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1、国贸五班国贸五班 第一组第一组组长:赵乐组长:赵乐 邱瑾瑜邱瑾瑜 组员:李岩组员:李岩 闻荟玉闻荟玉 董晓霞董晓霞 王晓丽王晓丽 刘珊珊刘珊珊 张国华张国华 王振强王振强The EURO is the single currency of the European Union.Brief introductionBrief introduction The euro came into existence on 1 January 1999, although it had been a goal of the European Union (EU) and its predecessors

2、since the 1960s. After tough negotiations, particularly due to opposition from the United Kingdom, the Maastricht Treaty entered into force in 1993 with the goal of creating economic and monetary union by 1999 for all EU states except the UK and Denmark (even though Denmark has a fixed exchange rate

3、 policy with the euro). The euro is the currency used by the Institutions of the European Union and is the official currency of the eurozone, which consists of 17 of the 27 member states of the European Union: Austria, Belgium beldm, Cyprussaiprs, Estonia estuni , Finland, France, Germany, Greece, I

4、reland, Italy, Luxembourglksmb: , Maltam:lt, the Netherlands nelndz , Portugalp:tjul , Slovakia sluvki , Sloveniasluvi:ni , and Spain. Euro started to be officially used in the 11 euro countries in 1991.The currency is also used in a further five European countries and consequently used daily by som

5、e 332 million Europeans.Additionally, more than 175 million people worldwideincluding 150 million people in Africause currencies pegged to the euro.Member Country Time1-111-11Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain(奥地利、比利时、法国、奥地利、比利

6、时、法国、德国、芬兰、荷兰、卢森堡、爱尔兰、意大利、德国、芬兰、荷兰、卢森堡、爱尔兰、意大利、葡萄牙和西班牙葡萄牙和西班牙 ) )199119911212Greek(希腊)(希腊)200020001313Slovenia (斯洛文尼亚)(斯洛文尼亚)2007200714,1514,15Cyprus ,Malta(塞浦路斯,马耳他)塞浦路斯,马耳他)200820081616Slovakia(斯洛伐克)(斯洛伐克) 200920091717Estonia (爱沙尼亚)(爱沙尼亚)20112011Countries who use the euro.欧洲单一货币(1999now)Joint Floa

7、t European Monetary System the single Europe currency联合浮动(19711978年)欧洲货币体系(19791998) (EMS)The monetary union was established The monetary union was established in 1969 by European Community.in 1969 by European Community.欧共体于欧共体于19691969年着手建立年着手建立“货币联盟货币联盟”And they planned a ten-years interim And the

8、y planned a ten-years interim period.period.规划了一个规划了一个1010年过渡期。年过渡期。1.unify the ECU统一欧洲货币单位2.The formation of stable exchange rate system形成稳定的汇率体系3.The establishment of a European Monetary Fund建立欧洲货币共同基金The Treaty on European Union(Maastricht Treaty)Core content:European union(1/11/1993)The European

9、 Central Bank(1/7/1998)the single Europe currency欧洲联盟条约又称为马斯特里赫特条约,简称马约。核心内容:1993年11月1日建立欧洲联盟。1998年7月1日成立欧洲中央银行1999年起实行单一货币。positiveWorld Promote the multi-polarization of the world economic structure, Contribute to the growth of the world economy,is an enormous change in the international economic

10、and trade patterns. 促进世界经济格局的多极化,有助于世界经济的增长,使国际经济贸易格局产生巨大变化。EU Stimulate the production and trade of EU enterprises.Prompted the European financial markets tend to unify.To play better economies of scale, attract talent and investment. 刺激欧盟企业的生产和贸易,同时促使欧洲的金融市场趋向统一,更好地发挥规模经济效益,吸引人才和投资。 China Simplifi

11、cation of trade procedures, reduce transaction risks, is conducive to the strengthening of technical cooperation, help to open up the diversification of foreign trade 简化贸易手续,降低交易风险,有利于加强技术合作 ,有利于开拓对外贸易多元化 NegativeWorldExacerbated by the turmoil in financial markets in the world,European banks consti

