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1、2011年3月公共英语三级(pets3)笔试题目及答案解释全国英语等级考试第三级PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)LEVEL 32011年3月笔试真卷笔试部分答题时间:12。分钟姓名UF1,准考证号2011年3月邕试真卷第1页(共10页)SECTION I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) 1-25略SECTION n Use of English:卜(15 minutes)Directions:fi«ad the /bUaving texL ChooM (he best word or phmue for eac

2、h numbtmi blank and mark A, B, Ci D on ANSWER SHEET 1.What might the house of the future be like? Grace can telL More formally known as the Microsoft Home, her high-tech devices, along with 26 in design and constniction, will change the 27 we think about our homes.You enter the house, «nd Grace

3、's 28 , coming from hidden speakers, passes on your mcs- sages. In the kitchen, you set a bag of flour on the intelligently 29 stone counter, Grace sees what you,re 30 , and projects a List of flour-based food on the counter. 31 you choose one, Grace repeats Lnstmction for cooking. She 32 knows

4、what's in the cupboard.The day when your house will be like a family member ts not that far off. This; 33 of seamless computingt in which technology is everywhere yet nowhere( 34 when we want it) f is emphasized in most Himre-home thinking.Microsoft, 35 , isn't the only one exploring 36 tech

5、nology can make our homes more 37 and comfortable, Al the Georgia Institute of Technology, scientists are 38 systems that _i' ywill allow older people (o continue living 39 , So Grandma's home can he intelligently wired to 40 her patterns of wake, sleep and movertient; family members would b

6、e 41 of any changes via computer.Docs spying oo Orandma sound 42 ? Director Beth Mynan says “A good bit of our 43 has been working on how to convey information without 44 privacy. We also don't want to create 45 anxiety. Maybe she just took a qiiie( day to read t and the system would have to rec

7、ognize that."26A promotions | B | applications C practices D advances2011年3月若试i卷第2页(共。页)27. AwayB mannerC styleD scope28. AimagB figureC voice:D sound29. : AdisposedB shapedC engineeredDcondrtrorrai30. A sayingB feelingC searchingD doing31. ABeforeBOnceCSinceD Unless32. AevesBthus(CyetDonly33.A

8、hopeB passionCfaiUiD: notion34. Aped)apsB exceptC providedD especially35. AtbcrcfofeB likewiseC howeverL D moreover%AhowB J whetherC whatD why37. A fashionableB complicatedC efficientD attractive38, A | decoratingB designingC delivering D debating39. AindcpcndcniJyB enthusiasticallyC colorfullyD sat

9、isfactorily40. AreceiveB recognizeC representD review4L A warnedB relievedC advisedD informed42. j A intenesting E baring1 C disturbingDl appealing43" A: analysisB researchC concernD fbcuk44. A sAcrificingB afTcctingC preventingD losing45A unusualB unfortunateC uncertainDunncce$MiySECTION HI Re

10、ading Comprehension(40 minutes)PVt AIMrectionfi:Rad the fallowing three fetu,the questions on each text by chooning A r H, Car D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET LTort 1Whenever Catherine Brownt a 37-yetir-old journalist* and her friends, professionals in their2011年3月笔试却卷第3 J(共1。度)30s and early 4s

11、, meet at a London caft, their favorite topic of conveisation is relationships; men's reluctance to commit, women's indepcnclcnce, and when lo have children-or, increasingly ,whether (o bave them at all. M With the years passing my chances of having a chik! go down, but I won't marry any

12、one just (o have a child J says Brown. To people like Brown t babies arc great -if the timing is right. But they're eertainly not esttntial.In much of the world, having kids is no longer a given. uNever belbre has childlessness been on undeistandablc decision for women and men in r many societie

13、s J says Frank Hakim 触 the London School of Economics. Young people are citenduig tbeir chid-frte adulthood by postponing children until they tre well into their 30M or even 4O« and beyond.A growing share are ending up with no childim af aiL Lifetime childlessneiis in westem Germany has hit 30

14、percent among university -educated women, and is rapidly rising among lower-class men. In Britain, the number of women remaining childless has doubled in 20 yean>.Tlit lacesi trend of childlcMne&s doe$ ool follow hi或ork patterns. For cetiluries it was not unusual for a quarter of European wom

15、en k> renuin childless. But in the past tchildleRsneRs was usually the product of poverty or disaster, of missing men in tinier of war. Today (he decision to haveor 、.-了 1 »" 二 .»not have-a chikl is the result of a complex combination of factore, including relationships, career opp

16、ortunities, Lifestyle ajmI economies.In some cases childlessness imonf women can be seen as a quid fbcm of protest. In Japan, suppon for working mothers hanfly exists. Child care is expensive, men don't help out, and some companies strongly discourage mothers from returning to work. " In Ja

