



1、2019 年人教版九年级 Unit2 单元基础知识点强化训练一。单选题1. Last December, a man who_ a shared bike was fine 被罚)1, 000 yuan bythe police.A.steal B.steals C.stoleD.stole n2. May I take some photos of those paintin gs?Sorry, it is not allowed,_ you are.A.who B.whoever C.who D.whose3. Jack s father him to be a policeman in

2、the future.A.has B.hopesC.wishes D.expect4_excit ing it is! Our country put her first homemade aircraft carrier(国 产 航空母舰)in the water on April 26 in Dalian.A. How B.WhatC. How an D.What an5. I won der if Tom_this after noon.一 Don t worry. I will tell you as soon as h _ .A. will come ; comes B. comes

3、 will come C. comes ; comes6.1 don t think she wdfuse_ with you.A.da neeB.to dance C. dancing D.da need7. We_ the map on the table to find out the position of the country.A.laid asideB. laid offC. laid outD. laid dow n8. How long does it take to get to the airport?Forty minutes. But it s foggy today

4、. I _ ntheohHglnway will be closed soon or not.Let s set off earlier.A.whetherB.whe nC.that D.how9.Our family has two dogs. One is black, an _ is white.A.others B.the others C.the other D.ano ther10.1think that August is_ month of the year in China.A.hotB.hotter C. hottest D. the hottest11. Her gran

5、 dmothejte n years ago.A.dyi ngB.died C.dead D.death12. Hamlet(哈姆雷特)is a famous play_ by William Shakespeare.A.writeB.writte nC.writi ng D.wrote13.If you don t study hard, you will end up the exam.A.fail B.to failC.faili ng D.fails14. The headmaster warns u_ the school rules, or well be puni shedA.

6、to break B. not to breakC. breakingD. don t break15. Sorry, I ve forgotten yomre. Can yo_ me?I m Daniel.A. remi ndB. receiveC. respectD. remember16. The dishes in this restaura nt must be very expe nsive.Don t worry. You can enjoy yourself. It s my_.A.time B.treat C.task D.taste17. My friend Marley

7、used to _ at home all day.But now he s used towith frie nds.A. stay; hang outB. stay ing;hanging outC. stay; hanging outD. stay ing;hang out18._ Childre n on Hallowee n ofte n playtricks_ others uni ess they get a treat.A.in B. on C. at D. with19.ln the play, Joh n_ as a successful bus in essma n.A.

8、woreB. dressedC. put onD. dressed up2O.What the woma n says_ me_ my school days.A.helps; withB. puts; onC. rem in ds; ofD. regards;as二。适当形式填空1.I believe that July is the_ (hot) month of the year in China.2. People in Thaila nd thi nk that the new year is a time for clea ning and_ (wash)away bad thin

9、 gs.3. The bad man tried_ (steal) the new bicycle but he failed.4. The traditi on of_(admire) the moon and shari ng moon cakes with familiesstarted from the story of Chang e.5. Billy thinks the races are fun_(watch, but Mary doesn t think so.二。完型填空March 22nd is World Water Day. It started in 1993. I

10、t not only makes us think aboutthe importanee of water, but also calls on号召)us to 1 and protect water. Today, we refacing terrible water problems. Among them, wawteter problem is especially 2.And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is waste water.What is waste water? It is used water. Usually, wa

11、ste water comes from homes, 3, hospitals and so on .It is produced by differe nt kinds of activities,in clud ing washi ng the mach in es, tak ing showers and using the kitche n. The rainalso 4 waste water whe n it is running dow n the street duri ng a storm. No matter whereit comes from, this ki nd

12、of water is sure to have 5 harmful in it.6 must we treat 处理)waste water? Waste water has a big in flue nee on our life. Itcauses both ill ness for us and polluti on for the en vir onment. We must care for our envir onment and our own 7.How can we treat waste water? Differe nt kinds of waste water n

13、eed differe nt waysof treatme nt. Waste water 8 homes can be reused. The n there will be 9 waste water.Also, factory waste water has to be clea ned 10 it goes back to n ature.1.A. dri nkB.saveC.carryD.watch2.A.easyB.popularC.smallD.serious3.A.factories B.l akesC.riversD.seas4.A.gets back B.ha nds in

