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1、英 语第20讲九年级上册Modules 781discuss (v.)discussion(n.)讨论2think (v.)thinker(n.)思想家3wise (adj.)wisely(adv.)明智地4wellknown (adj.)famous(同义词)著名的5dead (adj.)die(v.)death(n.)死亡6surprised (adj.)surprise(v.)surprise(n.)惊讶7south (n.)southern(adj.)南方的8act (v.)action(n.)行动9everyday (adj.)daily(同义词)日常的10decide (v.)de

2、cision(n.)决定11fair (adj.)fairly(adv.)公平的unfair(反义词)不公平的12able (adj.)ability(n.)能力13method (n.)way(同义词)方法14break (v.)broke(过去式)broken(过去分词)15Asian (n.&adj.)Asia(n.)亚洲16pride (n.)proud(adj.)自豪的1make sense 合情理;明智;有意义2get into trouble 惹上麻烦3run away 逃走;逃脱4for a time 一小段时间;一时5pay for 为付出代价6like sb. doing

3、sth. 喜欢某人做某事7take away 拿走8be set in 以为背景9in return 作为回报10used to 过去常常11have influence on sb.influence sb. 影响某人12stand for 是的缩写;代表13no way 决不;不可能14high jump 跳高15set up 设立;创办16suffer.from. 受(某种疾病)的折磨;因而受苦17first place 一等奖18stop/keep/prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事19take pride inbe proud of 因而自豪20p

4、lay against 对抗21be mad atbe angry with 生某人的气22break a record 打破纪录23a number of 许多24because of 因为;由于1Whats up?什么事?2I think Id describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer.我认为我会把孔子视为一名作家,更是一位老师和思想家。3We are still influenced by Confuciuss ideas,and Shakespeares plays also make a lot of

5、 sense to us today.今天我们仍然受孔子思想的影响,莎士比亚的戏剧也对我们有着非常重要的意义。4By the way,what do you think of Mark Twain,the greatest American writer in the nineteenth century?顺便问一下,你认为19世纪美国伟大的作家马克吐温怎么样?5I suppose he isnt so/as. wellknown as Confucius or Shakespeare.我认为他没有孔子或莎士比亚出名。6The story is set in the town of St Pe

6、tersburg,Missouri,the USA,in the nineteenth century.这个故事以19世纪美国密苏里州圣彼德斯堡镇为背景。7Didnt they beat you last time?难道上一次他们没有战胜你们?8Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.上一次大明没有入选这个队。9In fact,he trained so hard that he hurt his foot.事实上,他训练得如此艰苦以至于伤了他的脚。10From 2008 on,he suffered a lot from his foot pro

7、blem.从2008年以来,他颇受脚伤的折磨。11It is a pity that his foot problem stopped/kept/prevented him from competing the 2012 London Olympic Games.真遗憾,他的脚伤阻止了他参加2012年伦敦奥运会。1influence【典例在线】Dont let me influence your decision.不要让我影响你的决定。Television has a strong influence on people.电视对人们有很大影响。【拓展精析】influence既是动词又是名词,i

8、nfluence sb./sth.意思为“影响某人/某物”;have an influence on sb./sth.意思为“对某人/事有影响”也可表达为“make a difference to sb./sth.”【活学活用】(1)In my opinion,childrens actions _C_ their parents feeling.AdecideBdepend onCinfluence Deffect(2)Deng Lijuns songs have_influenced(影响着) a lot of people.2suppose【典例在线】I suppose he will

9、come back next week.我想他下周就会回来了。You are supposed to shake hands when you meet for the first time in America.在美国你们第一次见面时应该握手。【拓展精析】suppose是动词“猜想;推测;相信;认为”。其常见用法有:be supposed to表示“应该做某事,被期望做某事”。suppose sb./sth. to be.意为“猜测”。supposethat从句意为“认为,猜想”。若主句的主语是第一人称时,变否定句时要否定前移,如think,believe一样。【活学活用】(3)You we