17、pan, it's career or child J says writer Kaori Haishi. It's not just women who are deciding against children* according toare- 美谙3圾施oitq短曲128142cent study, Jap»nes« men tie even less inclined to many or want a child. Their modvadons, though, may have more to do with economic factors

18、,46, Catherine Brown and her ftieruh feel that having chiMmn is not*Atotally wiseB a huge proMcmCa ralicmal choice D absolutely necessary47, It can be inferred that, for many women, having babies nowadays is . i Aja hard commitmentB helpful to (heir careerCessentia for happinensDan understandable de

19、cision201年3月第破直卷第4强(共10页):48, In the old days, maay women remained childlessiAns a quiet form of protest 0、B because of lack of support ilir1r ,C J because of unfvrtujiatc cirvumMancesDbecause they lacked social responsibility - i.8 E, .iVq 49. We lexm that childiessnem m present IA affects Europe m

20、ore (han il does AsiaBproduces man benefits than in the pasl *Cia more a woman's decision than a man's rDis more complex in its cause than that in (he pastII I j 50, According to the text, When a Japanese man decides ikx id have children, he pfuboblyfeels unable toiliVA help with houseworkIi

21、 B afford to have a child.,.I1Cbe a responsible fatherI/Dbalance work and family3Text 2Faced with a Hiissiofi-critical decision f who would you turn to for advice? Someone you tud ;great cunRdence in. surely. But several lines of research show (hat our in疝nets about where to him I¥| to for coun

22、sel arc often not completely oixmct.,,11, 8 *,My ncarcti looks al prejudices that affiect bow people use advice, including why they often j blindly follow itcommendadonA from people who-as far as they know-are as knowledgeable as :they are- hi 的udie$ I conducted with Dew Moore of Carnegie Mellon Uni

23、versity, for example, 1 >Kfound ihai peapl© tend to overvalue advice when the problem they're addressing is hard and to un-;derv&liK il when the problmi it ea«y. ,_ * : . 1- IIn our experiments, subjects were asked to gue$s he weight of people in various pictures, I:some of whic

24、h were in focus and seme of which were unclear. For each picture, subjects guc&sed twice: the first lime without advice and the second time with input from another panicipsnt. When 4;the piclmts were in fiocus, we found, subjects tended to disaxint the advice ; apparently, they were ;confident i

25、n their ability to guess coriecdy. When the pictures were unclear, subjects leaned heavi- :1y on the advice of others and seemed tetts secure about Lhcir initial opuiiob? Siecausc they mis- :judged the value of the advice they receivedconsistoutly overvaluing or undervaluing it depending I! on the d

26、iHiculty of (he problem-uur subjects did not make the best guesses overalL They wouklBOU年三月第试M卷第5贯(共1。员)have done better if they'd considered the advice equally , and to a moderate degree, on both hard and easy tasks.Another adv ice-related prejudice Kve found compels people to overvalue advice

27、that they pay for. in one study I conducted, subjects answered different sets of questions about American history, Before answering some of the questions, they could get advice on the correct answer from another subject whom they knew was no more expert than bey were* In one version of the experimen

28、t, people oxild get advice for free * white in another version, they paid for it. When they paid for advice. people tended to have firm belief in it, I suspectt by a combination of sunk-cost prejudice and the nearly instinctual belief th或 cost and quality are linked.51. In the face of a mission-crit

29、ical decision, people tend to .Ajtmst their own effortsB j rely on research findingsC get affected by other, s opinionD seek help from the more knowledgable52. x Research shows that when faced with difficult problems people often.Adi$count others, advicei " F ! (T "t a:B ; overlook others1

30、 adviceC disagree with others* adviceD over-rely on others* advice53. The first experiment trits to pinve how objective condilionsA strengthen people's initial opinionB ) strengthen people's self-ccmfidenceCinfluence people's response to adviceDinfluence people's guess of weight loss

31、54. It can be inferred that people are likely to.A undervalue free adviceB overvalue peer's adviceC misinterpret specialist adviceD misjudge their instincliial belief55. The two experiments mentioned in the text reveal.A how to follow others' advice| B how to understand Hhers' advice201】

32、年3月电箕费第6页(共】0页)C what causes people to seek adviceD what affects people's attitude to adviceTextsTop National Health Service (NHS) nurses will be able to eam $ 40 , 000 a year without leaving frontline panent care in a modification to salary structures. New "super nurse" grades wiU be

33、created to enable the best staff in increase their salaries without bavin需 to move inio nianagcnicnc desk jobs. Currently the most senior NHS nurses uin cam a maximum $ 28,000 a year unless ffaey are willing to withdraw fnom the frontline and become administrators. Hundreds of experienced and highly

34、-qualified nurses are lost to patient care every year because of this oddity.While only a few thousand of Britain's 332,000 NHS nurses wiU qualify for the $ 40.000- plus salary, fasbiwk promodon schemes and a simpler grading system will increase Che pay of many more. government announced that a

35、new simplified career stmeture would see just four grades replacing the existing six. Nurses will begin flieir careers as healthcare assistants befow moving up to registered practitioner grade t followed by senior registered practitioner and ukimaie- ly, coiKutUnt practitioner and a $ 40,000 salary.

