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1、 (北京) CHINA UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM毕 业 论 文The Application of Division and Combination in Business Contract Translation渤海湾漏油报道句式模型的批评性话语分析纽约时报和中国日报对比院系名称: 外国语学院 专业名称: 英语双学位 学生姓名: 张珊珊 学 号: 2009054215 指导教师: 杜芳芳 完成日期 2013年 5 月 15 日中国石油大学(北京)本科毕业论文第IV页The Application of Division and Combination in Busine

2、ss Contract TranslationAbstractBusiness contract is an important legal document in international economic and trade activities. With China's accession to the WTO (World Trade Organization), the translation of the English business contract is becoming increasingly important. The variety, diversit

3、y and complexity of international business contracts add more difficulty to translation, so correct and accurate translation of these contracts is of great importance in business negotiation. This study focuses on the application of division and combination in business contract translation. Through

4、the introduction of division, the combination, and the combination of division and combination, the study make readers have a great knowledge of the three different methods. It also analyzes a large number of samples from business contracts, which aims to help readers deeply understand the methods a

5、nd master the usage of them. Finally, it elaborates on the application skills of the three methods in different situations. Mastering the division and combination helps readers translate English contract, so that it can accurately convey the meaning of the contract and make the translation more prof

6、essional and legal and avoid the unnecessary disputes of the parties.Key words:English business contract;Division;Combination分译与合译在商务合同中的应用摘 要在国际经济贸易活动中,商务合同是一种重要的法律文件依据,商务贸易英语已经成为必不可少的语言交际工具,它也是英文经济贸易合同的基点。随着中国加入WTO(世界贸易组织),英文商务合同的翻译更是日趋重要。国际商务合同的种类繁多、涉及面广、内容复杂,这类合同都是涉外交易性质,需要英汉两种版本,因此大多需要合理翻译。商务合同

7、对翻译的质量提出很高的要求,也增加了其难度。本文主要讨论分译与合译在翻译商务合同中的应用方法与技巧,分别通过介绍分译法、合译法、分译与合译结合的方法的介绍使读者对每一种方法能够大致了解。然后重点是通过列举分析收集来的大量商务合同翻译中的具体例句对这三种方法的应用细化,最终总结得出三种方法在不同情况下的应用技巧。掌握分译与合译的方法,有助于读者在翻译英文合同时,使其能准确无误地传达合同本身的内涵,使译文更加专业化、法律化,减少合同双方不必要的纠纷,使合同中的用语无可争议。关键字:商务合同;分译;合译CONTENTSChapter One Introduction11.1 Background o

8、f the Study11.2 Purpose of the Study21.3 Organization of the Study2Chapter Two Literature Review42.1 Previous studies of contracts translation42.2 The study of division and combination52.2.1 The previous studies of division52.2.2 The previous studies of combination72.3Limitation of previous studies9

9、Chapter Three The operation procedure of translation103.1 The preparation before translation103.2 The report of translation11Chapter Four Division and Combination144.1 Division144.1.1The introduction of division144.1.2 The application of division144.2 Combination204.2.1 The introduction of combinati

10、on204.2.2 The application of combination214.3 The combining application of division and combination24Chapter Five Conclusion26References28Acknowledgements30Acknowledgements第30页Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyWith Chinas entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and global econ

11、omic integration, international communication is becoming more and more frequent, in which international business communication is of vital importance. In international economic and trade activities, business contracts have become an important basis for doing business and maintaining rights and inte

12、rests of business people. Contract is one of important legal documents, which play an important role of legal protection in various business and social activities. Therefore, the research of translation the contract has always been paid widespread attention by scholars.Generally speaking, as a langu

13、age for special purposes, although business contract does not have its own corpus and independent grammar system, the language style of business contracts which rule each partys rights and obligations belongs to frozen (Liu Guofang, 2011). The language of business contracts has vivid characteristics

14、 in discourse structure, vocabulary and syntax. Due to the increase in international business trade and the special linguistic features of business contracts, researchers are paying special attention to business contracts from perspectives of both theory and practice.But most works and articles whic

15、h are related to business contracts are about skills in translating business contracts in specific ways. There are few studies of using division and combination to translating the English business contracts. As business contracts play a crucial role in business communication and the combining the di

16、vision and combination study of business contracts has still few articles, this study focus on this field to help readers to translate the contracts better. 1.2 Purpose of the StudyThis thesis uses division and combination to analyze the translation of business contracts. This studies tries to help

17、readers apply the division and combination reasonable when translate the business contracts. In order to make the translation more professional and legal, in order to reduce the unnecessary disputes of the parties.1.3 Organization of the StudyThis essay is composed of five chapters.Chapter one is gi

18、ves a description of this study, the purpose of the study, and organization of the study.Chapter two is a review of related literatures. In this chapter, reviews the scholars study of contracts translation, and the study of division and combination.Chapter three is introduction the operation procedu

