高一英语 Unit15《The necklace》备课资料 旧人教版第一册_第1页
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1、Reference for Teaching一、异域风情DramaBritain is one of the world's major centres for theatre,and has a long and rich dramatic tradition.There are companies based in London and in many other cities and towns;in addition,numerous touring companies visit theatres,festivals and other venues,including ar

2、ts and sports centres and social clubs.Many contemporary British playwrights have received international recognition.Britain has about 300 theatres intended for professional use which can seat between 200 and 2300 people.Some are privately owned,but most are owned either municipally or by non-profit

3、-making organizations.Over 40 of these have resident theatre companies receiving subsidies from the Arts Councils and Regional Arts Boards.In summer there are also open air theatres,including one in London's Regent's Park and the Minack Theatre,which is on a clifftop near Land's End in C

4、ornwall.二、知识归纳(一)I don't think that在含宾语从句的复合句中,按原句意思应放在从句中的否定词有时转移到主句的谓语中,这种现象叫做否定转移(Transferred Negation)。主句中的谓语动词是think,believe,feel,suppose,guess,appear,seem,expect,imagine等表示“看法”“感觉”的动词时,常用否定转移。e.g.I don't think(that)you need worry.(I think you needn't worry.)我认为你无须着急。I don't bel

5、ieve(that)you two have met,have you?(I believe you two haven't met.)我相信你们俩还未见过面,是吗?使用否定转移时,还须注意以下几点:“看法感觉”的动词都能用于否定转移,如hope,trust,be afraid,fear等动词就不能用于这种形式。2.下列情况,上述用于否定转移的动词也不宜用否定转移结构。(1)上述动词意义发生变化时:e.g.Let us suppose A doesn't equal B.咱们假定A不等于B。(2)当主句谓语有do,does等强调词时:e.g.I do think you sho

6、uldn't go there.我实在认为你不应该去那里。(3)当主句中有情态动词或副词修饰时:e.g.I can't believe that they are married.我不相信他们结婚了。I often think that I'm not fit for the job.我常想我不适合这个工作。(4)当句子以疑问句形式出现时:Do you think that it is true?你认为这不对吗?(5)当主句谓语动词与另一个动词并列时:e.g.I should not only think but also be sure that it won'

7、;t rain tonight.我不仅该认为而且该肯定今晚天不会下雨。(6)当宾语从句中是not/nevertoo(越越好,无论怎样也不过分)结构时,不能用否定转移结构,因为这时整个句子不是否定的,而是肯定的。e.g.I think he can not do the work too well.我想他干得越出色越好。(7)当从句中含有every,all,both,each,many等词时:e.g.I suppose both answers are not right.I don't suppose both answers are right.我不是认为两个答案都对。3.从句中除n

8、ot以外的否定词(如never,no,hardly,little,few,seldom,scarcely等)不能直接转移到主句中去。e.g.I thought he had never come here. I never thought he had come here.本句意是:I didn't think he had ever come here.4.否定转移的句子构成反意疑问句时,如果主句的主语是第一人称,附加问句部分要与宾语从句取得一致。e.g.I don't think that you can get there in time,can you?我认为你不能及时

9、到达那里,你能不能呢?I think that they are coming tomorrow aren't they?我认为他们明天来,对吗?(二)cost的用法1.vt.价值(多少钱),需要(多少钱);花费金钱,花费时间e.g.How much does the book cost?这本书需要多少钱?My hat cost twenty dollars.我的帽子价值二十美元。The journey cost me more than 50 dollars/more than ten hours.这次旅行花了我五十美元/十多个小时。“使付出(代价),使失去”。e.g.It cost

10、 me a lot of work.它使我付出了很多劳动。Careless driving cost him his life.开车不小心使他丧生。The battle cost the king 2000 men.这次战斗使国王损失了二千人。3.cost作名词,“费用,成本,价钱”。e.g.She just had to pay for the cost of food.他只需付饭钱。It was sold under cost price.那个东西赔本卖掉了。What's the cost of the car?那辆汽车得花多少钱?(三)情态动词表推测的用法归纳:情态动词中的mus

