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1、Unit 2 Healthy eatingPeriod 7 Revision: Summing up and learning tip整体设计教材分析This is the last teachi ng period of this un it, so the emphasis should beplaced on going over and summariz ing what has bee n lear ned in this unit.It includes the following parts: Summing Up, Learning Tip, assessme ntand co

2、n solidati on exercises.nBzHRwjSumming Up summarizes the whole contents of this unit from theaspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. The teacher can first use thispart to let stude nts sum up what they have lear ned and the n expla in whatstudents couldn utnderstand very well in this unit. An exp

3、erieneed teachershould design some additional exercises for students to do in order thatthey can learn to use and grasp all the contenteezHRwjLear ning Tip en courages stude nts to look at the side of the packet ortin when they buy food in packet or tin. This will help them not only knowhow much sug

4、ar, fat, vitamin, protein, and fiber there is in their food butalso lear n more words and expressi ons conn ected with food. They canuse this information to help them have a healthy diet as well as in creasetheir vocabulary. So make sure that stude nts have a tryiBzHRwjIn this period, the teacher ca

5、n also provide more practices to consolidate what stude nts have lear ned in this unRpmBzHRwjFinally, ask students to finish Checking yourself on Page 54 in theWorkbook. This part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessmentafter they finish learning this unit. It is very important to impr

6、ovetheir learning. Of course, a testing assessment is also n eededRRlnBzHRwj教学重点1. Get students to review and consolidate what they have learned inthis unit .RRlnBzHRwJ2. Develop stude ntsability to solve problems.教学难点Get students to turn what they have learned into their ability.RRlnBzHRwJ三维目标知识目标1

7、. Get students to go over the useful new words and expressions inthis unit .RRlnBzHRwJ2. Have students review the new grammar item: the use of oughtto.RRlnBzHRwJ能力目标1. Develop stude ntsability to use the imlplourtgaage poi nts inthis unit .RRlnBzHRwJ2. En able stude nts to lear n to use ought to cor

8、rectly?mBzHRwj情感目标1. Encourage students to learn more about problems with diet, a balaneed diet and n utritio nRRmBzHRwjsense of group coopeHatJo n.教学过程f Step 1 Revisi on1. Check the homework exercises.2. Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.RRlnBzHRwJfStep 2 Lead-i nTell stude

9、 nts: Up to now, we have fini shed Un it 2 Healthy eat ing. Have youlear ned and grasped all in this un it? Turn to Page 16. You can check yourself byfilling in the blanks in the part Summing Up.RRlnBzHRwjfStep 3 Summi ng UpFive minutes for students to summarize what they have learned in this unit b

10、ythemselves. Then check and explain something where n ecessaryRRlnBzHRwjSuggested an swers:Write down what you have learned about festivals around the world.RRlnBzHRwJ(Stude ntsan swer may vary. We have lear ned about probtoths diet, balaneed diet and n utritio nRRinBzHRwjFrom this un it you have al

11、so lear neduseful verbs: diet, balanee, barbecue, roast, fry, ought, slim, lie, con suit, digest,2. Stimulate stude ntssense tdOiaeed j adbOlR RlnBzHRwJ3. Stren gthe n stude ntsglare, spy, limit, ben efit, comb in&Rl nBzHRwjphrasal verbs: ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, win bac

12、k, earn one s living, cut down, put on weighRwjuseful nouns: diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom,peach, lem on, bala nee, barbecue, mutt on, bac on, curiosity, hostess, vin egar, lie,customer, disco unt, weak ness, stre ngth, fibre, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit,ben

13、efit, breast, garlic, sig hRlnBzHRwjuseful adjectives: roast, slim, raw, limitedother useful expressions: bala need diet, i n debt, before longl nBzHRwjnew grammar item: the use of ought toStep 4 PracticeShow the exercises on the scree n or give out exercise papers. First let students do the exercis

14、es. The n the an swers are give n. The teacher can give themexpla natio ns where n ecessarRRlnBzHRwjI. Word spelling:1. The child couldn t keepohis on his new bicycle.RRlnBzHRwj2. He is full of c_ .3. He is not s_ eno ugh to wear these tight trousersRlnBzHRwj4. The restaura nt offers a healthy dever

15、y dayRRinBzHRwj5. The old model workersich experienee is not to bed.RRInBzHRwJ6.1 haven S the to lift this table.and is full of c7. If you don Understand the definition of a word, you canC_the dictionaryRR mBZHRWJ8. A five-day week b_ more than individually andecono mically.RRlnBzHRwj9. The two prin

16、cipal political parties have c_to form agovernme ntRRmBzHRwj10. My mother J_the amount of food that I eat.H. Fill in the blanks with the expressionsgiven below. Use each expressi ononly once and make cha nges where n ecessaRyBzHRwjought to get away with earn ones livingcut down before long put on we

17、ight in debt win. . . backlose weigh t tell a lie1. _ he retur ned to his homela nd.2. In order to_, he bega n to eat more meaRmBzHRwj3. The doctor advised him to_his con sumpti on offat.RRlnBzHRwJ4.David _ bywriti ngarticles forn ewspapersRRlnBzHRwj5. He is heavily_ .6. I wont have you_cheating in