12、tute a considerable threat to foreign banks加剧世界金融市场的动荡,欧洲银行对外国银行构成相当大的威胁EUMember states fiscal severely constrained,EU internal development is not balanced.成员国财政受到严重约束,欧盟内部发展得不到平衡。ChinaProduce a certain pressure to Chinas export growth momentumThe difference between the export price strategy of Chin

13、ese enterprises difficult to use.The exchange rate risk of the transaction will tend to concentrate会给中国出口的增势产生一定压力,使中国企业差别出口价格策略难以使用,交易的汇率风险将趋于集中The euro banknotes total divided into 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 seven denomination ,have different size and color . Each denomination banknotes are a European

14、 construction period, a map of Europe and the European banner欧元纸币共分为5、10、20、50、100、200、500欧元7种面值,尺寸和颜色各不相同。每种面值的纸币都显示一个欧洲建筑时期、一张欧洲地图和欧洲旗帜。Euro coin has eight denominations.And the 17 member states of the European Unions coins have a side of the same pattern, the other side is not the same.欧元硬币一共有8种面

15、额。欧元区17个国家的硬币有一面相同的图案,另一面则不相同. Style :rococo rkk 洛可可式 (18 世纪后半期盛行欧洲的一种建筑装饰艺术风格)Color :olive lv橄榄绿 Size :147mm 82mmStyle :Ironan, glass 著名巴黎拱廊街的画,就特别留意铁(Iron)和玻璃(Glass)作为现代新兴建筑物料的文化涵意。Color :orangeSise :153mm82mmStyle :the 20 CenturyColor :fuchsiafju 紫红色Size :160mm82mmStyle :Renaissance rineisns 文艺复兴

16、时期Color :Ocher kred赭红色Size :140mm 77mmStyle : classic(经典的)Color :caesioussi:zis青灰色Size :120mm62m Style :Gothic(哥特式的野蛮的)Color :lavenderlvnd淡紫色Size :133mm 72mmStyle :Roman(浪漫的)Color :rose-redSize :127mm67m奥地利 Austriaradix gentiana植物龙胆根Leontopodium植物火绒草The Alps primroses阿尔卑斯山的樱草花1、2、5欧分是奥地利的花卉。 奥地利 Aus

17、triaSt. Stephans Cathedral ki:dr()l, This is a famous Gothic architecture, and it is also a tourist destination in Vienna vien .奥地利维也纳圣斯特凡大教堂,这是一座著名的哥特式建筑,同时也是维也纳的旅游胜地Belvedere Palace (Belvedere) belvdA famous baroque architecture in Austria as a symbol of freedom 奥地利著名的巴罗克式建筑Belvedere Palace(美景宫)作为

18、自由的象征Vienna Secession sse()n schools architecture, describe a bridge leading to the new financial and monetary system维也纳分离学派的建筑,描绘了通往新的金融货币体系的桥梁10、20、50欧分是奥地利首都维也纳的建筑物。 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart muza:t Mozart is a famous Austrian composer, He made the Austrian to be the capital of the famous music莫扎特是

19、奥地利著名的作曲家,也反映了奥地利是有名的音乐之都Bertha von SuttnerShe is a pacifist psfst .As the symbol that Austria she support the peace for 10 years贝尔塔冯苏特纳是一位和平主义者,作为奥地利花费10年时间支持和平的象征奥地利 Austria1、2欧元则是奥地利的名人。Exchange RateExchange Rate 20122012年年1212月月8 8日日1euro(EUR) =8.0407yuan(CNY) )1euro(EUR) =1.2925dollar(USD) 1eur

20、o(EUR) =0.806pound(GBP)1euro(EUR) =106.5956yen(JPY)1euro(EUR) =6.5599franc(FRF)The exchange rates of EUR against British pound is 0.806. In 2008 financial crisis, the Greek debt crisis happened.Since 2010, European countries began to fall into crisis. Affected by the influence of the crisis, the eur

21、o begins to drop substantially, the European stock markets are tumbled and the euro zone is facing the most severe situation since its establishment . European European debt crisisdebt crisisThe eurozone local is into chaos The euro areas problems outbreak and the debt problem begins to expand Euro

