1、Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert 课后练习答案及补充练习 习题全解 I. 1)The writer went to the Aral Sea to search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis. What he saw there was hot dry sand. 2)It was the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier. 3)Scientists were monitoring the air severa
2、l times a day to chart the course of the climate change. 4)Because the polar cap plays a crucial role in the world's weather system, the thinning of the polar cap might cause flood in many places of the world. 5)There are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than exi
3、st in all of North America. The destruction of the Amazon rain forest will mean silencing thousands of songs we have never even heard. 6)The writer calls noctilucent clouds"ghosts in the sky". As a result of pollution, the clouds occasionally appear when the earth is first cloaked in the e
4、vening darkness. And they appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere. 7)Because we are not yet awakened to take effective measures to deal with the climate change. 8)Carbon dioxide's ability to trap heat in the atmosphere causes global warming. Because global wa
5、rming seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium that determines the pat- tern of winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean cur- rents, and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal life on land and sea and have a great effect on the location and pattern
6、 of human societies. 9)The two key factors are human population and the scientific and technological development. The dramatic changes that have occurred in these two factors are a sudden and startling surge in human population and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution
7、. 10)The writer's solution to our ecological problems is to reinvent and finally heal the relationship between human beings and the earth by carrying out a careful reassessment of all the actors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. 1)It was not at all possible t
8、o catch a large amount of fish. 2)Following the layers of ice in the core sample, his finger came to the place where the layer of ice was formed 2050 years ago. 3)keeps its engines running for fear that if he stops them, the metal parts would be frozen solid and the engines would not be able to star
9、t again 4)Bit by bit trees in the rain forest are felled and the land is cleared and turned into pasture where cattle can be raised quickly and slaughtered and the beef can be used in ham- burgers. 5)Since miles of forest are being destroyed and the habitat for these rare birds no longer exists, tho
10、usands of birds which we have not even had a chance to see will become extinct. 6)Thinking about how a series of events might happen as a consequence of the thinning of the polar cap is not just a kind of practice in conjecture (speculation), it has got practical Value. 7) We are using and destroyin
11、g resources in such a huge amount that we are disturbing the balance between daylight and darkness. 8) Or have we been so accustomed to the bright electric lights that we fail to understand the threatening implication of these clouds. 9)To put forword the question in a different way 10)and greatly a
12、ffect the living places and activities of human societies ll)We seem unaware that the earth's natural systems are delicate. 12)And this continuing revolution has also suddenly developed at a speed that doubled and tripled the original speed. See the translation of the text.IV. 1)transportation,
13、imitation, destruction 2)encirclement, enrichment, enlightenment3)postage, coinage, advantage 4)sharpness, boldness, smoothness 5)admission, concession, depression 6)productivity, sensitivity, desirability 7)posture, departure, indenture 8)independence, prudence, impudence 9)flagrancy, consistency,
14、potency 10)analysis, metabasis, metamorphosis ll)dictatorship, ownership, partnership 12)depth, length, birthV. 1)technology 技术 2)ecology 生态学 3)hydrology水文学 4)phrenology 颅像学5)neurology 神经病学6)pathology 病理学7)physiology生理学8)pharmacology药理学9)gynaecology妇科学10) oceanology海洋学 11)lexicology词汇学12)archaeology
15、考古学 13)anthropology人类学14)criminology犯罪学1)anarchist无政府主义者2)naturalist自然主义者 3)biologist生物学家 4)psychologist心理学家 5)satirist讽刺作家 6)encyclopaedist百科全书编纂者7)geologist地质学家 8)sociologist社会学家 9)zoologist动物学家 10)impressionist印象派艺术家11)environmentalist环境保护论者12)terrorist恐怖主义分子1)submarine潜水艇 2)submerge淹没,潜入水中3)suba
16、ntartic亚南极的 4)subsolar在太阳正下面的,赤道的5)subhead小标题 6)subaquatic半水栖的 7)subdivide把再分 8)suboxide低氧化物 9)subclass亚纲 10) subclimax亚顶极群落 11)subcommittee小组委员会12)subconscious下意识的 13)subcontinent次大陆14)subcontract转包合同 15)subculture亚文化群 16)subspecies亚种 17)subsoil 底土 18)sublethal ( 毒药量等 ) 尚不致命的.inland sea, desert, co
