1、江苏省连云港市灌云县 2015-2016 学年高一英语下学期期中试题(扫描版)2015-2016学年度第二学期期中考试用商个部分组成,共120分.者试用时120分钟.姓总、班圾、耆试号,用照邑字进喈C臺朿签字圮境丫皿作事选择题胎锁刑2B帕笔把答農卡上猫应題目妁牡隶标号涂黑非迤择题令衆写在答题垠 财应题目的空白址.考试结束后,交回琴理卡 答題纸*第一部分听力(共两节,満分M分)第一节(共5小题;每題】分.满分分)听下面5段对迄”毎段对话后面有一个小题从毁中所给的ABC三个选项中选出殊住或项, ”:咔在试卷的相应位暨.听窕毎段对话后你新韦10杪钟的时问来回零有关小題和阅谡下 一小題*每段对话仪读一
2、遥W here arc the speakers Hiking?A In a clothes shop.B. In a bookshopV/haH the sjirTs EniiHsh teacher like1,A Hunioroii and kind, R. HUITIOFOUSand strictC, In a libranr.(Kind but strict.3. Whaitime can ihe woman meet Mike?A At 7:20B. Al 7:30C. At 8:004, When does Fiona play ball nmes probably?A - On
3、Saturday morningB. On Sunday afternoon* W hat did Miss Max do in Singapore?Ahe uent sightseeing. B. She studied there.第二节共15和题;毎4、甄t井满分茫分)F面3矩対话或殖白口誓賢对话或独白石有JL牛小题 出最隹选哽*小题5乃忖;听克后, 听第6段杖料*回备押氐了题6 How oftcn the b)y go to the movies?A.TeamonihB. Oncc a inonth7+ Wheredoes ihe girt conw from?A. Canada.C,
4、 On Saturday afternoonCrShe taught lhere.从题中所蛤的ABC三个迪项中代汗标|::丸隹相巫纯査;听昏段对i舌或独白前,你样有时间阅谟詮个小黑,售各小趣將涪出5秒钟的作容时问”每段对话或独白请背遼。C. Three limes a month.R. Korcji.高英悟试蛙第i页2A Across from the bathroom B On the rich* of the balliriMin C. Next to lhe bathroom, i 5 What caifi vve see in lhe commonroom?A.A fridge.13.
5、 A TV $cr.c. A eemputenEft What do we know abcuZ Ibny?A- He器岛to bed late.B. He oHen has n bad sleep. C He oflen has:】gi?nd sleep.听第Lt)廉财料.回尊第口至2D题17. Whafs the relationship between Dave and Elena?A.Colleagues.IiPNeighbors.XMiiil did Llcna plan (ode with Mr. Johnson?R, H:ive mi;ippoint!iicn听第7股林料*回甞第
6、&9題S, Whti is NLtri;) probably? lohns dimghWLB Johns wife.认low long dues Betty work each day?z. For nine hours.B. For etghl hours.昕第8SU料,回10至12題IP When tlecs lhe festival end?AHAl 3:30 pm.BrAt 11:00 ain+11. Whai cant people do at the fesliva?A. Buy festival flags.B. Enjoy the music,I二Huu should
7、people go to the festival?A, By subway.B. By car.四疇9投甘料*回答第茁至宙题i;一Wh口is tkc relationship beLueeii Jack and lony?A. Classmates.BrRoommatesIIWhere is the common room?ss aiiJ csiipluyee.ad agrccmcni in general but with lots ot detailsin tuinre momhs of the year.A. remaining to workOUTB rematning to be
8、worked outC remained to worfi oulD* remained io bt: worked out:M;j.ny experts h(id lhu view _imher devdopimnt is_ the key to bettereducation lies.A. which:whtrv B, which? in which C. that:where D that:in which2瓦Wc havent settled the question of_ il i$ necessary for him to study abroad.A. ifB. whervC
9、. whetherD. hat2yNol unii the hiolojn- technology has bcun put into pratlice cau we find_ benefits ii4will hring to ns九讪闇阳D. whmC. whereD. when.1】.Eick luh made severul htg cllanges sintt:he ivas ptumoted.Thai is not Eurpri5mg. As you knowt.A. a new bnrom sweeps canR n good conscience has a soft pi
10、Clow匚a郊旳sparrow should nakc an early stariD business ii阮salt oflifc帝一菟研试港玳3H共12頁5第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题I分满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大當.然后从下列各趣所儈的四个选项(A, B、C和D)中,堆出 最隹选项.XI thou/ I 1uc my life, it hasnt been a kH of fun as Ive been ill Ibr 2S yearsMusic has always been a great love of mine andi in my 20sswhen mv 3