36、“Nurses are rising to the challenge of modernisation said a government ofTicial. wThese proposals will help them improve their professional rule further and provide a better service to patients. We do not think that in ot4er to be paid more. nurses should have to move into management. Nurses working

37、 at the sharp end of patient care should have a career structure which no longer penalises them for wanting to stay there.”The Nursing Strategy will include proposals to allow more flexible training course and improve oppcinimities for qualified nurses who have left the profession to return in part-

38、time role*. The Royal College of Nursing welcomed the refonns. The top salary level falls into line with figures it hud prtsentul io minisiers.56. Hundreds of experienced nurses are lost to patient care every year because they -Adisliku the nursing job-Bare dissatisfied with ibeir payC|are replaced

39、by "super nurses"Dlack further training for the profession .河->- a.57. The new system will mostiy benefit those who*A | move into managementB work on a part time basisC have retired from the nursing job2011年3月笔试算卷第7页(共10页)Dl have reached the top of the system58. The new career structure

40、 is different from the existing on© in its1皿,*一增“A quality of nurses,servicesB possibility of a job transferC opportunities for promotionD simplicity of nurses* grades,59. The Nursing Strategy will be adopted in order to Aprovide more consultation to practidorttrs B encourage experienced nurses

41、 to work part time C enable the most experienced nurses to be paid moreD pcomolf the moM experienced nurses to management广 60. The Royal College of NursingA proposed similar top salary for nurses,B raised (he management issue to ministersC suggested a four-grade system for nurses.D put forward the N

42、ursing Strategy to ministerst Part BuirccuODS *Rmd the texts taken from five people's commenis on an article ort the iciuf of global ptwrty. For questions 61 to 651 match the name of each person, (6J lo 65) to one of the statements (A to G) git*n below. Mark jour answers on your ANSWER SHEET L&#

43、39; 7Ankita Agarwal:Your article made me ashamed. I've always thought of myself as not the typical seif-absorbed teenager, but I guess I was wrong. While I sit in my large, wafm and cozy house t wishing for the Xshoes and cloches 1 see in teen magazines, there are people in the worfd wishing for

44、 something as simple as clean water. Thank you for reminding tne about people who would be more than happy t with whal 1 have. JanH Tej*da;T Whai about the relationship between population, cortsumpdon and resource*? After all, pov- icrty, most simply defined, is not having enough retourew. The stead

45、y growtfi of the global population; overconiuimption of resource* by developed natkrnt Web as the U. S. . and iDcreaMng levels of conwmptioQ among the growing middJc class in many developing nabobs ensure that there is ev- .er less of the planet's aheady dwindling resources io go around、sou年a月密试

46、真卷第&贝(其io班)Tadaship Kawabe: 一一二 iExtreme poverty is so tragic- Sudden natural disasters like an earthquake mobilize a large I! number of people and money fbr a short period of time, while the alow but majisive wave of pover-« jJ ty and death in Africa doesn't anract fhc world's atte

47、ntion in the wne way. When we try to help *1 those affected by disasters and extreme poverty T however, we shouldn't focus oil the overwhelirnngQ: number of the dead but simply try to do something good for others,: Jane Thomas::,、一二.;j :The poor should be trained to organize. set priorities and

48、develop &kilh and EJunxs to put* their own conununiiy plans iaio action. What your article proposes is the convcndonaJ topskwn ill1X i " " : !-J: way for doing lhing»T outsiders determine the priorities and solutions r then throw money at them. ,I To actually help, we must first d

49、evelop.our own skills and understanding. We need to find oui 0 whal (he poor want and what (he root causes of the problem are. We have io listen to poor people.Saiay K«the:I » Concerned and sensible people、endeavors to reduce poverty in undetdeveloped countries aie9.L: deserving of high pf

50、laise. It is sad. howevert 由at only a small part of the funds! rui疆d for the poor gi:actually reach them. The generous people who donate money to reduce poverty would be more sue- Id cessfu if they spent time in the poor nations to check first-hand the use of their funds. Now match the narw of rtzrA

