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1、word格式精心整理版Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?同步练习I .词汇。(每小题1分,共15分)A.根据句意及汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。1. All the windows face(H) the river.2. I was in a difficult(处境)at that time.3. We have received 白息)that Grant may have left the country.4. Who 俊明)the computer?5. I don &

2、#39; t think there are living things on othera 星).6. This English-Chinese&典)is very useful.7. There are many beautiful 气球)flying in the sky.8. I want to be a 科学家)in the future.9. When are you going to 修理)that light in the hall?10. 机器人)can do some work better than humans.B.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺

3、。11. They are going to do lots of(work) this weekend.12. We shouldn ' t spend too much time(watch) TV13. The machine is broken, so it is(use).14. I think a dictionary is(help) in studying English.15. Robots can do hard and(bore) work for people.I I .从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分)()16. He studi

4、ed for a test watching TV yesterday.A. insteadB. instead ofC. preferD. because of()17. She know the answer, but I ' m not sure.A. may beB. maybeC. mustn ' tD. must()18. The music made him very, and he wanted to dance.A.excitedB. boredC. sad D. tired()19.I ' mnot sure he will fly to Ameri

5、ca tomorrow.A.howB. whatC. whether D. where()20. Could I use your computer, Jack?A. It doesn ' t matterB. Of courseC. Thanks a lotD. You ' re welcome范文范例学习指导()21. You shouldn ' tA. Are; sureC. Are; believeD. Are; thinktoo much money buying this kind of books.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. ta

6、ke()22. you the Internet is good for us?Yes, of course.B. Would; mindtwins. I can' tell them and oftenB. tell; fromD. make; forabout robots?Lucy()23. Lucy and Lily areLily.A. mistake; forC. call; with()24. Could you tell me Sure.A. thingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything()25. It was time to get

7、 up, but Teddy was still sleeping, so his mother had toA. look after himB.wake him upC. look him overD.help him out()26.Judy was listening to the radio, the doorbell rang.A. SinceB.ThoughC. BeforeD.While()27. It may be to feed animals in the zoo. They may hurt people.A. boringB.dangerousC. interesti

8、ngD.safe()28. What should I do if I don ' t understand the word? in a dictionary.A. Look at itB. Look for itC. Look it upD. Look it out()29. How can I learn English well? You' d better English often, or you ' ll forgetnitvery sooA. likeB. useC. to likeD. to use()30. Jane e-mails her frie

9、nds to tell them about her school life.A. wrote; toB. sent; forC. got; fromD. took; toIII.按括号中的要求完成下列各题。(每小题2分,共10分)31. It took him two weeks to finish the work.(同义句转换)He two weeks the work.32. Are there UFOs? Even scientists aren sure.(合并为一个句子)Even scientist aren ' t sure UFOs.33. He doesHt rid

10、e a motorbike to work and he rides a bike today.H义旬转换) He rides a bike to work riding a motorbike today.34. I can lend him the book after I finish it.(对划线部分提问) you lend him the book?35. I believe the football game is wonderful.帔为否定句) the football game is wonderful.IV.根据上下文语境补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。(每小题2分,共10分

11、)A: Hello, Jack! (36)B: I ' ve lived here since I was 5 years old.A: (37)B: I like it very much.A: (38)B: Because the weather here iwery nice; it ' s neither too cold nor very hot. And I can surf. I love water sports very much.A: (39)B: I ' ve been surfing for 7 years. It' s an excit

12、ing game.A: Can I learn to surf from you?B. (40)V.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)One day, a young man asked Albert Einstein, the great scientist, what the secret of success was. The scientist 41 him that the secret of success was hard work. A few days 42 the young man asked him the 43 question again. Einstein was

13、 very 64 . He did not say 45 . He wrote a few 46 on a piece of paper.The young man looked 47 the piece of paper. On it he saw“A = X + Y + Z“Whadoes this48 ?” asked the young man. “Ameans success, said the oldscientist. “X means hard work, Y means good methods (方法),and Z means 49 talking and starting

14、 to 50 .”()41. A. toldB. saidC. talkedD. spoke()42. A. agoB. beforeC. earlierD. later()43. A. easyB. difficultC. differentD. same()44. A. worriedB.happyC. hungryD. disappointed()45. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything()46. A. wordsB. wordC. sentencesD. sentence()47. A. forB. upC. afterD.

