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1、美少女的谎言前情提要Previously on "Pretty Little Liars"我跟汉娜的妈妈谈过了Well, I spoke to Hanna's mom她说她能照顾你and she said that she could look after you.看看卡片上写的Look at the card.多好玩呀What fun!两个撒谎精住一起了Two little liars under one roof.这下简单多了 - AYou are making it so easy. - A抱歉 打扰了 我来是为了迈克Sorry to interrupt, b

2、ut it's about mike.-晚餐派对怎么样 -很好- How was the dinner party? - It was fine.直到警♥察♥来告诉我们 till the cops showed up to let us know that our son我们的儿子因私闯民宅被拘留had been arrested for breaking and entering.看着你做这种不靠谱的事我很担心I see you doing sketchy stuff and I worry about you.你比任何人都了解我You a

3、lready know more about me than anybody else.所以为什么不保持现状呢So why can't we just keep it where it is?-一个曲棍球棒 -只是一部分- A hockey stick? - Part of one.还被埋了起来And it was buried?我开始以为是垃圾 后来你♥爸♥爸看到了I thought it was some old junk till your dad saw it.你不能烧掉它You can't burn that.我地盘上找到的

4、东西 我想怎么处理都行I can do whatever I want with junk I find on my property.-求你了 -放手- Please. - Stop it!从现在开始 我要试着开心起来Look, from now on, I need to figure out how to be happy,我想在这里开心地生活and I'd like to do that here.-那么 杰森是什么人 -艾莉的哥哥- So who's jason? - Ali's brother.我是说他居然还是你家的朋友No, I know that, I

5、just didn't know he was friends of the family.现在我和伊莎贝尔之间的关系有点紧张Things are a little tense right now between me and isabel.不 你待在这儿是因为你还爱着妈妈No, you're staying here because you're still in love with mom.-那些事已经过去了 -别再拿我当借口了- We've turned a corner. - Stop using me as an excuse.你拿了艾米丽的东西 你闯

6、入了斯宾塞的家You took things from emily. You broke into spencer's house.你居然还偷了一个盲女的东西You stole from a blind girl.这是从加勒特·雷诺兹的公♥寓♥拿的I got that from Garrett Reynolds' apartment.警方知道凶手是用什么凶器杀死艾莉森的吗Do the police know what kind of weapon the killer used on alison?那些都在验尸报告上That

7、 would all be in the coroner's report.那么上面可能会描写袭击她的凶器了So it would say what she was hit with?杀死艾莉的凶手已经死了Ali's killer is dead.加勒特不可信 回电 -艾瑞亚当时就你和加勒特坐在他的车里吗It was just the two of you, sitting in Garrett's car?我不知道还能在哪里见他I didn't know where else to meet him.这又不是在警♥察&hearts

8、;局里可以说的事情It wasn't like I could ask him that stuff down at the precinct.那你是怎么脱身的How did you get away from him?你给我发信息之后When you sent me that text,我说是我妈妈发的 叫我马上回去I told him it was from my mom. She wanted me home ASAP.我还在发抖吗 我好像还在发抖Am I still shaking? I'm still shaking.是 我们都在发抖 你能振作起来吗Yeah, we&

9、#39;re all shaking. Can you turn on the heat?你又搞得神经兮兮的You could make a slushy back here.姑娘们 为什么詹娜要给他那个灯Guys, why would Jenna give him that lantern?你又不知道是她给的You don't know that she gave it to him.那还能怎样What do you think,难道是他去盲人工艺品市场买♥♥的吗he bought it at the blind artists'

10、crafts fair?当然是她给的了Of course she gave it to him.问题是 他们是什么时候成为朋友的The question is, when did they become buddies?还有为什么And why?斯宾塞 他们成长的地方仅一街之隔Spencer, they grew up across the street from each other.他的爸妈现在还住在那栋房♥子里His parents still live in that house.或许他只是拿点肉给詹娜的猫罢了Maybe he's just bringin

11、g raw meat to Jenna's cat.托比也住那儿 而且他们不养猫Toby lives there, too, and they don't have a cat.那可能是给詹娜拿的肉Then maybe he was bringing over raw meat for Jenna.艾米来了Here comes Em.现在谁住她家里Who's living in her house now?弄不懂防盗报♥警♥系统的一些人Some losers who can't figure out the alarm

12、 system.他们大概触发了三次警报They've tripped it like three times.保安公♥司♥就一直给她在德州的妈妈打电♥话♥The security company keeps calling her mom in Texas.-一切都好吗 -嗯 很好- Everything okay? - Yeah, it's fine.就是进去后看到别人的东西很奇怪It's just so weird to walk in there and see other p

