七年级英语上册人教版单元测试卷Unit 6 Do you like bananas_第1页
七年级英语上册人教版单元测试卷Unit 6 Do you like bananas_第2页
七年级英语上册人教版单元测试卷Unit 6 Do you like bananas_第3页




1、Unit 6Do you like bananas.单项选择()1.Do you like bread?Yes. I _ like it. A. very B. wellC. really()2.The old man is _. He has good _ habits. A. health; eating B. healthy; to eatC. healthy; eating()3.Does she want _ soccer?No, she doesn't.Ato play Bplaying Cplays()4.I like chicken. I often eat _. At

2、hem Bthese Cit()5.I like bananas _ apples. _ I don't like oranges.Abut; But Band; ButCand; And()6.Let's_ some cakes and orange juice.Ahave Bto haveChaving()7.My brother likes _ TV.Awatch BwatchesCwatching()8.Lucy's father doesn't like rice _lunch.Ato Bat Cfor()9.The boy is healthy. H

3、e eats _. A. well B. nice C. good ()10.Does she like carrots?_AYes, she like BNo, she doesCYes, she does.完形填空Liz's birthday dinner is this evening. _11_ friends Robert, Frank and Anna will come to her dinner. What _12_ will they have? Let's look at the table. Some rice, vegetables, chicken a

4、nd salad _13_ on the table.Liz is a vegetarian(素食主义者). She thinks eating meat is killing animals(杀害动物). So she _14_ eat meat. But why is some chicken on her table? Look at the _15_ carefully(仔细地). It's not real chicken. It's tofu chicken! It's _16_, right?Liz's parents are vegetarian

5、s, too. They think their eating habits are healthy. And they are _17_ healthy. No one in their family is fat.Do you like to be a vegetarian?()11.A.She BHerCHe()12.A.food BfruitCgame()13.A.am Bis Care()14.A.do Bdoesn'tCdon't()15.A.rice BvegetablesCchicken()16.A.easy BdifficultCinteresting()17

6、.A.real BreallyCgreat.阅读理解Mike, Bill, Jim, Sam and I are in the same class at No.4 Middle School in Beijing. We are good friends. But we come from different countries(不同的国家)Mike comes from Australia(澳大利亚)He likes Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭)Bill is from the USA. His favorite food is beef(牛肉)Jim and Sam

7、come from England. They are cousins. They like beef, too. I'm a boy from Shanghai. I like Shanghai food very much. We all like soccer.()18.The five students are in_AEngland BAmericaCBeijing()19.Mike comes from_AAmerica BEnglandCAustralia()20.Do Jim and Sam like beef?AYes, they do. BNo, they don&

8、#39;t.CWe don't know.()21.They are all_Aboys BbrothersCcousins()22.The five students come from_ countries.A4B2C3.补全对话根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话。A: Hi, Jenny. How are you?B: Fine, thanks. And you?A: Not bad. 23. _ B: You mean(意思是) the basketball star in our school?A: Yes, the basketball star Sandra. B:

9、 Yes, I know a lot about her. 24. _A: Oh? What does she eat in the morning? B: She likes bread, eggs and apples.A: 25. _B: She likes rice with beef and oranges for lunch. A: And dinner?B: 26._ A: Does she have dessert(甜食)?B: No. 27. _AWhat about lunch?BShe doesn't like dessert like ice­crea

10、m.CWhat does she have for dinner?DDo you know Sandra Smith? EShe has some salad.FShe eats lots of healthy food.句子还原阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择五个选项分别填入空白处,使其文理通顺。Eating lots of vegetables is good for our health. 28._Eating carrots is good for our eyes. 29._ Do you want to have strong bones and teeth? If so, y

11、ou can eat some peas. Peas have Vitamin(维生素) K in them. 30._ Do you like red tomatoes? They look nice. Doctors call tomatoes “healthy vegetables”, because they can stop serious illnesses(疾病). They also have a kind of special Vitamin P; it can keep our skin healthy. 31._ Don't forget about spinac

12、h(菠菜). The spinach leaves have Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. They can help us do our jobs better. They also help red blood cells(细胞) form. Vegetables are very important to us, but we can't only have vegetables. 32._ASo it's important to eat some tomatoes.BWe also need other kinds of fo

13、od to keep healthy.CCarrots can help us see better at night.DVitamin K is helpful to your bones and teeth.EDifferent vegetables can help our bodies in different parts.FSo you'd better not eat carrots.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子33Playing sports every day can keep you h_34Children should(应当) eat lots of v_3

14、5I don't eat meat. Because(因为) I don't want to be f_36Jay Chou is a singing _(明星)37I'm going on a picnic with a group of _(朋友).根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)38Bob and his brother play tennis _(good)39My sister only has some _ for lunch.(salad)40Jack always _ ice­cream after lunch.(eat)41D

15、o you have good _ habits? (eat)42Let's buy(买) some _ food.(health).书面表达假如你是王鑫,下表是你所在小组成员的饮食喜好。请你根据该表格写一篇英语短文,对你组成员的饮食喜好做简单介绍。50词左右,可适当发挥。名字喜欢的食物不喜欢的食物王鑫鸡蛋和米饭沙拉保罗(Paul)牛奶和汉堡包胡萝卜萨莉(Sally)鸡肉和西红柿比萨饼(pizza)_答案:.1-10 CCACB ACCAC .11.B12.A13.C14.B15.C16C17.B.18.C19.C20.A21.A22.A.23.D24.F25.A26.E27.B.28.E29.C30.D31.A32.B.33.healthy34.vegetables35fat36.star37.friends.38.well39.salad(s)40.eats41eating42.healthy.One possible version:I'm Wang Xin. I like eg


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