1、Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section BLead inDo you like to tell stories? How many stories do you know? Please choose one and tell it to your classmates.1a Match the words with the letters in the pictures in 1c._ gold _ emperor_ silk _ underwearadcb1b Listen and number the pictures
2、1-5 in 1c.123451c Listen again and fill in the blanks.1d Use the pictures in 1c and tell the story.Once upon a time, there was an emperor2a A fairy tale is an old, traditional story. Do you know what these fairy tales are about?Sleeping BeautyCinderellaLittle Red Ridding HoodDo you know the story of
3、 Hansel and Gretel韩塞尔与葛雷特出自格林童话,韩塞尔与葛雷特出自格林童话,故事讲述的是一对可怜的兄妹遭到了故事讲述的是一对可怜的兄妹遭到了继母的抛弃,流落荒林,最后来到了继母的抛弃,流落荒林,最后来到了一座糖果屋,饥饿难忍的兄妹俩迫不一座糖果屋,饥饿难忍的兄妹俩迫不及待地吃了起来。但是糖果屋的主人及待地吃了起来。但是糖果屋的主人是一个吃人的女巫,她把兄妹俩抓了起来,想要把是一个吃人的女巫,她把兄妹俩抓了起来,想要把哥哥养得胖胖的,然后吃了哥哥。但兄妹俩凭借着自己的智哥哥养得胖胖的,然后吃了哥哥。但兄妹俩凭借着自己的智慧战胜了女巫,并且找到了回家的路。这个故事告诉小朋友慧战胜了
4、女巫,并且找到了回家的路。这个故事告诉小朋友们在困难面前一定要冷静,不要慌张,要用自己的机智去战们在困难面前一定要冷静,不要慌张,要用自己的机智去战胜困难。胜困难。2b Read the first paragraph of Hansel and Gretel. Think about how the fairy tale will continue. Then read the rest of the story.Reading skillFinding out the Text TypeBefore you read, decide what kind of text it is. Is
5、it a letter, a play, a short story or something else?SCENE FOUR: _Wife: You bad children! What along time you slept in the forest!Husband: We thought you were never coming back.Wife: Now, go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.Hansel: What, again? I want to go
6、out to look at the moon.Wife: No. You cant go out now.答案:答案:1-7 GBDEFCA2d Read the play again and answer the questions.1.Why does the wife tell her husband to leave the children in the forest?2. What does Hansel go out to get?3. Why does he do this in the moonlight?4. How do Hansel and Gretel find t
7、heir way home?5. Why do Hansel and Gretel get lost the second time?Because the weather was so dry that no food would grow.White stones.When the moon is shining bright, theyll be able to see the stones.Hansel dropped white stones along the way.Because they cant see any bread on the ground.2e Act out
8、the play in groups of four.3a Write some key words from each scene. Then discuss your answers with your partner.Scene1 : _Scene2 : _ Scene3 : _Scene4 : _Scene5 : _Scene6 : _Scene7 : _plan, kill, saveforest , bread, dont eatdrop, stone, shine, seecome back, go to the forest, againbread, followcant se
9、e, keep walkinglost, song, house made of bread3b Complete the summary of the play.parentskillsavestonesforestdroppedmoonpiecesbreadbirdslosthouseeatwomanSelf check1.Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.( 1 )We will be late unless ( 2 ) You wont be successful unless( 3 ) As soon as I got to t
10、he bus stop( 4 )Bill opened his book as soon as ( 5 ) The movies was so touching that( 6 )The boy was so excited that 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.waslovedcametoldgivewerekeptwereseeputthinksaidwalkedshouted1. The emperor had to give them silk and gold, but th
