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1、想象类作文就是作者根据已有的生活经验和知识,超越实际生活来勾画出从未见过的或者不曾出现过的生活图景的文章。1 写作时要注意人称的运用。一般用第一人称,但也可转换角色,打破现实与环境的 局限,充分调动各种因素,发挥想象,巧妙构思。2根据所给信息展开合理的想象,使文章更充实。且要保证段落清晰、层次分明。3注意措辞准确,时态、语态正确,同时尽量使用多种表达方式,并运用恰当的连接 词,使行文连贯、过渡自然。写作规范题目要求假如你是李华,为了激发学生的想象力,你们学校本周将举行一次征文比赛,主题是“我的未来生活”。请根据下列提示写一篇短文。1.家庭;2工作;3业余生活。1.词数 100 左右;2 可以适

2、当增加细节,以使行文连贯。My Future Life犷:Section VWriting想象类作文突破写心技法指导三步作文法第一步:搜索单兀词汇1 令人满意的satisfy ing2.优雅的elega nt3.数码的digital4.陪伴accompany5.总而言之in a word第二步:巧用单元语法和句型1 那时我的生活将会截然不同,我的生活将会是讲究而令人满意的。 My life will be very different then. It will be elegant and satisfying My life will be very differe nt the n, w

3、hich will be elegant and satisfy ing (非限制性定语从2 我家会有一个家庭机器人,可以打扫房子并陪伴我的父母。There will be a household robot in my home. It can clean the house andaccompany myparents There will be a household robot in my home which can clean the house and accompany myparents(定语从句)第三步:连接过渡成篇My Future LifeI . often imagi

4、ne, what my life .will, be Jike. jn一the. future., think一my. life, will .be very,different.then, which .will be . elegant and .satisfying,.In .the. .future, .1. will .have a comfortable . and con venient home,n which . there. are . all.kinds .of_digital, .equipme nt and . furniture. .Whats .more, .th

5、ere. will, be . a .household .robot . inmy .home .which.can. clean . the. house. and accompany . my. parents. .In .addition, .1 hope J. .will . work . for pany, as a program. desig ner. .1. will . enjoy my .work .and . get along. well . with my . colleagues. .In.my free time, I will continue to take

6、 exercise, such as swim ming, running and various ball games.In a word, my life will be richer and more colourful.课下过关检测提能力对应学生课下能力捉升(八门I阅读理解Scientists in England are using two self-directed water vehicles to explore the animal and plant lifeof the Celtic Sea.The Celtic Sea is a body of water off th

7、e southern coast of Ireland. The area is known for itsunusual sea life. Scientists want to know why sea creatures are so attracted to this part of the Atla nticOcea n.One of the research vehicles is powered by batteries ( 电池).It collects information for theNational Oceanography Center in Southampton

8、, England, and the World Wildlife Fund. The vehicleslow en ergy requireme nts permit it to stay floati ng on water for up to 30 days. Reports of what it finds inthe Celtic Sea are sent by satellite.Stephen Woodward is an engineer who helped design the vehicle. He says the vehicle hasequipment that c

9、an discover small organisms called zooplankton (浮游动物)and fish. He adds thatother sensing equipme nt measures water curre nts and other features of sea life. The vehicle alsocreates a map of the sea.Ano ther vehicle is powered by the sun and the win d. It can stay float ing on water for mon ths.The r

10、obotic vehicle sends information about the so- called biodiversity hotspots. A biodiversity hotspotis an area of an ocea n that has a lot of pla nt and ani mal life activity.Lavinia Suberg is one of the scientists studying the Celtic Sea. She says productive ocean areas,like the Celtic Sea, attract

11、zooplankton. The zooplankton then attracts fish. She adds that areas with alarge in crease of fish ofte n attract sea mammals and birds.Usi ng these robotic ocea n vehicles greatly reduces the cost of explori ng the sea with mannedlaboratories. Scientists can spend more time analyzing the collected

12、information. They say the researchwill give them a better understanding of the needs of the Celtic Sea for future man ageme nt and protection.语篇解读:本文为说明文,题材为科普环保类。英国科学家利用水中机器人探索凯尔特海,旨在弄清为什么有如此之多的动植物生活在该海域。演练 提能立1 Why do the British scientists explore the Celtic Sea?A To study the geography of the se

13、a.B To learn why the sea is rich in sea life.C To test their self - directed water vehiclesD To learn about the sea creatures in the sea.解析: 选 B 推理判断题。由第二段 “Scientists want to know why sea creatures are so attractedto this part of the Atlantic Ocean ”可知, 研究旨在弄清为什么凯尔特海富含海洋生物。2 According to the text,

