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1、八下英语课时特训答案 英语课时特训八下人教八下英语课时导航答案八下英语课时导航答案,3637页的 第四单元3,4Period 3一、1.health 2.nervous 3.true 4.lucky 5.report二、1.palying 2.spanisah 3.taking 4.speaking 5.Luckily 三、15BCCAA四、1.321425FTTFPeriod 4一、1.luck 2truth 3.herself 4.influent 5.thinedner 6.wife7.starting 8.dangerous 9.dormitories 10.decision二、1.d

2、isappointed 2.true 3.disappointing 4.to hear 5.having6.was三、15BDAAA四、略五、1.did well in 2.a supposed to 3.to pass on 4.report card 5.First of all6.in good health 7.get over 8.was mad at课时集训八下英语课时集训八下英语Unit 11.-Why are you in such a hurry?-There _an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.(will be/will have

3、)2.The more careful you are, the _mistakes you will make.(few/little)3.Life will be different from now _about 100 years.(in/after)4.People will_20_years old.(活到)5.I went to Hong Kong last year and _it.(爱上)6.I find it very difficult to make a_(predict)7.Work hard, and your dream will _.(实现)8.(1) Ther

4、e are_(hundred) of people in the supermarket.(2) There are si_(hundred) students in our school.9.It_(seem)that you are wrong.10.There will be_(such/so) a good machine to help you.11.People can make robots_(cook) for them in the future.12.My daughter always gets_(boring)when I ask her to do some hous

5、ework.13.There will_a basketball game on TV tonight.14.Though her grandpa is nearly 90 years, he still lives_.(alone/lonely)15.(1)more 的意思是_,它是many和much的-_,它可以用来修饰_的复数,也可以修饰_.(2)fewer 意思是_,它是few的_,它只能用开修饰_的复数。3less 的意思是_,它是-_的比拟级,它只能用来修饰_.16.A: _?B: I think she will be a doctor.A: What sport will sh

6、e play?B: _.A: Where do you live?B: _.A: What will the weather be like tomorrow?B: _.A: Do you think there will be robots in peoples home?B: _.A: Will kids go to school?B: _.21.选择wear, put on , dress 填空,并注意用其适当形式1We have to _a uniform to school.2_your coat when you go out.3 Can he _himself?4 Our Chi

7、nese teacher _a pair of glasses.5 Please _the baby, George.6 She often _a red skirt.22.用more, less, fewer 填空。1We plant trees every year, there will be _trees.2.If we waste water, there will be _water.3 If every family has a baby, there will be _people.4 I think English is _popular than Chinese.5Ther

8、e will be _robots everywhere, and humans will have _work to do.6There will be _free time when people retire. 苏教语文八下5.25有的人课时训练及答案八年级语文下册第五单元第25课 有的人班级 学号 姓名 得分一根底知识及运用。1填空:本课的副标题是_,用副标题的作用是_本课中最能表达鲁迅精神的诗句有_比照、反复是这首诗突出的写作特点。第一小节突出了两种对立的人,用_与_比照,词语反复如:_;句子反复如:_“把名字刻入石头的/名字比尸首烂得更早。”用两个短语恰当表示“刻”“烂”在诗中的意

9、思。刻:_,烂:_2这首诗从哪些方面把两种截然不同的人作了比照?答:_3判断下面三句诗的修辞手法,正确的一项为哪一项 有的人他活着别人就不能活;有的人他活着为了多数人更好地活。有的人骑在人民头上:“呵,我多伟大!”有的人情愿做野草,等着地下的火烧。A比照、反复;比喻;拟人B比照、夸大;引用;夸大C比照、反复;引用;比喻D比照、排比;引用;比喻4对以下诗句停顿/重音、括号内感情处理错误的一项为哪一项 A骑在人民头上:“/呵,/我/多伟大!”嘲讽B情愿作野草,/等着/地下的火烧赞颂C他/活着/为了多数人/更好地活。热情赞颂D群众把他/抬得/很高,很高。崇敬、赞扬5第四节中“他活着别人就不能活”这句