13、eople's stuff.你干嘛不叫他们Hey, why don't you tell 'em把警报关几天呢to lay off the alarm for a couple of days?-我猜他们觉得不安全吧 -那现在安全了- I'm guessing they don't feel safe. - Well, they will now.我看迈克到十八岁之前I'm sure Aria's parents都要被艾瑞亚的爸妈管牢了are gonna have Mike on lockdown till he turns 18.别乱说

14、话 汉娜You did not just say that, Hanna.怎么了 我不是评头论足What? I'm not judging.我只是觉得你弟弟I'm just guessing that your little brother应该能找到除了私闯民宅之外的爱好will find another hobby besides breaking and entering.还说Still talking.伙计们 我也不知道我弟弟怎么了Guys, look, I don't know what's going on with my brother.如果我知道

15、肯定会告诉你们的If I knew, you would know.艾米丽Emily?那不是加勒特的车吗Isn't that Garrett's car?我想是的I think it is.他要去哪Where's he going?可能是他爸妈那吧To his parents', I guess.我的天 他是去詹娜家Oh, my god. He's going into Jenna's house.托比在家吗Is Toby home?不 他去机场接他爸妈了No, he went to go get his parents from the air

16、port,而且我以为詹娜跟他一起去了and I thought he said Jenna went with him.他进去了He's going inside.就这么走进去了He just walked in.你能轻点走吗Can you walk any softer?拜托 詹娜又听不出来 她是瞎子Please, Jenna can't hear us. She's blind.-你 -你懂我意思的- You. - You know what I mean.休息一下吧 艾米Jeez, give it a rest, Em.我得加把劲练体能I need to work

17、 on my core.你不需要 你昨晚睡觉时都在做仰卧起坐No, you don't. You were doing sit-ups in your sleep last night.-我没睡着 -我也是- I didn't sleep. - Yeah, me neither.为什么在加瓦诺家前走一遭But why bother when you can have a nightmare就能让你做噩梦just by parking in front of the Cavanaugh house?我还是不敢相信竟然是加勒特I still can't believe it

18、's Garrett.詹娜是为了他买♥♥的内衣That's who jenna was buying that Lingerie for.我不想聊这些 大清早的I don't wanna talk about it. It's too early.给 补点水Here, hydrate.少一点 我要控制糖摄入量Oh, not that much. I have to watch my sugar intake.看看我 我要吃一大碗的可可松饼Watch mine, 'cause I'm about to h

19、ave a big ass bowl's cocoa puffs.会面之前你都这么紧张吗Are you always like this before a meet?这不是一般的会面 是邓比来的视察员It's not just a meet. The scout from Danby's coming.这是在事态变得更糟之前最后的补救机会了This could be my last chance turn the lie around before it gets worse.艾米 你只是跟你♥爸♥妈撒谎了而已Em, you

20、only lied to your parents.那还不够吗Isn't that enough.我只是说 反正他们现在在德克萨斯Look, I'm just saying, they're in Texas now.或许过一段时间后Maybe the more time that goes by-就忘了吗 他们只是在另一个地方 汉娜They'll forget? It's another zip code, Hanna,又不是另一个世界not a parallel universe.能把包递我吗Can you pass me my bag?艾米 你昨天

21、不是涂了吗Em, didn't you get that yesterday?你已经用了很多了You've used a lot.这东西管用It works.早上好Good morning.还有咖啡吗Is there enough coffee for, uh.如果我知道你还没走我会多做点Well, I would've made more if I knew that you.待在这儿只是临时决定The decision to stay over was spur of the moment.你妈妈和我昨晚玩到很晚Your mom and I stretched ha

22、ppy hour until the whole night她不想我开夜车and she didn't want me to drive.爸爸 你不用解释的Yeah, dad, you don't have to explain.你以前住这儿 忘记了吗You used to live here, remember?早上好 欢迎加入早餐派对Morning. Come join the party.我记得你说 你哪都不能去I thought you said you didn't have to be anywhere你十点钟要睡觉until 10 you were gon

23、na sleep in.是啊 生物钟的缘故Yeah, well, internal alarm clock.有些东西你不能说改变就改变的Some things you just can't turn off.这是什么What's this?昨天的信 我昨天回家时候拿进来的Yesterday's mail. When I came home last night.谢谢 艾米丽Thanks, Emily.这是你的信This is yours.-真奇怪 -有认识的人住在巴尔的摩吗- Fancy. - Who lives in Baltimore?汉娜·玛琳我爸My

