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1、文档之家-http:/ system of Green-Plastics 翁云宣 Weng Yunxuan全国塑料制品标准化中心生物分解材料工作组(BMG),常务主任国家塑料制品质量监督检验中心(北京)(NTSQP),副主任中国塑协降解塑料专业委员会(DPC),秘书长轻工业塑料加工应用研究所Biodegradable Materials Group(BMG) of NSTC,General directorNational Center of Testing and Supervision for Quality of Plastics (NTSQP), vice directorDegrad

2、able Plastic Committee of CPPIA, secretary-general文档之家-http:/ Green Olympicl绿色材料 Green Materials:在原料采取、产品制造、应用过程和使用以后的再生循环利用等环节中对地球环境负荷最小和对人类身体健康无害的材料。 The process of Materials, Producing, Application, Using and Recycling loading to Earth is minimum and.文档之家-http:/ Green Olympicl绿色塑料 Green Plastics:

3、内涵应包括5个方面,即不影响人体健康、能源高效、资源高效、环境友好、承受性高。 including uninjurious to health of people, high efficiency of energy sources and resource, environmental friend, high enduring.文档之家-http:/ Green Olympic一重视和发展绿色塑料 Regard to develop the Green-Plastics二国内外动向 The status in world三绿色塑料的实践和极待解决的课题 The practice of Gr

4、een-Plastics and Problems四绿色塑料的评价体系 Evaluation system of Green- Plastics文档之家-http:/ Regard to develop the Green-Plastics1环境保护的需求 Its need for environment2可持续发展的要求 Its need for sustainable development3重大工程的需求 Its need for large project文档之家-http:/ Its need for environment2003年塑料产量2亿吨,每年产生废弃塑料约200万吨,没有

5、得到妥善管理的塑料废弃物造成了环境污染。In 2003, the total output of plastic is about 200 million tons. Its about 2 million tons plastic waste release to earth to polluting the environment.文档之家-http:/ photos of polluted environment文档之家-http:/ Its need for sustainable development环境保护、节约资源、能源开发Environment protection, sav

6、ing resource, energy sources 文档之家-http:/ Its need for large project11 million mealsBiodegradable cutlery, plates & cupsCollected in biodegradable bagsDiverted 2,885 metric tonnes2000 Olympic Games文档之家-http:/ The status in world1.海外 overseas“京都协议书” Kyoto Agreeement美国农业部能源政策和新应用办公室 9002条款 日本水产省日本生

7、物物质(“Biomass Nippon”)战略 文档之家-http:/ The status in world2.国内 China“九五”、“十五”、“863” 、“十一五”可再生能源法(草案) renewable energy resources law固废法(修订) solid waste law“西部大开发”发展战略 “ West Stratagem”“科技、人文、绿色”奥运工程 文档之家-http:/ The practice of Green-Plastics and Problems1回收 Recycling2. 再利用 Reusing3. 减量化设计 Reduce4. 降解 De

8、gradable文档之家-http:/ 19277+GBxxxxxISO 14855+ISO16929GB/T 19276.1, 19276.2ISO 14851, 14852GB/T xxxxxISO 17556填埋 Landfill焚烧Burning堆肥 Composting回收再利用 recycling塑料制品回收标志 Marking for products文档之家-http:/ Recyclingl我国可回收塑料废弃物每年约有400万500万吨,实际回收的废旧塑料约200多万吨左右 recycling plastics about 2 millionl回收需要极待解决分类回收、回收率

9、和生产规模等问题 Problem are classify, rate, scale of recyclingl塑料制品的标识和标志 国家标准 National standard for marking of plastic products文档之家-http:/ 再利用再利用 Reusingl再生方法有:熔融再生,热裂解,能量回收,回收化工原料及其他等方法 Re-melting, thermal cracking, energy recycling, chemical materials recycling, otehers文档之家-http:/ 减量化设计减量化设计 Reducel推动塑料

10、包装的设计创新,使塑料包装在保证其基本功能的条件下,达到塑料包装的轻量化或薄壁化 New design, thin wall, light quantity 文档之家-http:/ 降解降解 Degradable(1)国外降解塑料发展概况)国外降解塑料发展概况 The situation in overseas of degradable plastics(2)国内降解塑料发展概况)国内降解塑料发展概况 The situation in China of degradable plastics(3)产品状况)产品状况 The status of products(4)产品应用状况)产品应用状况

11、 Application文档之家-http:/ The situation in overseas of degradable plasticsl20世纪60年代末 (1960)l20世纪80年代(1980 )l焚烧、 堆肥化或厌氧消化 等 burning, composting, digestion050000100000150000200000250000300000t1970 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009time文档之家-http:/ (1970)l20世纪80年代(1980)l20世纪90年代(1990)l近几年01

12、0000200003000040000500006000070000t80 1991199319951997 199920012003200520072009timeAbout 100000t partly degradableplastics in market in 2003文档之家-http:/ Status of products文档之家-http:/ Application文档之家-http:/ Evaluation system for Green-Plastics1.标准 standards2.测试技术 testing 3.推广应用实践 how to spread the Gre

13、enplastics4.国内外合作 cooperation among world文档之家-http:/ Generic identification and marking of plastics productslGB/T 19277-2003受控堆肥化条件下材料最终需氧生物分解能力的测定采用测定释放的二氧化碳的方法(等同于ISO 14855:1999) Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability and disintegration of plastic materials under controlled compost

14、ing conditions-Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide 文档之家-http:/ 19276.1-2003水性培养液中材料最终需氧生物分解能力的测定采用测定密闭呼吸计中需氧的方法(等同于ISO 14851:1999) Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium-Method by measuring the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer

15、lGB/T 19276.2-2003水性培养液中材料最终需氧生物分解能力的测定采用释放的二氧化碳的方法(等同于ISO 14852:1999) Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide 文档之家-http:/ ISO 17556:2003)征求意见稿 Plastics - Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability in soil by measuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount of carbon diox

16、ide evolved文档之家-http:/ XXXXX-2004在定义堆肥试化中试条件下材料崩解能力的测定(等同于ISO 16929-2002)(报批稿) Plastics - Determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials under defined composting conditions in a pilot-scale test 文档之家-http:/ Define, Marking and degradability requirement of degradable plastics文档之家-

17、http:/ 2670-2004降解塑料片材定义、分类、标志和降解性能要求 Requirement for degradable plastic sheetlQB/T 2671-2004生物分解塑料片材定义、标志和生物分解性能要求Requirement for biodegradable plastic sheetlQB/T 2672-2004可堆肥塑料片材的定义、标志和可堆肥性能要求Requirement for compostable plastic sheet 文档之家-http:/ 19277-2003 IDT ISO 14855:1999文档之家-http:/ 19276.1-200

18、3 IDT ISO 14851GB/T 19276.2-2003 IDT ISO14852-1999 文档之家-http:/ XXXXX-2005/ ISO 16929-2002 文档之家-http:/ Certification Process of BMGConverter,Resin Supplier, Products Approved LabRunsGB/T 19277GB/T 19276.1GB/T 19276.2ISO 17556.BMG Scientific ReviewerEvaluates Formulation, Product Samples & Lab Data vs GB, ISO BMG文档之家-http:/ Materials Group(BMG) of NSTCNational Center of Testing and Supervision for Quality of Plastics Deg


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