18、the examRwj7.They were determined to _ the seat_ from LabourR.RlnBzHRwJ8. He is always _.9. She _ look after her child better.10. Mary is dieting to _.皿.Tran slate the followi ng senten ces.1.我想没有什么比旅行更令人愉快的了。2.我看见他正向口袋里装东西。3.他昨天一定去游泳了。4.大家都对他的设计感到惊讶。5.张先生不容许他女儿晚回家。6.难道你不认为瘦一点会更好吗?7.王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到

19、很沮丧。8.他们的均衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而咏慧却胖了。Keys for reference:I. 1. balanee 2. curiosity 3. slim 4. diet; customers 5. discounted 6. strength7.consult 8. benefits 9. combined 10. limitsRRlnBzHRwJII. 1. Before long 2. put on weight 3. cut down 4. earns his living 5. in debt6.getting away with 7. win. . . back

20、8. telling lies9. ought to 10. lose weightRRlnBzHRwJin . 1.1 think nothing is more pleasant than travelingRRmBzHRwj2. I saw him putting something in his bag.3. He must have gone swimming yesterday.4. Everybody was amazed at his design.5. Mr. Zhang wont have his daughter arriving homReRlnlaBztHeR.wJ6

21、.Dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner?RRlnBzHRwJ7.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.RRlnBzHRwJ8. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Pengbecame slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weighRtR.lnBzHRwJStep 5 Lear ning tipAsk st

22、udents to turn to Page 16. Read through the passage and make surethey understand it. Encourage them to do as the passagetells to becauseif they aredoing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning and form a goodhabit.RRlnBzHRwJStep 6 Assessment1. Checking yourself(on Page 54 in the

23、 WorkbookFirst get students to think about these questions individually. Then they candiscuss in groups sharing their experience. The teacher can join in and give themadvice and suggestions where necessaRrRyln.BzHRwJ2. Testing assessment1Complete the following sentences with should or shouldnt accor

24、ding to thedifferent situationSRRIABZHRWJtake a few days off go to bed so late put some pain ti ngs on the walls look for anew job take a photo use her car so mucRRmBzHRwj(1(Lisa n eeds a cha nge. She_.(2(My salary is very low. You_.(3(Nick always has difficulty gett ing up. He_.(4(What a beautiful

25、view! You_.(5(Susa n drives everywhere. She n ever walks. She_.(6(Billys room isn t very interesting. He_.Keys for refere nee(1She should take a few days off.(2 You should look for a new job.(3He shouldnt go to bed so late.(4You should take a photo.(5She couldn t use her car so much.(6He should put

26、some pain ti ngs on the walls.(1We have got little time. We_ hurryvRmBzHRwj(2Weve got ple nty of time. We_ hurrynBzHRwj(3We have eno ugh food at home so we _ goshopp ing todayRRmBzHRwj(4My father give me a letter to post. I_rememberto post it.RRlnBzHRwJ(5My father give me a letter to post. I_forget

27、topost it.RRlnBzHRwJ(6Therests of time for you to make up your mind. You decide now.Rl nBzHRwj(7You_wash those potatoes. They alreadyeenwashedRRlnBzHRwj(8This is a valuable dicti on ary. You_ look after itcarefully and you_ lose itRRIABZHRWJ(9What sort of house do you want to have? Something big?RRl

28、nBzHRwJWell, it _ be bigthat not important. But it_ have a nice gardethats esserRRalJ?HRwjKeys for refere nee(1must (2neednt(3neednt(4must (5mustnt(6needn(7neednt(8must; mustn(9heednt; mRRsBzHRwjTStep 7 Homework2Complete the senten ces with must, must nRjnBZHneed nt.1. Finish off the Workbook exerci

29、ses.2. Review and summarize what you have lear ned in Unit 2.RinBzHRwj板书设计Un it 2Healthy eat ingUn it revisio nSumming upWrite down what you have learned about healthy food and healthy eating.(Students answer may vary. We have learned alporoblems with diet, balanced diet and nutrition.From this unit

30、 you have also learneduseful verbs: diet, balance, barbecue, roast, fry, ought, slim, lie, consult, digest, glare, spy, limit, benefit,combinephrasal verbs: ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, win. . . back, earn one s living, cut down, put onweightuseful nouns: diet, nut, bean, pea, c

31、ucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, bacon,curiosity, hostess, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, fibre, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, benefit, breast, garlic, sighuseful adjectives: roast, slim, raw, limitedother useful expressi

32、 ons: balanced diet, in debt, before longnew grammar item: the use of ought to活动与探究Use sentence structures in this unit to complete this projectRlnBzHRwj1. Invent a new kind of drin k(cold or hotor food.2. Thi nk of a n ame for it, and write a recipe to tell every one how to make it;explain how it w

33、ill taste.RRIABZHRWJ3. Write a sig n to advertise the ben efits of your drink or food and in vite othersto have a tryRRinBzHRwj4. Share your reci pe with your group. Then decide which of the group recipessounds the most delicious and healthiesR.nBzHRwjHere are some steps for you to follow:1. Do some research among the class to see which dri nk or food are the mostpopular


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