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1、What goes up but never comes down?Where does Thursday come before Wednesday?I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T.What am I? Unit 1 Watch the video clip the Male Nanny and then discuss the following questions. Do you think Nanny is an exclusive job for women? If so, what jobs do you thin

2、k are exclusive for women or men? Do you think fathers are as important to children as mothers are? Why or why not?Whats the image of a “good family man”? Para. 1-2Introduction of “unnecessary father” conceptPara. 3-6Elaboration on “unnecessary father” concept Para. 7-9Emphasis on “necessary father”

3、 concept Criticize批评 Glaring 炫目的,耀眼的 Omission 省略 Marginalize 忽视,边缘化 Enormous 巨大的,相当多的 Bombard 轰炸 Abusive 虐待的,滥用的 Deadbeat 游手好闲者 Dubious 怀疑的 Gutter 排水沟 Syndrome 症状 Deserve 应得,应受 Commitment 承诺 Applaud 赞同,鼓掌喝彩 Appreciation 欣赏 Flexibility 灵活性 Obligation 义务,责任 Insult 侮辱 Symbol 象征,标志 Flaunt 炫耀 Supposedly

4、可能,按照推测 Luxury 奢侈品 Entail 必需,使承担 Burden 负担 Consequently 因此,结果 Obsolete 陈旧的,老式的 Reactionary 反动的 Mourn 哀悼 Devalue 贬值,降低的价值1. Why does the author want to mention the omission of the father in the movie “Toy Story”? 2.The only time fathers get attention in media stories is _3.Whats the authors attitude

5、(态度) toward this criticism (批评)?4.In Para 4, what is the double standard at work?5.Our society acts as if _is what a mans life is all about.6.Why do many men question the value of their role as fathers? 7.Those fathers who are there to love and support their families - _- deserve our recognition and

6、 thanks. The more I thought about it, however, the more glaring an omission it seemed. The more I thought about the absence of the father in the movie, the more I became aware of the seriousness of the failure to mention the father.可后来越想越觉得这一疏忽太严重了。small or trivial; unimportant; insignificant不要担心,这只

7、不过是个问题。Dont worry. Its only a petty problem. How could you be so petty?having a mind that is narrow 器量小的point out the faults of sb/sth criticize sb/sth for (doing) sth; Stop criticizing my work! He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident. when sb or sth is present in a par

8、ticular place Your presence is requested at the club meeting. 敬请出席这次的俱乐部会议。 In the presence of sb / in sbs presence 当着某人的面, 在某人面前 I asked you not to smoke in my presence.1) the empty space at the side of a written or printed page Someone has written some notes in the margin.2) an edge ; a border the

9、 margin of a river他已死亡。He is on the margin of death. reflect sth as in a mirror The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake. a novel that mirrors modern society call as; regard as Dont refer to your sister as a silly cow! (= Dont call your sister silly cow.) The speaker referred to him as

10、 an up-and-coming young Democrat (民主人士). Para 3-6Elaboration on “unnecessary father” conceptMedia stories about fathers: abusive husbands; deadbeat dadsCalling forcultural recognition to breadwinner fathers as much as at-home dads Debating on whether at-home wives are really “status symbols” in real

11、ityNeglecting working fathers contribution 1) to attack with bombs, shells, or missilesIm not very keen on watching TV, because whenever you turn it on, we are _(会受到很多的广告的。 2) to assail persistently, as with requests观众他很多问题。The audience him with many questions. to disagree with sth such as a plan or

12、 an idea and try to prevent it from happening Congress this proposal. Congress this proposal. Congress this proposal. Ex8-3Ex8-3 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢呆在家里看书。(as opposed to) Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading. as opposed to Meanwhile,

13、 a high proportion of media stories about fathers focus on abusive husbands or deadbeat dads. relation of one thing to another in quantity, size, etc. The proportion of men to women in the population has changed in recent years. His reputation bore no proportion to his merit. to be worthy or deservi

14、ng He merited all the praise which had been given to him. The accident merited only a small paragraph in the local paper. 该建议值得认真考虑。 The suggestion merits serious consideration. One exception to the “unnecessary father” syndrome is the glowing media attention that at-home dads have received.Paraphra

15、se The media have paid special attention to at-home dads, which is an exception to the “unnecessary father” tendency in society. 这种“无需父亲”综合症的一个例外是家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。to have earned sth by good or bad actions or behaviors 应得,应受到(奖赏/惩罚) They better. 他们应该受到更好的待遇。他们应该受到更好的待遇。(They treated in a better way.)