15、at()48. A. sayB. callC. meanD. know()49. A. finishingB. stoppingC. enjoyingD. trying()50. A. goB. restC. leaveD. workV I .阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)AAre you hard-working? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes” , then we have a job for you as a waiter.Call AL Hotel at 556779!Do you like to talk w

16、ith people? Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter, please call Karen at 558366.Do you like babies? Can you look after one baby for two days? If you are sure to take good care of it, call us at 766588. $80 or more. Today! Hurry!Can you make a large house cle

17、an and tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at $20 once, call us at 18:00H 20:00 this evening.根据上面的广告内容,选择最佳答案。()51. The above job ads 广告)are probably from.A. a newspaperB. a storybookC. a science bookD. a guide book( )52. If you like children and have two days free, you can call atfor a job.A.5567

18、79B. 558366C.766588D.633800( )53. If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house twice a week,how much will the cleaner get in a month?A. $120. B. $160. C. $200. D. $240.( )54.are needed in AL Hotel.A. CleanersB. BabysittersC. ReportersD. Waiters()55. If you are a college student a

19、nd enjoy writing, during your summer holidaysyou will be more interested in the job in.A. ad (1) B. ad (2) C. ad (3) D. ad (4)BThe question whether there is life on Mars 伏星)has made the public think a lot for more than a century. A British spaceship and Europe ' s Mars spaceship plan to land on

20、Mars or enter the orbit 轨道)around it. One of the NASA' s (美国国家航空 和航天局的)spaceships is expected to land on January 3, and the other is going to land on the opposite side of Mars on January 24.Since 1960, over twenty spaceshipssent to Mars have failed. Most were lost when they started flying up or

21、landing because those were the most difficult time of any flights.Scientists wanted to find out whether there was water on Mars. In October, a team of scientists reported that Mars was a dry wasteland 庆地).But weeks later, a second team reported differently that they had found some marks (痕迹)which sh

22、owed clearly that they were made by the rivers. Such marks told us that Mars was a warmer place billions of years ago just as life first appeared on Earth. Scientists at once asked the following questions: If what they said was true, what happenedon Mars? Then what about the earth?根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()56

23、. The question has made the public think a lot for more than acentury.A. when Mars came into beingB. how people can fly to MarsC. whether people can live on MarsD. whether there is life on Mars()57. Two NASA ' s spaceships.A. will land on the different sides of MarsB. will land on the same dayC.

24、 will enter the orbit around MarsD. will land with a man()58. The most difficult time of a flight is.A. flying in spaceB. flying up and landingC. entering the orbit and landingD. leaving the earth and entering the orbit()59. According to the second team' report Mars was a warmer placeA. thousand

25、s of years agoB. a few years agoC. just as life first appeared on EarthD. just as life disappeared on Earth()60. What were scientists worried about when they asked the questions?A. Life disappeared on Mars.B. Spaceships couldn ' t land on Mars.C. The air on the earth got less and less.D. The ear

26、th might be changed like Mars.VII. 书面表达。(20分)2003年10月15日,中国神舟五号(Shenzhou-5载人航天飞船发射成功, 并按预定计划返回地面,中国宇航员(China' s astronaut杨利伟成为中国人民 的英雄(hero)。请你依据以下提示写一篇短文(可适当发挥),不少于60词。 1.神舟五号发射成功。2 .知道此消息高兴、激动。中国人民为此骄傲。3 .杨利伟成为英雄。4 .作为中学生,我们应努力学习,把祖国建设得更加强大。Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves

27、from theearthquake?同步练习参考答案I.One possible version:1. toward6. dictionary11. work2. situation7. balloons12. watching3. information8. scientist13. useless4. invented5. planets9. mend10. Robots14. helpful15. boringII.36-40 BBACB41-45 AAABB46-50 DBCBAIII.One possible version:51. spent; finishing 52. whether there are 53. instead of54. When can 55. I don ' t believeIV.One possible version:56. How long have you liv


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