人合理地理解的该方当事人的表述或行为加以决定。Article 2.103 - Sufficient Agreement第2:103条:充分的合意(1) There is sufficient agreement if the terms: (a) have been sufficiently defined by the parties so that the contract can be enforced, or (b) can be determined under these Principl
37、es.(一)如果条款:1.已被当事人充分地界定进而使合同能够被强制执行,或者,2.能够依本原则加以确定,即为存有充分的合意。(2) However, if one of the parties refuses to conclude a contract unless the parties have agreed on some specific matter, there is no contract unless agreement on that matter has been reached.(二)但如果一方当事人拒绝达成合同,除非当事人在某种特定的事情上形成合意,则不存在任何合同,
38、除非对上述事情的合意已经形成。Article 2.104 - Terms not individually negotiated第2:104条:未经个别商议的条款(1) Contract terms which have not been individually negotiated may be invoked against a party who did not know of them only if the party invoking them took reasonable steps to bring them to the other partys attention be
39、fore or when the contract was concluded.(一)未经个别商议的合同条款,只有当使用此类条款的一方当事人在合同达成之前或在达成合同之时已采取了合理的步骤提醒了对方当事人的注意,始得被用来对抗不知存有此类条款的一方当事人。(2) Terms are not brought appropriately to a partys attention by a mere reference to them in a contract document, even if that party signs the document.(二)在一份合同文本中仅仅提及参照此类条
40、款,该条款并非合理地提醒了对方的注意,即使对方签署了该文本。Article 2.105 - Merger Clause第2:105条:合并条款(1) If a written contract contains an individually negotiated clause stating that the writing embodies all the terms of the contract (a merger clause), any prior statements, undertakings or agreements which are not embodied in th
41、e writing do not form part of the contract. (一)如果书面合同包含有一个经过个别商议的条款,声称书面合同体现了全部的合同条款(合并条款),则任何未从文字中反映出来的事先的陈述、保证或合意并不构成合同的组成部分。 (2) If the merger clause is not individually negotiated it will only establish a presumption that the parties intended that their prior statements, undertakings or agreemen
42、ts were not to form part of the contract. This rule may not be excluded or restricted. (二)如果合并条款未经个别商议,这只能确立如下假定:当事人并非想让它们事先的陈述、保证或合意构成合同的组成部分。此项规则不得被排除或限制。 (3) The parties prior statements may be used to interpret the contract. This rule may not be excluded or restricted except by an individually n
43、egotiated clause. (三)当事人事先的陈述可用以解释合同。除非采用个别商议条款的形式,此项规则不得被排除或限制。 (4) A party may by its statements or conduct be precluded from asserting a merger clause to the extent that the other party has reasonably relied on them.(四)一方当事人可因其陈述或行为而被阻却主张此种条款,只要对方当事人业已合理地信赖了它们。Article 2.106- Written Modification
44、only第2:106条:只许书面变更(1) A clause in a written contract requiring any modification or ending by agreement to be made in writing establishes only a presumption that an agreement to modify or end the contract is not intended to be legally binding unless it is in writing.(一)书面合同中如有条款规定协议变更或者终止须采取书面形式的,只是假
45、定变更或者终止合同的协议若非采取书面形式便不具有法律拘束力。(2) A party may by its statements or conduct be precluded from asserting such a clause to the extent that the other party has reasonably relied on them.(二)如果一方当事人的陈述或者行为已被对方当事人合理地信赖了,则该方当事人不得主张适用前款规定。Article 2.107 - Promises binding without acceptance第2:107条:无须接受即具有拘束力的
46、允诺A promise which is intended to be legally binding without acceptance is binding.一项意欲无须接受即具有拘束力的允诺是有拘束力的。Section 2 - Offer and Acceptance第二节 要约与承诺Article 2.201 - Offer第2:201条:要约(1) A proposal amounts to an offer if: (a) it is intended to result in a contract if the other party accepts it, and (b) i