24、dad.我不记得寄过那个I don't remember sending that.你确实没有You didn't.是伊莎贝尔寄的It's from Isabel.请柬伊莎贝尔和托马斯即将结为夫妇你一个半月以后就要结婚了You're getting married in six weeks.记得准时出席Save the date.发现本地女孩的尸体你好 斯宾塞Hello, Spencer.你好Hi.我可以进来吗Uh, may I come in?当然可以Yeah, sure.你来这干什么What are you doing here?我想见见梅丽莎 她在家吗I

25、was hoping to see Melissa. Is she here?不在家 她回费城了No, she's back in Philadelphia.葬礼以后她就不常回来She hasn't really been back much since the funeral.我本来想参加Yeah, I was hoping to attend,但是自从你父母叫我不要再出现之后but I hadn't seen your parents我就再也没见过他们since they asked me to disappear.所以我觉得我不出席可能会更好So I figure

26、d my presence might be more inciting than comforting.所以你今天特意过来送束花吗So you came all this way to drop off a plant?我也不是特意过来Wasn't actually out of my way.我的工作轮换到了玫瑰镇I just started a rotation at Rosewood Community.-你回这里了吗? -会在这儿待六个月- You're back here? - For six months.因为我当时跟你姐姐订婚I applied there as

27、 my number one choice这里是我申请的第一志愿when I was engaged to your sister.申请到挺顺利的It just came through.天意难测 还真是讽刺啊Somebody up there has a divine sense of irony.你父母在家吗Are the parents home?不在They're not.你验过尸吗Um, have you ever done an autopsy?你说什么Sorry?只是学校布置的一个作业It's just this project that I have to do

28、 for school.我想知道一个医生是否可以通过头上的伤口I need to know if a doctor can look at a head wound确切地判断出是什么利器所伤and know exactly what the weapon was that caused it.玫瑰镇是由谁来验尸的Who does the autopsies down at Rosewood Community?医院的病理医生The hospital's pathologist.他把这些记录放在哪里Where would he keep his records?在资料库 如果我今天不喝咖

29、啡In the morgue where I might nap today就要在那里小憩一下if I don't get a coffee.介意和我喝杯咖啡吗 我好疲倦Do you mind I have one? I'm knackered.抱歉 我必须去上学了I'm sorry, I really need to get to school.好吧 我载你一程All right, well, let me take you.我们可以在途中买♥♥点什么喝的We could stop for something on the

30、way.你这次来不是为了看梅丽莎 对吧You didn't come all this way to see Melissa, did you?我们为什么不边喝咖啡边谈Why don't we continue this over coffee?任 我有男朋友了Wren. I have a boyfriend now.好 喝茶怎么样Fine. How about tea?你妈想得到什么 我的意思是So what does your mom want? I mean,如果是你♥爸♥抛弃了伊莎贝尔 她会.if your dad ditch

31、es Isabel, would she-我们会把它弄明白的We'll figure it out.他们 他们会弄明白的They. Them. They'll figure it out.-你几点的比赛 -三点半- What time is your meet? -Three-thirty.但我要在午餐期间再练习一下But I'm practicing during lunch.如果第六节课我能早退And if I can get out of sixth period early.放松点 你擦的药膏比衣服还厚Em, easy. You're already w

32、earing more pain cream than clothes.给比赛留点运气Just save some mojo for the race.怎么了What's wrong?他和谁在一起Who's he with?我猜是另一个满意的顾客Another satisfied customer, I guess.你先进去 我等下赶上你Why don't you go inside. I'll catch up with you later.凯勒Caleb?不好意思打断了你们的谈话Hey, sorry to interrupt,但最好别在光天化日之下做这种事b

33、ut you might not wanna be doing this on the street.-瑞恩 瑞恩 等一下 -让他走- Hey, Ryan. Ryan, wait up. - No, let him go.你不能在这儿做生意You cannot be doing business.汉娜Hey, you know what, Hanna?别再对我说教了No more lectures on going legit.我不会大费周折地在汉堡店谋职的I'm not trading up for a paper hat at Benny's burgers.我就是这么赚钱

34、的 你别管This is how I make my money. Get over it.你好Hey there.出什么事了 你怎么在这What's going on? Why are you here?轮到我教驾驶员理论课It's my turn to teach the Driver's ED class.我希望我可以吓到孩子们I'm hoping I can scare kids into让他们开车时看着路而不是手♥机♥watching the road instead of their cell phones

35、.有趣吧Funny, right?是啊 真有趣Yeah, that's actually really funny.我得去上课了I have to go to class.斯宾塞 昨晚我们的谈话还没完Spencer, we never finished你就跑了our conversation last night. You ran off.我们家发生了太多的事了I just have a lot of drama going on at my house.-没什么事吧 -没事- Is everything okay? - It's fine.你有很多关于凶器和头部伤口You h

