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1、基础知识自测基础知识自测一、单词识记一、单词识记 1. _ n. 省;省; 行政区行政区2. _ n. 矛盾;冲突矛盾;冲突3. _ n. 制度;机制制度;机制4. _ n. 乡下;农村乡下;农村5. _ n. 婚礼婚礼wedding provinceconflictinstitutioncountryside6. _ n. 制服制服7. _ vt. 使激动使激动; 使胆战心惊使胆战心惊8. _ vt. 折叠折叠; 对折对折9. _ vt. 完成完成; 实现实现10. _ vt. 澄清澄清; 阐明阐明clarify uniformthrillfoldaccomplish11. _ adj. 不

2、愿意不愿意(的的)12. _ adj. 全国性的全国性的13. _ adv. 粗略地粗略地; 粗糙地粗糙地14. _ n.& vi. 争吵争吵; 争论争论15. _ n. 快乐快乐 vt. 使高兴使高兴 delightunwillingnationwideroughlyquarrel二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生 1. _ vt.& vi. 联合;团结联合;团结 _ n. 联合;团结联合;团结2. _ n. 便利;方便便利;方便 _ adj. 方便的方便的convenientuniteunionconvenience3. _ adj. 可能的可能的 _ n.

3、可能可能(性性)possible possibility4. _ v.喜欢喜欢; 享受享受 _ adj. 愉快的愉快的; 快乐的快乐的enjoyableenjoy5. _ n. 快乐快乐, 高兴高兴 _ adj.高兴的;快乐的高兴的;快乐的6. _ adj.粗糙的;艰难的粗糙的;艰难的 _ adv.大体上;粗略地大体上;粗略地roughly delightdelightedrough(B)灵活运用灵活运用 He_ (rough) examined the old records. 副词修饰动词副词修饰动词, roughly“粗略地粗略地”。2. They spent an_ (enjoy) w

4、eekend. 3. There is always a _ (possible) that he might go back to UK.名词引导后面的同位语从句。名词引导后面的同位语从句。possibilityenjoyableroughly 形容词作定语形容词作定语4. It is a great _ (convenient) to live near the bus station.4. 名词作表语。名词作表语。5. She was so_ (delight) to know that she had passed the exam that she sang all day long

5、. 5. 形容词作表语形容词作表语, delighted“高兴的高兴的”。delighted convenience三、短语翻译三、短语翻译1. _ 由由组成组成2. _ 把把分成分成3. _ 挣脱挣脱(束缚束缚); 脱离脱离4. _ 为为带来荣誉带来荣誉; 值得赞扬值得赞扬to ones credit consist ofdivide .intobreak away (from)5. _ 列出单子列出单子6. _省去省去; 遗漏遗漏; 不考虑不考虑7. _ (机器机器)损坏损坏; 破坏破坏8. _代替代替take the place of make a listleave outbreak

6、down9. _ 对对感到困惑感到困惑10. _ 为了方便起见为了方便起见11. _ 在特殊场合在特殊场合12. _ 评论评论comment on be puzzled aboutfor convenienceon special occasions四、课文回顾四、课文回顾 Great Britain consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the 13th century Wales was linked 1_ England. In 1603, they were joine

7、d to Scotland. They were united in peace instead 2_ by war. However, just 3_ they were going to get Ireland connected 4_ (form)United Kingdom, the southern part of Ireland broke away, 5_ only Northern Ireland joined with England.to of as to form so England is the 6_ (large) of the four countries and

8、 for convenience 7_ was divided into three zones: the South of England,the Midlands and the North. Most of the population 8_ (settle) in the South,but most of the industrial cities are located in the Midlands and the North.largest it are settled London is the capital city with the great 9_ (history)

9、 treasures. It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the 1st century AD,the oldest building begun by 10_ Anglo Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.historical the 五、语段改错五、语段改错 England is largest of the four countries, and forconvenience it is divi

10、ded rough into three zones.The zone nearest France is call the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlandsand the one nearest to Scotland is known for the North. astheroughlycalledYou find most of the population settled inthe south, but the most of the industrialcities in the Midlands o

11、r the North of England. andAlthough, nationwide, these cities are not aslarger as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of which evenhave two! It is a pity that the industrial citiesbuilding in the nineteenth century doesntattract visitors. large them builtdont1. 在在largest前加

12、上前加上the 形容词最高级前用形容词最高级前用the。2. rough roughly 副词副词roughly修饰动修饰动词。词。3. call called 表示表示“被叫做被叫做”,故,故用过去分词用过去分词called。4. for as 表示表示“作为作为而出名而出名”,as后接称谓。后接称谓。5. 去掉去掉most前的前的the 指指“大多数工业城大多数工业城市市”,而非最高级。,而非最高级。6. or and 指中部和北部,并非二者取指中部和北部,并非二者取一。一。7. larger large 因因asas 中用原形。中用原形。8. which them 指代前面的城市。指代前

