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1、六年级知识点总结(下册)Unit 1一.习惯搭配/短语1. by plane乘飞机ni ght在晚上homeJ在家里4. a lot of很多to the beach去沙滩tasks做任务7. act in drama表演戏居Uat home待在家里a party聚会10. enjoy Spring Festive过春节to music听音乐En glish讲英语En glish读英语En glish写英语in En glishn用英语交谈in En glish用英语玩游戏su nbathi ng享受日光浴an En glish party举办英语聚会the moon and stars看月亮

2、和醒醒from each other互相学习。二.公式化句型1.表达某人某段时间做了什么(问句)What did sb do+过去时间(回答)主语+过去式+其他2.表达“对感兴趣”的句型主语+be in terested in +名词/代词宾格/动词-ing+其它3.询问某人怎样学习某种语言(问句)How did+主语+lear n+语言(回答)主语+learned+语言+by+动词-ing形式+其他4.表达像某人学习的句型.小知识总结主语+learn的适当形式+from+某人.小知识总结1. duri ng和for的辨析during在期间,表示动作发生在这段期间的某一点或整段时间for只表示

3、动作的持续,表示持续多长时间例:I was ill for a week and during the week I didnt go to work.我病了一周,在这期间没去工作。2. by +交通工具, 表示“乘坐.”例:by bike,by car,by bus,by train,by subway,by plane / air , by ship /sea等,但“步 行”为on foot拓展:表示乘交通工具方式还可用in/on +表示交通工具的名词,或泛指或特指“乘/坐某种交通工 具”,其中名词前常有冠词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等修饰语,名词可以是单数或 复数。1bus,tra

4、in,boat,plane,ship等有厢,有舱的名词前,用介词2bike或motorbike前,只能用介词on。例:They go to work on their bikes.3. take sb to +地点,意为“把某人带到某地”例:Would you like to take me to your school你愿意带我去你的学校吗拓展:用某些动词短语来表示交通方式。如:walk to:步行去;drive to :开车去;ride to :骑马/车去;fly to :乘飞机去等。注意:如果后面接地点副词here , there , home等,介词to应省去。4. enjoy on

5、eself = have a good(或great)time = have fun玩得高兴,过得愉快反身代词:myself我自己yourself你自己herself她自己himself他自己itself它自己ourselves我们自己yourselves你们自己themselves他们自己5. start和begin的辨析 (意为:开始)in或on。例:We are going there in/on a bus.Dont come here on /in the ship我们将乘公共汽车去那里。(泛指).不要坐船来这里。(特指)他们骑自行车上班。(特指)She went out on he

6、r new motorbike.3car,taxi前,多用介词in。她骑着她的新摩托车出去了。(特指)例:We are going to France in Johns car.我们将坐约翰的车去法国。(特指)在口语中,start用得较多。如表示开始某一动作,后面可接不定式,也可接动名词,无实质性差另叽 例:The child began/started to cry. The child began/started crying.这孩子开始哭了。但在下面的三种情况,用不定式较好:1begin和start本身是进行时态,例:I am beginning to be angry.我要生气了。2b

7、egin和start之后的动词是understand, know, wonder, see(明白)等,例:I began to see the importanee of English.我开始认识到英语的重要性。3当主语是非生物名词或是it时,用不定式例:The snow began to melt when the sun came out.太阳一出来雪便开始融化。It started to get dark before we knew it.不知不觉天就黑了。start与begin的区别:start常用于非正式文体,其动作性较强,以行动来开始某一具体动作时多用start。例:He st

8、arted to run.他开始跑。begin动作性较弱,常用于描写一种状态的开始,特别是较缓慢的开始。例:He began to understand.他开始明白了。start除了“开始做.”之外,还可表示“启动,发动”如:start a car.6. teach的拓展1teach sb sth教某人某事 例:Mr Wang teaches us history this term.王老师这学期教我们历史。2teach sb to do sth教某人做某事例:Susan ofte n teaches me to read En glish.苏珊经常教我读英语。7. lell sb sth告诉

