



1、2022年湘少版四年级下册英语填空题专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选出适当的词填空。A. any B. some C. and D. But E. very1I can play footballswim.(_)2They arebeautiful.(_)3Do you haveapples?(_)4I cant swim.I can skate.(_)5Look, I havegrapes.(_)2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(he) friend_(have) a big toy car.2I_(can) play erhu. I cant play the guitar_(too)

2、.3-Are_(this) your balls?-Yes, I like_(they) very much.4All of_(we) can sing English songs very_(good).5-I dont have_(some) cakes.-I have cakes. Would you like_(some)?3. 看图写单词。1I_last Sunday.2I_a school trip yesterday.3I_clothes yesterday.4. 根据图片提示写单词,完成句子。1Clean the_.2Put your_in your desk.3Would y

3、ou like some_?4The_are on the chair.5Go to the_. Read a book.6Three_.7Go to the_. Have a snack.8Open the_.9Give me a_.10This is my_.5. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1How many_(box) do you have?Only one.2Miss Li can play the piano very_(good).3Look at_(I), Bobby.4Do you have_(some) hot dogs?No, I dont have_(some).6.

4、看图,选词填空。breakfast snowy computer room cloudy music class1This is the.2Its time for.3Its time to have.4Itsin Luoyang.5Itsin Jilin.7. 根据每组所给单词的类别,选择同类词,将其标号填写在相应类别后的横线上。A. run B. upset C. yellow D. rulerE. worried F. blue G. pencil H. borrow1red green_2happy sad_3take speak_4pen book_8. 根据中文意思完成句子。1-你

5、游泳很好吗?-是的,我跳得也很高。-Do you_?-Yes, I_high too.2我不会飞。我也不会打乒乓球。I cant_. I cant play table tennis_.3-不要在图书馆里跑。-对不起,李老师。-_in the library.-Sorry, Miss Li.4-你会踢足球吗?-不。我会溜冰。-Can you_?-No. I can_.9. 看图,选词填空。computer window door picture desk1The fan is near the_.2The_is near the_.3The_is on the_.10. 看一看,选一选。A.

6、car B. card C. arm D. tall E. ball F. wall1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_) 6(_)11. 读一读,选择合适的单词填在横线上。China Australia the UK Canada the USADisneyland maple leaves the Great Wall koalas Big Ben1Jane is from_.We can see_.2Im from_. You can visit_there.3Mary is from_. You can see_in the country.4Ling is from_.We c

7、an visit_.5Mike is from_. We can visit_.12. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Let_(I) clean the desks.2There is a blackboard and many_(computer).3Zhang Peng_(have) glasses.4Whats_(she) name?5I can use_(chopstick).13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Whats in this big box?It_(be) a toy tiger.2What can you_(see) over there?I can see a boat.3C

8、an you_(play) basketball?Yes, I can.4There are many_(flower) in the park.5What can you do, Mike?I can_(swim).14. 用be动词am, is, are填空。1Where_my skirts? 2I_hungry.3How_you? 4It_in the living room.5They_on the bed. 6Where_my dress?7Your books_in the desk. 8Where_your father?9My brother_a student. 10Tim

9、and I_good friends.15. 根据提示完成各题。1I can_(篮球打得很好).2Bobby_(会做这个).3_(多少个大球) do you have?4Mike can_(游泳和溜冰).5Can you_(和我们一起踢足球)?6We_(有十五辆玩具汽车).7Dont be sad. I can teach you._8These hamburgers are nice. Can youeat them all?_16. 读句子,选择相应的短语完成句子。A. have a try B. help C. How much D. grape juice E. a cup of1Would you like some_?Yes, please.2I cant play table tennis.Dont be sad. Please_3Come and have_tea.OK!4Can I_you?Yes, Id like an orange.5_is the


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