47、t contains sufficiently definite terms to form a contract.(一)一项建议一旦符合下列要件即构成要约:1.它意欲在对方承诺后即形成合同,并且 2.它含有相当确定的条款以形成合同。(2) An offer may be made to one or more specific persons or to the public.(二)要约可以向一个或者多个特定的人或者向公众作出。(3) A proposal to supply goods or services at stated prices made by a professional
48、supplier in a public advertisement or a catalogue, or by a display of goods, is presumed to be an offer to sell or supply at that price until the stock of goods, or the suppliers capacity to supply the service, is exhausted.(三)一项由职业性供应人以公开的广告或价目表或者以商品展示的方式作出的以特定价格供应商品或服务的建议,被推定为是按此价格出售商品或提供服务的要约,直至库
49、存商品售罄或者供应人提供此项服务的能力告尽。Article 2.202- Revocation of an Offer第2:202条:要约的撤销(1) An offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before it has dispatched its acceptance or, in cases of acceptance by conduct, before the contract has been concluded under Article 2.205(2) or (3).(一)要约可得撤销,只要撤销
50、通知在受要约人发出其承诺之前或者,在以行为表示承诺之场合,在依第2:205条第二款或第三款形成合同之前到达受要约人。(2) An offer made to the public can be revoked by the same means as were used to make the offer.(二)向公众发出的要约可以用与发出该要约时采用的相同的方式撤销。(3) However, a revocation of an offer is ineffective if: (a) the offer indicates that it is irrevocable; or (b) it
51、 states a fixed time for its acceptance; or (c) it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.(三)但如存有下列情况,对要约的撤销是无效的:1.要约已表明它是不可撤销的;或2.要约已确定了承诺的时间;或3.受要约人合理地信赖该要约为不可撤销的并已基于对要约的信赖作出了行为。Article 2.203 - Lapse of an Offer第2
52、:203条:要约的失效When a rejection of an offer reaches the offeror, the offer lapses.要约于拒绝通知到达要约人时失效。Article 2.204 - Acceptance第2:204条:承诺(1) Any form of statement or conduct by the offeree is an acceptance if it indicates assent to the offer.(一)受要约人作出的任何形式的陈述或行为,一旦它表明了对要约的同意,即为承诺。(2) Silence or inactivity
53、does not in itself amount to acceptance.(二)沉默或不作为本身并不构成承诺。Article 2.205 - Time of Conclusion of the Contract第2:205条:合同成立的时间(1) If an acceptance has been dispatched by the offeree,the contract is concluded when the acceptance reaches the offeror.(一)一旦承诺已由受要约人发出,合同自该项声明到达要约人时成立。(2) In case of acceptan
54、ce by conduct, the contract is concluded when notice of the conduct reaches the offeror.(二)在以行为表示承诺之场合,合同自有关该行为的通知到达要约人时成立。(3) If by virtue of the offer, of practices which the parties have established between themselves, or of a usage, the offeree may accept the offer by performing an act without n
55、otice to the offeror, the contract is concluded when the performance of the act begins.(三)如果根据要约、当事人之间业已确立的习惯做法或者惯例,受要约人可以履行某种行为来对要约作出承诺而无须通知要约人,合同自开始履行该行为时成立。Article 2.206 - Time Limit for Acceptance第2:206条:承诺的期限(1) In order to be effective, acceptance of an offer must reach the offeror within the
56、time fixed by it.(一)对要约所为的承诺如欲有效,须于要约人确定的期限内到达要约人。(2) If no time has been fixed by the offeror,acceptance must reach it within a reasonable time.(二)如果要约人没有确定任何期限,承诺须于一合理的时间内到达要约人。(3) In the case of an acceptance by an act of performance under art. 2.205 (3), that act must be performed within the tim
57、e for acceptance fixed by the offeror or, if no such time is fixed, within a reasonable time.(三)在以依第2:205条第三款履行某种行为表示承诺的场合,该行为须于要约人确定的承诺期限内履行;如果没有确定期限,则在一合理的时间内。Article 2.207- Late Acceptance第2:207条:迟到的承诺(1) A late acceptance is nonetheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror inf
58、orms the offeree that he treats it as such.(一)承诺虽迟到仍得为有效的承诺,只要要约人不曾迟延地通知受要约人他将它作为承诺。(2) If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror informs the offeree that it cons
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