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1、湖南省冷水江市2021届九年级英语第三次模拟试题2021年初中毕业学业考试第三次模拟试题卷英语龙生注童:I *试乍命试& 知琴&两* 130分170分忡定老2. 朱鬼箱疽逵鮭地豪科菩建盘的冷童只宥1卒。不遥 咅現、4|迪、渝骂眾潸蜕是 不礴写#囊魅号半齐再甘尊雄话鲁案的埠不賂井"3. 金邯挥童驟母卅拮妥未芍在眉暫也中相应对号的才榕里姜字当羽工燮,障 申起电卷梅提常"血 克卷总.峯超卷和试J1,井戢更國a毘趣电從晏羅苗封It订或需5-试笔中I量加小劫的糜力样朴叹中逵期设两进第1卷选择题.共计80分一、听力共两节.30龜.计恥分斟亠节共5小理;每小理|乐计3分断

2、下贡5民对话.帳据所听到的內審"诜择相貝於曲啊 靳时咼州科前祢碍 和吋何®I谨冷亍小砂.小临$秒仲匚听完匚.各个中题垮绘岀5杪种的托薯时A口7坤电¥呼15 X IS小Uh摒小翳IH辛.5UCB He was vnuting his brother. l: Hr wa umrhinK ihr fomhill milch 新下血的対话回窖第9小。-)9. Uhai 穴 they ulking about?K. Their weekend*. B. Their relabves. 昕下面的对话冋答第10小题。 10. What docs the man think of

3、 the film?A. Very good.B Jiirt to -to诉下ifl的对话回至12/N0L )11 When is Jack ' > faiherf & biithday?A. *n>u> Sindiiy B. Thiq Ihuraday.C Their hnmrworic.C. Very bad.C,TT>is Saturday.)12. What are they going to do finr Jack * a father b birthday? A They' rc clinic to have a party. B

4、They*re going to have picnic.C. They * rr going to have a big dinner 听下面的対话答复刖13至14小题。)13 Whrrw(Joe< the woman want k> go? A. A paik.B. A bank.)14. How will the woman pn there?A. On footB. By b听下面的对话问覆第15至17小題.)15. What Jacii do evt?r)morning?A. Go running.B. Go 押imnHn<)16. He aftm rinet Ja

5、ck eat fruit?A. Twice aB. Once week.)17. What rime t Jerl tOand?A Vrurmbl®.B. Carrot*IS 至 20 小JBC Ry hikeC. Phy ball gammC Every day.C. Frvii."卜d 小EMJ JuNU*弋W门川“个戒儿i小妙从H中所价的 H C三令I中这岀冃介对常内齐的锻作选顶斷俺姣林料前.你将“时佃閱 it t小虬ZNB' N神“听'=祈$个小那么将怆出'糾*的作签时间"軌b齢的对恬1叫禅5"小纜.()6. H<w

6、« will the pd 卯 to lud ihtw nkmviig?A. B)h».H. By car.C. On foot听下(fit的“话冋香®7小IL()7. U h>! time the pUmc wnw in liMiikm?A. Ai 3: 15 pm.B. Al 3: 15 aiiu At 3:45 pm. 听下血的时话動冷6 8小版、)8. Whal g the man cktinf; at thia time ycerAiy? A. He “ mrncling the TV.()18. How old wjw Bill Gale whe

7、n he tUrtrd to $>Uy with ccoputcra?A. 13 yean old. B. !5 y<w> dd C. 17 尸s old. ()19. Bill Cate* once inlerraicd in 3 ven- ramprtrr.A chmpB IatcCold()20. Haw inurh did Bill Gatrs U the cvmputrr proE b"A $ 2.400B. $ 4t200C S 4.400.二住禎1空(10小弧毎小国!分计10分)下血的煜文事巖其大盘佩后从各題所给的A、趴C三个选马!中送" 个

8、(共 w 小M.ft 10 分)A few week?丸© K>hn went k> new nrhool. He Lies it bmter than his 21 chool. Evetyha a computer in it. Thr 二2_ is also rvally grut Thereair lots of hooka. rupirinM and newnpopr% li 皿、卜时 di meT cuM讥沁 Jf23aod tudenu cm ait g ibcm whea they _24_ The IbuJ ui the mBgcI 4>r 5 h

9、all n ddicious and notAll Uwlike to 25 then*. heet nt> areJoimS (avonlc Th sborj haa ali kind* of ectnabeB 27. there is a muaiv ieusvnl e<ery June.The studcou like ihcu schuol band very much. The sports meet » 2S on at the roa« popularat the xhooL It it in September.John b happy dwi

10、h« ran 2? M thi» mIskJ. Hr enjoys his c%tt)day hrrr 30 he h» the bent letHim ami the fnendhi claftitmaiM.()21AoHB. cheapC sidmU(22.A. otfircB. HbraryC. hallway<)23A4B. ZC chain()24.A. leepB danceC. read()25.A. axpmaiveB. fMptiUrC. luAkhy()26.A lireB eatC. vnk()27.A. So hrB. in brtC

