1、选择题( 20个共 20分)James Fenimore Cooper作品The Leatherstocking Tale皮袜子故事集Philip FreneauThe wild Honey SuC野忍冬花Edgar Allan PoeTo HelenHenry David ThoreauWaldet瓦尔登湖America n Roma ntic浪mt 主义Period: from the end of the 18th century to the outlreak of the civil warIt started w
2、ith the pullication of WasIrhviingtoTnh'eSsketch Baonodkended with WhitmLeaanves of'Grsass Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet Lette红字美国内战(南北战争)时间1861.4.121865.4.9Westward Movement运动,开始于 18世纪末,终于 19世纪末20世纪初。Henry JamesThe P ortrait of a LOdy个女人的画像Ralph Waldo EmersonNature论自然John SmithFirst Americ
3、an writerHerman MelvilleMoly-Dick 大白鲸连线题(作者和作品 10分)Benjamin FranklinThe AutoliographyO.HenryThe Cop and the Anthi察与赞美诗Jack LondonThe Sea W海狼名词解释 2 个(以下四选二,共 10分)American DreamThe freedom allowi ng all America n people to pu rsue their goals in life through分rd work and freeIt often refers to the oppo
4、rtunity for immigrants to achieve greater material prosperity than was poscoun tries of orig3h)T2ie founding Fathers used thlifhlrlaeEty, and the pu rsuit of”oppin essencompaaslsl thatis availabline AmericanIt. 'thesopportuntitoymakeindividucahloicews ithouttherestrictio ns of class, race or 分)g
5、io n. (22. American Purita美国m青教主义A religious moveme nt in the late IGthaenitairyoffs 分支支)in the third and fourth decades ofthe 17th century to the northern English colonies,iInt ltahied NthewfoWunodrladtion for the religious, intellectualand social order of the NewPWrOtads wan ted topurify the churc
6、h” to its original state, bthe church was corrup ted and had tooo mOnyDtaOParita n: tak ing religio n as the most imp orta nt thi ng;living for glorifying God.3. American Roman浪漫主义(1) The Romanticism Period stretches fromththcenetunrdyotfo1th8e outbreak of the Civil War. It is aperiod of the great f
7、lowering of American literature. It started with thetopnuIbrvlicinagtion o'fWs ashing The Sketch Book and ended with WhitmGarnass .' s Leaves of(2) It was rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism.4. American Literaturemainly refers to literature produced in American English by people
8、 living in the U.S. It also include produced in other countries by American expatriates and in other languages by minorities in the co as American Indian literature and the Jewish literature.四 赏析题1-2诗的赏析 两首诗二选答题标准:标出韵脚 5 分,中文译文15分共20分。1. To Helen海伦,你的美在我眼里 a 有如往日尼西亚的三桅船 b 船行在飘香的海上,悠悠地 把已惓于漂泊的困乏船员 送回
9、他故乡的海岸 b早已习惯于在怒海上飘荡 你典雅的面庞,你的鬈发 你水神般的风姿带我返航 光荣属于希腊 b 伟大属于罗马 a看哪!壁龛似的明亮窗户里我看见你站着,多像尊雕塑 一盏玛瑙的灯你拿在手上 b 塞姬女神哪,神圣的土地 a才是你的家乡! b2. The Wild Honey Sl野忍冬花美丽的花啊,你长得这么秀丽 却藏身在这僻静,沉闷的地方无人触及你含蜜的芬芳 a你纤弱的枝杈无人欣赏 b没游来荡去的脚把你踩踏 无多事的手惹你落泪 c大自然授你白色的裙裳 a 她命你远遁世俗的眼光 b她布置树荫把你护卫起来 又让潺潺的柔波淌过你身旁你的夏天就这样静静流逝 这时候你日见萎焉终将安息那些难免消逝的
10、美使我销魂 想起你未来的结局我就心疼 别的那些花儿也不比你幸运 虽开放在伊甸园也早已凋零 无情的寒霜再加秋日的威力会叫这花朵消逝的一无踪迹朝阳和寒霜曾把你养育 a 让你这小小的生命来到这世上原来若没有,就没什么失去因为你的死让你同先前一样 这来去之间,不过是一个钟点这就是脆弱的花享有的天年3-4片段赏析 二选韵律(几步抑扬格) ,主题思想(歌颂了,表达了)答题标准:出处,作者,Question(1) Which poem is called the“most perfect brief poem in the language”?(2) Besides his poems, he also t
11、ranslated two important works into English Blank verse. What are t答:To a waterfowl“ the most perfect brief poem in the language describes the poet 's observation of a bird escaping from a fowler (hunter) on the horisun setDivi ne power/ guides and p rotects life Meter:Va in ly the fowler's e
12、yethree iambic feetMight mark thy dista nt flight to do thee wofige iambic feetAs, darkly pain ted on the crims on skyfive iambic feetThy figure floats alongthree iambic feet(1) In each stanza, the pcjetibaeriminelrnes 1 and 街bubic pentarineteres 2 and 3.(2) The second stanza illustrates this format
13、:An alysis(1) The poem represents early stagesEOOtAaneCCOiough celebration of Nature and God p rese nee with in Nature.(2) Bryant is aeknowledged as being skillful at depicting American seenery and his natural detaofte n comb ined with a uni versal moral, as in "To a Waterfowl”Annabel Le安娜贝尔丽In
