1、实用英语第四版综教3unit2课件含课本答案Skills部分解析11. 2 Workmen Injured in Electrical Accident2. Shanghai to rush food, aid to LijiangFAN KILLS WIFE2. Climbers safe and well3. Mr. Nixon to appear on TV4. New Towns Beginning to Grow5. More Oil for Japan?6. Chinese Population Put at 1.13 Billion7. Joblessness still a p
2、roblem8. Two men meet to talk over differences9. Cars in USA to be made safer for side crashes10. 3 INJURED IN BOMB ATTACK HeadlinesA. Missing Jet Reported Electrical ProblemsB. Abandoned Newborn Found Inside BoxC. 29 Children Killed in Mexican Daycare FireD. Ex-State official, wife accused of spyin
3、g for CubaE. 4 Palestinian Fighters Killed on Gaza BorderF. 10 Immigrants Killed in SUV Crash in ArizonaG. Joblessness Hits 9.4%, but Slowing Losses Raise HopesH. Billionaire R. Allen Stanford Charged in Ponzi Scheme定语从句的翻译定语从句的翻译(2)(2):非限制性定语从句或较长的限:非限制性定语从句或较长的限制性定语从句可译成后置的并列分句。制性定语从句可译成后置的并列分句。非限
4、制性定语从句用来对先行词作附加说明,在文字非限制性定语从句用来对先行词作附加说明,在文字上一般有逗号与先行词隔开,与先行词的关系较为松上一般有逗号与先行词隔开,与先行词的关系较为松散。非限制性定语从句在语意上接近于并列结构,翻散。非限制性定语从句在语意上接近于并列结构,翻译时通常可译成并列分句,放在先行词的后面。例如:译时通常可译成并列分句,放在先行词的后面。例如:1. Mr Smith, who came to see me yesterday, is a relative of my wifes. 史密斯先生昨天来看过我,他是我妻子的亲戚。史密斯先生昨天来看过我,他是我妻子的亲戚。2. M
5、an can not live on the moon, where there is no air and water. 人类不能在月球上居住,那里没有空气和水。人类不能在月球上居住,那里没有空气和水。3. We have two spare rooms upstairs, neither of which has been much used in the past two years. 我们楼上有两间空房,前两年没怎么用。我们楼上有两间空房,前两年没怎么用。4. John, whose wife is ill, cannot come to the party. 约翰不能来参加聚会,他妻
6、子病了。约翰不能来参加聚会,他妻子病了。5. Metal has many useful properties, of which strength is the most important. 金属有许多有用的性能,其中强度最重要。金属有许多有用的性能,其中强度最重要。1. Day light comes from the sun, which is a mass of hot, glowing gas.2. Electronic computers, which make it possible to free man from the labour of complex measurem
7、ents and computations, have found wide application in engineering.3. Mechanical energy is changed into electric energy, which in turn is changed into mechanical energy.机械能可转变成电能,而电能又可转变成机械能。机械能可转变成电能,而电能又可转变成机械能。日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体。日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体。电子计算机在工程技术上已获得广泛应用,它使人可能摆脱电子计算机在工程技术上已获得广泛应用,它
8、使人可能摆脱复杂的测量和计算工作。复杂的测量和计算工作。4. Miniaturization (小型化) means making things small in size, which is of great importance for the development of the electronics industry.5. They know the hours when restaurants put their leftovers (吃剩的食 物) in the garbage cans where they search for food.他们知道饭店什么时候将残羹剩饭倒进垃圾
9、桶,他们在那里他们知道饭店什么时候将残羹剩饭倒进垃圾桶,他们在那里寻找食物。寻找食物。小型化意味着缩小东西的尺寸,这对电子工业的发展极为重要。小型化意味着缩小东西的尺寸,这对电子工业的发展极为重要。1. There are some unique problems in international trade and companies doing business overseas must be aware of them.2. Foreign business people who are late are often left outside to cool their heels a
10、s a means of letting them know the importance of promptness.3. Unless one is aware of such expected behaviors he may end up insulting the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.除非你认识这些理应做到的行为,否则结果就可能会冒犯你除非你认识这些理应做到的行为,否则结果就可能会冒犯你想与之建立贸易关系的人。想与之建立贸易关系的人。国际贸易中有一些特有的问题是在国外做生意的公司所必须国际贸易中
11、有一些特有的问题是在国外做生意的公司所必须了解的。了解的。姗姗来迟的外国商人常被拦在外面等上一会儿,好让他们知道姗姗来迟的外国商人常被拦在外面等上一会儿,好让他们知道准时的重要性。准时的重要性。4. This conversion rate is determined by every market, where the currencies of countries are bought and sold.5. From 1945 until 1971 when the Bretton Woods system broke down forever, the IMF nurtured the
12、 illusion that it could keep exchange rates pegged most of the time.从从19451945年开始到年开始到19711971年布雷顿森林体系彻底崩溃为止,国际货年布雷顿森林体系彻底崩溃为止,国际货币基金组织一直抱有幻想,认为它可以在大部分时期稳住外汇币基金组织一直抱有幻想,认为它可以在大部分时期稳住外汇汇率。汇率。汇率是由进行各国货币买卖的各个市场确定的。汇率是由进行各国货币买卖的各个市场确定的。1. 1. 中国是一个发展中国家,属于第三世界。中国是一个发展中国家,属于第三世界。2. 2. 英语和西班牙语在发音上大不相同。英语和西
13、班牙语在发音上大不相同。3. 3. 起初他并不想买汽车,但我后来说服他买了一辆。起初他并不想买汽车,但我后来说服他买了一辆。4. 4. 他们觉得彼此之间意见分歧很大。他们觉得彼此之间意见分歧很大。5. 5. 那个村子被大雪封了一个多月。那个村子被大雪封了一个多月。Henry and John are very much alikeBoth Enjoy sportsHenry Likes basketball and volleyball John Likes volleyball and tennisBoth Like danceBoth Love cookingHenry and John
14、are from twodifferent countries, but they are alikein many ways. Both Henry and Johnenjoy sports. Henry likes to playbasketball and volleyball. Similarly,John enjoys volleyball and tennis.Henry and John like to dance. Theyalso love cooking. Henry makesdelicious bread, cake, and cookies.John is a goo