11、i was more manageable I 32 ten years as aprofessional singer in restaurants * playing and singing folk songs. 33 that was years ago and limes have changed. 34 I live withmy mother on a country farm.Twa years ago I decided that I would need to have some kind of extra work to 35 my disability pension(
12、残疾抚恤金,36 tneeded to sleep in afternoons. I was limited in mv 17_ 1 detided thai 1 would consider_38 to singing in restaurants.hl、family are ail musiciansTso I was_ when 1 went into our local musk store )explained that 1 wanted to sing again but using recorded karaoke music I knew dial discs were ver
13、y epe!isive and I really didnthave a lol of 40 to gel started. And_41 you lind onhThra: lo fur songsOULoften on a disc that you can 42 use. h的I told the owner ol the shop about my_ 43_ . he gave me a long十thoughtfuI 44,This menns a lol toyou doesn4! ii ? he said. “Com亡with me,MHu kd me45_ the crowde
14、d shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on itHeplaced居largp hand,_on his treasure and said.叫have 800 karaoke song5 in here*You can kike vour 47 and 111 record them for you. That should get vou slartcd.M 1L* Tlnnking him, I made a time wilhfilm to listers to all die songs and choo
15、se 49 ihnt I could sing. I haye come full circle with his help,过 _弭11 mrnis my heart and makes me do just that bit cxira, when I have ihe chanue31.A- loneliness32.A. set33* A. Gladly34rA- Now35.A. add up to36.A. If37.A. movement38.A. reaching out39.A. recognized40.A. money4L A, thus42.A. aclual ly43
16、.A Job644.A. face45.A. over46. X unhappilyB. lovinglyC pitifullyD, graielully47. A, pickB. LumC. rokD. stepJ8. A. had in cryB. oughi ro crjC. should hav cried D. could have criedW A. moreEi. the oniTbC. fewD* the rest50. A. cour;igyB. devotaonC kindnessLJ, irust第三部分:阅读理解(共注小貶;毎小题2分.满分孔分)请认其阅谨下列短丈*从短
17、文后各昱所給的A*乩匚D四吓准项申;逸出故佳选项.AWhere is ihul noise coming rrom? Noi sure? Try living with your eyes closed for a few ya/5Blind people are better at locatingsnunds than people胡10 . All had been silitlcss for :it least 20 years. Foiiitccn of Hieni had losttheir vision before age 11,the rcsi went blind afte
18、r age 16. i he experiment also included 10 people who could see bm werewearing blind fbldg-1n one tik, volunteers had w pick the d recrion of fl sound coming from aboui 3 metres anay. When rhe sound was in*时-f hem or slight!;otT cenir in fr&nt,both groups performed equally will.When sounds came
19、from the or the back, however, the blind izroup p亡rformed much better lhan the blindfolded group. Theparticipants who had been blind since childhood did sfighfiy better than those wlio lost I heir且型lalcr.Recognizing (he locations of disiant sounds can be n matter of life - Dr- death for blind peopfe
20、 say the researchers. Crossingthe sucet, for instance謗rnuLli harder when jou can*(see the cars coming.StilL ihe researthers were surprised by how well lhe blind participants did* especially I hose who WE抗blind after age 16* InB. sadnessC. tirednessD. sicknessB. enjoj edC. keptD. sharedB EventuallyC.