17、re sample, glacier, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, polar ice cap, global warming, Amazon rain forest, species of birds, ecological balance, noctilucent cloud, methane gas, natural gas, landfills, coal mines, rice paddies, termites, biomass, upper atmosphere, elephants, greenhouse gases, water vapor, gr
18、owing mountains of waste, acid rain, chlorine, human activities, heat-absorbing molecules, global climate equilibrium, winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean currents, sea level, vegetative and animal life, etc.IX. 1)basic examples 2)unalterable 3)meeting 4)characterized strike against each ot
19、her 5)set up 6)see, attack 7)at the same time 8)balance 9)increasing, existence 10)task 11)out-of-date X. 1)consequences 2)results 3)results 4)outcome 5)results, 6)outcome 7)causes 8)causes 9)reason 10)reason 11)relations 12)relationship 13) relations 14)relationship 15)complex 16)complex 17)complic
20、ated 18)complex 19)simple 20)simplistic XI. 1)with 2)of 3)on 4)of 5)in 6)in 7)against 8)than 9)of 10)as 11)as 12)with 13)of 14)of 15)for 16)of XII.relationship, environment, garbage, what, endless, allow, that, dumping, dispose, drown, having, old, mind, running, waste, it, sight, recent, debates, d
21、isposal, ocean, elsewhere, confront, capacity, of, quantities, only, change, reduce, we, used, interdependent, chosen, unless, dramatically, thinking, humankind, inheritXIII. Omitted.XIV. We Must Protect Our Ecological SystemWith the development of human civilization, man has created countless wonde
22、rs, but at what a price! Our ecological sys-tem, on which all animals' existence depends, has been seriously damaged and is still being threatened. The earth's temperature is getting higher, more and more forests are being felled, large numbers of animals are facing extinction, and deserts a
23、re expanding at an incredible rate. The causes for the worsening ecological system are manifold. Perhaps two of the major problems lie in people's pursuit of short-term interests with little attention to long-term interest sand their pursuit of individual interests rather than collective interes
24、ts. In the first case, many lakes are filled to grow crops or even build houses; trees are cut down, only bare mountains stand cold in the wind and are capable of holding no water when it rains. In the second case, scenic spots become dirty and deserted because of newly established nearby factories
25、producing waste water and air; industrial countries invest heavily in chemical factories in the Third World nations, keeping their own land relatively clean. To solve the problems mentioned above, we should try our best to balance short-term interests with long-term ones by making long-term plans an
26、d taking as many things as possible into consideration. We're living today and are still to live tomorrow we and our posterity both have to live on the earth. Besides, Global action should be taken to protect our ecological system. People, eastern or western, rich or poor, should join their hand
27、s to prevent our ecological system from being further damaged. We have only one earth and we have to make it a better world.高级英语第一册练习Lesson 3Ships in the Desert. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.1. This thought _ their objections. A. underlied B. processed
28、60; C. scattered D. slipped2. She wore a dress that _ her stomach. A. pointed B. revealed C. burned D. chart3. The boiling water _ the glass. A. crashed B. stretched C. changed
29、 D. cracked4. The patient showed signs of _. A. distress B. layers C. atmosphere D. slab5. The trade union _a new contract with the owner. A. monitored B. absorbed C. negotiated D. comprehend6. Th
30、e bank required collateral to _ the loan agreement. klætrl附属担保品 A. adjust B. secure C. reserved D. shimmered7. The film will soon be _. A. threatened B. understood C. released D. shimmered8.
31、The noise outside _ my attention. A. distracts B. transforms C. resists D. changes9. The amount of rain _ the growth of crops. A. influenced B. effected C. affected D. impacted10. He _ several imp
32、ortant changes. A. emerged B. submerged C. restrained D. effected11. Scientists _ that there is no animal life on the Mars. A. present B. assume C. assess D. require12. This is a fact even our ene
33、mies have to _. A. hold B. leapfrog C. complicate D. acknowledge13. He tried to _ his anger. A. disarm B. restrain C. pose D. include14. I have got _ in the quarrel between Tom and Jack.
34、60; A. involved B. inspired C. concluded D. accomplished15. An airliner _west of the city last night. A. arose B. landed C. crashed D. dropped16. I saw a clearly _ shape outside the window in a flash of light.
35、 A. developed B. accelerated C. viewed D. defined17. The milk _ over the table. A. distributed B. reshaped C. lasted D. spilled18. Can't you guess the meaning of the word from the _?
36、60; A. environment B. atmosphere C. context D. relationship19. The children were thin and badly in need of _. A. precedents B. sustenance C. species D. regulation20. This microscope has a _ of eight.
