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1、On Task-based Teaching Methodology英语1106班吴茹婷、辛文、杨晓燕、张华静、赵海娅、朱羽、鄢琳琳浅谈任务型教学理论浅谈任务型教学理论 什么是任务型教学什么是任务型教学 任务型教学产生的背景及发展任务型教学产生的背景及发展 任务型教学产生的理论依据任务型教学产生的理论依据 任务型教学的几个转变任务型教学的几个转变 任务型教学的主要特点任务型教学的主要特点 任务型教学应注意的几个方面任务型教学应注意的几个方面 任务型教学的具体案例分析任务型教学的具体案例分析What are tasks? A task is a piece of work undertaken

2、for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. 1)任务是学习者在处理或理解语言的基础上完成的一个活动或行动,通俗地说,任务是学习者在理解语言和输出语言的基础上完成的各种事情。 2)任务是学习者根据所给信息和经过思考得出某种结论或结果的活动。 3)任务是那些主要以表达意义为目的的语言运用活动。 The communicative task is a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or i

3、nteracting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form. 4)交际性任务是指课堂上学习者理解、处理、输出目的语或用目的语进行交流的各种学习活动。在这些学习活动中,学习者的注意力主要集中在表达意义上,而不是在操练语言形式上。 Tasks can have variety of starting point. They ma

4、y draw on learners own input, eg personal experience, general/world knowledge, or intellectual challenge; they may be based on written text, recordings of spoken data, or visual data; they could be activities like games, demonstrations or interviews; they could be a combination of several of these.

5、什么不是任务 Tasks do not include activities which involve language used for practice or display, such as Describe the picture using the words and phrases from the list below or Ask your partner if he likes the food listed here using the forms Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont. where there is no outcome

6、or purpose other than practice of pre-specified language下面是一些课堂上常见的活动,请判断哪些活动属于任务,哪些属于练习?Role-play a dialogue in the textbook.Read a passage and answer questions.Do a survey to find out the most favorite food in the class.Change sentences into passive voice.Write about your favorite sport.Reply to a

7、n e-mail message.Make a list of drinks and food for a party.Write out the adjective forms of the given words.Match the words with their definitions. Design an advertisement for a second-hand bicycle you want to sell. rice, noodles, rice noodles, porridge, dumpling, vegetables, fish, meat, chicken, b

8、eef, eggs, duck, taro(芋头)芋头), potato, sweet potato, tomato, apples, pears, bananas, watermelons, grapes, strawberry, mango, longan, litchi, pineapple, orange, Fill in the following chart while interview your friend. The example is given. Step 2: Next, please make a list of the things you need to buy

9、 as follow: 什么是任务型教学什么是任务型教学 The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meani

10、ngful purposes. “在英语课堂教学中让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活、学习、工作等任务,将课堂教学的目标真实化、任务化,从而培养其运用英语的能力.” 简言之,Language is used for doing things 任务型教学产生的背景及发展任务型教学产生的背景及发展 任务型教学是在TESL背景下产生的。 1979 年,Prabhu 在印度南部的Bangalor 将当时看来比较激进的任务型教学理论假设付诸于教学实践。 他认为:“Students may learn more effectively when their minds are focused on the t

11、ask, rather than on the language they are using.” 任务型教学模式正是从Bangalor Project 开始的。 Jane Willis, author of A Framework forTask-based Learning在谈到任务型教学法的发展和变化时,指出: “In task-supported learning, the task is used in order to give students practice in what they have been learning. In task-based learning, th

12、e task is central to the learning cycle. Students learn through using language, by struggling with meaning.” 任务型教学产生的理论依据任务型教学产生的理论依据 语言学家Krashen强调,语言学习是习得(acquisition),而非学习(learning),即掌握语言大多是在交际活动中使用语言的结果,而不是单纯训练语言技能和学习语言知识的结果。 Longman 提出,语言必须通过“对话性互动(conversational interaction)才能习得。语言 习得不可缺少的机制是“学