21、 Un fortunately0 Surprising!)B. ThenC. Sonic limeD+ MeanwhileB. make up for0. get rid nfD take advantage ofB, AsC. ThoughO.B. conditionC. choicesD, positionsB, living upC getting onU going hnckB interviewedC, foundD_ invitedB. timeC, energyD. knowledgeB, onceC. seldomD. oftenB. hardlyC. nearlyIX Ibn
22、nerlyB, familyC, ideaD. offerB. viewC. lookD, sightB. alongC. (owardsfX through高一英语试卷第1页找7another experiment:, the scientists ulsn tbund that parts of the brain ihat nonnally del with vtsil info num ion became activeiri locating sound in the people who xvcrc blind bv iici H. I hese brm parts (JicJnl
23、 otmd - kicution ndivil in ihe olher grour illblind people or in the sighted people The scientists now want to Icam more about the working of brains of Late一onsetblind people.51.The ruecril sudy shos blind people are better at teHing _ _.A the sources of loud sounds.B,thti locafinns of djstmi semnds
24、C.Ihe direclion csharp soundsL. lhe distance of a sound in from of them52.If people were asked to tell the direction cf a sound from Ihe引 te who would perform hesi?胚一英谨试瑤芟帝顶扛桂奧A.Those who arc blind.B Those who have gone blind since children.C. Those who went blind at age 16.D” Those who are Mind fol
25、ded.53.What do we knaw about that pans of brain dealing with visual information arcacnve ,nlocating sounds?A.Thii happens in almost all the testers.B.ThisORIVoccurs In die people ho were blind atier age 16.C.It remains nothing new io llic scientists any more.D.Il remains a mystery why il is so.B *.p
26、 Thepractice ui sEudcnts endlessl) ing letters and sentences Irom a blackbird is:i thing ot the pusL With【he coining of newtechnologies like computers and smartphones, writing b hand has become Bomcfhing of nostalgic(bfskill. However, whiletodays educarors are using more and more technology in their
27、 leaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are stillnecessary for students to be successflil-both in school and in life.Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology al the University of Washington,sa s ifs important to continueteaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill
28、 of writing by hand. Berninger and her colleagues conducted a studythat looked al die ability of students to complete Mrioiis讥ritin呂Lastsboih on a computer and by hand, I he studypublished in 2009、fbunci lha! when writing with a penand paper, participants wrote longer essays and more cdmpJete senren
29、cefv and had a Hister word prod net ion rate.In a more recent study. Berninger looked at what rote spelling plays in a studentsHriling skills and found that how wellchildren spy 11 is tied to how well they can write, Spelling makes some of the thinking parts af the brain active which helps usaccess
30、our vocabulary word meaning and concepts. 1( is allowing our written to connect wilh ideas. Berninger said,卩cllini;helps sTiidents translate ideus into words in their mind first and then to iranscribef換)those words in the mindinto writlen symbols on paper or keyhiard and screen, the study said. Seei
31、ng the words in the minds eye helps children notonly to turn their idtas in?o words, says Berninger.Mbut also to spoK盧现)spelling mistakes uhen tlic)write the words downand to correct them over lime/In our computer age. some people believe that wc dont have to teach spelling because we have spell che
32、ckSishe said.8But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level- they wont have the knowledge to choose lhecorrcci spelling among the options given b the computer,154.What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?A.The absence of blackboard in classroom,B.The use of n
33、ew technologies in caching.高一英语试卷第6.贾共12贡C fhc恤“of pracTice in匕LX The popuhir use ol smlinphis55.Which of (he following best shews ih* role of spelling?A.Spelling improves ones memon ot words,B.Spelling ability is closely迅加喇to wriling abilih.C.Spelling benefits the translation frum words into ideasI
