1、河北省保定市涞水县林清寺中学2021-2021学年八年级英语期中测试卷期中测试|时冏“20井轉总分:120得幷*肝力局部|如分听力測试削分希何于,选拝正确脚紳L 1. 2 1 ni Vhincsc.)2. A. Sif1 屮.k亦 iTiLirh.B, Im not well.I;- Sh-: doo e-trv dny.C* m n foreigner.C. Sht VTAlk*4 frfl JldlOc,)3, Ah Vhrti a pii y iMet utR, 1 m rrndyrB, HrJp yourseH.tk Ihuuk you+仁* Vsich out.Nn, not gor
2、tr,CL Yc5t I h-ivr,二丿听对话远择与真內#Itl稠的置値,帖分libra, r三Awarm.BC2d)】2AYes he is BNohe isn 13 A2005 K s-x years amo )14He =kcuocd mu Ms-B The houad heir5*30 o-dc二 c wxnls Co -iv% in 0 q 三戈 I二 arm 二 5Fish, B ChickemdHra*(100)c xorHI onc二二c We donknow. cSrSoo-cBen夕松占旃求。(20)? )L What s hma=crHq ha;V2A at B f c
3、 whh D abom )2 I was playing ?/Tnnisbe was running A wh二c B aficr c dur一nm D before 3 cou-d you pHasd Luy drinks a【d snackyUBinilniin Sorry 一 donhave money, A somegxny B阳 ny any c some- jjolne D any- some )4 You shoidd my chet-onary yesterday A returned A resumed bockc mrn)sHrokl UH7-used s upc运up)6
4、 yts youriurn 6A clean upc clean upL mun back 冬一 y=-Lhc mur 三ng B82D gets up the room, Wang FangB2-ean toD an0 口 off)7 A knu I 10L my why I didn know A hew 6 do B wha二c doc which to do D where to go)8 The boss; in rhe facsl-y ohen makes -he workers 1 rune hours aA. workB. to workC. workingD. worked(
5、)9. We believe sc ientists willa way to nolvc the problem ol an pollution.A. set offB. pul offC. come up withD catch up with()10. What you when you saw the UFO?A. are:doingB. did;doC. doe$idoD. wcrc;doing三、完那填空.(10分)One night a hotel was on fire.The people who were staying in it ran out I their nigh
6、( clothes. Now two of them were standing outside and watching the fire. u 2 I came ou(t*said one T ran into some of the roomft and 3 a lot of money there Pmplr don I _ 1 money when they are afraid. When 5 leaves paper money in a fire. tlr firr b.irnsC烧)ir. So I rook all lhe banknotes4. A. thinkB. th
7、ink ofC. think AboutD. think over()3. A. everyoneB someoneC. no oaeD.anyone()6. A. oneB. otherC the otherD. others()7. A. workB. name(:.homeD. friend(& A. criedB. laughedC. 5topprdD. turned()9 A. policemanB leochcTC. writerD. thief()10. A. neverB. sometimesC. often1). always囚、阅读理薪。(30分)AMany people
8、hnvc to work on the weekend. Some people do not mind. Other people think it is terribleOno man think? thet working on ihr weekend can be dangerous. Ho is Graham Coates. Mr. Coates worked in an office in Brighton England.On Saturday May 24. 1986 hr went tu lilt ufficr io do some work. When he got m t
9、hs elevator to go homer it stopped between floors. Mr. C:)ate rould not get out of the elevator. He wos trapped 困住了)? 11c started (O shout, but no one heard him. Then Mr. Ckates remembered that it a holiday in England Nd one was going to come to work uniil Tuesday!J hcrc wa5 noihing for Mr. Coairs t
10、o do. Hi had to wait until one of h5 coworkers canc to work and (outici him. With ckjthing to eat or drink, Mr. Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.22Erly on l ucday mornings the vice president of the company came into work and foun ihr 】 Mr. Coates could not get out of the elevator becaus
11、eA. d was brokenR. ii was n weekendC. it was a holidayI . it stopped on a wrong floor()2. How long did he gy in the elevatorA. *l KVpnty-fonr hours.B. From Saiurdav to Mondav. C. More than sixty hours.L From l ucsday io Saturday()3. Wlmt did he do in the elevator mO5t of the tirnr?A. Shouted and scr
12、eamed.B. Slept and waited.C. Telephoned his bos,1). /te And drank.()4. I low did ho nwkr his way out in the end?A. 1 he vice president found himE. Someone opened the elevatonC. The elevator began to work on Tuesday.I). I ie found a door in the elevator.()5. What is the best litle for this tory?A. .A
13、n Interesting ElevatorB. A Busy WeekendElevator SafetyD. Trapped in ElevatorBPopulor breakfast foods in the United States, as m many other countries around the world. inchide cof milk juice, rgg.s rind breadother brcakfaM items erved inihe Uriicud Siatvs are ihoughi by rnnny io be iradiiionallv Anie
14、ricm. However, they actually come from other countries. very populnr breakfast food in America is the pfincukco thin, flat cake mudc out of flour and often served with Hmph syrup Tlir irka of l ie princke is very old Tn fart panenkes were made long 自go in nncient China.Bagel& a round thick bread wit
15、h a hole in the middle* ore also popular for breakfast tn America Polish people in the htc 1600 came up with the idea for the firt bdgcls and lhi new kind of brrcid soon tok off across Etrrn EuropeIn the ktcthousands oi Jews from Eastern Europe triivr rd to the UnitedStates and brought the recipe fo
16、r bagels with them Tody New York bagrl arc viid to lr tc best in the world. Muny people have them with e rram rhrrsr for brr?ikhist on thr go.I)ughnut (usually pvllcd *,donut* in the Uiiiicil States) camr from France They were served to Ainrrican ooldirrt* in France during World War I 第次廿界大战.After t
17、he war. American soldier: asked cooks in the United Suut-s io !(dke douglumts for ihem. Now. served with coffee tliry etre d very popular lircakhi food acrn5 the United Slale. ( J 6. This reading i* mainly bout A. famous pUces in the United Stairs to cat brmkf?itB. popular Amrricriji brenkfasi foody
18、 roming froin (liina(:.the most popular types of paurakc5 in the T Ini led Suww D the history of popular brrakfat foy to (ndkt-.C They are both sweet.D. People in New York make them besi.)8. Who brought bagels tn America?A. Polish people.R Jrwi&h x*o()lcC Chinese people.D. American soldiers()9. Whic
19、h of the following is TRUE about doughnuts?A. 【1 wa firsi niaclt- by (he French.B. The soldiers in ven led ihem in World War .C. Only soldiers e;u (hern in the Untied Stales.D It is round wiih a hole in the middle.()10. Thin 卩HKSMge* tells us ihai .A. the Americans like o eat sweet foods for breakfa
20、stB. 和丨?mericAn foods corne from other countries nni 11 American foofU are reallv AmericanD. very few Americans have breakfast every dayCWhen 1 drove 10 work yesterdayT I mot a traffic jam As 1 looked out of my window, n handsome young mnn was walking on the street He was walking towards the bridge.
