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1、2017-2018学年度第一学期梯级强化训练月考试题高一英语(一)必修1 Unitsl2考生注意.点试鬆推分第I总(遶择嫌)兀第I卷(“遑算题)册部分.満分15()分.考试 时问120分件“请将答矣填写在答题妖上 e第I卷(选择题共分)笛-邙分听力(共两节滿分刃分)第一节(共5小轨;每小1.5分.淸分7.5分)叶下面5段对话 c 毎段对话后冇一个小题,项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 一小題。每段对话仅读-遡e例;How much is the shirt?At 19.15B答案圧Co1 Whet time is it now?A. 9:50听完每段对活后.9. 1810 00从題中所给的A. R.

2、 C三个遠项中选岀最佳选 你都有10秒钟的时间未冋答有关小題和阅读下C.9. 152 Wli?1(kc% tbr woman think of the weather9A. ks niceR Tfs cold3 Whst will the man do?A. Leave his officeB. A:tend a meeting4 Whet is (he womans opinion about the course?A. Worth takingB. Too hard5 Whit docs the woman want the man iu do9A Speak louderB. Turn

3、olTthe radio第二节(共15小理;每小 fl1.5分,濮分22占分)听下面5段对话或独臼毎段对话或独口后有儿个小题,从题中所给的A、B C三个选顶 中透出最佳选以.并标布试卷的相应位骨.听毎段对话或独白肃你将有时间圖读各个小题.每 小腔,杪钟; 听完灯,各小敎伶纶出5杪仲灼作答时间。巨段对话或独口读网刃。昕卜面一胃对话.冋答第6和7胶6 How long did Michael stay in China?A. One week.B. Five days.7 Where did Michael go last year?A. Norway.Fk India.听下而一段对话,冋谷第8和

4、9题8 Wha( locd does Sallv like?A.FishB.Cook dinner.C Its warmC. Give & lectureC. Very easyC. Apologize lo herC/1 wo weeks.C Eggs(人民&育)高一关涪月考试&1一9.What are the speakers &omg to do?A Oder dishes.B.Cook dinner.听下面一段对活.回各第10至12题10/yhere are the speaers?A In a hospitalB.At hotiK.11 . When

5、is the report due ?A.F riday.B.Piursday.12 What docs George suggest Stephanie do wi(h the repmt9Amprovc itB.Leave it with him.折下面一段对话,何答第13至16 .13. What is:he probabk relationship between :he speakers0A.Husband and wifeB.Salesperson and customer.14. What kind of apartment do (IKspeakers prclerA .One

6、 without furnitureB.Orxr with two bedrooms.15 How much rent shun Id cue pay for tlx: one-bedroom aparmirniA. $350B.S4I516. Where is the apartmcnt the speakers wo.ild like to see9A.On Lake SuedB.On South Sireei.听下面一段独白.回答第17至20趣17. What percentage of the worlds tea exports go to Britain9A. A bout 30%

7、B.Almost 15%15. Why do tea taster taste tea with milk?A.Tca mg much beg with niillcB.Tca with milk is healthy.C. Must Brilisli people diink Ita that say19 Who uggcts a prkc for兰ach tea?A Tea exponersR Tea companies20Wliai is the speaker talking about?A Afternoon (ci in Britain.R11 e Logon Tea Trade

8、Centre、C The life of tea tasters.第二虫分阅決理斛(共陶节満分4Q分) 第一节(共K小題;每小起2分.诵分30 5)阅iTF列四箱矩文,从每小SS乔所给的B. C. D四个选项中.选:l:最仃选项.井布答舷 飮上将垓选项床黑。AHello. cv inventions.Munday19 0021:00Space anc ManDr. Thomas WestIT you want in almost three ycdi s. She said that she 3叫her son had bad a disagreement about his wife ar.