34、), Spelling slows douiiNtiding exact words to 1耳卩res idea56.What Joes the underlined part *minds eyektin Paragraph 5 mean1A. Window. B. Soul.C.Picture D I magmat ion.57.What conclusion ceuld be drawn from the passage?A. Computers tan help people wiili (heir choice of words. H Sj?e1l checks can take
35、ihe place of spelling teacliini:.C.Handv riling slil! has a pkite in luikjys clasroomh.D.Functional spelling ability develops fast in the fifth grade.CIreland lias had a ver difficult history. I he problems started in the I61I1 century when Englisli rulers tried to conquer(征喂)Irehind. For hundreds o
36、f yeajs. the Irish people fought against the English. I inally, in 1921, the British government wasforced to give independence to the south of Ireland The result is that todav there arc two * I re kinds1 . Northern Ireland in tlicnorth, is partDFthe United Kingdom. The republic of Ireland、in the sou
37、th, is an independent counij ;In the lS40s Lhc main crop, poutoes wa$;i flee ted by disease and abcui巧0()0 people died of hunger. This, and ashortdgc(-iU) rC Ireland.亠 口d i .-csentD.The Independcnte of IrelandDGrown - ups arc often surprised by how well they refnember something they learned as child
38、ren tiut han my practise it eer:ici. A man ntio has nol hjd a tfiancc !o go swimmrug for yrrcmember the yory of Cinderella nr Gofdifocks and the Three Bears One explaiianoii isJI-L. ot泪帀亦二which can be -.latcda、folloiAs:Once ue have lewncd somethings additional leamir tri対s(書试)incretks the length of
39、lirnc we will Fdixtmbcrit.Inchildhood 2 u*ua电continue to practise such skills as sutrnming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball lung after、亡lu、亡learned ihem We continue to listenand remind ourselves of期皿沁已i 0 d讣比&r” ar.J childJ.cid ules uch .1.Cinderella and Goldtlwks Wcnot only learn bur overl
40、emn.hit muhiplicain n uble$|观伕口 映事,亡an exception 10 the general rule that we Forget rather quickly the things thaikam m school, tweausc thy art another of rhe ihins veoverJc.ini jnchildhood.10The hw of overleamine explai:讪丫ciammingf去学刁)for an examination, (hough it may resuh in *1 pasMng gnide. is n
41、 14:it is factory way to learn a coEkg coum. B cramming.nmidMi nias Icm the object、dl enougfi to get b()n rhecrxamination, hur he h likely sop朴h)忖弔议Jlrnosl enthin hi leiuned. A link overlearning* on (he olher hand,i$ reallyntvcMr) for oncs future deveEopnicnt62- rut is main idsa of Pai;iraph I?暮三:畀丸
42、焼毛B庐英12 fjA.People remember wcl what they J earned in childhood.B. help you hft up yourmood. If it fails you, al least while doing thce thiniis you on t h.:z time lo think ofnuproblems You win anyway!The first tiling you should try is socializing and rhinktng pos(ively4Its ven hard because usualh wh
43、en we fee! depressedwe Jock ourselves at home and !ry to think about川I Lhe bad character issues we have Bui if yoiNI tn (o force yourself andcall a friend for a cup of coffee, ihe chances for durnging your mgd irtio Mier arc very good. Jusl try to uvoid bad thoughts.Instead* try to think only about
44、the bright side of your life. Dont forget: We are what we think we are.You should also iry doing something only for yourself something totally Tfhh. This couJd be you wank-d for n king lime;mabc a short tripa coal. a ring or anything that could lift up your mood, his doesnt have lo be cosily. The po
45、int of all thisis being good to yourself. Besides giving presents to yourself, busing things to others may be a perfect way to feet happy.Think of your friends, familx, relatives or even local charities, choose one person and give him髙一英谱试皐妮9页共12页12a gift. Mi4. in:1m ilici; 4n :I i;.! - in your lica
46、rt and rnintlHi n hi conceruriitc on du prcnilutufv lo mnk yourli悔better in every possible皿1、Mostbud moods ami i: :.(l anituJ!,r】-tl:.:i happened to us in the past. Ir isvitdl hi your niiii-iliody ,tn- :? J;-SLI tn ie preerii wi(h all ourthoughts and fedixv .If you hahxmiuih mvol. . i .: ,:ihe probl
