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1、2020高一年级单词测试竞赛姓名班级一.根据句子情景填词:1. Everyone has been touched by the natural s .2. Wehave decided to perform the opening c at the end of this month.3. Thousands of people packed into the( 运动场)to watch the game.4. With (生产)up by 10%, the factory will be enlarged.5. (fright) by the terrible noise ,the lit

2、tle girl didn' t dareto go out.6. The wolf (shoot) by the good hunter.7. Great changes have taken place in the ( 近来)20 years.8. I went to the company to have an interview and the ( 主考官)askedme three questions.9. We saw(abandon) farms which were built over 100 years ago.10. We(train) them how to

3、makeuse of reference books for three days.11. She is the only one of her family who(survive) the earthquake.12. At the party, there are several games, including e gifts,singing and dancing, etc.13. He is out of work, that is to say, he is u14. I ' d love to go on holiday but I can ' t a the

4、time.15. We(接近)the birds quietly and watched them.16. The pictures of( 挨饿)children made me cry.17. The Forbidden City is one of the world ' s greatest works of (建 筑).18. The new car has both( 用手的)and automatic ways of driving.19. Our teaching building was built three months ago with the most adv

5、ancedteaching f.20. ( 调查 ) show that 70%of the people approve of the new law.21. Water can exist as three states: l, solid and gas.22. The ewas cut off when we are going to pay the pill in thesupermarket.23. He came to the cthat heavy objects fell faster than light ones.24. When you heat a metal, it

6、 (expand).25. It s important to know how the metals react with different s.26. Helooked at her with a ( 混合,混合物) of amusementand despair.27. We should try to keep a bbetween study and relaxation.28. That kind of matter can ( 溶解 ) water easily.29. I have a lot of sports ( 装备 ) such as golf clubs, tenn

7、is racketsand ice skates.30. Do you know why a big ship can fon the water.31. I felt so awhen I heard the news of the accident which happenedyesterday.32. The development of science and tis influencing our life.33. It s bad b( 行为 )for a man to smoke in the public places wheresmoking is not allowed.3

8、4. To my great d, it rained the whole day yesterday.35. As it has been reported for many times, Chinesegovernment s ( 态度 ) to Taiwan will never change.36. Fortunately, he was aby Beijing University.37. The teacher ihis students with the sense of humor.38. Both of them were eabout their work, and the

9、y had manyexperiencesto share.39. You should read the ion the bottle before taking any medicine.40. Seen from the moon, our earth, with water ( 覆盖 ) seventy percent ofits surface, appears as a blue ball.41. The (puzzle) problem all of us.42. What do you think of the ( 体制 )of the country?43. The stud

10、ents in this class are fin English.44. Mr. Zhou Sicheng invented many new mof teaching English.45. The more the young students worked, the more ( 精力充沛的) theybecame.46. I think that young children often (鉴赏,欣赏) modern picturesbetter than anyone else.47. It s dangerous to carry a hot pan with ( burn )

11、 oil.48. Here is a sof the latest news.49. Don t try to avoid (make) mistakes in learning English.50. The boy has admitted (break) the window.二完成句子1. 这 是 史 密 斯 先 生 第 二 次 访 问 上 海 。 This is the second time2. 自从我们上次见面到现在已经六年了。It since welast saweach other.3. 我 在 有 一 个 小 山 的 地 方 给 她 照 了 一 张 相 。 I took a

12、 photo of her4. 许多学生准备参加下一个星期要举行的运动会中的800 米长的赛跑。Many students are ready to in the sports meeting to beheld next week.5. 福 州 位 于 中 国 东 部 , 台 湾 西 部 。 Fuzhou lies and6. 他很幸运住在一个美丽的城市里。Hein a beautifulcity.7. 我已经失业两周了。I have been for two weeks.8. 我们的教学楼有五层高。Our teaching building is a .9. 他离开家乡已经二十年了。It

13、has been/ is 20 years since.10. . 这是我看过的最糟糕的小说。This is the worst novel 11. 从远处看,这座山就像一只老虎。Seen , the mountain atiger.12. 你为什么总是向窗外看?Why are you always the window from timeto time?13. 学生们尝试着用别的方法做这个实验。The students the experiment in some other way.14. 被提供足够的钱,那个孩子最终能够上了大学。enough money, the boy managed