14、the water vehicles _ A are controlled directly by humansB work depending on the map of the seaC can send the information back directlyD can keep floating on water for a long time解析:选 D 细节理解题。 由第三段 “The vehicles low energy requirements permit it to stayfloating on water for up to 30 days ”和第五段 “It ca

15、n stay floating on water for months ”可知,它们都能在海中漂浮很久。3 According to Lavinia Suberg, the sea mammals and birds _ A are afraid of living aloneB mainly feed on zooplanktonC like to live in warm ocean areasD are especially interested in fish解析: 选 D 细节理解题。由倒数第二段 “She adds that areas with a large increase

16、of fish oftenattract sea mammals and birds ”可知,它们对鱼很感兴趣。4 What is the last paragraph mainly about?A The aim of sea exploration.B The cost of exploring the sea.C The importance of the water vehicles.D Ways to deal with the collected information.解析:选 C 段落大意题。由最后一段 greatly reduces”,“spend more time”和 a

17、 betterun dersta ndi ng 可知,本段旨在介绍这两个水中机器人在海底探索中的重要性。n任务型阅读How to concentrate on studiesHow to get your mind to concentrate on studies when there are all possible distractions ( 分心 的事 )? This is the biggest question that students face when its exam time. Well, here are some tips thatcan help you with

18、 concentration.Plan your timetable1 _ However, be realistic with your timetable and do not expect too much out ofyourself.2 _If you study for 5 hours without rest, you maybe get bored. So it is advised that you keep onchanging your subjects so that you do not get bored. However. make sure you study

19、at least 2 hours ateach subject at a stretch (连续的 )Take interestUnless you like what you are doing, it is not possible to focus on that task. 3. _You can start with your favorite subject and move on to difficult ones, once you begin to study. You canalso take the difficult subject when your mind is

20、most refreshed.Set up a study areaIt is better to have a study room where you can concentrate properly without any distractions. Ifthat is not possible, you can set up a study table in a separate corner in your home. 4.5_Your mind will be at its sharpest only if you let it rest for enough time. Slee

21、p for at least 6 8hours depending upon your individual requirements. Eat healthy meals and reward yourself somefree time after studies.A . Get eno ugh restB.Introduce varietyC.Get rid of distractionsD.You may even ask a friend to study with you.E.It is always best to have a plan before studying.F.So

22、 you have to take interest in what you are studying.G. Make sure you study at this place so that you can help your mind focus.答案:15 EBFGA川.完形填空One day, my father drove his employer to ano ther city for a bus in ess meeti ng. On the outskirts(郊区)of town, they _1_ for a sandwich lunch. While they ate,

23、 several boys playing in the streetpassed by their _2. One of the boys limped (跛行).Looking more closely, my fathers boss _3_that the boy had a clubfoot( 畸形足).He stepped out of the car and _4_ the boy, saying that he wasable to help get that foot fixed. The young boy was _5_. The bus in essma n wrote

24、 dow n the boys name before the boy joined his friends dow n the street.The man _6_ and said to my father, “ Woody, the boys name is Jimmy. Find out where he 7and do your best to get his parents_8_ to let him have his foot operated on.门 I pay all the costs. ”They finished their sandwiches and went o

25、n theg .It did nt take long for my father to _10 Jimmys house, a small one that n eeded paint andrepair. For almost an hour, my father _4 expla ined the pla n to Jimmys pare nts. _12-, theylooked at each other. Whe n my father _13_ they still were nt quite sure about the gen erous offerfrom an unkno

26、wn ben efactor (捐助者).Later, my fathers employer got in touch with the local gover nment with a _14 to send5.A.delightedB. satisfiedsome one to Jimmys home to _15_ the family that this was a lawful offer. Soon, with permissi onpapers sig ned, my father took Jimmy to an excelle nt _16_ in ano ther sta

27、te. After five operati ons,his limp disappeared.His pare nts watched in _17 as the returned boy stepped lightly toward them. They stillcould not _18 that a man they had n ever see n would pay a large sum of money to have a footcorrected for their son.The _19_ ben efactor was Mr. HenryFord, the foun

28、der of the Ford Motor Compa ny. Healways said its more fun to do someth ing for people _20_ they dont know who did it.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。福特汽车公司的创始人亨利?福特匿名捐助了一个男孩,治好了他的跛足。1. A.waitedB. paidC. preparedD. stopped解析:选 D 由上文的One day, my father . bus in ess meet ing 可知,作者的父亲开车送他的老板去另外一个城市开商务会议。他们来到市郊停下(stopped)”

29、吃一顿便饭。2. A.carB. tow nC. officeD. restaura nt解析:选 A 由下文的He stepped out of the car 可知,他们在汽车里吃的三明治。可以判断,孩子们路过了这辆“汽车(car) ”。3.A.thoughtB. observedC. doubtedD. worried解析:选 B 由上文的Looking more closely 可知,老板对那个男孩进行了仔细的观察。observe 有“看到,观察到”的意思。4.A.took care ofB . got hold ofC. hung out withD. caught up with解