36、ad a lot of questions and some strong ideas的问题和想法about weapons and head wounds-我知道 我对那感兴趣而已I know. I can get like that.如果打扰了你 我很抱歉I'm really sorry if I bothered you.你当时看起来心烦意乱You seemed pretty distraught.不会吧 怎么可能No. No, not really.只是我读到了一些生物学上的东西It was just something that I read in biology让我想起了艾

37、莉森的尸体解剖got me thinking about Ali's autopsy,但就像你说的 案子已经结了But like you said, the case is closed.所以没什么好担忧的So there's really nothing to worry about.我真的得去上课了I really have to go to class.出什么事了 迈克What's up, Mike?你好Hey.-这么说是真的了 -什么- So is it true? - What?你的新运动衣是抢来的Is smash-and-grab your new spor

38、t?怎么了 伙计What's the deal, man?你想尝试不同的自我吗 还是其他什么What, are you trying on new personalities or something?这周是强盗This week you're gonna be gangster,下周你就成了瘾君子and next week you're crackhead?随你怎么说 麦克Bite me. Mike-滚开 -住手- Back off! - Hey!你们不上课吗Don't you guys have a class to get to?我能和你谈谈吗Can I

39、speak to you for a moment?以后再说Later.我看到你路过了我的办公楼Hey. I saw you race by my building.我都不知道你今天要来学校I didn't even realize you were coming to campus today.我必须来 如果你没完成这些东西Oh, I had to. If I don't finish this thing,你下星期五就会被炒鱿鱼it doesn't get fired till next Friday.现在我只想你好好坐在陶工旋盘前面Hmm. And here I

40、was hoping you'd be at the potter's wheel好让我双手抱着你哼人鬼情未了so I could wrap my arms around you and hum unchained melody.我看过那个电影 是个悲剧I've seen that movie. It ends sadly.我们可以有美好的结局Well, we could give it a happy ending.我们过会儿再亲热好吗Can we do this later?好Yeah.你们家的事怎么样了Uh, how're things at home?一

41、团糟Sucky.小孩总有犯傻的时候Look, kids do stupid things.可能只是迈克的朋友怂恿他干的Probably one of Mike's friends put him up to it.他还闯进过别人家He's broken into other houses, too.几周前杰森发现他闯进了他家Jason caught him breaking into his house a few weeks ago.杰森 是那天坐在我旁边的 Jason? As in Ali's-brother-艾莉的哥哥who-sat-next-to-me-就像什么

42、都没发生过的那个杰森吗at-the-dinner-that-never-happened-Jason?你们两那天晚上就是在聊这个吗Is that what you two were talking about the other night?对Yeah.这个也是你做的吗 太美了Is this yours, too? It's amazing.是詹娜做的Jenna made that.她还挺有天赋的Wow. She's talented.你们相处得怎么样So how're things shaping up between you guys?她退了这门课She dropp

43、ed the class.我知道 但在她离开之前 Yeah, but before she left,你们有没有找到did you guys find a way.没有 在我找到合适的时机之前No. She left她就离开了before I had the chance.艾瑞亚 你为什么不告诉我Aria, why didn't you tell你弟弟发生了什么事me what was going on? With your brother.我没有告诉任何人I didn't tell anybody.太丢人了It's embarrassing.我明白 但在我面前你不用觉

44、得丢人I get it. But you don't have to be embarrassed with me.任何事都不用About anything.一会儿你可以来我家Maybe you could stop by my place later.好的Sure.我会打电♥话♥给你I will call you.拜Bye.我需不需要担心一下你跟这个杰森的关系So should I be worried about you and this Jason guy?什么 不 不用What? No. No.爸爸Dad?怎么可能 怎么会How? W

45、hat?我是想在比赛之后给你个惊喜的I wanted to surprise you after the meet.妈妈跟你在一起吗Is mom with you?没有 她还在德克萨斯No, she's still in Texas.我本来要去特拉华州参加一个训练研讨会I had to be in Delaware for a training seminar但回程的航♥班♥都取消了and they cancelled all the flights back.那儿有很大的风暴Some huge storm down there.所以我想我要

46、么干坐在贝塞斯达机场里So I figured I could either sit in the airport in Bethesda或者干脆来玫瑰镇的观众席or in the stands in Rosewood.你一路开车过来的You drove all the way up here?你妈妈说这是场重要的比赛Well, your mom said it was an important meet.她说你告诉她She said that you told her邓比大学的视察员也会过来that the scout from Danby college is coming.有吗I did

