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1、黄浦区 2018 年九年级学业考试模拟考英语试卷年 4 月(满分:150 分,考试时间:100 分钟)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right pictur(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分)BCD.,I . I1AB. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you (根据你精心整理20183.4.5.6.E1. 2.听到的对话和问题,选

2、出最恰当的答案)()7. A) 10:00.B) 9:20.()8. A) By un dergrou nd.C) By taxi.()9. A) In a hotel. B) In a library.()10. A) Stay for dinner.C) Meet his pare nt.()11. A) Excit ing. B) In terest in g.()12. A) Learni ng French.C) Travelli ng around.()13. A) Teacher and stude nt.C) Brother and sister.(8 分)C) 9:40.B)

3、 By bus.D) By bicycle.C) In a bookstore.B) Wait for Hele n.D) Hurry home.C) Frighte ning.D) 10:40.D) In a large roomD) Disappointing.B) Look ing after his aunt.D) Teachi ng a Ian guage.B) Husba nd and wife.D) Customer and shop assista nt.精心整理()14. A) Mak ing cakes.B) Orderi ng drin ks.C) Shopp ing o

4、n li ne.D) Prepari ng for a party.C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T 表示,不符合的用“ F” 表示):(6 分)()15. Michelle bega n to love skati ng at the age of seve n.()16. In fact, Michelle was too young to start learning skating.()17. To p

5、ay for the professional training, her parents had to sell their house.()18. In 1992, Michelle won the game in the U.S. Skating Contest.()19. Michelle became one of the best skaters in the world in 1996.()20. In 1998, Michelle won first place in the Win ter Olympics in Japa n.D. Listen to the passage

6、 and complete the following sentence 听短文,完成下列内 容,每空格限填一词):(10 分)21. Hundreds of years ago, people began to grow corn _ _.22. Farmers pla nt corn seeds in spri ng whe n the weather is_ .23. To grow well, corn needs plenty of space, a lot of sunshine and the _ of water.24. If farmers have good weather

7、, they can get in their corn_ .25. People buy corn to eat, to feed an imals and eve n to_for cars.Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)n. Choose the best answer 选择最恰当的答案):(共 20 分)()26. Which of the follow ing un derli ned parts matches the sound 0?A) wineB) fightC) highD) habit()27

8、. As a fan of sports, Carl always takes_active part in ball games after school.A) aB) anC) theD) /()28. With an average temperature of 20 degrees, spri ng is_ its way to Shan ghai.A) onB) inC) ofD) by()29. The story sounds quite familiar_ me, and I got a little bored.A) offB) forC) toD) with()30. To

9、 stay healthy, your brain n eeds eno ugh_as well as your body.A) exerciseB) cha ngeC) ideaD) act()31. Before Jerry could say_, his father slammed the door and left the room.A) everythi ngB) somethi ngC) anythingD) nothing()32. Huma ns are_ to live up to more tha n 150 years in the future.A) proudlyB

10、) likelyC) fin allyD) possibly()33. Don t leave the child alone. He is not old eno ugh to take care of .A) heB) himC) hisD) himself()34. At the age of 60, Sim on is still as_ as he used to be.A) strongB) stron gerC) stron gestD) the stron gest)44. T won der if you could keep an eye on my luggage whe

11、 n I am away.A) That s all right.B) Of course.C) You are welcome.D) Why n ot?)45. -It s not the end of the world. Look on the bright side!A) I agree with you.B) Come on.C) I will try.D) My pleasure.IH. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be usedonce(将下列单词或词组填

12、入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8 分)It 人都晶笊映帥 nBhbedme. BCrtyoPbodyre 忌咫直別? Should you still go t精心整理(their cars outside the National Park and take the)35. Tourists are required cable car.A) parkB) park ingC) parkedD) to park)36. Daily homework is necessary,_too much of it may bring harm to students.A) so

13、B) forC) butD) or)37. It was in the police office that the thief admitted_the purse from the oldlady.A) stealB) steali ngC) stole nD) to steal)38. It is still unknown how Al ( 人工智能)_ the way of our life as well as theworld.A) change )39. Before O for ten years.A) works)40. The Italia nShan ghai,A) t

14、houghB) cha ngedC) will cha ngeD) was cha ngingShea hosted the Joy FM program in Beijing, he_B) has worked C) had workedwoman didn feel a culture shockB) sinceC) ifin Hong KongD) would work itwas her firstD) whentime tosoon.)41. It is reported that the ticket prices for key tourist sites in our coun