11、t,can,could,should,ought to,may,might等都表示推测。其中must的推测性最大;can/could(should/ought to)次之;may/might最小。must表推测时只用于肯定句中;can/could用于否定句、疑问句中;may/might用于肯定句、否定句中。下面就它们的具体用法进行讲解。(1)must可以对现在、现在进行的情况进行推测。e.g.Judging by his accent,he must be from the south.听他的口音,他一定是南方人。此句的反意疑问句为:isn't it?(因must后是系动词be)Tom

12、 bought a lot of apples.He must like eating apples.汤姆买了很多苹果,他一定喜欢吃苹果。此句的反意疑问句为:doesn't he?(因must后是实义动词like)It is eleven o'clock at night and the lights are off.They must be sleeping now.现在已经是深夜十一点且灯都关了,他们一定是睡觉了。此句的反意疑问句为:aren't they?(must后接的是be sleeping,是对现正在进行的情况的推测)(2)must还可以对过去的情况进行推测

13、,用must have done。e.g.The ground is very wet.It must have rained last night.地面很湿,昨天晚上一定下雨了。must have done的反意疑问句有三种情况:若句中含有过去的时间状语,用一般过去时完成反意疑问句。如例句的反意疑问句为:didn't it?若句中含有过去完成时的时间状语,用过去完成时完成反意疑问句。e.g.We must have learned 2000 words by the end of last term,hadn't we?若句中不含任何时间状语,用现在完成时完成反意疑问句。e.

14、g.He must have gone to Beijing,hasn't he?他一定是去北京了,是吗?(1)can后跟动词原形;表示对现在情况的否定和疑问推测。e.g.Mr.Li has gone to Beijing.The man at the gate can't be him.李老师去北京了,门口的那个人不可能是他。The watch is not yours,who else's can it be?这块表不是你的,它可能是谁的呢?(2)can/could have done是对过去发生的情况的推测。e.g.Can they have finished t

15、he work?他们可能完成工作了吗?No,they haven't finished it.他们不可能完成它。might比may更委婉、含蓄或更加不肯定。e.g.He may/might be English.他可能是英国人。She may/might have gone to the library.她可能去图书馆了。should/ought to表推测,意为“理应,应该”。e.g.They left yesterday.They should be home by now.他们昨天就离开了,现在理应到家了。三、词语辨析(一)dress,have on,put on,pull on

16、,wear,in,with“穿好衣服”,作及物动词,表示动作或状态,宾语只能是“人”,不能接衣服,表示“给穿衣服”。e.g.She washed dressed and went out.她洗过脸,穿好衣服就出去了。Mary is too young to dress herself.玛丽太小了自己穿不了衣服。be dressed in表示某人穿着什么衣服e.g.The nurses are all dressed in white.护士们都穿着白衣服。注:He is well dressed.他穿得很好。2.have on(=be wearing)“穿着、戴着”(衣服、帽子、鞋),表示状态,

17、不能用进行时态。e.g.The Emperor had nothing on in the procession.游行时,皇帝一丝不挂。3.put on“穿戴”表示动作,反义词为take off。It's cold today.You'd better put on more clothes.今天天气冷,你最好多穿些衣服。“穿着,戴着”表示穿戴的状态。也可以表示留发式、留胡须、戴手表、首饰等。She shouldn't wear red.她不该穿红衣服的。She was wearing a gold ring/a red flower in her hair.她戴着金戒

18、指/头上戴着一朵红花。Many women wear their hair short now.现在很多妇女留短发。He wears a short beard/his beard short.他留着短胡须。5.pull on表示动作,反义词是pull off,表示不经心地、随便地或匆忙地穿上衣服、袜子、戴上手套。She pulled her clothes on and went on school.她匆匆忙忙地穿上衣服上学去了。6.in后接衣服,也可接颜色,可作定语或和be连用作谓语。The man in blue is our teacher.穿蓝衣服的那个人是我的老师。7.with表示

19、穿戴,只能作定语,而且只能和眼镜、手套等连用,不能接衣服。e.g.The boy with thick glasses is our monitor.戴深度眼镜那个男孩是我们的班长。(二)true,real“符合实际的”,real可表示“真正的而不是想象的”,两者不可换用。This is a true story of real life.这是一个从现实生活中取材的真实故事。This is a story of a true man.这是一个根据真人所编的故事。2.real不能用来修饰表示人的名词。true可表示“忠诚的”而real不能。A true friend will always he

