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1、JADE AFRICA建筑施工装修质量验收标准(试行) 质量与安全是建筑企业的根本。所有施工工种,含砖工,水管工,电工,抹灰工,木工等,其施工工艺都应有统一的质量验收技术标准。施工之前项目经理,工长进行工艺要求,质量技术标准交底。一道工序结束后,必须由项目经理和相关人员验收合格后,经项目经理和相关人员签字确认程序后,再进行下一道施工工序。我们的目的是:在施工过程中,控制施工质量,减少质量事故。杜绝浪费,提高效率,保证效益。质量验收标准具体落实施行,除建材供应质量原因外,施工工艺质量由项目经理,工长,工人三级负责,层层落实,层层监督,权责分明,谁施工谁负责。分清工序和工种具体责任人。只要我们做到

2、目标明确,上下同心,激励措施科学合理,我们的事业就会无往而不胜,马到功成。Construction decoration quality acceptance standard (for trial implementation)Quality and safety is the fundamental construction enterprises. All construction work, including brick work, plumbers, electricians, plasterer work, woodworking etc, and its constructio

3、n process should have unified the quality inspection of technical standards. Construction project manager, foreman before process requirements, quality and technical standard clarification. Procedure ended, must by project managers and related personnel, the acceptance of the project manager and rel

4、evant personnel signature validation procedure, then down a construction process. Our purpose is: during the construction process, control construction quality, reduce quality accident. Wasteful, improve efficiency and guarantee the benefits. Quality acceptance standard specific implementation shall

5、, in addition to building materials supply quality the reason, the technology of construction quality by project managers, foreman, workers level 3 is responsible, implement these layers, the layers of supervision, accrual trenchant, who construction who is in charge. Distinguish processes and type

6、of specific responsibility. As long as we do specific goals, fluctuation concentric and incentive measures scientific and reasonable, our cause will invincible, succeed.A砖工:(a-1)基本质量要求标准:水泥与沙配比1:4;现场人工搅拌必须均匀,不得出现团状水泥。砌砖,贴瓷片,找平,各种工作面达到横平竖直;按照施工图纸要求,放线定位准确;与楼板安装工程,屋顶安装工程,以及水电管线预埋工程密切配合;及时清理建筑场地,落地沙浆即时

7、回收利用,碎砖尽量利用。做到活完场地清,保证工地面貌整洁。(a-2)各种规格墙体,必须用水平尺不断校正垒砌,及时纠正错误,误差控制±0.3MM之内。(a-3)砖缝,错落有致,坐浆丰满。砖缝灰浆厚度1cm左右。(a-4) 配筋合理,要求4层砖配筋一层。(a-5)盖顶板之前必须进行水平校正,每个水平面控制误差±0.5MM.(a-6)预制过梁的设置,两头埋入墙体部分,视过梁长短保证有1030CM.(a-7)露天平台,预留10CM下陷,用于做防水工程和坡度设计施工。贴面之前,必须做好防水,作7天浸水试验,合格后,并保护好防水层,方可进行贴面施工。不留隐患,严防积水,漏水。(a-8)

8、砖缝水泥沙浆要收刮整齐,及时回收利用,不得浪费材料。A brick workers:(a - 1) Basic quality requirement standard: cement and sand ratio 1:4, On-site artificially mixing must even, may not appear round state cement. Bricklaying, stick ceramics, make level, various face to horizontal flat vertical, According to the requirements

9、of the construction drawings, pay-off accurate positioning, And the floor installation project, roof installation project, and hydropower pipeline embed engineering cooperate closely with, Timely liquidation building site, landing mortar instant recycling, pour as far as possible use. Do live after

10、site clear, ensure site look tidy. (a - 2) various specifications wall decoration, must use correction unceasingly , timely correcting error, error control + 0.3 MM within.(a - 3) brick joints, strewn at random have send, sit pulp plump. Brick joints plaster ply 1cm or so.(a - 4) reinforcement is re

11、asonable, request 4 layers of bricks reinforcement layer.(a - 5) cover must be carried out before the roof, each plane level calibration error control + 0.5 MM.(a - 6) prefabricated lintel Settings, two embed wall body part, depending on the lintel length guarantee a 10 30CM.(a - 7) open platform, o

12、bligate 10CM caved in, used to make waterproofing and slope design and construction. Cover before, we must complete waterproof, for seven days after the water immersion test, qualified, and protect the waterproof layer, can cover the construction. No hidden trouble, presenting seeper, leaking.(a - 8

13、) brick joints to cement mortar shall reap scrape tidy, timely recycling, shall not waste materials.B给排水管工:(b-1)基本质量要求标准:给排水管道必须保证不堵,不漏,不破,耐受压力,预埋间距,高度与洁具安装尺寸相吻合。(b-2)凉·热水管,必须做施压试验,压力不小于自来水管网的15倍。(b-3)卫生间,浴室,天台必须安装地漏去水装置,管径大于5cm。主管径不得小于110mm。(b-4)与污水相连的地漏,必须有防臭装置。(b-5)预埋过程中,露天管口,必须用结实纺织物或塑料布包扎好