13、面的城市。9. building built 因因build 与与cities 是被是被动和完成的关系,用过去分词作后置定动和完成的关系,用过去分词作后置定语。语。10. doesnt dont 主语是主语是“the industrial cities”,谓语用,谓语用“dont attract”。重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练1. consist of (=be made up of, include)由由组成组成原句原句 How many countries does the UK consist of? 英国由几个国家组成英国由几个国家组成? (B5P9)【归纳归纳】 consist in=l

14、ie in 存在于存在于; 在于在于 consist with 一致一致; 符合符合【拓展拓展】 be made up of 由由组成组成 be composed of 由由组成组成【温馨提示】consist of 不能用于进行时态 和被动语态。1. consist of 由组成【运用】【运用】 一句多译一句多译该队由该队由20位选手组成。位选手组成。(1) _(2) _(3) _The team consists of twenty members.The team is composed of twenty members.The team is made up of twenty mem

15、bers.例句例句 The USA consists of 50 States. 美国由美国由50个州组成。个州组成。 consist in 在于在于; 决定于决定于(=be based on or depend on=lie in )运用运用 完成句子完成句子, 使其意思相同使其意思相同于前一句。于前一句。 This club is made up of more than 300 members.= This club _ more than 300 members.consists of Happiness does not depend on how many possessions

16、you own.=Happiness does not _ how many possessions you own. consist in原句原句 England can be divided into three main areas. 英格兰可英格兰可以划分成三个主要地区。以划分成三个主要地区。(B5P9)2. divide into 把把分成分成例句例句 The teacher divided the students into four groups. 老师把学生老师把学生分成四组。分成四组。比较比较 divide .into 是把一个整体分是把一个整体分割为若干部分;而割为若干部分

17、;而separate.from是把是把混杂在一起或连在一起的东西分隔开。混杂在一起或连在一起的东西分隔开。运用运用 用用divide或或separate 的相关短的相关短语填空。语填空。 A fence _the cows _ the pigs. Lets _ ourselves _ two groups. intoseparatesfromdivide原句原句 However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. 然而然而, 爱爱尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离出去

18、了尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离出去了, 并并建立了自己的政府。建立了自己的政府。(B5P10)3. break away (from) 从从脱离脱离/ 分离分离例句例句 This part of the country wants to break away from the central government and there are many conflicts in this area. 这一地区想从中央政府脱离出这一地区想从中央政府脱离出去去, 这个地区冲突不断。这个地区冲突不断。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。 你能改掉这些坏习惯吗?你能改掉这些

19、坏习惯吗?Can you _ _? 他与家庭断绝关系他与家庭断绝关系, 到国外去了。到国外去了。He _ his family and went abroad.break away from the bad habitsbroke away from【归纳归纳】 break down (会谈会谈)破裂破裂; 失败失败; (汽车等汽车等)出出故障故障; (人的健康状况人的健康状况)变得恶劣变得恶劣; (化学物化学物)分解分解 break in 闯入闯入; 打岔打岔 break off 中断中断; 折断折断 break into 闯入闯入 break out 爆发爆发; 发生发生 break up

20、 驱散驱散; 分散分散; 打碎打碎; 终止终止 break through 突围突围; 突破突破 break away from 挣脱(束缚); 脱离原句原句 On my way to the station my car broke down. 在去车站的路上我的在去车站的路上我的车抛锚了。车抛锚了。(B5P13)例句例句 Her telephone broke down. 她她的电话出故障了。的电话出故障了。 break down (汽车等汽车等)抛锚抛锚; 被搞垮被搞垮;垮垮掉掉运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1) 我们的车坏了我们的车坏了, 不得不把它拖

21、到修不得不把它拖到修车厂去。车厂去。_ and we had to draw it to a garage.(2) He _ (身体垮了身体垮了) because of overwork. broke down Our car broke down【运用】用【运用】用break短语的适当形式填空短语的适当形式填空(1) His car _ on the way to work this morning.(2) The fire must _ after the staff had gone.(3) If he carries on working like this, hell _ soone

22、r or later.(4) The American southern states wanted to _ the Union.broke downhave broken outbreak downbreak away from 例句例句 He left out himself when counting the number of people present. 当他在数出席的人数的时候当他在数出席的人数的时候,他漏掉了他漏掉了自己。自己。4. leave out 省略,遗漏省略,遗漏原句原句 Which country is left out? 哪一哪一个国家遗漏了?个国家遗漏了?(B

23、5P11)运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。当你邀请人们去参加晚会时当你邀请人们去参加晚会时, 别把我漏别把我漏掉掉。Dont _ when you invite people to your party你在这一句中遗漏了最重要的一个单词你在这一句中遗漏了最重要的一个单词。You _ _ in this sentenceleave me outhave left out the most important word【归纳归纳】 leave alone 不管不管; 不理会不理会 leave aside (把某事把某事)搁置一边搁置一边 leave behind