20、lp you.忠诚的朋友会永远帮助你。(三)worth,worthy of(to),worth while“价值”讲,后面跟名词,(只限于钱数,或相当于钱数的词)表示“值多少钱”。e.g.The bike is worth 200 yuan.这辆自行车值200元。It is worth much more than I paid for it.它的价值远远超过我所付给的钱。worth表示“值得”后跟动名词主动形式表示被动意义;“很值得”是be well worth.e.g.The book is well worth reading.这本书值得一读。2.worthy of后接动名词或动名词的被

21、动语态。worthy后接不定式的被动语态。e.g.The question is worthy of consideration.这个问题值得考虑。Jane is worthy to be chosen.=Jane is worthy of being chosen.珍妮值得当选。3.worth while表示“是值得的”,其后跟不定式或动名词均可。It is worth while to try/trying this experiment.做这个实验值得。(四)pay back,pay for,pay off1.pay back意为“归还,偿还”,其宾语通常为所借之物;也可作“报复”解,常

22、用pay sb.back(for)的形式。This was paid back in the following year.这在第二年就全部偿还了。To pay a person back in his own coin.以其人之道,还治其人之身。I'll pay him back for what he did to me.我要向他报复。2.pay for意为“支付的费用”,for为介词。其常用句型是:pay for sth,pay sb. for sth,pay(sb.)some money for sth.或pay some money to sb for sth.You mus

23、t pay for what you eat and drink.你必须付你吃喝的费用。Have you paid for the shoes?那双鞋你付钱了吗?You must pay me for the clothes.这些衣服你必须给我付钱。I paid six yuan for the milk.我付了六元的牛奶费。All these things are to be paid for.所有这一些都会得到报应的。3.pay off意思是“全部还清”。Soon they paid off the debts.不久他们就把债务全部还清了。He hoped he would have an

24、 opportunity to pay them off.他希望有机会把它们偿还掉。四、能力训练(一)根据所给汉语完成下列句子。1.因为多年的艰苦劳作,爱丽斯看上去比实际年龄老得多。Alice looked much older than she was_hard work.答案:because of many years of2.他买了一幢大房子,让他父母居住。He bought a big house for his parents_.答案:to live in3.对不起,我不同意你刚才所说的。I'm sorry,_I don't_what you said just no

25、w.答案:but;agree with4.被邀请参加我们的晚会,杰克逊先生非常高兴。Mr.Jackson was very glad that he_our party.答案:was invited to5.玛丽和格林已经结婚30多年了。Mary_Green for over thirty years.答案:has been married to(二)单句改错1.The scenery in the park was very moving.简析:把scenery改为scene。scenery是不可数的集体名词,是从审美的观点来看自然风景;而scene指从某处所见之景色,但多半包含人与动作。2

26、.He was the older of her two sons.简析:把older改为elder。指兄弟姐妹中年龄较大的要用elder。3.I don't think it will rain tomorrow,do I?简析:把do I改为“will it”。当陈述部分是“I/we think/believe/expect/suppose/imagine+宾语从句”时,反意问句应当与从句一致,若有否定转移现象,反意问句用肯定式。4.How pretty the flower looks in the girl!简析:把in改为on。in后常接表示颜色或服饰的名词;on后一般接人,

27、表示“某物附在身上”。5.She married to a man from America.简析:去掉to或在married前加was。“和某人结婚”只能用marry sb.或be/get married to sb.。6.The book is well worth being read.简析:把being read改为reading或将worth改为worthy of。参见同义辨析(三)。7.Would you like to call on his house?简析:把call on改为all at。call on和call at都可表示“拜访”习惯上,call on+人;call at+地点。8.How long has he recognized you?简析:把recognized改为known。recognize表示“认出”以前认识的人或事物,是终止性动词,不能与段时间的状语连用。若指持续性动作,用know。9.I don't think English is too hard to be learnt.简析:把be learnt改为learn。表语形容词后的不定式常用主动形式表示被动。10


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