14、 to go to college at last.15. 这是一条多么另人振奋的消息啊!news ( it is )!16. 刘胡兰宁愿死也不屈服。Liu Hulanthan.17. 不要沉溺于网络游戏。Don't computer games.这份工作适合你。This job you.19. 你最近英语学得怎么样?How are you your English?20. 'PRE 'People's Republic of China.21. ( 四分之三) the boys in our class like ( 踢足球 )22. Read the fol

15、lowing sentences and ( 把他们排序).23. You ( 应该 ) pay the rent on Friday.24. The little kids in the kindergarten are trained to ( 养成习惯) washing hands before meals.25. No pains, no gains! You see, you try, you will make.( 越努力,进步就越大)26. Our school is . ( 比以前漂亮多了)27. The Nobel Prize is the highest prize _ -

16、.(在科学领域)28. There a temple the hill. (山顶上曾经有过一座庙)29. He ( 瞄准 ) a deer, fired but missed it.30. _ some oil _ the water. This will _ air the water. (往水中加些油,将空气隔绝)31. I to him (尽量避免遇见他)because he always boredme.32. (若是你肯帮我那个忙,我会非常感激的)I shall you will do methat favour.33. you work, you will .你学习越努力,取得的进

17、步就越大。34. I think I ll do well in the exam Mrs Chen (teacher) me.35. Mr. Zhao us for two years. He is very _ -_ us.(教我们两年了,要求严格)36. The two countries ( 与相似) each other location andsize.37. It is strange that the actor acts quite the others. (与 -不同 )38. Hundreds of people lost their livesthe fire.(由于)

18、39. We ( 忍不住笑了) when we heard the funny story.40. - I have made up my mind to study hard. - . (我也如此 )41. The school year two semesters.42. - I didn t see surf the Internet last night. . (我也没有)43. I all kinds of.(参力口各种课外活动 )44. 这 本 书 比 那 本 书 贵 三 倍45. Yesterday I was late for the meeting because was i

19、n theway.( 一棵倒了的树)46. Having climbed the mountain, we saw a light.(远处)47. Prices of vegetables this year.(上涨)48. They are both,(1.7m 高)but they are not(同一年龄)49. ?(你介意帮我照看我的狗吗?)50. It ' s good for people to drink(开水)when they 冒)。阅读理解It is said that every scientist has a childhood dream of his or

20、her futuresuccess. For Yuan Longping , the dream was that he wouldgrow grains of rice's "father of hybrid( 杂as large as peanuts , and that farmers could relax in the large ! shOdowof their plants.His dream came true. Yuan is known as China交)rice ”. He is known for creating a type of rice th

21、at has a high yield.,when ChinaHe came up with the idea of hybridizing rice in the 1960s,he grew a new species thatwas suffering serious famine. Ten years later produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice.Compared with the ordinary rice , the hybrid is highly adaptable. It isa stron

22、ger plant that can better bear drought and waterlogging (水涝),aswell as diseases and worms.Half of China ' s rice crops are Yuan ' s special rice. And the country ' s total rice production has greatly increase d. Today, Yuan continues to try and increase the yield of rice. If you ask him

23、whether rice quality or quantity should come first , his answer is always the latter.“First we must have enough forod, and then we must eat well he said. But he added that high yield does not necessarily mean low quality.Moneyand fame follow such great achievements. A seed companyin Shenzhen uses Yu

24、an' s name and in return , he gets a share of 2 million yuan.But he said, “That figure means nothing. I ' m satisfied with my life.Too much money is a burden. ”【解题导语】本文讲述的是中国“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的故事。1. The peasants in China have grown hybrid rice since.A. the 1950s B .the 1960s C . the 1970s D . the 1

25、980s2. As a result of Yuan ' s special rice , .A. no one in China is hungry any moreB. the farmers in China are satisfied with their lifeC. the farmers in China get at least 20% more rice than beforeD. the farmers in China get at least 30% more rice than before3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Every scientist has a childhood dream of his or her future.B. Chinese people led a hard life in the 1960s.C. Yuan Longping believes that rice quality is more important than its quanti


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