47、em we have ore huge, although il youlld. . -i ?i-. hi cl p亡opk iha have moresevere problems. Morcovtr、yoJI sec that people are still working * smiling* and laughing. This kind of work will ilrFuT:.血|卩:.一 . .:i :;乱?.r-r:ihlcni dre前丨皿吒1 mav hefiiniiy.Doifi h%说 山hr cwiw.r!z : .r.iing vr plasing ail ins
48、irnnicnt. italso includes cfig利:=jnd m;tn other activities. Winkconcernraiing on crvjtmg you will hffiri-e Hcen feeling.All you have u :to lake control oyour cmotrons and make them positive instead ofthem coMkol yin、:.; , u 1tis linrd onk to鮒rt ihit崔something ihm usjui H川 yuur moi.d.VTitle, l ift Up
49、 Your Mood1fllBil(66)thatzryoM cun irnxl with inIheir livebLvcThir. eems ver;limJ to ulk to and lhe muod isjustWUT-Cand worse(67)ioIrfling up your moodScicialize and think in自(68)was!- I friend tor a cup of coffee巧知bad thoughts(70)fromgivingpresentsloyourself, buy tubers some gifts*Aing a short trip
50、, buy ing n coat orumeihing elseone person 171)your friends, family relatives or even zlcharities and gisc him a giftConcentrate on the presentand CuTureSonEcihing bad in the past -in bad moods so rrv ioibrgei the pasrSpend your spare rime doing(731workB, seeing and helping people in111,wccan unders
51、tiwul ourprb!ems bcUerbun t Ibigct to tn: creativeCreating things like paintingt cookirig andwritingConclusionhaw tn cctrol yourar 1 mnke the tn positive instcud otbeing (75)by them高一英送试養第1(J歹真12页13第二节単词折骂请枫据力盘風祈给首字母或汎講槻示*册眄岀单饲晒正确斌式甘10建.寻趙0.5介.濡分5分*o 7 h* tecture mainh 4eals with the trouble young c
52、hildren have d_ (区分 阳别)rightfrom wrong. 11kc wlm Live m !hv connnuriiiv have tree ;i _TOlhe sviinrning pix)l.飞S health laier on in life.79. As she walked along the narrow street she heard the sound of footsteps a;but by:;lime she reached the comer oi the street, the footsteps uere gone.、 h in added
53、that hile our sense of sight is u$ed too muck, our senses of touch and smell have been(惣视) m epE;iri;niGn ” tit K.micn ser.-e uf smell is berter developed tlmFi lhat cf men, and islinked to r,_the $mel t of babies-During horh认“Hd War丨and l, pigeons were c_ bv armies to earnio and fTum lhe front tire
54、s, saving the lives of many soldiers an3 nlleci ( relish as much as lh* Angles an(1 |hc S;ixoti about 600 ears earlier,which led to OM Ltiglish r_ Celtic.84.By the age of thirty, he had already o(占領)more land than anyone before, and tt较亡nied that rnore glor was waiting ahead of him.+85.though these
55、kinds of characiers indicate meanings, one of their s_i$ that the、do noi show how thev should be pronounced.第三节选词填空请以小面右框更选择适当的短语幷用正确的殄式菜空,每个短语仅用一次兵5题每 题色港芳3令)have enough of;differ from, aside from, sund in ones path, make one conirihutions tu寻斤 _psace names such as London, ver Z Celtic words became
56、 pan of OldEnglish.IT Of course, people from man diflerent countries dime to America und American Entish.Finally, some people had_ him, so Lhej took him to court tor questiuriini; th甲-STCE-.JoTrhe Greek Gods md for corrupiing the young people oiAtJiens.高一蔓语试卷第II贾共12加14a 111 B4 0C he took his叫i艸胡H 3阳
57、i时i山,htf曲呦匕册Jc I eating ex ery anny Ihul_90 The Chinese language_Western hnguog tn伽.Qf諒p加阮删chitriKkrs which si and fur iikas. tibjcvis or disids.鬲四节;诩读写作(斶分汕命即请下面姮丈.然怎拄裁求巧一藹I旬何左右的英锻粉丈*lTic Voice of China is the Birges musk讪网in Chitia, This、hm is also the only one which regards the voice as die onlru
58、lci II beeju uh I:, 2012,LUIXI朗川;叫:切创lilt I V ll has anracted great (mention. The show bectnui an overnighthh. The first nsnn used voice, real music1* as iu slogan. As nieinors(导岬),tilers tlke L iu HuantNa Ying, YuChengqiny and Yaiig Kim were responsible Hu scikir: uoil.l shjkinp oivcs ofhim* 1l)rough tour stages, njintl) . hlindlicosin.“鹉1幽卅忖;阿1%ilic c,irK grarul ccrurnonj The 2014 season is ilie third season.li is reiUly;, mi nick that llie ke oi I !ina c.m si.mJJILIin the rKHi vf tcd,is【nil?” shws in China X great manyaudiences say this話ilw Iwsi iclo isi
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