13、习的自主性”和“变化性的互动”。 任务型教学的几个转变任务型教学的几个转变 1. 关注教法关注学法 2. 教师为中心学生为中心 3. “以教定学” “以学定教” 4. 注重语言本身注重学生体验、语言习得任务型语言教学的特点任务型语言教学的特点 1. 强调通过交流来学会交际强调通过交流来学会交际 An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language. 2. 将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境 The introduction of authentic texts

14、 into the learning situation. 3. 关注语言的本身,也关注学习的过程关注语言的本身,也关注学习的过程 Provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language, but also on the learning process itself. 4. 把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素 An enhancement of the learners own personal experiences as important contribu

15、ting elements to classroom learning. 5.试图把课内的语言学习与社会的语言活试图把课内的语言学习与社会的语言活动结合起来。动结合起来。 An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom. 任务型教学应注意的几个方面任务型教学应注意的几个方面 1任务应充分体现学生的主体性. 教师设计任务时,要充分了解学生的兴趣、爱好、特长和学习能力,仔细考虑学生的需要和能力。 2任务应具有现实生活中发生的可能性,教师应该为学生提供清晰、熟悉

16、、较为真实的语言环境 3任务应具有趣味性、科学性、交际性、可操作性、可拓展性及语用、语境和语义的真实性 4任务应具有提高学生语言运用能力的目的性,每进行一项教学活动,都要依据学习目的性动机,对学生提出某项学习活动的具体要求 ,这样能有效的防止学生在活动期间无所事事,从而提高活动的质量 5任务应具有各学科之间相互渗透的多元性 ,强调学科之间的整合 6任务应具有第二课堂再学习的延伸性 7对学生应进行发展性评价,即,教师应多形式、多层次、多角度地对学生进行发展性过程评价,促进学 生的发展。 任务型教学的具体案例分析任务型教学的具体案例分析 Task 1: Today we are going to

17、deal with the topic “Computer” Do you like computers? How many of you have got a computer at home? Do you often use the computer? For what purposes? 任务1分析: 这是一个导入步骤,目的是想激发学生对主题或任务的关注和兴趣,使学生一开始就处于一种主动、积极的任务情景氛围中。在这一阶段,教师要使所设计的问题尽量贴近本课所涉及的主要内容,即强调导人与任务的相关性。 Task2: Look at the topic in the textbook to

18、predict the content of the text. 任务2分析: 学生的兴趣被激发起来之后,就可以直接进入今天的主题或任务,即对标题的预测。当然,在预测之前必须扫清一些语言理解上的障碍。在这一活动中,讨论只是一种形式,而进行预测这一阅读技巧的训练才是活动的实质。 Task3:Discuss in groups: In what ways do computers concern us in our daily life ? Try to make a list of them. ( The whole class may be divided into 45 group s. A

19、fter group discussion, each group try to report the ways in which the computers concern us. The more items the group write down, the higher marks the group will get.) 任务3分析: 这样的任务作为正式接触课文前的“热身练习”(Warming - up exercises) ,是因为它利用了学生对computer的兴趣,调动了学生的积极性,学生可以利用他们的现有知识以及想象力对计算机在日常生活中的运用展开充分的讨论,同时也是对课文内

20、容的一种深入挖掘。另外分组竞赛的组织方式使课堂气氛紧张、热烈、活跃。 Task4: Each group report the discussion result to the whole class. Compare the items each group provide. Then make a comparison between the items you mention and those mentioned in the text 任务4分析: 通过讨论比较,学生扩大了知识面,对于计算机在日常生活中的运用有了比较全面的了解,同时对课文的内容也加深了理解,学生的口头表达能力在不知不

21、觉中也得到了较大的提高。 Task5: Nowadays computer - assisted instruction is getting more and more popular in China. It is believed that computers will someday play a very important role in educating children, and perhaps will gradually take the place of a teacher. What do you think of it? Do you believe that computers can and will take the place of teachers in the future? Why or why not? Compar


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