14、C.cha nges intoD.picks up5.A. no thi ng B.someth ingC.no bodyD.somebody6. A.WhatB.WhoC.WhyD.How7.A.workB.i nterestC.healthD.bus in ess8.A.o nB.forC.withD.from9.A.lessB.moreC.betterD.worse1O.A.andB.whetherC.afterD.before参考答案1.答案: C解析: C 考查时态。时间状语 last December( 去年 12 月)提 示谓语动词用一般过去时。故选 C 。2.答案: B解析:考

15、查代词。句意 :我能给那些画拍些照片吗?抱歉,无论你是谁,都不允许拍照。 whoever 意为 “无论谁 ”,符合句意。故选 B 。3.答案: C解析:考查动词。主语是第三人称单数,排除选项D; have 和 hope 后不跟 sb. to do sth。故选 C4.答案: A解析:句意 :多么令人兴奋啊 !我国首艘国产航母于 4 月 26 日在大连下水 !感叹句 有两种基本句型 :(1) What + ( a/an + )形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(2) How +形容词/ 副词+主语+谓语!本句中心词是 exciting令人兴奋的,应用 how 句型。故选 A。5. 答案: A解析:考查时

16、态。句意 :我想知道汤姆今天下午是否 会来。 不用担心。他一来我就 告诉你。第一空所 在句含有 if 引导的宾语从句,主句是一般现在时,由时 间状语 thisafternoon 可知从句应用一般将来时;第二 空所在句含有 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句, 主句用 般将来时,从句用一般现在时。故选 A 。6. 答案: B解析:句意 : 我认为她不会拒绝和你跳舞 refuse to do sth. 意为 拒绝做某事 。7. 答案: C解析:句意:我们把地阁铺在桌上来査看那个国家的位置:lay aside 意为”把 放在一边”;lay off 意为”停止”;lay out 意为”铺开,摆开

17、”;lay down 意为”放下,停止使用”。8. 答案: A解析:一一到达机场需要多长时间?一一四十分钟人但是今天多雾我不确定公路不久之后是否会关闭,我们早点动身吧。由句中的 or not 可知选 A。9. 答案: C解析:句意:我家有两只狗:. 一只是黑色的,另一只是白色的。 the other 表示 两者之中另 一个人 / 物 。10. 答案: D解析:句意:我认为,在中国,八月是一年中最热的月份。由 of the year 可知,空处应用最 高级,形容词最高级前用 the 修饰,故选 D。11. 答案: B解析:考查动词。句中缺谓语动词,且由时间状语ten years ago 可知动词

18、用过去式。故选B。12.答案: B 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处意为 . 由莎士比亚写的戏剧 play 与 write 有被动关系,故用过 去分词作后置定 语修饰 play。故选 B。13.答案: C解析:考查固定结构。 end up doing sth. 是固定结构,意 为 “以做某事而告终 ”。故选 C 。14.答案: C解析:考查固定搭配。dress up as 是固定搭配,意为装扮 成”故选 C。15.答案: A解析:考查动词。 Remind “提醒 ”; receive “收到 ”; respect “尊敬 ”; remember “记得 ”。结 合句意 “对不起,我 已经忘了你的名字

19、。你能提醒我吗?我是丹尼 尔。 ”可 知,空处用 remi nd提醒”。故选 A。16. 答案: B解析:考 查名词。 句意:这家餐馆的菜一定很贵。 不要担心。你可以尽情享 用。我来请客。既 然应答者让对方不要担心菜贵,让他尽情享用,那么应 答者很可能是要 请客 (treat) 。故选 B 。17. 答案: C解析:考查固定结构。used to do sth.意为 过去常常做某 事” be used to cioing sth.习惯“于做某事 ”故选 C。18. 答案: B解析:句意 : 在万圣节前夕孩子们经常捉弄他人 , 如果他们得不到招待。 play tricks on sb. 意为 捉弄某人 。19. 答案: D解析:句意 : 在这部戏剧里 , 约翰打扮成了一个成功的商人。 dress up as 意为 打扮成 , 是 固定搭配。20. 答案: C解析:句意 : 那位女士所说的话让我想起我的学生时代。 remind sb


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