15、tryA) will reduceB) were reduced!C) have reducedD) will be reduced)42. There_be someth ing on Davidtoslayijnfor he shows no in terestinthe food he likes.A) canB) mustC) needD) should)43._pity it is that their team was not able to atte nd the Win ter Olympics!A) WhatB) HowC) What aD) How abed if you

16、are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open?It s a 46 that has been around as long as there have been people trying to sleep.For many, thi nking about 47 only keeps them awake. You might be excited by精心整理everything you did that day. Maybe you can Sleep becauseyou don Itke sleeping all alone

17、 in yourroom. Maybe you have a frighte ning dream that keeps coming back every time you close youreyes.All of these feeli ngs are 48. One thing that can help is talk ing to a pare nt aboutwhat you thinking about. If you re 49 about taking a test, or upset about being laughed at inschool, it can real

18、ly help to tell somebody. Knowing that somebody has heard you can help yourthoughts rest so that you can too.A. calm dow nB. eve n C. also D. un comfortab e E. soluti onThere s not just one reason why kids can- herethan on 50.If there anything about your room that makes you feel 51 at night, like a

19、picture that looks strange in the dark, or a no isy tap that leaks drop after drop, be sure to ask one of your parents if it canbe moved or fixed.?It may not 52 make sense why somethi ng bothers you, but if iteep ing you k; I Ifrom sleep in g, it should be cha nged. Ano ther idea could be gett ing r

20、eady for bed earlier thanusual. Try to take more time to 53 by taking a warm bath, or listening to a bedtime story at least 30minu tes before you want to go to sleep.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper form 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共 8 分)54. A lot of young men volunt

21、eered to fight the_ when the war started. (German)55. While travelling in Europe this summer, I ran into an old friend of_. (I)56. Roger Federer, a tennis player in his_ , won the Australia Open on January28. (thirty)57. I dont agree with the old Chinese_,“ Men die for wealth, birds die for food.(sa

22、y)58. Sometimes a small act of_makes all the differe nee in our lives. (kind)59. High-speed trains_passe ngers to cover the dista nee in no more tha n fourhours. (able)60. More than five children were_ injured in the traffic accident yesterday.(terrible)61. The gover nment is tak ing actio n to prot

23、ect_in formatio n on the In ternet.(pers on)V. Rewrite the following sentences as require艮据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。68 题注意句首大写):(共 14 分)62. I shut dow n my computer before I we nt home yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ you_dow n your computer before you went home yesterday?63. It took me more than four hours t

24、o fly from Shanghai to Singapore.(戈 U 线部分提问)did it take you to fly from Shan ghai to Sin gapore?精心整理64. Nobody knew how we could start the machine, except John.(改为简单句)Nobody knew how_ the mach ine, except Joh n.65. People held the first Olympic Games to honour the Greek God, ZeuS 改为被动语态)The first Ol

25、ympic Games_ to honour the Greek God, Zeus.66. The team was un able to reach the top of the mountain before dar(.保持句意不变)The team_ reach the top of the mountain before dark.67.“ Can I pay for thebeok by credit card? ” Jane asked the shop as(s 改为宾语从句)Jane asked the shop assistant whether_pay for the e

26、-book bycredit card.68. on the Intern et, has, for her pare nts, Sally, booked, a trip to Fran eg 连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)W. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answeK根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12 分)Finally, a simple smartphone.The all-new JitterbugSmart is the simple sma

27、rtphone with our biggest screen ever, nowwith health and safety apps.EASY A new, bigger 5.5-inch screen makes it even easier to stay connected. Everyth ing youwant to do, from text ing and tak ing pictures, to emaili ng and visit ing the Intern et, is orga ni zed ina sin gle list on one scree n with

28、 large letters. Plus, new Voice Typing makes writi ng emails andtexts effortless.SMART Turn your Jitterbug Smart into a pers onal safety device with Great Callaward-winning health and safety apps, like 5Star. In any uncertain or unsafe situation, simplypress the butt on and a highly-tra ined age nt

29、will get you the help you n eed, 24/7.AFFORDABLE Great Callprovides a variety of data(数据)plans starting as49low as $2 per mon th. Compared to other cell pho ne compa ni es, you could save over $300 peryear, making the Jitterbug Smartphone plans the most affordable on the market. Ask about ournew Unl

