1、PhoneticsLING 200Spring 2019What is phonetics? Acoustic phonetics: physical properties of sounds/signs Auditory phonetics: perception of sounds/signs Articulatory phonetics: production of sounds/signs Articulatory phonetics Description of speech sounds Vocal tract structures relevant for speech Tran
2、scription of speech sounds Sound inventoriesOf spoken languages:Vocal tract anatomyMajor structuresstructure (noun)adjectival descriptorlipslabialteethdentalalveolar ridgealveolarhard palatepalatalsoft palate = velumvelarnasal cavitynasallarynxlaryngealglottisglottalPhonetic description Consonants:
3、e.g. Laryngeal settingvoiceless Place of articulationbilabial Degree of occlusion/manner stopPhonetic transcription Alphabetic and other symbols which abbreviate phonetic descriptions E.g. voiceless bilabial stop = p Different systems of phonetic transcription Americanist International Phonetic Asso
4、ciationValue of phonetic transcription A universal framework for the description of languages 1 symbol 1 sound Many languages lack writing systems Superior to many writing systemsPreparing a transcription What are the sounds of the language? How can they be represented?Phonetic transcription driftwo
5、od cane footwear grease straight up your collarbonePhonetic transcriptiontzdriftwoodthzcaneqhEfootwearXEgreasentqstraight upntqyour collarboneVocal tract anatomyUpper articulatorLower articulatorMajor lower articulatorsMajor structures of the tonguestructuredescriptortonguelingualcoronaltipapicalbla
6、delaminaldorsumdorsalrootradicalDescription of speech sounds Place of articulation Degree of occlusion (manner) Oral or nasal Laryngeal settingMain parameters for consonants:Degree of occlusion How close are lower and upper articulator? Relatively close, constricted (occluded) airflow: consonants Re
7、latively far apart, unconstricted airflow: vowels Defines classes of sounds Vowels vs. consonants: a vs. d Subclasses of vowels: a vs. i Subclasses of consonants: d vs. zPlace of articulation: consonants Different languages produce sounds at different places of articulation Witsuwiten qis king salmo
8、n vs. English geese gisEnglish consonant place of articulationlower articulatorupper articulatorexample(bi-)labialbinlabio-dentalfininterdental thin(apico-)alveolartinpalatalshinvelarkinglottalhimPlace of articulationDegree of occlusion Consonant subclasses Stops: complete occlusion of airflow Frica
9、tives: air pressure build-up behind occlusion; turbulent airflow Approximants (liquids and glides): no pressure build-upOral vs. nasal Velum raised Air flows into oral cavity only oral sound Velum lowered Air flows into oral and nasal cavities nasal sound Nasal fricatives are rare in the worlds lang
10、uages. Why?English oral vs. nasal stops(oral) stop (= plosive)nasal (stop)bilabialpin binKimalveolartin dinkinvelarkin againkingglottaluh-ohStop: produced with complete occlusion, lower and upper articulators seal off airflowEnglish fricativesplaceexamplelabiodentalfin, VINinterdentalthin, thenalveo
11、larsip, zippalatalAleutian, illusionlaryngealhinderFricative: produced with turbulent airflow, pressure build-up behind occlusionAffricates = Stop released into fricative of same place of articulation English affricatesplaceexamplepalatalchin, ginEnglish approximantsApproximant: No pressure build-up
12、, non-turbulent airflowplacestrictureexampleliquidsalveolarlaterallip( )ripglidespalatalyiplabio-velarwhipLaryngeal settingLaryngeal setting English: What is the state of the vocal cords?Laryngeal setting: the larynxLaryngeal setting: vocal cordsLaryngeal setting English voiced vs. voiceless (oral)
13、stops and affricatesvoicedvlslabialcrabbycrappyalveolarbadbatpalatalbadgebatchvelarbagbackDegree of occlusion How close are lower and upper articulator? Relatively close, constricted (occluded) airflow: consonants stops fricatives approximants Relatively far apart, unconstricted airflow: vowelsVowel
14、s Vowel quality Height Backness Labiality Vowel quantityA five vowel inventorySpanishfrontcentralbackhighiumideolowASpanish vowelsfrontcentralbackhighmisA MassmusA musemidmesA tablemosA waitresslowmAsA doughQuality Height High mid low Backness Front central back Labiality Rounded unrounded Non-low b
15、ack vowels usually roundedPhonetic description i = high front unrounded vowel e = mid front unrounded vowel A = low central(-back) unrounded vowel o = mid back rounded vowel u = high back rounded vowelAnother five vowel inventoryMandarin (Chinese)/y = high front rounded vowel = mid central unrounded
16、 vowelfrontcentralbackhighiumidlowAMandarin vowel qualityfrontcentralbackunrndroundunrndroundhigh 1 bruise crowmid hungrylowA ahVowel quantity: Sahaptinfrontcentralbackhighi i:u u:lowA A: = high central unrounded voweli = high front unrounded voweli: = long high front unrounded vowelSahaptin short v
17、owelsfrontcentralbackhightit- fart /tt toothtut your dadlowtAt dirtySahaptin short vs. long vowelsshortlongstsAt nightstsA:t dark pi paternal auntci: waterpju snakepu: juniperEnglish vowels English, a Germanic language Proto-Germanic vowelsi i:u u:e e: o:aEnglish vowels Historical length tense/lax c
18、ontrast E.g. e: i, e EEnglish vowelsfrontcentralbackunroundedunroundedroundedhightenseiulaxmidtenseeolax/tenseElowlax/tenseAEnglish vowelsfrontcentralbackunroundedunroundedroundedhightensehid heedhud whodlaxhd hidhd hoodmidtensehed hayedhod hoedlax/tensehEd headhd HUDhd hawedlowlax/tensehd hadA Shahsd sodEnglish vowels Dialect mergers in N. America, (East) : sod, hawed, : Shah, (East, Midwest) : sod, Shah, : hawed, , A (West) : sod, Shah, hawedEnglish vowelsfrontcentralbackunroundedunroundedroundedhightenseiulaxmidtenseeolaxE()lowlax/tenseAWe
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