11、 For rv<mp|c()2«.A. <jolyB. a1m>C. sdQ()29.A. »tudyBociC. aniw()30A whenB. thoughC because三T5e23».it50 分)-书WATtffti文惭下刊句子八卩讪加丈内容織符打合的験A)不穆 合(共5小也:加小2分.计10分)Mj Smrfh wrfc> in n inUdk echo J He Icaclm hit Mudenii Er密泌.HU 小 wm bom in a nch hmily and 血沁 at boom g <kwm1 wAR&

12、lt; » fin(i g g 仆 do" any buutcw«l Tbcix 仞 Bill. t> ten old but ihr hoy Mr netkinf Wrpt So h 171 at huHrcaial 4o Iub huinrwvck g often mKh hi.mudm 3 help him Rut the wurtuti citnl du U, eilhrr. bhe 山 her hmUmJ to do <11 旺far IWI1 ay 妬.g womn 4 wror rxiusevork when he hrips their

13、 son.Il was Satunhy yesterday. Mr. Smith di<fnt go to work. Bu! he had to get up early. Ther were a lot o( clothes lo wwili. He Suites to do waging. So t>r “ked f Do you have atty homework to do. Bill?No. I havener luckT Mr. Smith. I have to waUi the duhes lala,!"()31 Mr. Smith was bom in

14、 a rkh family.()32. Bill is Mm. Smith? son. he is ten.()33. Mie Smith was helping his son do his homework when Smith did “nehouMwork.()34. Mr. Smith hml to get up early on Sumala)e ming liccninc he had a lot ofclnthr to vnuh.()35. On that day Bill hd a ki of )oin<rwu(k U? du.第二节 ®3T® A、

15、B、C三篇材料并段据村料内容咖血的題目,从各18所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出能河答所捉问題或完成所给句子的最正确答案© (共B小题;毎小題2分十30分)AA lcxe nuatocr of poopk? in the wodd al £w« food. Whenever you go into a fast food icMAurani 9 you cmj kc lg of people enjuyiu dicir loeab die兀.Do you know in which country peopu liie fast food be*<?The

16、Enfith people arc thr world9 Liggrat fnn« rf fwS food, whflr the French are the least intcreatcd u> qv*ck meals, accord to 、burvoy done Lx5l you The survey vf ihinwn countries ahw 45 % <4 thepco|4c mj they uan' i give up bsf fuod because ilf s drlicious. And44 % of Anicricaru and 37 %

17、 of Canidmoi say the same. The French, proud of their delicious and high - bz cuimw. <knf r lilcr fast food. % of them think it i unhealthy t followed by 75 % H lh# Jup&nesHow about the Chirero? H(w often do youhimburcr or fri<-d chicken? 1(docan'l craitcr whether you like wcMcm g 3d o

18、r (j.ineir SI. The most impcrtanl thing is lo keep a balaixed did.()36. From the survey wr knowlike fast tod he*.A. the ChineseB die FlenchC. the Engluh()37. The survey sbewu 一一 ci Amencan like (wl food.A. 37 XB.44 %C.75 %)38 AcconUnf; lu lhe nurvey, sonr* < aj/ give up fast food bncan>cA it *

19、 n rhci>B it9 n Itrallhy G Ke a delii iotm()39 Th? undcriinetj ?d *cw»ur* in the paiwre.A. foodB. houweC. Wider)40. The survey is a)»ut _A woMcm ccuntrieA f. Fam foodHf K5UiuranU in the worldMusician Wanted for SchcxJ DyCan you dncc? Gm you play the puco? Can y«i p!iy the pitar 

20、71; drums? rc jou Kwd with ki(M We need Cvc pxxi musician 仙 the School Dy Please call Mx. Wcng m 733 -9905Teachers WantedLx> you like childrwi? Do you mm tobe teacher? “ry interesting. Nc wed two teachF to teach English. three teachers io icach n«ui, an<J 五11 fwirh' an for miKue.31 Ch

21、en Fbo at 22S -0634.)41.musicians arc wanted for the School DayA. ThreeB FourC Fiw)42. Fvurn the d. we know Mr. WunffA b a muicMiDB. worka for theclubC caD play the guttor vety weU)43 Chen Hao needtmath teachcr(s).A. twoB threeC. four)44. If you want to find a job as a math irachcr. you can callA. 7

22、33 -9905B. 228 -0634C. 733 -0634)45. Which of the follow inf is NOT trve?A. The musician muM 利曲吐 B The teacher 皿u be good with duldren. C Chen Huoneed Cnmz tFichm.CHof yrar$ ago. bfe wm much hwlcr than it is wxiav. People didn * t havreX n»dg T" *»»皿"*如.Life uxU) has brought

23、 new p(vblen». Orc <rf lhe4 pulluUM Water polklion hn> nu(k our rirers and lake dirty. It kilh our f»h and pollulcd ucir drwkin wa- tcr Noinc pailutxm nvikrs u» ulk louder ami hecome anfy moic caiuly. Air pdHnwn is the mg wenout kind (rf poliutiuo Il9> Ud Io all livms lhu>