30、imited Plan!Buy now and get a FREE1! Car Charger, a $ 25 value! I To order or lear n more, callL No con tracts 合同)Keep your curre nt Award-winning, U.S.-based 丨精心整理Ito sign, ever丨 phone number 丨 customer service and supportF_ _ _ J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I()69. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the s

31、trong point of JitterbugSmartph one?A) A scree n of 5.5 in ches.B) A on e-scree n task list.C) Voice typ ing.D) Taking clear pictures.()70. What makes Jitterbug Smartpho ne seem smart?A) A special butt on.B) All-day help online.C) The free car charger.D) The wireless n etwork.()71. What makes Jitter

32、bug the most affordable phone on the market?A) The data pla ns with low start ing price.B) The U.S. based customer service and support.C) The most depe ndable wireless n etwork.D) The Great Call s awardnning health and safety apps.J I I , I()72. Jitterbug Smartph one is supposed to be liked and boug

33、ht by_ .A) the bli ndB) senior citize nsC) young ladiesD) people in dan ger()73. If you want to lear n more about Jitterbug Smartpho ne, you can_.JJA) write a letterB) send an emailC) visit the give n websiteD) make a phone call()74. You can possibly find the above material in_.A) a travel guideB) a

34、 story bookC) a dicti onaryD) a n ewspaperB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage 择最恰当的单词完 成短文):(12 分)My husba nd Bill, was diag no sed with can cer 癌症). Over the course of seve n mon ths, hewent from beating me silly at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom.It was the

35、best seve n mon ths of my life. Maybe I don 75 mean tthat, but it was certainly thetime when I felt most alive. I had become a respected professor, and a resp on sible wife. Duringthose seve n mon ths, I came to un dersta nd that nothing would 76_ more than what I had done tomy husband.When I couldn

36、 t sleep at night, I pray 祈祷)to God. Then I began praying it daily even if I hadno difficulty sleeping, which 77my breathing and calmed my mind.During his last week, a relative visited. I noticed that she d changedhebut in a funny way. It was the kind of 78 I kept to myself. After she left, Bill voi

37、ced exactly what I dbeen thinking, in that truthful way he had, and I fdunyself laughing out in my heart.I could live with this man, eve n n eedi ng as much care as he does, for the n ext 40精心整理years, I thought. 79 , he would be dead very soon. I will n ever aga in have that high a purpose inmy life

38、. I will try to be a little less unhappy, and a little more 80 for the small moments in life. I am abetter person for caring for Bill. It was his last, best gift to me.()75. A) completelyB) hardlyC) actuallyD) carefully()76. A) careB) matterC) changeD) cost()77. A) slowedB) in creasedC) heldD) took(

39、)78. A) jokesB) friendsC) workD) thought()79. A) LuckilyB) HoweverC) In steadD) Fi nally()80. A) sorryB) excitedC) tha nkfulD) worriedC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14 分)I:八.;-Grades are important, but they are not the only measure.I

40、 have come to un dersta nd that exam grades are not the only purpose of schools, andgrades a(81) are not eno ugh.Studies show that some of the high-flying students have troubled lives, finding it difficult to getgood jobs or become great pare nts or part ners. A(82) graduatio n,stude nts come to rea

41、lize what they have lear ned at school has not really prepared them for the next step.In creas in gly, teachers are gett ing to know the idea of“ learning from ourfayou ve never failed at anything, you certainlynever t(83) anything new. Examgrades are importa nt and we en courage all stude nts to ai

42、m high and to do well. But they don t m(84) success.I once asked my stude nts to con sider the chef Gordon Ramsay, and how he became sosuccessful. They were surprised to find that he didn htave a good performanee at school and hedid n t s (85) become a great chef. I n an in terview, he expla ined th

43、at he worked long hours forvery little money, learning everything he could. He took chances even if they seemed i(86).He made mistakes but he cheered himself up andmoved forward. His success didn t come from grades, it came from his character: courage, effortand con fide nee.We should develop social

44、 skills through the whole school as an important p (87) of lear ning.This is why there is a focus on performa nee, sport and otheractivities. These life skills will work hand-in-hand with knowledge to enable students to do well intheir future life.D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12 分)“You hav

45、e saved my horse, ” Queen Olivia tolylotihng boy standing before her.“ Nowyou shall have a reward. ” Peter n ervously ran his fin gers through his brow n hair. Thefrightened horse had run past him as he worked in the field that morning. He would have helped itwhether it belonged to the queen or not.