11、ey kept everything for themselves. 皇帝不得不给他们丝绸和金子皇帝不得不给他们丝绸和金子, 但是他们都把这一切据为己有。但是他们都把这一切据为己有。知识点精练知识点精练 【自主领悟自主领悟】(1)silk为不可数名词为不可数名词, 意为意为“丝绸丝绸”; gold为不可为不可数名词数名词, 意为意为“金子金子”。例如。例如: The princess bought some wonderful silk with gold. 公主用金子买了些精美丝绸。公主用金子买了些精美丝绸。(2)keep sth. for oneself 意为意为“为某人自己保留某物为某人
12、自己保留某物”。例如。例如: I will keep this bag for myself. 我将为自己保留这个包。我将为自己保留这个包。【温馨提示温馨提示】keep sth. to oneself 意为意为“保守秘密保守秘密”。例如。例如: Could you please keep this secret for yourself? 请你保守这个请你保守这个秘密秘密, 好吗好吗? 【活学活用活学活用】 There_ (be) a lot of gold and silk in his house. The soldier keeps the promise to_ (him) for a
13、 long time. Tina is selfish and she always_ _ _ _ (为自己保留一切为自己保留一切). 答案答案: ishimselfkeeps everything for herself2. They were trying to cheat the emperor. 他们正试图欺骗皇帝。他们正试图欺骗皇帝。【自主领悟自主领悟】cheat动词动词, 意为意为“欺骗欺骗; 蒙骗蒙骗; 作弊作弊”, 常用短语常用短语为为: cheat sb. 意为意为“欺骗某人欺骗某人”; cheat sb. of sth. 意为意为“骗取某人的某物骗取某人的某物”。例如。例如
14、: They cheated the old woman of her house and money. 他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】cheat的不同词性的不同词性cheat还作名词还作名词, 意为意为“骗子骗子, 欺骗行为欺骗行为”。例如。例如: She is a shameless cheat. 她是个无耻的骗子。她是个无耻的骗子。【活学活用活学活用】 我保证不再骗你了。我保证不再骗你了。I promise not to again. 地主骗取了这个穷人的土地。地主骗取了这个穷人的土地。The landlordthe poor manhi
15、s land. 答案答案: cheat youcheated; of3. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. 妻子告诉她丈夫除非他把孩子们留在森林里死掉妻子告诉她丈夫除非他把孩子们留在森林里死掉, 否则一家人否则一家人都会被饿死。都会被饿死。【自主领悟自主领悟】(1)leave sb. /sth. +介词短语介词短语, 意为意为“把某人或把某人或某物遗留在某地某物遗留在某地”, leave在此意为在此意为“遗留遗留
16、, 遗忘遗忘”, 其过去式其过去式为为left。例如。例如: Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen after dinner. 饭后不要把脏餐具留在厨房。饭后不要把脏餐具留在厨房。(2)the whole意为意为“整个的整个的, 全部的全部的”, 后面接名词作宾语。例后面接名词作宾语。例如如: He skated for the whole five hours yesterday. 他昨天滑冰他昨天滑冰滑了整整五个小时。滑了整整五个小时。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】all与与whole的区别的区别【活学活用活学活用】 不要把你的孩子单独留在家里。不要把
17、你的孩子单独留在家里。Dontyour kidshome alone. 所有的同学按时到达。所有的同学按时到达。 students arrive on time. 他们搜查了全城。他们搜查了全城。They searched the . 答案答案: leave; atAll thewhole city4. Look! Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and sugar. 看看! 它正引导我们去那个由面包、蛋糕和糖做它正引导我们去那个由面包、蛋糕和糖做成的漂亮的房子。成的漂亮的房子。【自主领悟自主领悟】(1)le
18、ad意为意为“带路带路; 领路领路”, 过去式为过去式为led, 常用常用短语为短语为lead sb. to someplace意为意为“领某人到某地领某人到某地”。例如例如: I led Linda to my school yesterday. 昨天我带琳达去我昨天我带琳达去我学校了。学校了。(2)(be)made of意为意为“由由制成制成”。例如。例如: The sweater is made of wool. 这件毛衣是羊毛做的。这件毛衣是羊毛做的。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be made of和和be made from的区别的区别(1)be made of表示制成成品后表示制成成品后,
19、 仍可看出原材料是什么仍可看出原材料是什么, 保留保留原材料的质和形状原材料的质和形状, 制作过程仅发生物理变化。例如制作过程仅发生物理变化。例如: The kite is made of paper. 这个风筝是用纸做的。这个风筝是用纸做的。(2)be made from表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征特征, 或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化, 在成品中已无法在成品中已无法辨认。例如辨认。例如: Butter is made from milk. 黄油是从牛奶中提炼黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。出来的。【图解助记图解
20、助记】be made的不同搭配的不同搭配【活学活用活学活用】 玛丽将领我去她家。玛丽将领我去她家。Mary willmeher house. 那张桌子由竹子制成。那张桌子由竹子制成。That table bamboo. 这纸是木头做的。这纸是木头做的。The paper wood. 答案答案: lead; tois made ofis made from5. Who is brave enough to eat my house? 谁这么大胆敢吃我的房子谁这么大胆敢吃我的房子? 【自主领悟自主领悟】(1)enough用作副词用作副词, 意为意为“充足地充足地, 足够地足够地”, 修修饰形容词或