14、,严防堵塞。(b-6)密切配合其他工种,做到先人一步,不耽误整体施工工期。B drainage pipelayer:(b - 1) basic quality requirement standard: water supply and drainage pipe must guarantee not plugging, not leak, don't break, tolerance pressure, embed spacing, height and sanitary installation dimensions are identical with each other.(b

15、 - 2) cold, hot water pipe, must do pressure test, the tap water pipe pressure not less than 1.5 times.(b - 3) toilet, bathroom, patio must be installed to water device, floor drain pipe diameter greater than 5cm. Competent diameter is not less than 110mm.(b - 4) and sewage connected floor drain, mu

16、st have deodorant device.(b - 5) embedded process, open-air orifice, must use strong textiles or plastic bandage good, Defend jams,(b - 6) closely cooperate with other kinds, accomplish ancestors step, not to delay the whole construction period.C电工:(c-1)基本质量要求:电工属特殊工种,必须由受过专业培训,和具实际操作经验的人员实施施工,严防漏电,


18、严密,有相当防水作用。(c-6)电路交付使用之前,或者埋闭之前都必须做短路,漏电试验,合格后才能进入下一道程序。(c-7)充分考虑图纸和业主使用要求,预埋线路到位,具整体概念。(c-8)灯具及开关插座安装,要求整齐,美观,水平一致。C electrician:(c - 1) basic quality requirements: electrician of special crafts, must by well-trained, and a practical operation experience the persons with regard to leakage, construc

19、tion, use dianliao, electric shock accidents, casing, containing wires in switches, sockets shall conform to state grid and family electricity safety and quality standards.(c - 2) lighting copper wire section diameter not less than 1.5 square millimeter, air conditioning and water heater, the kitche

20、n is not less than 4 square millimeter, enter a mainline not less than 16 square millimeter.(c - 3) embedded into the wall plug.you bottom box, from the ground, and keep 35CM high. Switch to keep 130CM height. Same space, the same level.c - 4) all wires must casing, shall not be naked. Lighting, soc

21、ket line separate, more than 3 kw electrical equipment must be an independent loop control. Once road parallel no more than five sockets. Enter a switch control box must according to loop quantity, electrical load switch and set up corresponding air leakage protection switch. Construction finished,

22、must draw site detailed layout route map. Hand in the company and client record (c - 5) all wires interface, best implementation soldering, prevent heat insulation tight, have quite waterproof function.(c - 6) circuit consign is used, or buried close before must do a short circuit, leakage test, the

23、 ability after certificate into next program.(c - 7) fully consider the drawings and owner use requirement, embed lines in place, with the overall concept.(c - 8) lamps and lanterns and switch socket installation, ask neat, beautiful, level consistent.D抹灰工:(d-1)基本质量标准:阴阳角拉直,表面平整,无开裂,脱落现象。(d-2)河沙有粗粒者

24、,必须过筛,墙面淋湿,才能进行施工。(d-3)抹灰之前,清扫干净场地,落地剩余沙浆及时回收利用,杜绝材料浪费。(d-4)重点拉直阴角,阳角,如遇墙体变形,则必须做水平拉直。(d-5)在灰浆收干之前,作压光处理。(d-6)刮大白参考此施工标准。D plasterer workers:(d - 1) basic quality standard: pull straight, Recessed 90 degree Angle, prominent 90 degree Angle, without craze, falls off phenomenon.(d - 2) river sand have

25、 coarse grained, who must sift, metope to get wet, to construction.(d - 3) plastering, cleaning the clean before landing site, residual mortar timely material waste recycling, eliminate.(d - 4) key straight Yin Angle, Yang Angle, such as the case of wall deformation, criterion must do level straight

26、.(d - 5) in charge dry mortar, before be pressure light processing.(d - 6) blow out the construction standard reference.E木工:(e-1)基本质量标准:吊顶,门,橱柜,衣柜,以及其他木作工程,都必须接缝严密,边角光滑,表面平滑,收口美观,安装科学合理。(e-2)吊顶之前必须水平校准,误差小于±0.3MM.(e-3)门框固定四周横平竖直,门叶安装之前,先进行预装,视情况进行加工,四周留缝不大于0.3MM.(e-4)橱柜,衣柜安装,柜门垂直,铰链运动自如,门缝不能大于0

27、.3MM。(e-5)角线,含石膏线,木线。要求碰角美观,水平,成直线。不开裂,脱落。E carpenter:(e - 1) basic quality standard: condole supports, door, ambry, wardrobe, and other wood to make project, must juncture rigor, edge horn is smooth, surface smooth, beautiful, varietal installation scientific and reasonable.(e - 2) condole is neces

28、sary before level calibration, an error less than 0.3 mm.(e - 3) doorcase fixed around the flat vertical, door leaf prior to installation, first conducts preinstalled, depending on the situation to carry on the processing, around seam no greater than 0.3mm.(e - 4) ambry, wardrobe installation, cupbo