9、d (bat she wouldnt speak to him dgam unless he called flrsl. When Isudtsted that stie be the cnc to rcc i out. she said. cart do th call arc! offered an po og of his own. As is usually ihc ease when vimeonc takes the chance andreaches out, cveone wins.WlH-never g hold on io our anger, we turn small

10、stutt(何趣f into really big stulF tn our minds. We start to believethat uur positicxis arc rnore imponani than our happiressThey arc not. If you want to be a more peaceful person youmini understand th?r being right is almost never more impurlan:than al owing yourself (o be happy. The way to behapp K t

11、o let go. and reach out. Let other people tc nght. Thb doesnt mean ihai youre wrong. Everything will be fine.Youll experience the peace ot Ictiuig go、as vxtll as tlic jo uf leitirg udierb be rightYou* 11 als;) noiicc (liar you reach out and let others be(hey xsill become less defensiveand more loven

12、y toward youThey might even reach backBui. if Rr some reason lhey don tthats okay loo Youllhave the inner satisfaction of knowing that you luve done c*ur part to create q more loving world, and certain k oifll bemore peaceful yourjclf.25.The nnderhned word rekindV m Paragraph I probably niuansu_ ”A

13、accepi B. developC. recoverD replace26.In the author s opinion .we hold on to our anger often because ;vc think _A our own opiricns rrattcr mostB.our positions arc higher ihai othersCwe can turn small issues into big criesD.others will be less ck*(t-nsive27.Hr best ihir卑k do after a qiujrrel is to _

14、 .A Jet uf iMir own righuB. apologize to iXhers frst人氏教衣)高一委潘月北试杰(一)常mWednesday19:3021:00Modem MedicineMrs Luev GreenWould you like lu know medical sc ence?Fridav18:30- 21:00Compuier SeterxzeMr Harry Morison from Harvard University Learr touse Windows XP.D. CanadaC expect exhers 10 give inDrealize (

15、hat you are wrong28.What would be lhe hrsHiife for the passage?A Be PeaxfulB. Enjoy Your FriendshipC Sniall and Big StuffD. Reach Out and GiveCThe number of American siudenls who learned a language other than English decreased by about 100,000betweer 2UQ9 and 2013For many, taking a class in economic

16、s mit seem more bcncHcial than a French course Buiis it real?The Chinese dialects combined already have more native speakers than any other language, fbl uAcd by Hindiand Urcu. English comes next w:th 527 million native speakersArabig is spoken by n early 100 mt I bo n more nativespeakers than Spani

17、sh, which hes 389 milkon speakersWhich anguages will dominate the future? Predictions vary; depending on your location and purposeYou warn to make monc in growth markets? These will be your languages、A recent UK.-tocJicd report features languages spoken in the so-called BRIC cuoiitricRra/il, Russ a,

18、 India.Chinahat arc usually known as the wuildS biggest emerging economics Hindi, Bengali. Urdu and Indonesian willcontrol much of the business world by 2050, followed by Spanish, Portuguese. Arabic an J Riissinn. If yuu warU lo getthe mnst money out of your language course, studying orc of (he lang

19、uages listed above is probablj a safe betYou want to speak io as many peopleMpiissibk? How about Chirese, Spanish or FrenchI.Chinese Although Chinese has three (inx?s more native speakers than Englisl). ii still not as cvcnk spteddover the wurld. Moreover. Giincsc is rarely used in sciences and difl

20、cult to read and write 2Spanish Spanish makes up for a lack of native spcakeis-compared with Chinaby being particularlyptipulaas a second language, laut ir schools around (he worldV French. French has lose groiirds in some regicxis and especially in Europe in (he Iasi decadesFrench,however, could ga

21、in influence again if west Africa where it is freqiientK spoken were to become more politically Mabieand economically atiraciKe 29 Huw many naiivt speakers of Arabic arc lhere?A. 100 millionB 389 million.C- 527 million.I.4X9 million.5DTxse who want(o make money in growth market might be more interes

22、ted inA.Spanish .Arabic and ChineseBPonugucse, German and FrvrchC. Bengali. Urdu and IndonesianD. Jlparicse. Italian and Chinese31 hha:do we know about Spanish from the passage?XIts popular as a second kingimgeB.Il is learnt mostly by themselvesCIt is widely spoken b native speakersD. It will be spo

23、ken most in the business worldDLost weekvisited m friend Pete in the new home where he livt with h wife and daiiElitrr. Pete used io spendhis holidays trave ling the world, visiting (he pyramids in Egypi or scuba diving(常水)in the CiribtKiin Nowadays heprefers to spend his holidays at)d week nth rndk

24、irig hi、ho攻lock more(人尺裁質)商一義卅月*Z( )Mifi(斗8頁)beatliful. Lske hundreds of thousands of other British people, he卜心discovered the joy of DIY (Do It You*self)which means if There are any things that need fixing around :hc house, he will Cry to do the job hirmelfAs be showed me lhe new kitchen he put tog