47、?对 我是说过Oh, right, I did, yeah.我很期待见到他 I'm looking forward to meeting him.他叫什么名字 瑞宾吗What's his name again? Rabin?爸爸 我也希望我知道Dad, I wish I'd known.别担心 好吗Don't worry, all right?我知道你进行了所有的赛前训练I know you have your whole pre-race routine,所以我会全力支持你的 加油so I'm not gonna hold you up. Go.如果你

48、听到观众席上有人But if you hear somebody screaming疯子一样尖叫的话 那就是我in the stands like a crazy person, that's me.加油Go get 'em.艾米丽Emily?L31请求一辆救护车到玫瑰镇高中L31 requesting a rescue ambulance unit at Rosewood high school!你会没事的You're gonna be okay.天呐Oh, god! Oh!我怎么会得胃溃疡呢How can I have an ulcer?我以为我只是肌肉拉伤I th

49、ought I just pulled a muscle.是压力引起的 宝贝They're caused by stress, hon.好吧 我们来分♥析♥一下All right, and let's face it.你离家在外 你妈妈又搬走了You leaving home, your ma moving.你承受得够多的了Well, you've had your fair share.我现在还能干什么 什么时候才能再游泳What am I supposed to do now? When can I swim again?

50、现在不是说这个的时候That's off the table for the moment.艾米 艾米 听我说 听我说Em, emmy, listen to me. Listen to me.如果你为邓比的奖学金而压力过大If you're stressing about the Danby scholarship,我希望你可以先不要管它 好吗I want you to let it go, okay?他们是不会They're not going to因为你的一次失败而撤消录取的withdraw the offer because you had a setback.你

51、不知道具体情况You don't know that.我只知道你现在需要休息I know that you need to rest.你要听医生的话You need to listen to the doctor.我一定要游泳I need to swim.你会的 宝贝Hey, you will, babe.你会的 当你准备好的时候You will. When you're ready.要我跟视察员说一下吗Do you want me to talk to this scout?你有他的电♥话♥吗Do you have the numb

52、er-不用了 别给他打电♥话♥ 我来打No, don't call him. I'll do it.我不介意的 或者让你妈妈打也可以I don't mind. Or get your ma to do it.不 在我知道我什么时候可以游泳之前No, I don't wanna say anything我什么都不想说 可以吗till I know when I can swim again, okay?好 好的Okay. Okay.溃疡不是只有老年人才会得的病吗Aren't ulcers something ol

53、d people get?收起你那副表情吧 你会吓着她的Get that look off your face. You're gonna freak her out.她 那我怎么办 我都有记忆幻觉了Her? What about me? I'm having Déjà vu.我在这儿待了一星期I spent a week in this place.要是再让我看到一碗绿色胶状物If I see another bowl of green jello,我就会直接吐在你鞋子上I'm gonna puke on your shoes.天呐 那我就走在你后

54、面Oh, god. I'm gonna walk behind you.是艾瑞亚吗Is that Aria?是凯勒 我一会儿再打电♥话♥给他就是了Caleb. I'll just call him back later.怎么了What's going on?汉 你和凯勒是不是Han, are you and Caleb.我们很好 就是有点事要处理We're fine. There's just stuff going on.什么事Like what?有个卧底警♥察♥L

55、ike an undercover cop在开车跟踪他in a car following him.-为什么 -我不想说这个- Why? - I don't wanna talk about it.你必须得说 现在在电梯里 You have to. You're in an elevator.你还能去哪儿Where else are you gonna go?他知道这个警♥察♥吗Does he know about the cop?不知道 我还没告诉他No. I haven't told him.为什么不告诉他Why not?

56、因为我还在考虑Because I'm still thinking things through.有什么好考虑的What is there to think through?如果我告诉他 If I tell him,他就有可能会离开我 明白吗he might run, okay?我可不想再失去他一次I'm not ready to lose him again.没错 但如果警♥察♥真的在跟踪他Yeah, and if the cops are really after him,你早晚还是会失去他的you're gonna lo

57、se him anyway.你刚刚到家吗Hey. Did you just get home?我还以为你会来宾馆I thought you were gonna come by the hotel那样我们就可以一起吃晚餐了so we could grab some dinner.我没机会过去 I haven't had a chance.汉娜来银行借走了我的车Hanna came by the bank to borrow my car.艾米丽进医院了Emily is in the hospital.什么 为什么 发生什么事了What? Why? What happened?她在学校晕倒了She collapsed at school.我刚知道 是胃溃疡I just got an update- it's an ulcer.她不会有事 她爸陪在那儿She's gonna be okay. Her dad's there.天哪 这孩子真可怜Wow. Poor kid.要


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