24、 留下留下; 忘带忘带; 遗留遗留 leave for 动身去动身去 leave off 停止停止; 中断中断leave out 省去; 遗漏; 不考虑; 忽视【运用】用适当的介【运用】用适当的介/副词填空副词填空(1) She left _ the date on the cheque.(2) Waitdont leave me _!(3) Leave her _. She is in a mood now.(4) Mr. White will leave Boston _ Beijing with his wife.outbehindalonefor原句原句 All of the word

25、s below can take the place of said. 下下面所有的单词都能替代面所有的单词都能替代said。(B5P12)5. take the place of 代替代替例句例句 He is such a great leader that nobody can take the place of him.他是一位出色的领导他是一位出色的领导, 没没有人能代替他。有人能代替他。比较比较 take place 发生;举行发生;举行运用运用 I will attend the meeting instead of the manager. = I will _ the mana

26、ger to attend the meeting. Great changes _ (发生了发生了)in my town since 1978.have taken place take the place of【归纳归纳】 for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起为了方便起见见 at ones convenience 在某人方便时在某人方便时 for the convenience of 为了方便为了方便 to ones convenience 对某人方便对某人方便(合适合适)3. convenience n. 便利; 方便【归纳归纳】 for (the sa

27、ke of) convenience 为了方便起为了方便起见见 at ones convenience 在某人方便时在某人方便时 for the convenience of 为了方便为了方便 to ones convenience 对某人方便对某人方便(合适合适)3. convenience n. 便利; 方便【拓展拓展】 convenient adj. 方便的方便的; 便利的便利的 be convenient for sb./sth. 对于对于是方便是方便 的的 if convenient 如果方便的话如果方便的话 sth is convenient to sb. 某事对某人很方便某事对某

28、人很方便【温馨提示】【温馨提示】convenience意为意为“方便方便, 便利便利”时为不可数名时为不可数名词词;表示表示“便利的事物便利的事物, 便利设施便利设施”时为可数。时为可数。convenient用作形容词用作形容词, 作表语时主语不能是作表语时主语不能是人人, 多用于多用于“It is convenient for sb. to do sth.”这一句型。这一句型。【运用运用】选用上述词汇完成下列情景选用上述词汇完成下列情景Yesterday I received a letter from my former teacher. He asked me if it would b

29、e _ for him to come to my home this weekend. Of course I replied to him quickly that he could come at his _. Besides, I told him that if _, Id like to pay him a visit because it was really _ to go to Beijing nowadays.convenientconvenienceconvenientconvenient写作句型仿写写作句型仿写原句原句 It looked splendid when f

30、irst built.刚刚建成时建成时, 它看起来真是金碧辉煌。它看起来真是金碧辉煌。(B5P14)1. 连词连词(when, unless, once.) + 过去过去分词短语分词短语例句例句 The temple looked grand when first built. 寺庙刚建成的时候寺庙刚建成的时候, 看起来很雄伟。看起来很雄伟。仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 一旦形成一旦形成, 坏习惯将很难改掉坏习惯将很难改掉。_, the bad habits are hard to get rid of . 当被问到发生什么事当被问到发生什么事, 他突然间哭了

31、他突然间哭了。_, he burst into tears.When asked what had happenedOnce formed原句原句 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎这似乎是一件怪事是一件怪事: 这位发展了共产主义的人这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活竟然在伦敦生活, 并且在伦敦逝世。并且在伦敦逝世。(B5P14)2. It seemed/seems/is strange that sb. should do 某人

32、竟然某人竟然, 这似乎不可这似乎不可思议思议 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.It seems/is strange that.句型表示句型表示“很奇很奇怪怪”, it是形式主语是形式主语, that引导的名词性从句引导的名词性从句是真正的主语是真正的主语; 注意注意that从句中谓语使用从句中谓语使用“should动词原形动词原形/have done”, 此时此时should表示对所发生的事情感到吃惊表示对所发生的事情感到吃惊, 一般

33、一般译为译为“竟然竟然”。如:。如:例句例句 It seemed strange that he should abandon his wife and children. 他竟然抛妻弃子他竟然抛妻弃子, 真是太不可思议了。真是太不可思议了。仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。 他竟然能吃玻璃他竟然能吃玻璃, 这似乎不可思议这似乎不可思议。_ he should eat glass. 真奇怪真奇怪,他竟然考试不及格他竟然考试不及格。_ It seems strange that Its strange that he should failthe exam.原句

34、原句 There is no need to debate any more about why different words are used to describe the four countries. 没没有必要去争论为什么要用不同的词去有必要去争论为什么要用不同的词去描述这四个国家。描述这四个国家。3. There is no need to do没有必要做没有必要做某事某事例句例句 There is no need to debate any more about how to spend the money, as no money is left now. 没有必要去争论怎没有必要去争论怎么用这些钱么用这些钱, 因为所有的钱都已因为所有的钱都已经用完了。经用完了。仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英语句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我们有必要再去那一趟吗我们有必要再去那一趟吗?_没必要给他写封信告知这个消息没必要给他写封信告知这个消息。_and inform him the news.There is no need to write to him Is there any need for us to go there again?4. when you will find sb. incl


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