9、某人某事 例:III tell you my plan.我会告诉你我的计划的。tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事,反之为tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事。L例:My mother always tells me not to go home too late.我妈妈总是告诉我不要回家太晚。tell sb about sth给某人讲述某事 例:She often tells me about her college life.她常给我讲她的大学生活。8. talk to sb和talk with sb (与.谈话)1talk to sb强调一方主动和

10、另一方去谈话例:Don t talk to him, because he is doing his homework.别和他谈话,他在写作业呢。在口语中,start用得较多。如表示开始某一动作,后面可接不定式,也可接动名词,无实质性差2talk with sb强调双方在谈话例:Im talking with Jim.我正在和吉姆谈话呢。另:talk about + sth / sb谈论某人或某事help sb (to) do sth帮 助 某 人 做 某 事例例:He always talks about his life to me.I dont understand why they a

11、lways talk about Mary.9. study与learn的辨析(都有学习的意思) study有“研究的意思”并且侧重于学习的动作例:I have studied the problem carefully.我已经仔细研究过这个问题了。I study hard in school.我在学校学习刻苦。learn about = get to know例:I learned about lots of interesting stories from my grandma.趣的故事。10. jtell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事例:Tell them to obey t

12、he school rules.告诉他们一遵守校规。ask sb to do sth让某人去做某事例:Ask them to obey the school rules.让他们遵守校规。cmmetimes有时例:I sometimes go to school by bus.我有时乘公共汽车去上学。12. *some times几次,几倍例:He sings the song for some times to me.那首歌他给我唱了好J几遍。sometime某个时候例:I will go shopp ing sometime n ext week.我下周的某个时候要去购物。some time

13、一段时间例:She lives in London for some time every year.她每年在伦敦住段时间lear n更侧重于学习的结果例:I learned a lot from my friends.我从我朋友那学到了很多他经常和我谈论他的生活我不明白他们为什么总是谈论玛丽另:learn名词“通过方面学到了(很多/少)learn ( a lot/ a little) from +人物 “向某人学习(了很多/少)learn to do sth.“学习去做某事了解到,知道我从奶奶那知道了很多有另:talk about + sth / sb谈论某人或某事help sb (to)

14、do sth帮 助 某 人 做 某 事例13. help的用法/help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人 例:He usually helps me with my lessons.他通常在学习上帮助我。We are going to help Mrs. Li (to)cleanthe room.我们打算去帮李女士打扫房间help to do sth帮着去做某事 例:He never helps to set the dinner table.放14.句子中的各成分的英文表达word单词phrase短语sentence句子paragraph段落passage短文article文章tit

15、le题目topic话题task任务15.interesting有趣的 例:This story is interesting.这个故事真有趣。be interested in +名词/doing sth例:He is interested in music.他对音乐感兴趣。例:He is interested in listening to music.他对听音乐感兴趣。16.表示时间频率的副词(按频率由高到底排序)1always意为“总是”例:He always go to school by bike.他总骑车去上学。2usually指通常的动作,但是侧重已经形成的习惯例:I usuall

16、y do some shopp ing with my pare nts on Sun days.我经常在星期天和我父母去购物。3often是指经常性的动作,意思为“常常,经常”。例:He is often late for school.他经常上学迟到。4sometimes意为“有时”,表示次数较少(低于often所表达的次数)例:Sometimes he goes to work by bike, and sometimes he goes by bus.有时候他骑自行车上班,有时候他乘公共汽车上班。5seldom意思为“很少,不常”例:I seldom go to school by b

17、ike.我很少骑车上学。6hardly意思为“难得,几乎从来不”,它所表示的次数非常少。(此条非书上内容)例:He hardly drinks.他几乎不喝酒。7never意思为“决不,从未”,表示一次也没有。例:He never lives there.他从来都没有在那儿住过。他从不帮着摆餐桌。六年级知识点总结(下册)Unit 2.习惯搭配/短语1. turn right/left右转/左转the right/left在右边/左边2. cross the street穿过马路front of在前面shop服装店bus骑自行车7. by subway乘地铁foot步行8. by bike骑自行车