10、re _C_ to close the windows.Why were you so careless?Aallowed BbelieveCsupposed Dcaused(4)青少年应该敢于质疑。(2014,兰州)Teenagers are supposed to be brave enough to ask questions.3break【典例在线】And you mustnt break rules.你不能违反规定。We will have a break after class.课后我们将会稍微休息一会儿。【拓展精析】break既可作名词,又可作动词,它的过去式和过去分词分别是br

11、oke和broken。动词(1)打碎;打破;使折断。break the cup打碎茶杯(2)违背;违反。break his word违背了诺言(3)打破纪录;中断某事。break the record打破纪录(4)(天)亮;(消息)突然传出。名词(1)间歇;休息时间(尤指工作期间)。(2)机会;运气(多用于口语中)。【活学活用】(5)Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed.If you _B_ the rule,youll face a fine of up to 500 yuan.(2014,东营)Abroke BbreakC

12、will break Dhave broken(6)Why are you walking to school?Because the bus broke_down on the way. _C_Astopped to work Bran slowlyCdidnt work Dslowed down4suffer【典例在线】He suffers from several diseases at present.目前他身患几种疾病。Yesterday he told a lie again,so he suffered punishment.昨天他又一次说谎,所以他遭受了惩罚。【拓展精析】suf

13、fer是及物动词,意为“受到,遭受”。suffer from意为“遭受之苦;患”。【活学活用】(7)She often _B_ headaches.Youd better take her to hospital.Asuffers Bsuffers fromCgets Dhas got(8)After the earthquake,he _A_ losing members of the family.Asuffered from BregrettedCexperienced Dforgot1Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas.我们仍然受孔子思想

14、的影响。【典例在线】I was asked to stand outside because I was late.我因为迟到被罚站在外面。Paper is used for making books.纸是被用来制书的。You should be taught to cook.你应该被教会做饭。【拓展精析】当表示“被(做)”时,句子用被动语态来表达,即“动作的承受者be过去分词”。动词的被动语态也有各种时态,其时态的变化体现在be动词的形式上。一般现在时态的被动语态:am/is/are动词的过去分词;一般过去时态的被动语态:was/were动词的过去分词;一般将来时态的被动语态:willbe动

15、词的过去分词;过去完成时态的被动语态:had been动词的过去分词;现在完成时态的被动语态:have/has been动词的过去分词;含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词be动词的过去分词。【活学活用】(1)Tell me one thing youre proud of in your junior high school,Tony.(2014,嘉兴)I _D_ as captain of the school football team.Achoose BchoseCam chosen Dwas chosen(2)Have you moved into the new house?Not y

16、et.The rooms _C_Aare painting Bhave been paintedCare being painted Dis painted1used tov.原形【典例在线】I think people who write for a job are not as important as they used to be.我认为为工作而写作的人不像过去时那样重要。He used to have a walk along the beach after supper.他过去常常在晚饭后沿着沙滩散步。【拓展精析】used to表示“过去常常”,其后接动词原形,指“过去的习惯,而现

17、在不这样了”。疑问句有两种形式:Did.use to.?或Used.to.?否定句也有两种形式:didnt use to或usednt to。要注意其与be used to的区别:当be used to的主语是sb.时,相当于get used to.。 sb.be/get used to表示“某人习惯于”,此时to为介词,其后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式。当be used to的主语是sth.时,sth. be used to表示“某物被用来”,这是被动语态的句子,to为不定式的标志,其后接动词原形,表示某物的用途,相当于“sth.be used for doing sth.”。【活学活用】

18、(1)What do you usually have for breakfast?(2014,随州)I used to _D_ dumplings,but these days Im used to _ bread and milk.Aeat;have Beating;havingCeating;have Deat;having(2)The foreigner has been used to eating(eat) with chopsticks.(2014,扬州)(3)Liu Huan,a famous male singer,has long hair,because he _B_ l