24、ip in the urM.(X planm an<i factones al) pollute our air ewery <Uy. Sometime% tin poUuud air ib N>(hi(k thm H b» like 驭山 rif>-kind of quilt i. culled aux. Mscountry arc 叩 愉 他皿 “lhiUo也 Fa Mm muM row eieati then .aht UfcrrSit is thrown awny. Iin :nuMn t iilow dirty amokc into the nir

25、We need to do many oth er thinb We <4tn pin tiling in the duMlbiii and n<t throv it on the ground. We esn |to work by bu* er with our fnends in the same or. If lherc arc fewer people driv- inf:. there will br Iz pnlluiiun.RuJr e ito* enough. Every pew must help to fight pollution(、46. My yrsn

26、><x>, 1 hum Tiuch harder than it is lodar becauMt; there 岁广w nd nnv modern medicineH. people <Hdn' t have modem marhmotC、I «>th A &nd B(、4?. Whiu bbi决c* pevdrw iu IcmJajS life?A Water jxiDuuon B PollutionC Noi«()<3.serious kind of poliuuoii is' nc;x pollutioo

27、B air pollution C. wutcr pi)UulK>n()49. Fxscc< mes! cIcam their waterA when chrj ere tluuwn awayH <ftei :t M thrown awayC. lefure it i, thrown away)50. Fmm (he pirzc we know that.A a few)cank 呻.(here was no sxnog at allB. todny peuph dt>n' t hwe to talk lo each other in m loud voiceC

28、 we can dnnk water from lhe pdlmed rivers and lakes第三节 阅法塡空c阅读阪文廢掘短文内容,从短文厉的:A、b、c、d、e五个述项 中选出能塡入空总化能爪佳选项。笹个选项只舵用一次.共5小心毎 小题2分计10分3d 血EQOMU Wclcnrnc to England We Iwpr that jrour visut u4U be a ple»uit cnc Tociay I * d like tn t# | joy wmething about a few of uur Uvs.Tht Sm: enc ig lb- ut dndti

29、ng. 51.if you are uiuler 18 years of age. nornwy yoi<r Ecnck buy it lor you.Th scrutici cne. iJoiu Enjoy younelvw by yourie!ft but d> not make unnecessary especialk ;it night. 52. The thixd nrc. citSMug the road Br careful. Tlx? traffic moves on the left side of ,:lc roari In lhu counU>- 3

30、cruwwalk sod d<mS uke any chances when eroding the ruad." ,lnn,1 二"to Utter tn the Rtrect. When you have smaiung toth.H awx.vt pluosc 戶“ it in KXU socket and Ukr tt hw. or pul x io a dusikn.机八泗山適 M tfyayaic 7 th«H6 yem M 神.rd UU *° finish bv * B>X 1“ if S need any kinds of

31、help, you 心ould 肿 in 6touch with dx* pobee. 55.Nk. are there any quntinm7第D卷(非选择题其计40分)囚、碼廉M空(共10水題毎小紀I分计!0分)SHTFUD文矗空白处填人一个适当的诃或填人括号内所结集偶的正。形 式(任空莎不越过3个单饲几Many pctiplc ho lnre in cities say that they 曲hhctty hfe. They uy 上 city that they live in b 56.( no«). dntv md crowded They are tirrd of t

32、he traffic.Z 57( poUote) in the <u aod the rubbish in the Mrecte.But not many people 58 _ _ _( fee) Slippy when the) have S ««y in the coud* E 59. 一Zo or th*re week/. The% eojoy th cleaA air aod the bettti£J mr-nmndincsfthr mi* the EUunmg the theaun. the enwds.g 61.() and the excii

33、emcDts of the city. People who live m the countrym/>y62. _( vtsit)ihc city. *Rm:)want to do sone »boppin< or ko to a theater for day or 63.evening. But they often Gnd that city is a tenibk phre. Ibeyarr imtiUy 比册 64. (gHbadc Io thmr quiet. reUxi州 life m the ccunciy.Maybr they thank countr

34、y b the <mlv place to relax 65. (thm)th«r五*仝对话(共5小fih每小胚2分计10分)心it以下上P文补全时话内客.(10分)A: Hi. Lixh. Thn ii Rose. 66 (B: I m dnng foodmll naih on TV with Kme now.A :67.B: g «w tww ek«anintF. an Amnnin priA: Oh. I trr. I want to have party this aftrnuMm Z. _ 8: Sc*rr) I sn I* I havr tcnn

35、it UamifiK Hh the tchuol tram A: Arw yw fire lomonpw?B: SThw Irt S raakr m iofr»rrvw muntin*.Hi OK 70._ A: her yg» Ihmf.«ita(X5小皿出小舱2 #.tt 10井)ttiae下面is文按要求完成后囲各曰。jju Wei is fkinous in China because he can play the piano with hm toes.One day when Uu Wei was only 10 yeara o!dt he played a game with some frierxfe. Hr k»t both his arms becaus


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