25、ether by himself and (he newly pair led walls. I usked Pete wherehe got his inspiration(灵 空)from. He told me that his fevoriic source of ideas was a DIY propam on TVThis got me thinking aboat lhe great popu arity of DIY programs in the UK Each major channel has at least orehome or garden improving h

26、ow and theres ever a satellite channel completely about【he subjectI gixss it is not really suq)riing that DIY programs are so popular. Two common sayings in Britain anEnglishman hone is his castle and heres no place like home* show how important var houxs arc to us W:th thepresent economic downturn,

27、 niany peop can*! afford lo huy a bigger house so they arc looking at how they can makeibeir house belter wiihoui spending a lot of monoy. Dlvis the perfect choiceBut be careful! I read a report that said over 230,000 people were injured while doing home impruvemerxs in theUK in just one year, inclu

28、ding 41,000 who tell oH ladders梯f) and 5,80 who were seriously hurt by hammers、So】vonl be going down to I hr;iacdwarr store32. How did Pete spend his holiday in the past?A. Visiting his friendsB. DivingC. Making his house bcauti!u.D. Travelling around tlx: world33. Wh!ch might NOT be shown in a DIY

29、program on TV?A.Home improvementsB. A garde躲improvirg feature.C. Scuba divingDFixing ihmgs in kitchens34.Which is NOT the reason why DIY is popular among British people?A They enjoy DIY.B.They want to be on TVC.They can improve their houses without spending much money.1). I hey want to make their ho

30、uses bct:er themselves35 At IM end ot the article the writer vanls us lo remember_.A to be careful not (o get hurt while doing DIYB not :o go to (he hardware storeC. (o keep watching DIY on TV while dnnking a nice cup of kuO not to climb ladders or use hammers第二节(共5小建.毎H2分.滿分IO分根幷旳文囚容,从厉文后的选珈中选出能塩入咿

31、口处的顶.选项中有两项为多余进项-How toMake FriendsFtirridship沁a very importaru human relationship ;ecd lu make yourself known by becoming an active member of人氏敎高一臬语月:试輝(一)MfJf页)such places2. Start a conversation.Starling a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. 37 You can always star

32、t theconversationBeing able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.J. 38Choosing friends with common intercsis is important in building a friendship as these interestsWOJIJ always bnngyou and your fricacs together. I longing out will always be s pleasanl experience.4

33、. Let it grow naturally.It is z good thing tc stay in touch.:I owe ver. try not to press your new friend with call久messages or vis:tsas this would likely wear him or her Dut and finally you may lose your friend. $9 The best friendships arc the ones thatgrow nanirallj-.5 Enjoy your friendship.The bes

34、t way to enjoy yourfriendship is to allow your friends to be themsehes 40 Try not to change them fromwho they are (o whal you want them to be Become (he kind of firiend you will want your friends to be to you.A, Fie cheerful.BDo not wait (o be spoken to.J Do things together.D. Making new friends com

35、es easy for some people. I ry net to find fault with your friendsR For a friendship to develop your need to $iav in tocch.GSo you will need to give your friend ttme to react to you策三那丑5知识运用(井两节,满分坊分)第一节完形填空(共20小腕;毎题1.5分,満分30分)列读下而短文,从短文后各麵所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中.选出可以填入空H处的 載佳逸项并左呑题纸上将该遠项涂黑。Long ago there

36、was a poor farmer in RussiaHe had been very 4J with everything he had. However, when hefound his elder brother was 42 . than him, he felt disappointedSo he 43 hard abcui how he could also be richer. Finallyhe got an idea. He started to spend less money on food and clotlus to 44 sonic money (o buy mo

37、re land. Once he hadenough money, he starkd JL5 for land.He 46 that on the neighboring land, there were some nomads(fjf牧民)living tfiere. He boughtSOPKgirts andwent to 4? their head. He presented the gifts to the head and told him the 48_ of his visit, llic head welcomed him.accepted lhe gifts and ag

38、reed to his 49 to gel the land. The head told him tfuii hrIYJIIM Lave ihr hvid SO fjivinp himanything. He can take as much land as he could 51 by walking through (he land before sunset(日落He shouldstart in the morning and whaiever disunce be ccxild Craxrl during (he 52 , he could have itThe larmer ht