18、office邮局11. across the road在马路对面Library城市图书馆12. half an hour半小时food健康图书馆15. turn right at the traffic lights交通灯处右转16. go down this street顺着这条街走.公式化句型1.描述某处有某人或某物的句型There is/are+某人或某物+某处2.问路的句型及其答语(问句)Where is the+处所(回答)Go down +其他3.询问如何达到某地的句型及其答语(问句)How can+主语+get(to)+地点(回答)主语+can + get/go there by

19、+交通工具。.小知识总结例:She sat n ext to her mother.Its next to impossible to win the game.3.cross,across和through(都有穿越,穿过的意思,用法不同)1cross是动词 例:I want to cross that street soon.我想迅速穿过那条大街。2across是副词,指从一个平面的一端到另一端,女口:海的一端到另一端,across the ocean,3through是副词,强调在三维立体的内部穿过.还有抽象的意义,如度过了某段时间等。女口:through the tunnel穿过隧道4.

20、问路的几个表达方法1How can I get to the +你想去的地点2Where is the +你想去的地点3Can you tell me the way to the+你想去的地点5.巧记时间名词前的介词的用法年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。正午夜晚用at,黎明用它也不错。at也在钟点前,说“差”用to,past表示“过”。6.巧记地点名词前介词的用法:里面、上面in和on,over,under上下方,in front of前,behind后,at是在某点上。来自from, 朝前to,里面穿过是throug

21、h,表面穿过across,到上面onto进into。在旁边beside,附近near。1. in front of在物体外部的前面 例:There are some trees in front of the building.反义词behind在这个楼前有一些树2.in the fron t of在物体内部的前面反义词behind或at the back ofn ext to靠近,几乎例:There is a desk in the front of the classroom.在教室的前部有一张书桌她坐在她妈妈的旁边要赢那场比赛几乎不可能表示时间 例:I have classes from

22、 9:00 to 11:30.表示地点 例:They flew from Beijing to Shanghai.8.beside,by,near的用法(都有“在.旁边”的意思,也可互相换用)beside多用于表达靠近人例:Im standing beside you.我正站在你旁边。by多用于表达靠近物例:There is a tree by the river.河边有棵树。near表达的距离通常比beside和by要远些 例:There is a river near my house.在我家附近有条河。9.get home到家 注:get to为“到.”后接home here,there

23、等地点副词时省略togo home回家 注:同样home为副词省略to10. house,home family的区别(都表示家,但所指不同)house房子,指居住的建筑物 例:His house is not far from here.他的住所离这不远。home指某人出生和居住的环境 例:He goes home very late。他回家很晚。family家庭或家庭成员 例:My family lives in Tianjin.我家在天津住。(家庭,做单数)例:Myfamily are watching TV.我的家人在看电视。(家庭成员,做复数)我从9点到11:30上课他们从北京飞到上

24、海7. fromto从.至U11. There be句型 (表示在. 有基本结构:There is/are +某人/某物(主语)+某地/某时(地点状语/时间状语)注意:is和are要和后面主语保持一致,即:There is +单数可数名词或不可数名词回答Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Yes, there are. / No, there aren3一般过去时There was(单数) 和There were(复数)例:There was a birthday party yesterday eve ning.There were two meeti ngs

25、yesterday after noon.There are +复数可数名词例:There is a book on the desk.在书桌上有一本书。There is some water in the glass.在杯子里有一些水。There are some birds in the tree.在树上有些鸟。另外要注意:当句子中出现几个并列的主语时,be动词要与靠近的主语的数上保持一致区别这两个句子:here is a gil and some boys in the classroom.There are some boys and a girl in the classroom.12. There be句型拓展(时态的变化)一般现在时There is /There are 一般将来时There will be和There is going to be数)(单数)/ There are going to be(复例:There will be a birthday party this eve ning.今晚将有个生日宴会。There is going to be a birthday party this eve ning.今晚将有个生日宴会。There are going to be two meet ings this after noon.今天下午将有两个会


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