19、re of translation. This chapter introduces the preparation before translate the contracts and the report of translation, which is help readers master the principles of contracts translation in whole.Chapter four is the main part of this essay. This chapter introduces the theory of the division, comb

20、ination and the combining of division and combination. This chapter is divided into three parts, and is mainly analyze the samples of contracts to explain the application of the three methods.Chapter five is the conclusion of the whole essay. It summarized the all methods in this study.Chapter Two L

21、iterature ReviewTranslation of the contract has always been a number of scholars study and discussion, and they analyze them from different angles. Some from the translation of the word, and others from translating the article as a whole analyze and summarize the study. However, division and the com

22、bination applications in business contracts is not a lot. Therefore, the following paper reviews mainly from the study of contract translation, the study of division and combination and the previous studies lack of review (Li Peilin, 2009).2.1 Previous studies of contracts translation International

23、business contracts translation skills is not a simple contract translation or writing courses, not just different translation theory class. It requires the instructor to focus on the professional, based on the professional, as a means to translate the basic skills, it is integrated into the translat

24、ion of business contracts. A lot of literature in the process of research contracts translated stressed the need to master the basic translation skills, flexible application to the translation of the contract, at the same time to focus on the practical application ability. Most of the studies are to

25、 start from the word, translation contract skills such as speaking, the most common English nouns into verbs in Chinese (E.J.Brill, 1969). For instant, Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。This original subject is often the term of the action. Also, the Engli

26、sh preposition into Chinese verbs. For example, Carlisele Street runs westward across a great black bridge down a hill and up again by little shops and meat markets past single stories homes until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.卡利斯尔大街往西延展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下山冈又爬了上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然冲着一大片绿色

27、地停下来。In the translation of business contracts, to clear its conversion conditions prepositional phrases as predicative, generally should choose an appropriate verb as predicate, it is a good deal with the translation of the contract. In addition, there are adjectives translated into adverbs, and vic

28、e versa (Lian Shuneng, 2010).2.2 The study of division and combination2.2.1 The previous studies of divisionIn the translation of commercial contracts, many scholars believe that the translation business contracts must be accurate and rigorous. Division processing mainly from two aspects, which are

29、the word translated phrases of sub-translation. Including specialized vocabulary, abbreviations, modal verbs such as research, and pointed out that the strict wording, including the English-Chinese Translation of time, the amount of English-Chinese Translation (Ma Ruofei,2004). Eg1:The adverbs of di

30、visionThe time could have been more profitably spent in making a detailed investigation.如果当初花时间做一番仔细的调查,好处就更大了。Eg2:The adjective of divisionAlchemists made resultless efforts to transform one metal into another.炼金术士企图把一种金属转变成另一种金属,这完全是徒劳的。Eg3: The verbs of divisionWhen two layers of meaning the Pass

31、ive Sentences verb with the rest of the sentence can not be rigidly knead in a Chinese sentence that should predicate verb extraction and translation of division to the appropriate epithet.Copper is known to be a good conductor.大家知道,铜是一种良导体。Eg 4: The noun of division As a secret training base for a

32、new plane,it was an excellent site,its remoteness effectively masking its activity (O Yangyan, 2005).它作为新型飞机的秘密训练基地是很理想的:它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动。Eg5:The Participial phrase of divisionCompared to the division of the word, phrase division is more common. Phrase usually took part in word phrases, infinitive

33、phrases, prepositional phrases and noun phrases from the original sentence to be translated into a clause or sentence established (Lu Li, 2008).Moving with greater speeds,the molecules strike the walls of the Container harder and oftener.运动速度越大,分子对容器壁的撞击就越猛烈、越频繁。Eg6:The Infinitive of divisionTo get

34、out into space and travel to moon or other planets,we have to overcome the Earths gravitational pull.要飞向空间并到月球或其他行星旅行,我们就要必须克服地球的引力。Eg7:The prepositional phrases of divisionFrom space the earth looks like a huge watercovered globe,with a few patches of land sticking out above the water.从太空观看,地球就像一个巨

35、大的被水覆盖的球体,上面有几块突出水面的陆地。Eg8:The noun phrase of divisionSome noun phrases, turning the original structure translated or appear too large or seem incomplete significant, is not well understood. Translate such phrases, often increase the number of words, to further illustrate the meaning and ease the mo

36、od. Results of the increase of the word, and often causes the phrases into clauses.I wrote four books in the first three years,a record never tauched before.我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。2.2.2 The previous studies of combinationThe combination of a single-sentence combination, the main complex sentences, compl

37、ex sentences combination with parallel combination (Shi Qizeng, 1985).Eg1:The combination of simple sentenceGenerally speaking, the typical metal conducts electricity and heat, it shows lustrous surface, usually with white,or socalled metallic luster. It is ductile and malleable.一般来说,典型的金属能导热导电,表面有光