19、ong hair.(2014,枣庄)Aused to have Bis used to havingCis used for having Dis used to have2be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in,be made by,be made up of【典例在线】This salad is made of apple,pear,potato and celery.这份沙拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿成的。This piece of wood will be m

20、ade into a small bench.这块木头将要被制成一个小凳子。These caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。The model car was made by him.这个模型汽车是他制作的。Our class is made up of 50 students.我们的班级是由50个学生组成的。【拓展精析】be made of意为“由制成”,制成品中可以看得出原材料。be made from意为“由制成”,制成的物品完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作的过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已经无法辨认。be made into意为“被制成”,i

21、nto后接成品。be made in意为“在某地被制造”,in后接地点。be made by意为“被某人制造”,by后接执行这个动作的人。be made up of意为“由组成”,通常指由许多部分组成。【活学活用】(4)The paper is made _C_ wood and the desk is also made _ wood.Aof;from Bof;ofCfrom;of Dfrom;in(5)Your sweater looks very nice.Whats it made _D_?Wool,and its made _ Guiyang.Afrom;on Bof;inCof;o

22、n Dfrom;in3alive;living;live;lively【典例在线】He is a lively and clever boy.他是一个活泼且聪明的孩子。Everyone is very pleased to find that they are alive.大家都很高兴地发现他们还活着。All living things need air.所有的生物都需要空气。Have you seen a live whale?你见过活的鲸鱼吗?【拓展精析】alive,living和live都有“活着的”之意,其区别如下:单词用法示例alive表语(同living)/后置定语the man

23、aliveliving表语/前置定语the living manlive常用定语,一般指物a live fishlively意为“活泼轻松的;充满生气的;有活力的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又可指物。【活学活用】(6)The _D_ girl told us a _ story about the _ things in the forest.Alively;living;lively Blively;alive;livingCliving;lively;lively Dlively;lively;living(7)Jin Yong is one of the greatest and

24、 oldest _A_ writer.He is still _Aliving;alive Bliving;liveCalive;living Dalive;alive4stop.from./keep.from./prevent.from.【典例在线】The heavy snow stopped/kept/prevented him from coming to our party.那场大雪使他未能前来参加我们的聚会。【拓展精析】三者都有“阻止某人做某事”的意思,from是介词,后接动词的ing形式,stop.from doing sth.和prevent.from doing sth.中的f

25、rom可以省略,但keep.from doing sth.中的from不能省略。【活学活用】(8)我们必须采取有效措施遏制交通事故的增长。(2014,烟台)We must take effective measures to prevent traffic accidents from increasing/growing1We had never met before,so we _C_ to introduce ourselves to each other.Aare supposed BsupposedCwere supposed Dshould2She used to _D_ a bu

26、s to school,but now she is used to _ to school.(2014,南充)Ataking;walk Btake;walkCtaking;walking Dtake;walking3A number of volunteers_B_willing to teach in Chinas rural areas.Yes,the number is getting_Ais;bigger and bigger Bare;bigger and biggerCis;more and more Dare;more and more4Do you have enough s

27、tudents to clean the laboratory?No,I think we need_D_students.Atwo another Btwo othersCmore two Dtwo more5As we all know,its not polite to _C_ others _ for a long time.Akeep;from waiting Bstop;waitingCkeep;waiting Dprevent;from waiting6To my great surprise,the famous athletes story _A_ differently i

28、n the newspapers.(2014,杭州)Awas reported BreportedCwas reporting Dreports7The children were made _B_ homework first.AdoBto doCdid Ddoing8Do you think Shanghai is a _B_ city?Certainly.It has beautiful buildings,tidy streets and hardworking people.Alive Blively Calive Dliving9Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight,Kate?Id love to,but Ive _D_ Lindas invitation to dinner.Asuffered Bearned Creceived Daccepted10What do you think of the documentary A Bite of China?_C_It has attracted lots of TV audiences.(2013,连云港)AEnjoy yourself BMany than


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