30、析:选 D 由上文可知,孩子们路过了这辆车, 逐渐走远了。老板下了车,“追上(caught up with) ”男孩,说他可以帮助男孩矫正跛足。CinterestedD relaxed解析: 选 A 有人愿意帮助自己消除残疾,男孩自然很“高兴 (delighted) ” 。6.A.laughedB apologizedCreturnedD nodded解析:选 C由上文可知,老板下车以后追上男孩,记下了他的名字,然后应该 “回到(returned) ”车上。7.A.playsB studiesClivesD stays解析: 选 C 解析见下题。8.A.determinationB permi

31、ssionChelpD plan解析: 选 B 由下文可知,作者的父亲按照老板的吩咐,找到了男孩的家,目的是让他父母同意接受捐助。9.A.chatBrideCmeetingD holiday解析: 选 B 由上文的 “One day, my father . business meeting” 和 “On the outskirts .sandwich lunch ”可知,他们吃完了三明治之后继续赶路。10.A.buildB decorateCpaintDfind解析: 选 D 没过多久,作者的父亲“找到(find) ” 了吉米的家。11.A.patientlyB brieflyCproudl

32、yD calmly解析: 选 A 这个突如其来的捐助计划会让人难以置信。作者的父亲 “ 耐心地(patiently) ” 向吉米的父母介绍这项计划。12.A.ConfusedB ExcitedCAshamedD Tired解析: 选 A 吉米的父亲面面相觑, “ 迷惑不解 (Confused)” 。13.A.visitedB finishedCrefusedD left解析: 选 D 耐心地讲解完之后,作者的父亲离去(left)。14.A.purpose B decisionCrequestD promise解析: 选 C 解析见下题。15.A.warnB remindCargueD conv

33、ince解析:选 D由上文可知,吉米的父母对这项捐助计划仍存疑虑。因此,作者父亲的老板跟当地政府取得联系,请求他们派专人去吉米家,让他的父母相信这是合法的捐助活动。16.A.hotelB hospitalCschoolD store解析: 选 B 由下文的 After five operations 可知,作者的父亲带着吉米去另外一个州的一家很好的 “ 医院 (hospital)17.A.angerBfearC amazementD disappointment解析: 选 C 由上文的 “After five operations, his limp disappeared ”可知,吉米的跛脚

34、已经治好了。他回来的时候,迈着轻快的步伐走向他父母,他的父母很“惊奇 (amazement)” 。18.A.agreeBadmitCproveD believe解析: 选 D 吉米的父母仍然难以“相信(believe) ”,一个他们从没见过的人会花一大笔钱为他们的孩子矫正跛足。19.A.secretan unknown benefactor ”可知。B whenCunless解析: 选 B 本文是一个爱心小故事。 福特汽车公司的创始人亨利 ?福特做好事不留名, 匿名捐助一个男孩, 治好了他的跛足。文章最后一句话是点睛之笔。福特总是说: 当匿名为 别人做点事情时,更快乐。IV .语法填空Last

35、 year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been therebefore said 1._ was a wonderful holiday. Before we went, we had planned formonths. When the day came, we were ready.After our plane landed, we went to the hotel. We had made our reservation six months 2._(earl

36、y), but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake. We 3._(tell) that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that week, 4._ for the week after. I didntunderstand 5._ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged6._ the reservation. Whats worse, the hotel had been fully booked

37、. When we werewondering what to do, the manager came out. She was 7._ (surprise) helpful. Sheapologized for the mistake and give us a spare VIP room on 8._ top floor. We had neverstayed in such an amazing room, and we werent charged extra.The next day, my brother and I went to the beach 9._ we watch

38、ed some people playvolleyball. We got a little 10._ (sunburn), but the day had been so relaxing that we didntmind.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者兄弟二人前往迈阿密旅游住酒店时遇到困难, 最后由酒店经理出面,给他们圆满解决问题的故事。1 it 考查代词。根据句意可知,此处指代上文提到的旅游目的地迈阿密 (Miami) 。2 earlier 考查形容词比较级。根据语境可知,此处应用 earlier 表示 “提早,提前 ”。3were told考查动词的时态和语态。句中 that 引导的从句是宾语从句,故空处要填B politeChumorousD cautious解析: 选 A 由上文的20.A.untilD if入的应该是谓语动词, 根据上文的内容, 到达后我们应该是 “被告诉 ”我们的房间没有预订, 故应填一般过去时的被动语态were told 。4but 考查并列连词。我们预订的不是那一周的房间,而是那周之后的房间,此处表 示转


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