10、话的正确理解是 A因为这种人特别自私,为自己的利益而活着,所以别人就不能活。B因为这种人损害别人的利益,所以别人就不能活。C因为这种人为满足个人的穷奢极侈,欺压剥削别人,损害别人利益,别人就不能好好活着。D因为他是人民的敌人,所以别人就不能活。6诗第三节中“不朽”的引号在句里起什么作用 A表示假设和引用B表示特定称谓和引用C表示反语和否认D表示着重和强调二阅读理解、分析p 。一有的人纪念鲁迅有感臧克家有的人活着他已经死了;有的人死了他还活着。有的人骑在人民头上:“呵,我多伟大!”有的人俯下身子给人民当牛马。有的人把名字刻入石头,想“不朽”;有的人情愿作野草,等着地下的火烧。有的人他活着别人就不

11、能活;有的人他活着为了多数人更好地活。骑在人民头上的人民把他摔垮;给人民作牛马的人民永远记住他!把名字刻入石头的名字比尸首烂得更早;只要春风吹到的地方到处是青青的野草。他活着别人就不能活的人,他的下场可以看到;他活着为了多数人更好地活着的人,群众把他抬举得很高,很高。1949年11月1日于北京7阅读第1节,说说诗中两个“活”字和两个“死”字的不同含义及所表达的作者的感情和态度。8阅读第5节,说说“骑”、“摔”、“垮”字分别说明什么。9诗中“牛马”、“春风”、“野草”等词都含有某种寓意和寄托,说说它们的象征意义是什么。10这首诗在写法上的主要特点是什么?有什么作用?试作简要分析p 。11读了这首

12、诗后,你受到怎样的启迪?你能举出几个如诗中所见的虽死犹生的人吗?二老马臧克家总得叫大车装个够,它横竖不说一句话,背上的压力往肉里扣,它把头沉重的垂下!这刻不知道下刻的命,答案第一课时:八年级英语下unit6单元案Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.第一课时 课型:新授课Section A (I)教学目的:使学生学会用一般过去时表达故事;并用 unless ,as soon as ,so .that .,引导的状语从句来连接故事。教学重难点:通过图片和相关词汇议论中国古代人类智慧的结晶;故事名或书写的标准。 教学流程:任务一独学1预习Pag

13、e41 页词汇2朗读以下语言,并翻译系列句子。(1)An old man tried to move the mountains.提示:try to do sth设法做某事;try on试穿;try out尝试,实验;try ones best尽全力;have a try试一下。明天我将尽量早来。I will try my best to e here early tomorrow.他还没有试穿过这件毛衣。 He hasnt tried on this sweater.我们的教师总是尝试一些新的想法。Our teacher always try some new ideasLucy将尽力赶上其

14、他同学。Lucy will try to catch up other classmates.让我试一下。Let me try (have a try)2与how 有关的短语:how big多大、how far多远、 how soon多久、how long 多长、how often多少一次、how wide 多宽、how manymuch多少这条街多宽? How wide is the street?你妈妈多久回来? How soon will your mother e back?从车站到超市多远?_How far is it from the bus stop to the superma

15、rke?3.In 1972, it was discovered that they are endangered. 1972年,人们发现它们已经濒于灭绝。was discovered是一般过去时的被动语态,discover“发现”,近义词为find和invent。(4)be like 像 look like 看起来像 like sth.喜欢某物 like to do sth.喜欢做某事 likesb.To do sth.喜欢某人做某事任务二 对群学1单项选择:1.There used to be river in front of the city, ?这曾经有一条河在城市面前,不是吗?A.