15、d cook, too. He enjoyscooking large dinners. He makesdelicious salads, fried chicken, anddeserts. As they look so alike, somepeople even think they are brothers.A Comparison of Two Cities City YOne of the most populated cities in North AmericaThe weather in the summer, very hotA port and an industri
16、al cityPollution problemSerious traffic problems No. City X1. One of the most populated cities in Asia2. The weather in the summer, very hot A port and an industrial city4. Pollution problem5. Serious traffic problemsboth too similarly alsolike alike same City X is different from City Y in many ways
17、, but there are many things that are similar. City X is one of the most populated cities in Asia and City Y is one of the most populated cities in North America. The weather in the summer is very hot in City X, and it is the same in City Y. City X is a port and an industrial city and City Y is too.
18、City X has a problem with pollution, and City Y has a similar problem. They both have serious traffic problems.求求 职职 信信1. Position Sought. The first paragraph should state the job one is applying and should tell where he learned about the opening. (Example: I would like to apply for the position adv
19、ertised in yesterdays China Daily.)2. Education. Include both ones age and grade in school. Emphasize courses he has taken that apply directly to the job he is seeking. (Example: I was born in 1960 and graduated from the college with a B.A. in general business.)3. Experience. A student may not have
20、had much work experience that relates to the position open. Nevertheless, he can state the kinds of work he has done and emphasize his belief that he can meet the requirements of the job if it is offered to him. (Example: I have been handling most of the bookkeeping for the past 3 years and I trust
21、I am qualified to fill your position.)4. References. Include at least two references, with either an address or a telephone number for each. One should obtain permission in advance from the people he names as references. These people should be able to testify as to his character and abilities. A tea
22、cher, a school administrator, a community leader, or a former employer are all good choices. (In the model letters, references are included in the resumes.)5. Request for Interview. The last paragraph should ask for an interview. The writer should indicate where and when he can be reached to make an
23、 appointment. (Example: Please send any application forms that you want me to fill out and let me know if you want an interview.) (All the examples cited are from the model letters in the course book.)HR ManagerSimson Company120 Lingling RoadShanghai 20004010 March, 2008Dear Sir, I would like to app
24、ly for the position advertised in yesterdays China Daily. I was born in 1987 and graduated from the college with a B.A. ingeneral business. I have been handling most of the bookkeeping for the past 3 years and I trust I am qualified to fill your position.I am enclosing a brief resume of my life hist
25、ory as you requested. Please send any application forms that you want me to fill out and let me know if you want an interview. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application.Yours faithfully , Chang Ming Chang Ming Dear Sirs, I am applying for the position of
26、an administrative assistant you have advertised in the Peoples Daily. I enclose my CV and hope to hear from you shortly.Yours faithfully,Ma Jun Ma Jun根据以下招聘广告,以根据以下招聘广告,以 Pacific Rim College 毕业生、毕业生、学士学位获得者、现该学院电子工程实验室工作人学士学位获得者、现该学院电子工程实验室工作人员员 Alex Gavin 的名义写一封求职信。的名义写一封求职信。学院地址:学院地址:140 Weymouth
27、Street Charlottetwon, Price Edward Island, Canada C1A 4Z1 140 Weymouth Street Charlottetown Price Edward Island Canada C1A 4Z1 10 September 2009Chief EngineerMacro Engineering Co.600 Deepdale DriveToronto, OntarioM5W 4R9Dear Mr. F Stokes, Im applying for the senior position in your first-class Stand
28、ards Laboratory advertised in your advertisement. I graduated from Pacific Rim College in 1996 and got a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation I have been working at the Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Pacific Rim College and have got much experience. And I trust Im qualified
29、to fill your position. Im enclosing my CV and looking forward to hearing from you shortly. Yours Sincerely, Alex Gavin Alex Gavin Sample dialogue 1 Sample dialogue 2 Sample dialogue 3 Manager: Are you free this evening?Employee: Yes, _. Why?Manager: _ have a talk with you in the office.Employee: OK.