16、I think we a rest/break/holiday after all that hard work. This proposal serious consideration.这个建议认真考虑Ex8-2 Ex8-2 他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任。(make a commitment) He felt he did not have to John any more.make such a commitmentCriticize批评Marginalize忽视/使边缘化On the Margin of在的边缘Applaud赞同,鼓掌喝彩Mirror反映Merit功绩/值得

17、Deserve应得Fulfill履行,实现Obligation义务Commit犯罪/承诺Make a Commitment to对做出承诺Flexibility灵活性 It seems that the only time fathers merit attention is when they are criticized for not helping enough with the housework or when they die.看起来似乎父亲父亲唯一值得人们提及值得人们提及的时候是因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的时候,时候,或者是在他们去世的时候。在他

18、们去世的时候。 One exception to the “unnecessary father” syndrome is the glowing media attention that at-home dads have received.这种这种“无需父亲无需父亲”综合症的综合症的一个例外是家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。 By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of th

19、e loss of income such a job change entails.同样,家庭唯一的工资收入者同样,家庭唯一的工资收入者在想辞去辞去不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小一点,以为这种工作变换会使他们失去一点,以为这种工作变换会使他们失去收入。收入。1) If you fulfill a hope, wish, or aim, you achieve the thing that you hoped for, wished for游玩迪士尼乐园实现了他童年的梦想。Visiting Disneyland his childhood dream.2)

20、 To do or provide what is necessary or needed 履行,执行,符合 a role/duty/obligation/requirement/need. a moral or legal duty to do sth Have/be under an obligation to do sth 有义务做你买更多的书。You buy more books. Meet/fulfill an obligation 履行义务使某人有义务做某事 (多用被动)She help her mother.Paraphrase People seldom consider gi

21、ving as much flexibility about where one can work to men as to women. 在人们呼吁应该给予工作者在工作地点上更大的灵活性时,很少有人认为这种呼吁不但适用于女性,同时也适用于男性。as believed, as it appears Supposedly she is a rich woman, but no one knows for sure. He went home to his father supposedly to help him. involve; make necessary This job would_

22、(在计算机方面具有卓越的才能)。 an investment that entails high risks 承担风险的投资 The loss of income such a job change entails Such a job change entails a loss of incomeundertake, charge oneself with 承担 My doctor says Im too tired and has advised me not to take on any more work. In order to support the family, he has

23、to take on some extra work.Ex8-1 Ex8-1 随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。 (take on) With his promotion, he has greater responsibilities. promotionin general Did the people at large approve of the governments decision? The country at large is hoping for great changes. Yet, rather than holding up “ordinary” fathers

24、as positive role models for the dads of tomorrow, too often society has thrown up its hands and decided that traditional fatherhood is at best obsolete and at worst dangerously reactionary. Paraphrase Instead of offering “ordinary” fathers as good examples for fathers of the future, society has too

25、often given up its efforts and come to think that traditional fatherhood is at best out of date and at worst against social progress. 然而,我们这个社会并没有把然而,我们这个社会并没有把“普通普通”父亲作为正面角父亲作为正面角色为未来的父亲色为未来的父亲树立榜样树立榜样,相反地,却常常持,相反地,却常常持放弃态度放弃态度,认为传统的父道从最好的方面说是已经认为传统的父道从最好的方面说是已经过时过时,从最坏的,从最坏的方面讲就是危险的方面讲就是危险的反动反动。ca

26、use or be responsible for a lessening of value or quality Lots of people tried to devalue the great writers work, all in vain. We shall have to devalue our currency soon if we dont want to see a sharp drop in our exports.Ex8-4 Ex8-4 说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心(conscience)或没有资格的权力追求者。(at best, at worst)At best hes ambitious, at worst a po


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