22、zone economic becomes to be recession The prime ministers of Greek and Italian resigned, the government of Greek is in the edge of bankruptcy The impact of the European debt crisisThe impact of the European debt crisisThe debt crisis continues to be serious,and the euro falls renewal European countr

23、ies debt becomes overweight which causes to This debt crisis challenges the stability of the euro area , and role of the euro in the global monetary system is to be challenged.Because of the heavy burden of its alliance countries debt , some countries are bankruptcy, which ,meanwhile,affects the ove

24、rall stability of the euro area monetary system and leads to the euro continues to be more soft . Euro crisisEuro crisis Entity economy The eurozone crisis impacts Asias export ,which increases economic multiple delay when the global economy has not yet been recovery . Virtual economy The euros cont

25、inuing to be soft leads to raw material costs in the Latin America region continue to rise,and further leads to the global stock market lower. The euro crisis also proofs that national credit is not limit, this is an important alert to the global economic system . The effect of the euro crisisThe ef

26、fect of the euro crisis In 2012 , European debt crisis drama has been unveiled. In 2012, the euro zone countries and banks will face a huge amount of debt maturity, the financing pressure is unprecedented; In 2012, the debt crisis and banking crisis extrusion of the European economy will rolle up an

27、d the work of rebuilding market confidence will be the more difficult; In 2012, the euro and the fate of the euro area are still uncertain. The present situation of the euroThe present situation of the euro Dose the euro will survive? ? Whether the euro zone will be disintegration or not? ? ? Austri

28、as former prime minister Wolfgang XuSaiEr: Im not pessimistic, the euro will not fall down. In the future, the euro zone will develop more perfect rules, even if the problem is now one of the most serious in Greece, finally it will be solved. The former chairman of the proletarian: The collapse of e

29、uro will bring financial difficulties and national debt crisis disastrous consequences; Even after many difficulties,and political wrangling, the European Union will decide to protect the stability of the system of the euro when there is inflation in the economic. OptimististsOptimististsAndrew Clai

30、re ,the professor of British kass business school : To the euro,the next two years will be the beginning of the decline , the euro may leave the stage twenty years later . Economic union is only the thought of individual countrys leaders , rather than the will of the Eurpean people Pessimistic sentP

31、essimistic sentThe first is to expand the size of the current rescue mechanism .The second is to continue to push forward the reform of the economic management, and deepen economic integration.The third is to adjust to Greece and Irelands rescue plan, including extend the Greek reimbursement deadlin

32、e, help the two countries reduce the loan interest rate, so as to decrease the burden of the payments. Measures MeasuresThe fourth is to reach agreement on the euro zones permanent mechanism for crisis response.The fifth is to repair the financial system to maintain financial stability.Sixth, the re

33、levant Member States should vigorously improve fiscal consolidation and the implementation of economic structural reforms to promote economic growth.In the future, the problems in the euro zone country economy as well as the European monetary union architecture need to be solved indeed. But if count

34、ries can take the correct adjustment policies after the crisis, they will become stronger. Europe need to find the most appropriate combination of cooperation in order to maintain them in the global range of common interests, and keep the competitiveness of development. To achieve these, they must s

35、trong the realationship of each member The future of the euro Conclusion: the euro will not collapse,but it may exist with Conclusion: the euro will not collapse,but it may exist with the risk of secession the risk of secession I think,for the euro, there is no systemic risk of collapse in short tim

36、e, but some countries may give up the use of it, and the euro area may gradually establish a qualification of the member states of the dynamic adjustment mechanism and withdrawing mechanism.(1) As long as Germany and France dont quit the euro zone, the possibility of collapse is minimal, and France

37、and Germanys out of the euro area is a small probability event. Through the eurozone and European Union amplification ,Germany improves its global importance and credibility, and promote the development of regional trade and enhance the global competitiveness, Germany is the biggest beneficiaries of the euro area,it cant quit the euro zone.(2) If it is Greece that exits the euro zone, it is conducive to the euro areas long-term stability and development By the short


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