16、did it B.usedn 2.Lets turn the radio down.Your father 让我们把收音机关小点声,你爸爸正睡觉D.is sleep 3.Where is Bob?He to the lipary.A.is going B.has been 4.Another zoo in the city . 5.How long may I your bike ?A.lend B.borrowD.to living 6.The animals are made in the zoo .C.living 7.I donll call you .2 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1

17、.Knives are used (use)to cut things .2.The children were told that the sun rises (rise)in the east.3.Sundenly I realized someone was following (follow)me.4.Hes lived here since he came (e)to the city .5.He likes me to go (go) swimming with him this afternoon.八年级下册英语Unit4全优5课时带答案Unit 4 Why dont you t

18、alk to your parents?Section A(1a-2d).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1.Our teachers dont a us to take the phone at school. 答案:allow2.Whats with you? I lost a dictionary.答案:wrong3.He plays puters too much so he doesnt get (足够的)sleep. 答案:enough4.I had a (打架)with my best friend yesterday. 答案:fight5.Can you (猜)the me

19、aning of the word? 答案:guess.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Why dont you (learn)a foreign language? 答案:learn2.Mike is good at (swim)and he is healthy. 答案:swimming3.He found a boy (clean)the room just now.答案:cleaning4.Dont hurry! You have some time (finish)the work. 答案:to finish5.The teacher told us (not get)into a

20、 fight. 答案:not to get .单项选择1.Why do you like this TV program? its very interesting and e_citing. A.Though B.Because C.So 答案:B2.Tom,you look tired this morning.Whats wrong?I was so busy that I didnt go to bed 12 oclock last night. A.until C.althoughB.when D.unless D.Because of答案:A解析:考察连词辨析。句意:汤姆,今天上午

21、你看起来很累。怎么了?我非常忙以致于昨天晚上12点才上床睡觉。not.until.表示“直到才”。应选A项。 3.We lost the soccer game, everyone of us played very well. A.because C.or 答案:B解析:考察让步状语从句。句意:尽管我们每个人都踢得非常好,但是我们还是输掉了足球比赛。故用although引导。B.although D.so4.There is meat in the fridge.And you neednt go to the shop. A.too many C.too much 答案:C A.until

22、 C.while 答案:AB.many too D.much too5.(20_广西南宁中考)I will wait I hear from you.B.since D.becauseUnit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A(3a-4c).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1.The old man always feels lonely and (焦虑的). 答案:nervous2.(关系)between my sister and my pother have bee difficult. 答案:Relations3.You c

23、an just find about w you want. 答案:whatever4.Jack didnt have noodles for lunch.I ,he had rice and fish. 答案:Instead5.The teacher warns us not to others homework. 答案:copy.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Why dont you (help) him with English? 答案:help2.The weather will be (cloud)ne_t Sunday. 答案:cloudy3.Can you e_plain t

24、o me how (do)this English problem? 答案:to do4.Its important (municate)with your parents. 答案:to municate5.How about (go)fishing this afternoon? 答案:going .单项选择1.Tom did all he could to get on well his classmates. A.which;with C.that;with 答案:C2.Mr.Green speaks very loudly all the people can hear him cle

25、arly. A.so that C.because 答案:A解析:when 是“当的时候”的意思;so that是“为了,目的是”的意思;because是“因为”的意思。本句中,so that 引导目的状语从句。B.when D.because of B.that;/ D./;/3.What could I get my father for Fathers Day? getting him a tie? A.Why notC.Why dont you 答案:B解析:根据题干中的getting形式,应用B项,A项、C项和D项后接动词原形。4.(20_江苏连云港中考)I wont watch b

26、asketball matches James is playing.He pays much attention to teamwork. A.unless C.althoughB.if D.Since B.How about D.Lets答案:A解析:考察连词的用法辨析。unless“除非,假如不”,if “假如”,although“尽管”,since“自从”。根据句意:“我不会看篮球比赛的,除非詹姆斯参加。他注重团队合作。”,应选A项。5.I dont know if sheto my birthday party tomorrow.If she,Ill be very happy. A

27、.es;es B.will e;es C.es;will e D.will e;will e 答案:B解析:考察宾语从句和条件状语从句。由if引导的条件状语从句用一般如今时态,主句用一般将来时。当if意为“是否”时,所引导的宾语从句通常用一般将来时。Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B(1a-1e).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。 1.My pother is a (成员)of the team. 答案:member2.Can you work under (压力)? 答案:pressure3.We have to (竞争)

28、on service.答案:pete4.She s much time in learning to play the piano last year. 答案:spent5.he is poor,he always helps others. 答案:Although .用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Please give (they)these new books and notebooks. 答案:them2.You shouldnt (be)worried about your study. 答案:be3.Some (activity)are interesting and e_cit