37、60; A. magnification B. acceleration C. transformation D. collision. Spell out the words according to the meaning and the first letter of the word is given.1. to move or hit with little waves. l 2. a large-scale plan produced by a government.s &
38、#160;3. lasting forever.p 4. an enclosed area in a harbor where ships go to be loaded, unloaded and repaired. d 5. the release of sth. such as gas.e 6. able to be reached.a 7. person who goes with another.c 8. to meet and strike together violent
39、ly.c 9. causing much argumentc 2-1: /答案:lap2-2: /答案:scheme2-3: /答案:permanent2-4: /答案:dock2-5: /答案:emission2-6: /答案:accessible2-7: /答案:companion2-8: /答案:collide2-9: /答案:controversial10. land where grass is grown for cattle p 11. a group of plants or animals that are o
40、f the same kind. s 12. typical examplei 13. great suffering of the mind or body.d 14. a large group of insects moving in a mass.s 15. the repeated happening of sth.f 16. to make impure or bad.c 17. an outer sign of inner change.s
41、; 18. to add pictures to show the meaning of sth.i 19. to go under the surface of water.s 20. to get rid of as useless. d 2-10: /答案:pasture2-11: /答案:species2-12: /答案:image2-13: /答案:distress2-14: /答案:swarm2-15: /答案:frequency2-16: /答案:contaminate2-17: /答案:symptom2
42、-18: /答案:illustrate2-19: /答案:subemerge2-20: /答案:discard. Fill in the blank with the following phrases and make changes if necessary._a good catch, at best, at rest, at stake, in time to, blot out, comparable to, in nature, in progress, in the process, in turn, present with, reserve for, taken togeth
43、er, to the point _1. Nothing is_her beauty.2. The mist came down and _ the view3. He is_好配偶for some young woman.4. Our work is _now .5. I told Frank and he_ told Sheila.6. They are trying to extend the range of goods they sell and,_ to appeal to a new type of cus
44、tomer.3-1: /答案:comparable to 3-2: /答案:blotted out3-3: /答案:a good catch3-4: /答案:in progress. 3-5: /答案:in turn 3-6: /答案:in the process3-7: /答案:at stake7. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and hundreds of jobs are_ .8. These seats are _ old and sick people.9. Our class _th
45、e school _a clock. 10. We cant get home before nine oclock _ .11. The machine is _. 3-8: /答案:reserved for3-9: /答案:presentedwith3-10: /答案: at best.3-11: /答案:at rest3-12: /答案:in time to3-13: /答案:to the point3-14: /答案:Taken together3-15: /答案:in nature12. The audience clap
46、ped_ the music.13. The temperature rose _ that the firemen had to leave from building.14._, 总体来说these measures should create a lot of new jobs.15. The two things are the same in outward form but different _ . Text comprehension:1. By saying “It wasnt a good day,” the a
47、uthor meant _. A. there wasnt any fish B. the weather was not good C. they were not feeling good D. its impossible to have a good catch of fish2. In order to search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis, the author has been to _.
48、60; A. the equator B. the North pole C. the South pole D. all the above4-1: / 答案:D 4-2: / 答案:D4-3: / 答案:C4-4: / 答案:D4-5: / 答案:C3. According to the author, _ is the worst among the following problems. A. acid rain B. large oil sp
49、ills C. global warming D. the contamination of underground aquifers4. The eventual solution to the arms race exists in _. A. disarmament of one side B. a new deployment of forces on either side C. some ultimate weapon owned by one side
50、 or another D. new understanding and a mutual transformation of relationship itself5. From this text we learned the best way to settle the environmental crisis is to _. A. return to nature B. stop deforestation C. educate people about environment
51、160; D. reduce our power to affect the world. Write T for a true statement and F for a false statement, according to the text.1. The core sample dug from the glacier showed that a small reduction in one countrys emissions had changed the amount of pollution found in the Antarctic.
52、3. There are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than in all Americas. 4. In high northern latitude, you can sometimes see a strange kind of cloud high in the sky, if the sky is clear after sunset. 5. All the water pollution, air pollution, and ill
53、egal waste dumping are essentially local in nature. 5-1: /答案:T5-3: /答案:F5-4: /答案:T5-5: /答案:F5-6: /答案:T5-7: /答案:T5-8: /答案:T5-9: /答案:F5-10: /答案:F6. Human civilization is now the main cause of change in the global environment. 7. The 20th century has witnessed two key factors that
54、 define the physical reality of our relationship to the earth are: a sudden and starling surge in human population and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution.8. The startling images of environmental destruction now occurring all over the world have so much in common tha
55、t they do not shock and awake us any more. 9. The problem of the unclear arms race is primarily caused by technology. 10. The key changes in the transformation of the way we relate to the earth involve more new technologies than new ways of thinking about the relationship itself. . Point out the right rhetori
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