21、 There were some home less men with their cups around there, rhe young man went to one o: them. He brought out some money from hiw pocket. a few wordy to him and put lhe noney into his cup Ho continued to walk and then mothrr bomcle55 rrwn Hr stopped for a mi w said n few words nnd then gave the mnn
22、 o condy.And then he saw lhe next homckss man He shivering bexemt o: eoldne. The y)ung n)an nov sioppt%! for a second anc: r.ivv his si:aiI to him. He iLt n ij gxidbve to him with h big smile nnl went 3way in the snow.At that monicnt 1 wa5 in tcrir5. 1 gave ihi、young my bt、l wbt、with lovr 21 nd bles
23、sings (】I.The story pnjbablv lidppcncd in.A. springfi.summerC aututnnI), winter()12. Kow tmnv homcle? men did the young man help in ihiy passage%A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.I). 5.()13. What did the you ng man give the bomclcp men?A. Some money, a ciindv and hi, cfirf.B. II is 5Ciu I * his cont and sotur nioney.C
24、. A candy. hi5 hat and hi5 ccaiD llis coal some money and a candy.14. The mon way hakinR slightly Ixcauc of.A. hungerB.coldnessC. illnessIXworries(:15. I he writer felt after seeing the yount nan behaviorA. 3ndB.tjurprised(J imprccdIXinterested五、根拓句蕙及首字圧补全单词。门分)1. It r&incd wo h last night thnt the
25、lake is full of water now2. Could you tnkc out the r?3 I hvc a cold and I have a n4. The old man h&5 no children.50 he live a5. Parents should c、h (hrir children better.六、月所给词的适晋形式埴宇 (5分)1 While knny(walk) her dog. a nwn came nlong nnd aked her the way.2. Don t argue v/ith me. My (decide) is final.3
26、. l hu studcni5 worked out the difficult problems bv(they).4. Aticntionw please! All the(paengcr) R(t on the bus. plong5. There is something wrong with one of my ; I have to $cc a dentist七阖读烦文后填空。(10分丨()nce a terrible earthquake killed ovcr 30 OCU 卩eople in four minuter. Alter the earthquakefather r
27、ushed to the school where his 5On studied only 10 find ihc building 卜ad fallen down. He remembered his promieC ilf n 2. 3. 4. 5.matter hat happens1 11 always be there for you!TuiE眼泪)came 10 hi兰 cy. Then he begon 10 dift to look hr hi5 ,on Some parents (ell hopeless and tned to pull him off. But he a
28、sked.4,Arc you going to help me now?F:nd ihen he kepi on digging The firemen came and tried to pull 23him off. saying.Dangerous! Leave hvrf! vBui the CmiHt .who loved his son deeply tasked cAre you going to help nie now?MThe police came up and said. * li s over 1 上bve here! Well doheAre you going io
29、 help me now?Hp wont on alone because he needed to know tMls my boy alive orlead?*Ile dug for 8 hours-. 12 hours 2d hours . 36 hours then* iri the 38ih hour he pulled back a large stone石头and heard his sons voice. He cried.*1 九、书面表达c 15分假设你是Fhn Mei下而杲你的笔友Alice给你发来的一封rirwil.请根躬e-mail的内 容.给她写一封回信与地交流看世
30、. 臾示语? listen lo mother 5 lovc are about coninninicite with. grt along wiih 5mile 理求:G080词 24 Peter!*He heard back *Dad? It s me. Dnd! 1 told the other kids youd sftvr mt You promised.4 No niaittr whi happeribt Til always be ihrre for you Gel oui,boy!nuNo.Dad! Let thr other kid out firt brcusr I know youll get me out I No matter whnt happens. 1 know you II Hwmyw br tlirrr for me!99 根摇以上内容完成以下短文.the eHrlhquaket the father wcnl out _2 his sun Sunic paicuts fell hoixrltss end tried to pull him off. But he didnt 3. Hr retncnibricd hiq promise诺肓i
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