30、 When should I come?Manager: Is eight oclock _?Employee: _.Tom: Will you be free after class?Zhou: _ (是的,我想是这样。什么事)?Tom: Id like to _ (同你一起吃顿饭).Zhou: _ (行啊). Where shall we meet?Tom: _ (就在学校大门口), OK?Zhou: Sure. Visitor: Hello, could I talk to Mr. Chen in private?Secretary: _.Visitor: Is tomorrow mor
31、ning all right?Secretary: _.Visitor: Is it convenient?Secretary: _.ScriptAnswer: Question 1): Why should we make an appointment when we want to see an American friend?Answer: _ _Question 2): What should we do first in meeting with an American business colleague?Answer: _ _Script1) Most American peop
32、le dont like surprises. They want to know when a visitor is going to arrive. 2) If you have arranged an appointment with someone, then you should arrive as early as possible. 3) If you are late for an appointment, dont forget to apologize. 4) If you couldnt keep the appointment, you should explain t
33、he reason later on. 5) The passage intends to tell us that American people are never late for an appointment. Im learning how to drive a car. A week 1)_ I had my first lesson. Yesterday my teacher 2)_ an appointment with me at the training 3)_ and took me out on a busy 4)_. It was full of cars and p
34、eople. I 5)_ very slowly and carefully, but I felt 6)_ the whole time. At last the lesson finished and I 7)_ home. I felt very tired. Ive learnt many things, but I have 8)_ got a lot to learn.1) A. To give a person the freedom to move around. B. It is comfortable to travel by car. C. It is safe for
35、a driver to stay in a car at night. D. It is not very expensive to have a car.2) A. The driver might have an accident. B. The car might get stolen. C. The car might break down. D. The driver finds it difficult to park his car.3) A. The advantage of having a car. B. The reasons for and against having
36、 a car. C. A good way to travel by car. D. Worry and stress a car can cause.ScriptShare my life, take me for what I amCause Ill never change all my colors for youTake my love, Ill never ask for too muchJust all that you are and everything that you doI dont really need to look very much furtherI dont
37、 want to have to go where you dont followI wont hold it back again, this passion insideCant run from myselfTheres nowhere to hideWell, dont make me close one more doorI dont wanna hurt anymoreStay in my arms if you dareOr must I imagine you thereDont walk away from me.I have nothing, nothing, nothin
38、gIf I dont have you, you, you, you, you, you.You see through, right to the heart of meYou break down my walls with the strength of your love mmmmm.I never knew love like Ive known it with you Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to I dont really need to look very much fartherI dont want to have
39、to go where you dont followI wont hold it back again, this passion insideI Cant run from myselfTheres nowhere to hideYour love Ill remember, foreverDont make me close one more doorI dont wanna hurt anymoreStay in my arms if you dareOr must I imagine you thereDont walk away from me.I have nothing, no
40、thing, nothing.Well, dont make me close one more doorI dont wanna hurt anymoreStay in my arms if you dareOr must I imagine you thereDont walk away from me no.Dont walk away from meDont you dare walk away from meI have nothing, nothing, nothingIf I dont have you, you ooohhh,oooohif i dont have you,oo
41、hh.1) W: When Tom arrives in an hour, we can go shopping. M: Lets finish the dishes now, and then we can talk until he comes. Q: What will they do first? 2) W: Tom? Do you think you could come into the kitchen for a second? Theres something Id like you to look at. M: Uh-uh. Just let me finish this p
42、age and Ill be right there. Q: What has the man been doing? 3) M: Anna is very quiet, but her brother talks too much. W: Yes, youre right. He is not friendly, either. Q: Whats their opinion of Annas brother? 4) M: Have you heard if Mike is coming back today? W: He was supposed to arrive today, but h
43、es coming the day after tomorrow. Q: When will Mike arrive? 5) W: Stephen enjoys his two-week drive through the south of China. M: Yes. He said he saw much more than he would have travelling by bus or by train. Q: How did Stephen travel? 6) W: Will Jim be able to come to the meeting? M: I dont know.
44、 When I phoned just now, his friend said he had just taken his girl friend out to the movie. Q: What can we learn about Jim from the conversation? 7) W: How did you go to Beijing? Did you fly? M: I was planning to, because its such a long trip by bus or by train. But Charles decided to drive and inv
45、ited me to join him. It took us two days and a night. Q: How did the man go to Beijing?8) M: I cant find my pen. I need to write a letter. W: Ill look for it later. Right now I need your help fixing this shelf before I paint it. Q: What will they do first? 9) M: Good morning. May I help you? W: Yes,
46、 Id like to cash these travelers checks first, and then open a savings account. Q: Where is this conversation most likely taking place? 10) W: Where have you been? Its 9 oclock now, and the concert started half an hour ago. M: Im sorry. I was caught in a traffic jam. Q: When did the concert begin? Most American people are careful about time. If they want t
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