46、 But he had to admit that getting a精心整理reward was nice.Two of the quee n mes?appeared. One carried a mirror. Red jewels shone on top of the mirror s silver frame. The other carried a enoodge with a chicke n in side it.“Onlyone reward can be yours, ”e queen said. “Chooswisely. “That easy, ” Peter sai

47、d.“I ll take the chicken.qUieenomeenf theghed. It was clear that theythought he had made a foolish choice.?“ And why did you choose the chicke n?eggs for my family for a long while.Queen Olivia smiled.“Then you did make a wise choice, ” she said.,,-jj/rlook fancy. But the jewels you see are only col

48、ored glass, and the frame is pain ted silver. Thechicke n is much more valuable.” Peter took thendibckeed. “ Tha nk you, yourmajesty. ”“You are a smart child, ” theldeeen “I could use a smart boy to help take care of myhorses. Would you like to take the job? ” Peter smiled.“Thaekyymuch! “ hesaid exc

49、itedly. A job at the castle paid well. Now his family would eat well for the rest of theirlives-all because_ !88. What was Peter doing whe n a frighte ned horse ran past him?89. Who did the frighte ned horse bel ong to?90. Why did Peter choose the chicke n in stead of the mirror?91. Did Peter make a

50、 wise choice or a foolish one?92. What else did Queen Olivia offer Peter?93. What can be filled in the bla nk at the end of the passage?VD . Writing (作文):(共 20 分)94. In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic“. and I” .(以“我和.”为题,写一篇 60-120 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)每一个生命个体都和这个世界发生着联系,你也不例外。请分享一个你和他人、 社会或自然之间的故事

51、(事件),并谈谈自己的体验或感受。(注意:短文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)the quee n asked.“ Well, Idonabout jewels ,Peter answered.“dBwtabdxutkchicke ns. The chicke n willprovide“Th精心整理黄浦区 2018 年九年级学业考试模拟卷英语试卷听力文字稿Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right pictur

52、e(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6 分)1. Spring is here. Farmers are busy working in the fields! (C)2. Was the Great Pyramid in Egypt built to keep the body of the kin g? (B)3. In the near future, we can see driverless cars on the road in Shanghai. (D)4. Some water tow ns, like Wuzhe n, attract a lot of visitors

53、 every year. (H)5. Why do people celebrate the Lantern Festival in China? (G)6. Some robots are made to keep us compa ny as well as do housework at home.(A)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question youhear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8 分)7.W: What time is your train leav ing?M

54、: It leaves at ten. I ve got forty minutes left.W: You d better hurry, or you won t be able to catch it.Q: What time is it now?8.W: Jack, do you live far from your school?M: About 8 kilometers, but it doesn sleem very far. There is not much traffic alongthis road, soit s great to travel by bike.Q: H

55、ow does Jack go to school?9.W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?M: I d like to book a room for a night.W: Would you like a sin gle room or a double room?M: A si ngle room, please.Q: Where are the two speakers?10. W: Jack, what s the hurry? We d like you to stay for dinner.M: Well, thank you, but He

56、len and I have to meet my parents at the railway station.Q: What is Jack going to do?11.W: Have you ever seen the film “Transformers III e ? W went tosee it last ni ght.M: How was it?精心整理W: Jas on thought it was extremely excit ing, but I was a little disappo in ted.Q: What does the lady thi nk of t

57、he movie?12.W: Henry, I heard you are going to France. How long will you bestay ing there?M: A whole year. My aunt lives there. I am going to atte nd a on e-m onthcourse in a Ian guageschool, and spend the rest of the time travelling.Q: How will Henry spend most of his time in France?13. W: This cou

58、rse is really difficult, Mr. Smith.M: I don t think it s all that bad, and you will learn a lot from it.W: I thi nk I n eed your help.M: Sure. You can come to my office duri ng lunch break every day.Q: What s the probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers?14.W: Let s see what drinks you ve go

59、t for the party tonigh M:Everything, beer, wine, soft drinks like coca, seven-up, you name it.Have you ordered the cake?W: Of course.Q: What are the two speakers talki ng about?C. Listen to the passageand tell whether the following statementsare true orfalse (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 ,符合的用“T” 表示,不符合的用“ F”

60、表示):(6 分)When Michelle was seve n years old, she watched the 1988 Win ter Olympics onTV. She fell in love with skating. From that moment, she knew that she wan ted toskate in the Olympics, too. At first, her pare nts thought she was too young to skate.But Michelle kept on asking to learn until they


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