51、 prrson (61 to 65) to the appropriate skileiwni.I:Note- there are two extra staigmentx.I ll:Statementsiiut.>.a6L Ankita Agarwal A Whar we should do is to help the poor help than-II1 i *,,!<tai *4bi®selves.iit. 号二 7 . 小 . -462. Janet Tejada BI have always been deeply grieved by the tragic

52、dis-I-; a" .' - '' «'- -S'"一.:asters.,fl,1".一,-L ” 出.E C!=63. Tadaship KawabeCThe root of poverty lies in the unfair distribution ofresources.64. Jane Thomas D P)e situation in Africa has been overlooked by thel;:world.3 6s. Sanjay KaibcEThe use of domed funds

53、 should be pul under strictI I controlIIpFj People living in prosperity should cherish what theyhave.R £- "一, 立"r > ah ,*»GIt*s our duty to end global poverty,.14.B Jr1r '".I20M年3月笔鼠真卷第9 W(共10页)11 / 15参考答案及精析N一分析力1-25 崎fl二量分薨揖煌运用千百塞克什点捍干无?itttt于更势正其的4 mt段之*,其高科整谟香、通针与

54、更此才曲曲政 城*许会苴更支酊圻于由设也.与件iU比+房子时.塔新曲声音从一小工£的洋申件出 *玲娠*村坦圣*左身,义.林号一险千看林我点中建设计种 品强在告上.格,需髭等才制事正A*针幺.她若一乐*角百龄)你首 金耳盘出&框台上4北一翼祖北,士Jfr,他就/著述过叶步耳的 制葬方法3也在重餐it电帼索针圾口工不为衲界最,小也手势住一个*A*J|一盆。美于束束*A的 设曷中.电*注卡天*无餐拘专各啜/L宓这一岩中.电廿技米 尤处不去,*£*灯处处,革上AitlJtT直加/史£的时候).*鬲,揖软并不曼十一一个郡立如梃隹M枝点it我11拘耳千,探更 左胡前曳

55、夏工季度,科学家fl正危没讣一杆便会 隼人曼博后名生港的不战雷凡,祖号杓智业生于感善识用他堂事 臬和送给的用感,畀由电著“在有叟化果廿通”她的工人。*天曲就*值号支不菱再电京尊,人不靠,? Bedi物Mt主任 理,衣0靠大一分工件M式解嵬上第曼修专他it钵皂义不会 科。戊外电不裾*见不加费的我优。电许帔K是花上一支才同* 去札而雄系蜕有不得不才其力以MU.2« D【精配】本学费名词词史孱折, Ltim日升,宣件;彳吸a 口皿应用,使用;practe为%法,境可改进,改善. 叱处原为该外疆建班的以拉,所以只有峥3身令道.故 选D-27- A精折南学费名闻t用搭配。加9后蓿从句,我示一的

56、方 式.其孰壮寿这静用法.故岳A,2» C【M折】串才/名词伺词更解折.皿袤早盘;身甘. 但(特指某人的)声音;皿声音(法君)故青C29. C【H折)率题考青功因厚折。的!me贴星处置;$即使成为布 »11年3月第祓真卷身考普案及制折第1 M知页)状与造;国眄就祖计;皿如皿超节,叱处蜜为看般杳计,馥 着G.30. D 幡析】本审考直通同馨新。两说;制感必,血出发寻;命做 段詈上下文可知.此蚣意为看到修正在做什幺.截逢“3L B 楷析】本盘有查连同展靳,加 在一之前;屈一旦;而。自 从以来;果不,除丸KILL下文可H.此处t为一旦 迭案一力食品,故选也【32. A【科折】本国

57、考蠢阈川文牌折,Etn甚至;如因KiE禽而: 樽仅仅.凡根据£下文可虬此处重为其茎,通疏相¥有什 次.故魂1MD 析】本"牙衣名目恻义号折。W瓶电:F»»E激情,热爱; 铮卡信念;a理金.福辞上下文明知.此处J6肯电后技术天 在现的理念.苴连D.M. B【精折】本也与衣即词和连词网义舞折。词中也许;51除. 了;Ed傅如;61Po由Uy尤其。*匕下文彳W,此处*为电 施术无虻不在.却岂不寓亶差(除了你最使用它的时候),战 送儿15. C【精折】本耳考吉志伺W1史情析* Mm:所以,即皿和创见, Mwki梏氤1MmMr此外.而且粮最上F支邛知,此处点划B 而,我并不是"个摄蜜餐利使用技术让我旬的腐予变得 更和高就稽舒流的公司.也选G36. A【相析】本圈号去通同屏机Im如何国引导方式收事从外 Mali再明团什幺,咐为付幺.常用于引导原因状语M 句根津上下文可为I,就处堂内如何使用拉米让我射的腐子受I 罂更加寻效科联,故也小37. C【析】本H考叁感容词舞


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