29、ing. 答案:activities4.He decided (play)sports to lower stress. 答案:to play5.Stop (argue);lets be good friends again. 答案:arguing.单项选择1.I feel stressed in my study from time to time.I dont know what to do.A.You should not play puter games.B.What about keeping your worries to yourself? C.Why not ask the t

30、eachers for advice? D.Youd better pay no attention to your study.答案:C2.Weve got no coffee.Lets have tea . A.either C.yet 答案:D3.Alice e_plains things very well and what she says can be understood very . A.quietly C.slowly 答案:D解析:副词的用法。quietly“安静地”;carefully“仔细地”;slowly“缓慢地”,clearly“清楚地”。句意:艾丽斯把事情解释得很

31、好,她所说的都能很清楚地被理解。故答案为D项。4.I dont know how to begin a talk with Betty.She can sit all day long a word. A.by C.inB.with D.without B.carefully D.clearly B.however D.instead答案:D解析:此题考察介词辨析。A项意为“被,经由”;B项意为“用,和在一起”;C项意为“在内”;D项意为“没有”。without a word意为“没说一句话”。应选D项。5.Three problems are too hard to .Will you gi

32、ve me some advice? There are many ways.The most important is to have a careful plan.A.work out B.look out C.hand out 答案:AD.peak outUnit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B(2a-2e).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1.My sister is good at sports.She can play basketball and f . 答案:football2.I wasnt asking for

33、 your (意见). 答案:opinion3.After he finished reading a novel,he (继续)to play games with his friends. 答案:continued4.These things make me a little (疯狂的). 答案:crazy5.He drives like a maniac(疯子),and Im sure hell c an accident. 答案:cause.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.After a rest,he continues (read)new words. 答案:reading/to

34、 read2.The question is small but (typical). 答案:typical3.He practices (speak)English every day. 答案:speaking4.I know some reading (skill). 答案:skills5.Its important for kids (join)after-school classes. 答案:to join.单项选择1.Please this book that one,and find out the differences between them. A.pare;to C.par

35、e;for 答案:B A.until C.after 答案:A A.or C.because 答案:D A.for C.with 答案:A A.This C.That 答案:BB.pare;with D.pare;of2.He works hard,and he doesnt e back 9:00 p.m.B.before D.at3.(20_浙江嘉兴中考)It isnt warm today, the sun is shining.B.and D.although4.I think drinking milk is good our health.B.to D.at5. is a good

36、 idea to ping your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.B.It D.What解析:考察代词的用法。当作主语的不定式短语较长时,通常用it作形式主语放在句首,将真正的主语不定式构造放在句子后部。应选B项。Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B(3a-Self Check).根据要求完成单词。 1.wrong(反义词) 答案:right2.cloud(形容词) 答案:cloudy3.second(副词) 答案:secondly

37、4.different(名词)答案:difference5.early(比拟级) 答案:earlier6.good(最高级) 答案:best .单项选择1.E_cuse me,could you tell me how to the Beijing Zoo? Well,you may take Bus No.27. A.gat C.getting 答案:D所以选择D项。2.Its raining heavily outside.Why dont you your raincoat? A.put on B.to put on C.take off 答案:A3.I dont know if Mr.

38、Li to the party this evening. I think he will e if he free. A.will e;is C.es;isB.will e;will be D.es;will be D.to take off B.gets D.to get解析:此题考察不定式的用法。由疑问词和不定式构成的复合构造在句中作宾语,此处意为“如何去北京动物园”,答案:A解析:此题考察if引导的从句的时态,第一个if引导的是宾语从句,李教师今晚是不是将参加我们的聚会应用一般将来时;第二个if引导的是条件状语从句,应主将从现。 4.For your ing vacation,why

39、ing to Guiyang? Good idea! A.not consider B.dont consider C.to consider D.dont to consider 答案:A5.Miss White doesnt like buying nice clothes.She likes collecting story-books . A.instead C.too 答案:A .短文填空1根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)汉语提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单B.either D.instead of答案:1.my/a 2.best 3.for 4.but

