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1、morningGood moring !afternoonGood afternoon !bookGive me abook ,please !rulerpencilrubbereye Touch your eye.mouth Touch your mouth.下午下午好!早上,上午早上(上午)好!尺书请给我一本书橡皮铅笔嘴巴 摸一下你的嘴巴 .眼睛 摸一下你的眼睛 .Look ! Tfacehis is your face.noseearI have two ears.dancereaddrawsingI can sing.grandfatherThis is my grandfather.

2、I can draw a house.鼻子脸看,这是你的脸 .跳舞耳朵 我有两只耳朵 .唱歌我会唱歌 .读书祖父 这是我的祖父 . (爷爷或外公)画画 我会画一栋房子 .grandmothe r Who is she ? She 's my grandmother.fatherWho is he ? He ' s my father.mothermeCan you see me ?fatthinThis is Danny ,She's my friend.He ' s my classmate.She's thin. She canHe ' s

3、fat.dance.tallLook ! This is Ben , He's tall.shortLook ! This is Kitty ,She's short.父亲祖母他是谁?她是谁?他是我的父亲 .她是我的祖母(奶奶) .我你能看见我吗?母亲瘦的胖的她是我的朋友。这是丹尼,她很瘦。她会跳舞。他是我的同班同学。他很胖。矮的高的看!这是凯蒂,看!这是本,她很矮 .他很高 .onetwoOne fishTwo pigsthreeThree applesfourFour pearssixSix peachespearPear is yellow.Pears are juicy

4、.fiveFive orangesappleHow many apples ?Seven.两头猪。 一条鱼四四个梨。三个苹果。六五六个桃。五个梨。梨梨是黄色的,梨是多汁的。苹果 多少个苹果?7 个。peachorangePeaches are sweet.Oranges is round.I love to eat.I love orange.hamburgerCan I help you ?May I have ahamburger , please.pizzaDo you like to eatpizza ?Yes, I like it.cakeLet ' s eat the ca

5、ketogether.May I have a banana pie , please.duck橘子,橙子橘子是圆的,我喜欢橘子。桃子桃子是甜的,我喜欢吃。披萨饼 你喜欢吃披萨吗? 是的,我喜欢。我能为您做些什么? 请给我一个汉堡。馅饼,派 请给我一块香蕉派。蛋糕让我们一起来吃蛋糕。鸭子小鸡pigWhat 's that? It ' s acowpig.bearIs that a bear?Yes.tigerThere ' s a tiger in thezoo.monkey What ' s this? Is this a monkey? Yes.Is thi

6、s apanda cat? No, It ' s a panda.redWhat colour is it? It ' s red.blue Colour the ruler blue.猪那是什么?是一头猪。奶牛老虎熊动物园里有一只老虎。哪个是熊吗?是的。熊猫这是猫吗?不,是大熊猫。猴子 这是什么?是猴子吗? 是的。蓝色给尺子涂上蓝色。红色 它是什么颜色?它是红 色。yellow Up and down.GreenKites in the sky , Flying very high.DannyEddieHe is short. He canHe is fat. He can

7、read.draw.AliceKittyShe can draw.She can dance.mydog天空中的风筝,飞的很高。上上下下。This is my face.A dog , I can see.绿色黄色爱迪丹尼他矮,他会画画。他胖,他会读书。凯蒂爱丽丝她会跳舞。她会画画。狗我的一只狗,我能看见。这是我的脸。hellohigoodbyegoodKitty and Ann are good friendsgiveyouGive me a pencil please.Nice to see you.thankaThank you !I see a boy there.nice How n

8、ice.seeYou can 't see colours at night.forTwo books, for you and me.andI'm seven and I 'm veryhappy.thisThis is my mother.JacktouchDon ' t touch that dog.look Look,there is a rabbit.你好你好好凯蒂和安妮是好朋友。再见你/你们很高兴见到你。给请给我一只铅笔。一个我看到一个男孩在哪里。谢谢 谢谢您。看见晚上看不见颜色。漂亮的很漂亮。和/与/且我 7 岁而且我非常幸福。给两本书,给你和我。

9、杰克这个这个是我的妈妈。看摸看,那里有只兔子。不要摸那只狗。PeterJohnLindaTomnightGood night !sunMr.This is Mr. Fang.isThat is my father.约翰彼得汤姆琳达太阳晚上晚上好!是先生那是我爸爸。这是方先生。canwhatWhat can you do ?What colour is it ?doWhat do you do when someone gives you a help ?flower A red flower.housewhoA green house.Who is he ?sheheShe is a beau

10、tiful girl.He is a fat boy.什么它是什么颜色?能你能做什么?花一朵红色的花。做当有人给你帮助的时候你会怎么做?谁房子他是谁?一栋绿色的房子。他她他是一个胖男孩。她是一个漂亮的女孩。yesIs it a cat ? Yes.noIs it a peach ?No ,it's apear.fineHow are you? I'm fine, thank you.classmate The girl is my classmate.friend He wants to make friends with Tom.AnnsevenI' m seven

11、years old.eightEight rabbits.不是它是桃子吗?不是,是梨。是的它是猫吗?是的。同班同学 这个女孩是我的同班同 学。很好您好吗?我很好,谢谢。安妮朋友他想和汤姆交个朋友。八8 只兔子。七我 7 岁了。nine Nine flower.tenTen little paper rabbits.little A little star.rabbipaper Give me a piece of paper,please.pleaseCan you help us please?round Orange is round.juicyGrapes are juicy.十九10

12、个小纸兔。九朵花。兔子小的一颗小星星。请纸能请你帮帮我们吗?请给我一张纸。多汁的圆的葡萄是多汁的。橘子是圆的。anmayAn apple.May I help you ?helpsoupCan you help me ?I like to eat soup.MooQinkQuackPeep可以一个我可以帮你吗?一个苹果。汤帮助我喜欢喝汤。你可以帮我吗?flykiteFlying very high.Kites in the sky.loveI love my mother.eatDon't only eat rice ?sweet Pears are sweet.cutI cut a

13、flower.stickthatStick a picture.what is that ?风筝飞风筝在空中。飞的很高。吃爱不要只吃米饭。我爱我的妈妈。剪,切 我剪了一朵花。甜梨是甜的。那个那是什么?贴贴一张画。skyLook and sayLook and learn Ask and answerPlay a game天空看和说 看和学 提问和回答玩游戏Listen andIn the zooenjoyIn the parkSay and actOn the farmMake a maskAt the snackLet 's countbar听和加入在动物园里说和做在公园里做一个面具在农场里让我们数一数在小吃店My family My friends My abilities My classmate and friendIn the restaurant In the fruit shop In the classroom At the supermarket我的家庭我


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