



1、第 18 课时 Units 11-12知能优化训练I根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1._ He gained his(财富)by printing works of famous writers.答案:wealth2._ The young man showed great(勇气) to jump intothe river to save the boy.答案:courage3._ Though we may fail again,we should not_(失望).答案:be disappo in ted4._ We will drive to the(飞机场)to meet my gran

2、dparents.答案:airport5.It s hardly_ (可信的)that this house is more than 100 years old.答案:believablen.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1._ The workers are made(work) 12 hours a day.答案:to work2.Larry doesn_ t feel like (eat)anything.She only wants to drink some juice.答案:eating3._ He has missed(watch) the excit ing soccer m

3、atch.答案:watching4.I_ (learn) some English before I came to this school.答案:had learned/had learnt5. He was so lucky that he was still _ (live) in the earthquake.答案:alive川.单项选择1. (2016 湖北十堰中考)How time flies!We should show love for our parents and make them howmuch they mean to us.A.to knowB.knowingC.k

4、 newD.k now答案:D解析:make 后接不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,其结构为:make+宾语+动词原形。所以答案选 D 项。2. Tell us someth ing about Can ada,OK?I m sorry._ Jack _ I have ever been there.A.Either;or B.Not onl y;but alsoC.Both;a ndD.Neither; nor答案:D解析:由答语第一句 很抱歉可知,杰克和 我都没有去过那里。neither.nor.既不上也不”符合句意。故选 D 项。3._ _ I learn about Chinese

5、 history,I like living in China.A.The less;the more B.The more;the moreC.More;moreD.The more;more答案:B解析:the more.,the more.表示 越.,就越.”。句意:我越了解中国历史,我就越喜欢住在中国。故选 B 项。4. What fruit do you prefer?I prefer _ .A.tomatoB.mel onsC.carrots D.beef答案:B解析:根据问句 你更喜欢什么水果?”可知答语应该是水果。故选B 项。5._ They all hope that I c

6、an winwonthemt.A.let;goB.let;dow nC.make;failD.have;dow n答案:B解析:句意他们都希望我能赢。我将不会让他们失望。let.down 意为 让失望”,符合题意。 故选 B 项。6. By the time I locked the door,I realized I _my keys at home.A.had repairedB.had cha ngedC.had forgotte nD.had left答案:D解析:句意:当我锁上门的时候,我意识到我把钥匙忘在家里了。leave sth.跟地点状语 把某物忘在某处”。所以应选 D 项。7

7、. Going to the movies is good,_ I really only like listening to music.A.a ndB.butC.soD.or答案:B解析:由句意去电影院很棒,但是我真的只喜欢听音乐。”可知两个分句之间是转折关系,故选 B 项。8.Sally said she was going to meet me but she didn _ . tA.show offB.turn offC.stay upD.show up答案:D解析:句意:萨莉说她将来见我,但是还没露面。show up 意为 露面”,符合题意。9._ The teachersthe

8、office for a few minutes when we arrived.We didn t meet them.A.had bee n away fromB.had run away fromC.have bee n away fromD.have left答案:A解析:根据时间状语可知用过去完成时,be away from 是延续性短语动词。故选A 项。10._ More than ninestudents are doing sports now.A.h un dredsB.hun dred ofC.hun dredD.hun dreds of答案:C解析:hundred 前面有

9、具体数字时,hundred 后不加-s;若 hundred 前没有具体数字,其后要加-s,并 且与 of 连用。根据空格前的数字,可知答案选 C 项。IV .阅读理解April Fool s Day is supposed to be a day to play jokes on others in the hope of getting a good laugh and making onefeel like a fool.However, the April Fool ay s)D2016 was quite differe nt for my mom and me.That day my

10、 friend Jimmy and I were play ing a game .I had dropped dow n from a bar many times in the past withoutever having a problem,but that day the simple act of dropping to the ground became a nightmare (噩梦).1 broke my arm.Jimmy dad heard my crying and rushed out to see what was going on.When he saw the

11、problem,he quickly put meinto his truck and went in side to teleph one my mom and let her know he would take me to the hospital.As that day was AprilF ool s Dayom was not buying it and really thought all this was a big joke.Mom was fin ally convinced by Jimmy smom.Whe n she sme,she broke down in tea

12、rs because she felt so bad she origi nally thought this was just a big prank (恶作剧).I guess one could compare this to the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.Since I had pulled pranks before, it is no wonderthat my mom didn t believe it.I as well as my mom was made tolook like a fool that day.We both lea

13、r ned a valuable less on.1 .What happened to the writer o n the April Fool s Day ?f 2016A. He had a terrible dream.B. He was hurt by Jimmy.C. He had an accide nt.D. He fooled his mom with his frie nd.答案:C解析:由第二段最后一句 “broke my arm.可知答案为 C 项。2.Why did Jimmy dad phone the writer rmom?A. Because he wan

14、ted to play a joke on her.B. Because he wan ted her to pay for the accide nt.C. Because he wan ted to see if she loved her son.D. Because he wan ted to tell her the accide nt.答案:D解析:由第三段中的 “.leher know he would take me to the hospital. 可知答案为 D 项。3.What does the underlined sentence “ Mom was not buyi

15、ng it ?” meanA.She didn t believe what Jimmy s dad said.B. She would not like to pay the mon ey.C. She had no preparati on for the bad n ews.D. She thought her son was dead.答案:A解析:作者的妈妈认为在开玩笑,所以可以猜出本句的意思为她不相信吉米爸爸的话”。故选A 项。4. Why did the writer mention the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf?A. Because he thought it was his mom s fault.B. Because he had a less on like that.C. Because he was proud of his story.D. Because he felt he was luckier tha n that boy.答案:B解析:由最后一句 “ WdDoth learned a valuable less on.可知答案为 B 项。5. From th


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