39、x:anw vrry .,3 when lx? heard ihis offer. Nuw IKcouki have lots of $ wiihout payirg anyihinjj. He c:ime55 ilie next muming and started running. noc walking, 56 he could cover (he largest area To reach his goal, he neitherair food, nur drank water, nw hidor you will 60 everything Cnally41. A pleasedB

40、. carefulC. boredDbusy42. A bcahhierB. hchcrCstrongerDcleverer43 A. triedBkamedCthoughtD. worked44 A borrowB.savcC. makeD.spend45. A. waitingB. canngCpreparing.looking46 A. explainedD. noticedC .hoped. guessed47. A helpD. followC. seeD. cheat48. A. purposeB. resultC. conditionD.chance49. A. prom:$cB

41、. orderC. suggestionD request50. A. withoutB . byC.forD before51 A buyB. farmC coverD. have52 A. yearB. dayC week( mernh53 A happyB sadC interestedD calm54. A. cropR landC. experienceD knowledge55. A. quietlyB. finallyC. corlyD. suddenly56. A.wlietherB even ifC becauseD. so that5?. runningB walkingC

42、. speakingD. dreaming5R A. nervousB tiredC. excitedD. wemed59 A refbsedB appearedC.dicdD. KSted60 A.defeatR faceC changeD. ky第II卷(非选择题共50分)第三部分英携知识运用第二节(共10小越;毎小粒】分,满分15分)阅诔卜面材料.在空白处填入适当的内容(I个瓠词)戒括号内強诃的正観形式。There are (hoiuandi of languages in (lie world English is one of the workfs most 61(wide)used

43、 languages. Il is 62_(speak) by nearly thxc hundred million people: m the United Slates.Britain, Canatla, some Caribbean countries, arid South Africa.As a second language. English is eften necessa-y for btsircm. education, mfermahon and other ac:ivuie$ in 63._ good many countncs such as India. Pakis

44、tan and so on. It is also one of the64._ (work) languages in the Unhed Nations and is used 65._ _(much) than the others.English 66_ (become) the language of international trade and transport.67_ hasbeen $aid 6R_ 60 pcrccn! of (he worlds radio broadcasts end 70 percent of the world s mail arein Engli

45、sh.At intemationi sports meets, at mcclings of sciendsis from diHevent 69_ _ (country) and attolks of writers and artictc from the come-s of the earthrEnghdi k moKtlv uxeil.So Frg12h has also become the langu館c of international cocperalion7U._science andkrchnulogy第四邹分写作(共两*,满分35分)第十节短文改钳(共*0小題.毎小題I分

46、,満分 5 分)假定英语课上老如耍求同桌Z间交换修改作文,请你似改你同桌冇的以F作文。文中氏冇 B处垢言钳谋.每句中最多有州处.锚決涉尺个教词的堵加、fl除或修改-(人民Itu 高一養语片君认漣(一)M 75T ff)增加:庄秋词处加一个科词符号(A),井在其下面写岀该加的词.删除:把多余的词用斜找()刘幷。修改:毎错的词下划一横拔,并态该诃下面写出修改后的诃注意:h每处備谈及修改均仅限一诃;2只允诈修改 2 处,多咅(从笫11处起)不计分Wh I first learn to write in English, 1 laii inUi much difficulties. The main

47、problem was lhat J always thought inChinese 2nd irird to translate into my own language everything which I came across while I wa; reading My teacheradvised myself io keep a Hiary I Allowed his advices and put down 100 words or $o each day.Soon I began (o enjoy talk to myself as 1 was learning to ex

48、press myself with simple Erglish. One dcy I wrote &story and showed to my teacher- He liked it very much that he reac! it to the class. All said that the story was a good orcTheir words were an great encouragement to me 第二节书百表达(满分M分)假i殳你址李梅,你的好朋友苏陽旳不久随父母去了芙国,生写信吿诉你邀很不适应芙国的校 园生活,感到很孤独 诗你幔据以下耍点用英话

49、给物写一封冋信 C1.学好英语,从而増加和别人交流的机合;2.多交一些朋友,友悟合位地忘记孤独;3.积极參加各种沽动,便自己的生活萸加右理注恋:1词数100个词左右。2.可适当发挥,使文直通噸流畅.3.开头已经给出,不卄入总词数。Dear Susan,Im sorry to hear dial you are having trouble adapting to your new 5ch(ol hie in America._I hope OU will find these ickas usefulYmins,Li Mei人乳HIT)鼻一菟语月育试息(一)弟3頁(XJSJ2017-2018学