38、泽,具有延展性和可锻性。Eg2:The combination of complex sentenceOur so-called master-slave combination of complex sentences, a master-slave complex sentences together into a single sentence. Some of this translation method speech habits of Chinese people, and others in order to make the translation compact (Wu R

39、onghua,2007). For example:The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled.钢的结构和性质,视其加热的程度和冷却的快慢而定。Eg3:The combination of compound sentenceThe combination of the compound sentence, is a parallel complex sentences int

40、o a single sentence. The combination of compound sentence, the advantages and disadvantages of combination with a single sentence similar to the translator should avoid weaknesses.The stimulation provided by a late mystery show on television,or a hard fought game of chess or an animated chat with fr

41、iends may be delightful,but it will tend to keep us wide awake.很晚的引人入胜的电视节目,激烈的棋赛或跟朋友的热烈交谈,往往会使人过于兴奋,久久不能入睡。2.3Limitation of previous studiesFrom the summary of the aforementioned of the scholars research, you can find translation studies and research on the sub translation and combination of busine

42、ss contracts are not uncommon. However, the translation of the contract, many scholars emphasis from the word, sentence departure translation failed contract Translation and sub-translation, application of organic and combination together, not from a point of departure detailed description of the me

43、thod and application. Aforementioned contract translation studies, talking, have different emphases To this end, this study would like to depart from the point of view of translation and combination of discuss in detail the business contract translation process and application. Have tried to give so

44、me inspiration and help future business contracts translation better able to reduce the conflict.Chapter Three The operation procedure of translationBusiness Contract Translation is a complex and professional process. Before the start of the translation, a full preparation is necessary to form a goo

45、d translation habits for the future and also can lay the foundation for other translations.3.1 The preparation before translationAll economic activities are inseparable from the mutual restraint contract. Contract documents are the legal documents that signed by both parties and must comply with, an

46、d then contract language should reflect the authority .The translation directly related to the economic interests of the parties to the contract, so it must be accurate, structured, and skill for specialized vocabulary . In terms of sentence, the proportion of long sentences English contracts is usu

47、al, with the sentence structure more complex, and information content (Yao Chunzhen, 2010). Chinese sentence structure often is loose, short clauses, and frequency changes the subject. It is required to under the expression of the target language habits, adopt a flexible strategy for translation. Th

48、us, the preparation before translation is necessary.There are two aspects mainly to do before you are going to write. First, understand and be familiar with the two sides trading background and terminology. The second is to understand and become familiar terminology style and habits of the parties t

49、o sign the transaction. Understanding of the characteristics of the industry and the relevant terminology, help them to achieve the precise purpose in the translation. At the same time, the overall degree of certainty, the language style and features the wording of the contract can be done with conf

50、idence. Of course, the so-called pre-translation is not just limited to the pre-translation stage, but throughout the entire translation process of practice. Some problems always is encountered in the translation process, which need for timely consultation with the experts or teachers sides. By cons

51、ulting a dictionary and network data usually able to find a satisfactory answer, but continuous learning is always necessary.3.2 The report of translationBusiness contract is a special style which is focusing on documentary wording, and the characteristics of the words are accurate and rigorous (Wan

52、g Zhiyong,2006). Because the business contracts is the documents that have legal effect, it strictly requires the explicit terms of the contract obligations of the parties, the right of conduct, etc, could not allow the semantic ambiguity to misunderstood people or give them the opportunities to dri

53、ll legal loopholes. It would rather sacrifice text fluency than maintain context categorically conclusive. When translate the contracts,the translators must first pay attention to the official document format so that the style of the original principle should be retained for these formats is a genre

54、 identity which has its own formal sense. In addition, in order to correctly grasp the meaning, in particular, recognize the specific meaning of some commonly used terms in the documents. In terms of the words, also should pay attention to the degree of formality of the words and technical terms and

55、 the use of the idiom of documents. Business translation should be followed the principle of faithfully, accurately, unity,that is expressed to be faithful to the original, the words translated to be accurate, translation to be blend. Therefore, the interpretation of the principles of business contr

56、acts shall comply with the faithful to the original meaning in the first place: the translation should be consistent with the genre and format of the target language; choice of words should be accurate in order to avoid misunderstanding or ambiguous; attention to the language idioms terminology and

57、documents; on translation methods, mainly to take literal translation and adjustments. Only based on these principles, a job can be well done in order to better serve for the social and economic development. The contract special features as well as its unique stylistic features of objectively contra

58、ct translation propose more stringent requirements to the translation. Translation of the contract must be the exact meaning of a word, accurate to express the context, and can not be ambiguous because of its loose structure, meaning ambiguous. Otherwise, the party to the contract will take advantage of the uncertainty and vagueness of the text to look for loopholes to evade responsibility. In the translation of


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