14、 the poem, Poe examines a theme which he examines in many of his works: the death of a be woman. It is a poem written in memory of his deceased young wife Virginia Clemm. The poem is permeated with melancholy.The poem coincides w'ithsPpooeetics. It is readable at one sitting. In the poem, Poe ex
15、amines atheme which he examines in many of his works: the death of a young pretty woman, which, accoto him, isunquestionably, the most poetical topic in the witohrlmd.elancholy as” Thehe believes “ mela ncholy is th?mos?img(合mSt的 ) of all the poetic tones.五 问答题1. 爱伦坡的文学成就 10分Edgar Allan ,Pofaether o
16、f modern shor,tsftaotrhyer of detective,storyfather of psychoanO精神分析的)criticismPoems1. theory1. Poems should be short, concise and readable at one sitting.2. The aim of poem writing is beauty; the most beautiful thing described by a poem is the death of a woma n; the desirable tone of a poem is ?mka
17、fiC 忧郁 me.3. He stressed the form of poem, especially the beautiful and neat rhyme.4. Famous PoeTmhes:Raven, Annabel Lee, To Helen红字The Scarlet Letter答题要点:summary+comment基本人物,情节,故事时间,背景,人物分析。写评价,反映了霍桑(U-R 1 iZ 日罪恶是种与生俱来的东西)The Symbolic Meaning of the Four Major Characters1.HesterBeautystro ng will a
18、nd en durairndeiessHester Prynne: This book is not a p raise of Hester Prynne sin赞歌g) bnttaenymunal growth of the woman when sinned against.Hester 's life eventually acquires a real significance when she reestablishes a meaningful relationsh fellowme nSymbolic meaning of her moral development is
19、 the gradual, subtle change which the scarlet letter undein meaning.-“Adultery ”“Able ” ,“Angel ”2. Arthur Dimmesdaleweak and coward3. Roger Chilli ngwoheartless and merciless missha pen body reflects or symbolizes the evil in his sou。4. Pearl She is the scarlet letter in another fooarieh detter end
20、owed with life;- She is the symbol of the ardent l(odvee;p) - She serves as moral in the novel;-She symbolizes the反evo,厌恶)against Puritanism.总结:he represents the secret sinner who fights the good fight in his soul and eventually wins.Hawthorne 's poin:t(1o)fEvvieilwexists in the human heart, hum
21、an heart is the source of evil. Everyone possessessomeevilsecretW. henevtehrereis sin,thereis punishmenEt.vilis man'bisrthmark(2. ).EvileducateAchieveme nt is“ un der the impact of and by eUa历em®罪wit受 到ViS 影响,人们才能有所成就。Man is better for the crime which brings abdu在heife后才能更好的完善自己。Conclusion:
22、 Aorcdcing to Hawthorne,there is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent” A piece othrough the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity. we are all wronged and wrongers, and avengeer.on”e aSnootinh almost every book he wrote, Hawthorne discusses sin and evil.2. 区别现实主义与自然主义现实
23、主义: AmericanRealismwasa reactionagainsRt omanticisamndpavedthewayto modernism. During this period a new generation of writers , dissatisfied with the romantic ideas the order generation, came up with a new inspiration . this new attitude was characterized by a interest in the realities of life. It a
24、imed at the interpretation of the realities of any aspect of life, f from subjective prejudice, idealism, or romantic color. Instead ofththeinmkyinsgtearibeosuot f life and death anhderoic individualism, p'esoaptltention was now directed to the interesting featureosf everydaeyxistenceto, whatwas
25、brutalor sordid.Andto theinterestinfgeatureosf everyday existence, to what was brutal or sodid, and to the open portayal of class struggle. MaTwain Howells and Henry James are three leading figures of the American Realism.自然主义: American Naturalism was a new and harsher realism. American naturalism had be shaped by the war, by the social upheavals that undermined the comforting faith of an earlier a4. 超验主义(有关内容全写,代表人物,爱默生)Transcendentalwisamsa groupof newideasin literaturer,eligionc, ultureandphilosophtyhat emerged in new England in the early ttoh cmenidtudrley.1T9ransc
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