50、年度第一学期梯级强化训练月考试题(人民教育)高一英语(一)参考答案第一部兮听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节共5小题;每小题丨.5分,满分7. 5分)1-5CBBAB笫二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)6J0ACAAC 11-15 BCABC 16-20 RACCB第二部分闻谏理解(共两瓦满分40分)第一节(共15小题;毎小趣2分,满分30分)2K24 BACD 25 28 CABD29-31 DC A3235DCBA第二节(共5小题.毎小题2分,满分 2 分)3640DBCGE第三部分英倍知识运用(共两节,潘分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小腿.毎小题1.5分,满分30分)4

51、145 ABCBD 46 50 BCADA 51 -55 CD ABC56-60 DABCD第二节(共10小題,每題1.5分,満分【5分)61.widely 62. spoken 63.a 64.working 65.more 66.has become 67.lt68.that 69.countries70.in第闪部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共【0小題.每小题1分,满分10分)Ibam改为learned 2. much改为many 3.去掉which或改为that 4. myself改为me5advices改为advice 6 talk改为talking 7. with改

52、为in & showed后 加it 9. very改为so10. an改为a第二节书面表达(满分25分)One possible version.Deer Susan,Im sorry to hear that Jou are having (rouble adapting to your new school life in America,but ihis situation can be easily changed if you take my advice.Firstly, ynu should work hard at English, which can give you

53、 more chances tocommunicate svith others. Secondly, why not make some friends? They can help you to biowmore about America and friendship can help you to forget your loneliness. Thirdly, it would bea good idea if you look an active part in all kinds of activities, which will help to make lite morein

54、teresting. By doing these, you will be happier with your new life soon.J hope you will find these ideas useful.Ydurs?LiMei附:听力材料第一节(共5小题;每小題1.5分,满分7.5分.听下面5段对话。毎段对话厉冇一个小題,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最隹选坝,芥标在试卷的相应位置.听完毎段对话后,你都务10秒钟的时 间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍c(人氏教育)高一英诵月考试题(一)备兼第侦(共3页)Text 1:W What lime is you

55、r train leaving? .M It leaves at 10. Tvc got 50 minutes left.W Yoifd better hurry, or you wont be able to catch it.Text 2:M: Nice weather were having! Dont you think?W No, it is too cold.M: r think it is just right.W: Td prefer a few degrees wanner.Tel 3M:Now, lets stop talking and get going. I need

56、 to be in my office in 15 minutes. Or Til be latefor a meetingW:OK. Bye!Text 4M: This course is really difficult.W: I dont think it*s all that bad. And well benefit a lot from it.M:So you re faking it. tooW: Thats true.Text 5W:Could you turn that off? 1 cant hear myself think!M: What?W: The radio.M:

57、 Oh, sorry第二节(共15小題;毎小题1.5分,溝分22.5分)听下而5段X扌话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选岀最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位普c听每段对话或独白前,你将 有吋间阅读各个小題,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给岀5秒钟的作答时间 毎段对话或独白读两迪。朋F而-段对话,冋答第6和7题。W: Hi, Michael11 heard you jlist came back from a holiday?M: Yes. I stayed for a week in China and 5 days in India.W: You do tra

58、vel a lot, don1! you? Last year, you went to Norway, right?M: Well, Tve been to quite some countries, but not yet to NorwayLast summer, 1 touredRussia for two weeks.听下面一段对话,回答第8和9题M:Sally, do you like seafood?W Yes, of courseM: Is there anything you especially like?W?A/ell, 1 really don*l kn6w. I ca

59、n never remember the name.M: Ok Is there any food you dont cat?VV: Well, 1 dor/t eat chicken, and J dont like eggs, either. But I like all kinds of Gsh andvegetable.M: l hcntIcfs look at the menu , arid see what lhey*vc got for us.听下面一段对话,回答第10至12题.M: You look pale, Stephanie? Whats wrong?(人民教克)鬲一茫语

60、月考试题(一)茶董鋁2页(共3页)W: I dont feel good. 1 have a bad headache. In fact. J havenst got much skep this past and Ifeel really tiredM: Why dont you go to see a doctor?W: Yeah. I think I should But I have a report due tomorrow. Ms. Jenkins needs it for the boardmeeting next Monday.M: Well, ifs Wednesday today. W


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