40、5.night 6.result 7.left 8.sure 9.give 10.looking八年级下册英语Unit6全优5课时带答案Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section A(1a-2d).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。 1.This is a toy gun and it doesnt s . 答案:shoot2.When did you b learning English? 答案:begin3.This story (使想起)me of my childhood.答案:reminds4.He has no mo

41、n sense(常识)and he always does (愚蠢的)things. 答案:silly5.Im a little b tired.Lets take a short rest. 答案:bit .用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.The pave old man tried (move)the mountains. 答案:to move2.We can find other ways (solve)the problem. 答案:to solve3.His children could continue (do)the same things after he died. 答案:

42、to do4.What could you do instead of (play)puter games? 答案:playing5.As soon as he (get)to Qingdao,he will call me. 答案:gets.单项选择 1.(20_四川宜宾中考) my father my mother is able to drive a car.However,they are going to buy one.A.Neither;nor C.Either;or 答案:A2.I dont know when tomorrow. I will call you as soon

43、 as he . A.will he e;arrives B.he will e;arrives C.he will e;will arrive D.will he es;arrives 答案:B3.Your puter doesnt work now.Is there with it? A.wrong something B.something wrong C.wrong anything D.anything wrong 答案:DB.Both;andD.Not only;but also4.What do you think of the two schoolbags? of them a

44、re very nice. A.Either C.Each 答案:B解析:考察代词的辨析。either “(两者中)任意一个”,both“(两者)都”,each “(三者或者三者以上的)任意一个”,all “(三者或者三者以上)都”。根据答句中be动词用are,故作主语的是复数,问句指的是two schoolbags。应选B项。5.(20_黑龙江哈尔滨中考)Boys and girls,calm down and focus on the test paper you begin to think about the answers.Be confident.You can do it! A.

45、as ifB.as soon as C.although 答案:B解析:此题考察连词的用法。as if “假如”;as soon as “一就”;although“虽然,尽管”。由空格所在句意“你一开场考虑答案的时候,就要保持镇静并集中精力在试卷上”可知B项符合题意。B.Both D.AllUnit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section A(3a-4c).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。 1.There are twenty in the zoo. 答案:monkeys2.The noisy boy hit me on my fa

46、ce with a . 答案:stick3.He is so w that he cant carry the bo_. 答案:weak4.She tried to (隐藏)her feelings. 答案:hide5.These shoes dont (合适)me.Please give me another pairs. 答案:fit.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.I prefer Chinese culture to (west)culture.答案:Western2.She didnt get (marry)until she was well into middle age. 答

47、案:married3.The children became (interest)in reading this story. 答案:interested4.Once upon a time,there (be)a clever boy. 答案:was5.He can turn (he)into different animals or objects. 答案:himself .单项选择1. fine day it is today!Yes,the sunshine is beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.A.How;such C

48、.How;soB.What a;very D.What a;so答案:D2. does the story begin? Once upon a time there was an old man.A.What C.How 答案:AB.Where D.Who3.Will you please give the dictionary to Jane? Sure,Ill give it to her she arrives here. A.before C.because 答案:D4.Which do you prefer,green tea or coffee? ,thanks.Id like

49、a glass of water. A.Either B.Neither C.Both 答案:B解析:考察不定代词用法辨析。both“两者都”;either“两者中任何之一”;neither“两者中任何之一都不”;all用于三者或三者以上。句意:你要绿茶还是咖啡?谢谢,(两者)都不要。我想要一杯水。应选B项。 5.(20_江苏泰州中考)“Im a singer” is an interesting TV show many people like watching it. A.so;that C.so;as 答案:BB.such;that D.such;as D.All B.untilD.as soon as解析:考察连词短语的用法。such.that.,so.that.引导结果状语从句,such后接名词,so后接形容词或副词。句意:“我是歌手”是如此有趣的电视节目,以致于许多人都喜欢看它。an interesting TV show是名词短语,因此用such修饰,所以答案为B项。Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section B(1a-1d).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。 1.Once upon a time,there was an (国王). 答案:emp


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