29、ard door vertical movement, crack, hinge not greater than 0.3 mm.(e - 5) horny line, including gesso line, wooden line. Request touch Angle is beautiful, level, into a straight line. Not craze, fall off.F:涉及屋顶安装工程,门窗安装工程,家具橱柜安装工程,扶手梯步安装工程,绿化园林工程,泳池建造安装工程等单独外包安装工程,具体质量验收标准,由公司签订的承包合同具体约定,如没有条款约定,则按惯例

30、,或行业行规标准执行。工程承包方必须履行合同规定的质量验收标准。或行业质量验收标准。F: involves roof installation project, doors and Windows installation project, furniture ambry installation project, armrest ladder pace installation project, greening garden engineering, construction installation engineering pool alone outsourcing installat

31、ion project, specific quality acceptance criteria, by a company to sign the contract, if not specifically agreed terms agreed, are traditionally, or industry stock-in-trade standards implementation. Engineering contractor must perform the quality inspection of standard stipulated in the contract. Or

32、 industry quality acceptance standard.G:瓷砖工,路砖工(g-1)基本质量标准。完成的砖面平整,无破损!留缝整齐统一,砖角水平,严禁翘角!釉面瓷砖碰角须切成半直角。(g-2)阳台瓷片铺贴须形成最佳走水斜面。严禁产生积水洼池!(g-3)铺贴完毕,及时清理留缝,砖面清洁,做好成品保护,防止变形,人为损坏。(g-4)开切瓷片,须熟练师傅操作,杜绝不必要的损耗。(g-5)铺贴瓷砖,沙浆必须密实,不得空鼓。(g-6)铺贴瓷砖之前,须找出水平准线,拉好横直准线。排好砖的位置。(g-7)路砖铺贴,主要夯实基础,造型流畅,走水流畅。G: ceramic tile work

33、, road brick work(g - 1) basic quality standards. Finished brick surface smooth, without damage! Stay seaming tidy uniform, brick horn level, forbidden ! Glaze Strictly cock Angle ,ceramic tile touch Angle must be cut into 45 degree.(g-2) balcony red-tiled shop sticks must form optimal applied cant.

34、 Strictly produce product Low-lying pool!(g - 3) the shop is stuck finished, timely liquidation seam, bricky surface cleaning, completes the product protection, prevent deformation, artificial damage.(g - 4) starting cut ceramics, must skillfully master operation, eliminate needless loss.(g - 5) sho

35、p sticks ceramic tile, mortar must be close-grained, not empty drum.(g - 6) before shop sticks ceramic tile, must find level alignment, pull with alignment. A row brick position.(g - 7), the main road paved tiles with solid foundation, smooth shape, applied fluent.H:油漆工(h-1)基本质量标准,基面打磨,修补平整,漆膜均匀,平滑。

36、无明显色差,分色部位整齐。(h-2)油漆施工过程中,不得污染其他工程成品:如门窗成品等。施工之前做好贴膜保护工作。完工清理保护膜,清洁工作面,场地。(h-3)南非气候干燥,油漆使用后及时加盖!防止水分挥发,发生硬化变质。(h-4)滚筒,刷子须及时清洗残留油漆。以便重复使用。H: painter(h - 1) basic quality standards, cherub face burnish, repair the level off, uniform varnish film, smooth. No clear off color, dichroic parts neatly.(h -

37、2) paint construction process, not to pollute the other engineering products: such as doors and Windows products, etc. Construction before do laoding protection work. clean Completion of clear protective film, clean worksite.(h - 3) South Africa dry climate, paint after use timely affixed with! Prev

38、ent moisture volatilizes, produce sclerosis metamorphism.(h - 4) drum, shall timely cleaning brush paint residue. In order to use again.I:泳池工程(i-1)基本质量标准,不漏,不渗,不裂。泳池表面光滑。预埋管道科学合理。(i-2)必须做好提前预埋灯饰电路,进水和出水管道工作。I: pool engineering(I - 1) basic quality standard, not leak, not permeability, no crack. Pool

39、 smooth surface. Embed pipe scientific and reasonable.(I - 2) must be done well in advance, water and embed lighting circuit effluent conduit work.J:种草绿化(j-1)基本质量标准,草与土地密切接触,确保草苗存活。(j-2)种草之前,做好土地的平整,疏松。(j-3)压实草地,及时淋水。J: grass greening(j - 1) basic quality standards, grass and land intimate contact,

40、ensure grass seedlings live.(j - 2) grass land leveling, well before, osteoporosis.(j - 3) compaction grass, timely drench water.K:以上工程施工质量标准,只是基本标准要求,如有特殊要求或其他罗列不尽之处,请询问相关工程技术人员或参考相关技术文献.谢谢合作! K: the above project construction quality standards, just basic standard requirement, if you have special request, or other listing not place, please ask related engineering and technical personnel or reference related technical literature. Thank you for your cooperation!L:质量事故处理原则:谁施工谁负责,谁受益谁负责。如直接责任人,故


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