21、副词饰形容词或副词, 置于这些词的后面。置于这些词的后面。(2)adj. +enough+ to do意为意为“做某事是足够做某事是足够的的”。例如例如: The man is strong enough to carry the heavy box. 这位这位男士足够强壮男士足够强壮, 能够搬动这个重箱子。能够搬动这个重箱子。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】enough的不同用法的不同用法(1)enough可作形容词可作形容词, 意为意为“足够的足够的, 充足的充足的”, 修饰名词修饰名词, 置置于名词的前后均可于名词的前后均可, 但一般放在前面。例如但一般放在前面。例如: Dont worry. We
22、 have enough time to do the job. 不要担心不要担心, 我们有足够的时间我们有足够的时间去做工作。去做工作。(2)adj. +enough to do sth. 常可与常可与too. . . to. . . 或或so. . . that. . . 相互转化。相互转化。【图解助记图解助记】【活学活用活学活用】 她年纪够大她年纪够大, 可以独自旅行了。可以独自旅行了。She is travel by herself. The ice is too thin to skate on. (改为同义句改为同义句)The ice isnt thick skate on. 答案
23、答案: old enough toenough to6. They could see the stones because of the shining moon. The stones showed them the way home. 因为月光因为月光, 他们能够看到石头他们能够看到石头, 石头指引他们回家的路。石头指引他们回家的路。【自主领悟自主领悟】(1)because of意为意为“因为因为, 由于由于”, 其后常接名词其后常接名词或名词短语。例如或名词短语。例如: He didnt go to school because of his illness. 他因为生病没有去上学。他
24、因为生病没有去上学。(2)show作动词作动词, 意为意为“展示展示, 指示指示”, 常用短语为常用短语为show sb. sth. 或或show sth. to sb. , 意为意为“让某人看某物让某人看某物, 向某人展示某物向某人展示某物”。例如例如: Could you show me your ID card? 你可以让我看一下你你可以让我看一下你的身份证吗的身份证吗? 【活学活用活学活用】 My sister got a cold because it rained heavily. (改为同义句改为同义句)My sister got a cold the heavy rain. M
25、y English teacher showed us some word cards. (改为同义改为同义句句)My English teachersome word cardsus. 答案答案: because ofshowed; to7. They heard the voice of an old woman coming from the house. 他们听到来自房间里的一位老妇人的声音。他们听到来自房间里的一位老妇人的声音。【自主领悟自主领悟】hear作动词作动词, 意为意为”听到听到”。常用结构。常用结构: hear sb. doing sth. 意为意为“听到某人正做某事听到
26、某人正做某事”。例如。例如: We heard a girl singing in the next room. 我们听到隔壁房间里有个女孩正我们听到隔壁房间里有个女孩正在唱歌。在唱歌。hear sb. do sth. 意为意为“听到某人做了某事或经常做听到某人做了某事或经常做某事某事”。例如。例如: I often hear him complain about too much homework. 我经常听到他抱怨太多的作业。我经常听到他抱怨太多的作业。【温馨提示温馨提示】感官动词如感官动词如see, hear, watch, feel, notice等后跟动等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语时
27、词不定式作宾语补足语时, 通常不带通常不带to。例如。例如: They saw the thief cross the street just now. 他们看到那个小偷刚刚穿过了他们看到那个小偷刚刚穿过了街道。街道。【活学活用活学活用】 He heard someone(cry) in the corner of the classroom. I often saw the boy(play) the piano in the music classroom last year. 答案答案: cryingplay. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. The prince fo
28、und a lot of(gold) in the pocket. 2. Li Lei, you should keep the little food for(your). 3. Once upon a time, there(be) many animals in the forest. They lived happily. 4. Look! His brother is(put) on his raincoat. 5. I wanted(talk) to you about your study. 答案答案: 1. gold2. yourself3. were4. putting5. to talk知识点精练知识点精练 6. I made a plan(plant) some vegetables in the garden. 7. They heard their boss(argue) with a man outside. 8. The sun(shine) on her lovely face and hair just now. 9. Our teacher(lead) us to a museum last Sunday. 10. The children got(lose) in the forest at last.
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